TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #30

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You know...I have to think that if I was in BD's place and my daughter was missing & I had just seen those videos & pics for the first time I would be HORRIFIED! (Heck, I was horrified when I saw them & I don't even know HD!) IMO, BD acts like it isn't a big deal which really makes me think she did know about the pics & videos. JMO
was Mom just live?

NG asks where was he at ??? that time--the time in question.

Mom: I don't know; I didn't get a chance to ask him.

Riiiight - hasn't had a chance to ask him. And denies that he smoked pot? That's it - I'm calling her on this - it's total you-know-what. I don't believe a word that woman says. IMO, she's lying through her teeth and is getting pointers by reading this website.
Rupa (?): LE has other serious suspects. Don't want to alert the others that they are suspects...
Doesn't think he smoked pot when they were together?

Really? Worried about losing custody of DD if you ask me, IMO.
I have a theory on this... and really it's something I've been thinking about...

Shawn quit talking & lawyered up... no problem naming him a suspect... not much to loose there....

Billie keeps on talking and hasn't gotten a lawyer yet... why name her a suspect? The second LE does, any reasonably smart person would get a lawyer... kwim?

Don't name her a suspect and keep her talking, we've seen tons of examples of BD contradicting herself, changing her story, or just basically saying... "Uh... I don't know" This is what LE wants. No one is that ignorant to what's going on in their own home... I don't care what they claim.

Maybe you are right. I don't know. I just don't think she did anything but I could be wrong.
(Is her room different? I don't recall seeing a bed frame there before? Is that what is being shown now?..)
Rupa: close to making arrest right now; need forensic evidence
LE believes certain individualssssssss are involved....
She denies silly stuff. Who really cares if he smoked pot? That seems to be the least of her worries imo. She knew he bought and traded serial killer death masks, but denies knowing he smoked weed. Really?
the majority of companies out here (oilfield) do random drug testing...most won't risk losing their job
BD: doesn't want them to be too focused on Shawn.
I have a theory on this... and really it's something I've been thinking about...

Shawn quit talking & lawyered up... no problem naming him a suspect... not much to loose there....

Billie keeps on talking and hasn't gotten a lawyer yet... why name her a suspect?
The second LE does, any reasonably smart person would get a lawyer... kwim?

Don't name her a suspect and keep her talking, we've seen tons of examples of BD contradicting herself, changing her story, or just basically saying... "Uh... I don't know" This is what LE wants. No one is that ignorant to what's going on in their own home... I don't care what they claim.

bbm so do you think thats why NG just pulled the sympathy card outloud and said BD t keeps coming on night after night and she just keeps getting more and more tired, weeping, on and on? Do you think NG just wants to keep her talking? LE just wants to keep her talking?
Well....she put a little button on. What more do you want? (Yes, that is snarkiness you hear.)

I just don't see why everyone is so mad she isn't wearing the t-shirt? Maybe she is doing all she can to throw something on in the morning and doesn't stop to think to change??
BD: "I don't want them (LE) to be too focused on SA.

yea right ok
Did I just hear this? She said she doesn't want them to be too focused on Shawn!
I have a question. If SA took the acid, his job would know right? They must do inventory right???
I doubt they do inventory. Whether someone would notice it depends on how much they normally have and how many people use it. I used to work in labs and if a bottle disappeared from the storage cabinet I would have just assumed that someone else in the lab had grabbed one for legitimate work purposes. But you probably need a lot to dissolve a body so, again, it would depend on how much the company had in stock and whether the amount SA would have taken would have been out of the ordinary enough for somebody to actually notice.
OMG..."I don't want them to be too focused on SA..."

Sitting on my hands, sitting on my hands
Has BD ever mentioned looking at the phone before LE took it on any previous NG show? You think she would have mentioned that before now.

I figured that was done before LE were called, that it was understood she had.

I never believed and still don't believe she is involved or acted like she didnt care enough to check phones etc.
I think Rupa said NOT close to making an arrest at this time...
Sorry...gagging now....but, at least he isn't trashing LE tonite. Maybe he had never met a Texas Ranger....they don't take kindly to being told they are incompetent, stupid, slow, clueless and whatever else MK and others have accused them of. Maybe he should advise his new client to be truthful with LE....:innocent:

Absolutely...do.not.mess.with.the.Texas.Rangers. It gets a bit old that people look at a Texas Ranger and because they may wear cowboy boots or hat or have an accent, they assume they aren't as on the ball as other LEs. Not true....

As for SA...and now the sulfuric acid suggestion...wow. Watch a little too many CSIs? (Haven't we all, right?) And then BD saying they took Hailey's sheets for the dogs. Bwhahahaha..no. They would use a coat or something. They took the sheets for *other* evidence.

I bet the Rangers are putting their case together very carefully. They are also tenacious. I, for one, would not want a Texas Ranger investigating me!
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