TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #30

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Please tell me you aren't texting while you drive. :praying:

Heavens no! I can't see without my glasses and I don't drive with my glasses. Don't guess I should go on NG should I :). Would be a passenger while doing that. I meant people in general and I do know some who do text while driving. Usually kids.

Some even have those anagrams programmed into their phones as standard replies etc. And thanks for the prayers. :innocent:
BD doesn't think he smoked weed since they've been together.

Then what about the $140. of illegal narcotics SHE HERSELF admitted to buying?

oh please.
So if HD texted at 2 pm and SA arrived shortly after, maybe he kidnapped her then.

Isnt this right before big brother comes home to find doors locked and nobody answers his 5 minutes of knocking?
MK giving advise to mom "stay involved" "dont give up she could still be alive" "make sure you eat and stay healthy"

Sorry...gagging now....but, at least he isn't trashing LE tonite. Maybe he had never met a Texas Ranger....they don't take kindly to being told they are incompetent, stupid, slow, clueless and whatever else MK and others have accused them of. Maybe he should advise his new client to be truthful with LE....:innocent:
Yeah I get what you are saying but right now everything is pointing to Shawn being the "who done it" guy. LE has named him a suspect. LE has NOT named Billie Dunn a POI or a suspect yet. I think if they thought Billie had anything to do with it she'd be named one now. This is just me though.

I have a theory on this... and really it's something I've been thinking about...

Shawn quit talking & lawyered up... no problem naming him a suspect... not much to loose there....

Billie keeps on talking and hasn't gotten a lawyer yet... why name her a suspect? The second LE does, any reasonably smart person would get a lawyer... kwim?

Don't name her a suspect and keep her talking, we've seen tons of examples of BD contradicting herself, changing her story, or just basically saying... "Uh... I don't know" This is what LE wants. No one is that ignorant to what's going on in their own home... I don't care what they claim.
There is a total lack of anger in BD....where is the outrage? Even if its misplaced, its a perfectly normal emotion in these types of cases.

There is no passion....
I think she is still in the first stage, denial.
NG: i can see it nite by nite---she (Billie) looks frailer, more exhausted; she comes to get t word out of her daughter; she's still here.
NG: defending Billie. Billie still on NG. Linda - caller does not accuse Billie of anything. Lesson to other mothers. Daughter should not go to the mothers, did I hear that right?
BD doesnt think SA was smoking pot while they were together..ummmm ok

maybe "Pot" smells like gardenia's these days......this chick needs to keep her mouth zipped...and I honestly believe she absolutely knows something...sorry gotta go, I got Gardenia's to pick...
I do feel for Billie and glad she is talking and putting up with all of the abuse, but she looks seriously guilty about something...it may just be even knowing SA, but I don't feel like it's that.
I have a question. If SA took the acid, his job would know right? They must do inventory right???
She denies silly stuff. Who really cares if he smoked pot? That seems to be the least of her worries imo. She knew he bought and traded serial killer death masks, but denies knowing he smoked weed. Really?
There is a total lack of anger in BD....where is the outrage? Even if its misplaced, its a perfectly normal emotion in these types of cases.

There is no passion....

Especially when the news coming out gets worse everyday. Sexual assault? Sulphuric acid? Landfill? Masks? Drugs? You would think any one of these would make most people hurl.
She has been seriously coached over the last few days........seriously coached. Good thing LE knows that too.
this is not denial, its lying imo.... you dont hide weed while poppin pills or hittin the pipe er whatever with that person...doesnt make sense....and pffft
Well....she put a little button on. What more do you want? (Yes, that is snarkiness you hear.)
I want the truth.

Thing is I don't think she can handle the truth!!!

I just can't get over no Hailey t-shirt. That just frosts my cookies.

Then to say oh I don't think SA was smoking pot while we were together! Really?

I checked all the upload dates of those videos and the oldest was only 2 years ago.

Please stick a fork in me - I'M DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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