TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #52

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It looks like there is a clear glass storm door on the front. Surely that's not what was broken and he reached through to unlock.
There is no storm door ! Just a door with a pane of glass in it !
This is a screen grab from the very end of the press statement today. This is a shot of the front door just after BD walked inside.

Okay so he reached through that window to unlock door,dang he's Mr Fantastic of The Fantastic Four. :)
Boy, I sure am glad she cleared up that rampant rumor regarding a Christmas blow up..bad news is, now I wonder why she did.. since to my knowledge we never speculated that there even was one!..at least I never heard a word..:crazy:..

The mother of the friend MB said that MB told her that there was a blow up around Christmas.
Okay so he reached through that window to unlock door,dang he's Mr Fantastic of The Fantastic Four. :)
or he's got a "go go gadget arm" :crazy:

Just sayin..............
I think she means that "some people" [plural] are going around begging for money, ostensibly in her name. It sounds to me like she has heard that people are soliciting donations to help her out financially, and that they are NOT doing so with her permission, and they are NOT giving any solicited funds to her. Hence why she says that she has always worked & supported her kids by herself and does not want a handout: "And if anyone asks for money on my behalf please know the request isn't coming from me and I"m not getting money."
ya.... in the second part..... the first part sounds like she is bashing CD imo....
I think she means that "some people" [plural] are going around begging for money, ostensibly in her name. It sounds to me like she has heard that people are soliciting donations to help her out financially, and that they are NOT doing so with her permission, and they are NOT giving any solicited funds to her. Hence why she says that she has always worked & supported her kids by herself and does not want a handout: "And if anyone asks for money on my behalf please know the request isn't coming from me and I"m not getting money."

this just occurred to me...maybe there are scammers out there, going around collecting money...they do it all the time...with all types of things - people try to collect money saying they have cancer....some family member has cancer....help the handicapped....help the youth....and these are just off the top of my head

maybe she was trying to warn people that she is not behind any of it, and to beware

IIRC, wasn't there something similar going on w/Kyron?
ok , as you see there are 3 double paned windows, it was the one closest to the front door or the middle one !! The break could have been in both as it was a very large break.
Round in the middle. sort of crushed lookin, with long spider leg cracks coming out I would say mostly on the right side of the impact upper and lower. It was just very noticable. Wish we knew who and when it was fixed, but since that date last of the week I went through there again and they look clean new and shiny !
I am not sure but what they were the old strom windows like we use to put on the outside of older houses, I believe that is what is on their now, so the break could have been on the inside panes ! Those type of windows were common in this area back in the day. Older homes just had wood windows and then in about the 70's everyone was putting the screw to the outside storm windows on. So you could actually break a insode pane and still have a window .
I have a pic of the house from 1/6/10 and one from today I am trying to figure out how to post....
or he's got a "go go gadget arm" :crazy:

Just sayin..............
Nope he could not have reached the door !! No way. I thought the affav. stated he broke out a window in the back door...lookin it up !!!

When naming Adkins as a suspect, Kampfer said, law enforcement was aware of the potential risks. Sometimes, he added, watching how someone responds psychologically to being named a suspect can be very telling, and potentially could lead investigators to new evidence.

I suppose watching how the significant other of the named suspect responds psychologically can be very telling, as well. MOO
Here's a fresh perspective on BD's press conference video:

I was transcribing it when my husband came in from work. I briefly explained what it was. While cleaning the kitchen with him a short while ago, I mentioned the video again and my thoughts on it. He stopped and said (something to the effect of this), "Wait a minute... that was the MOTHER? From the way she talked I thought it was her friend from WS or something. Are you sure? Whoever it was didn't seem to have any emotional connection to this missing child at all."

Just the messenger here...

I'm sorry to say I agree with your husband.
I'm happy for you that your husband is insightful.
You sound very happily married.
The overall thing is still freaky,I wonder if LE checked to see if it was at his work.
Nope he could not have reached the door !! No way. I thought the affav. stated he broke out a window in the back door...lookin it up !!!
Just says he made entry ! But there is video with BD stating he broke a window to get it. Let's find it !
Wow, after seeing the pic Salvarenga posted of the large window in the wooden door, it's shocking that they weren't afraid to leave a sleeping young girl in the home alone. Those old doors are dangerous. Seems they would have at least worried about theft of the game system and tv's. Oh, and all the collector's masks.
I was one of the few that did not doubt BD...but I'm starting to now....it's not just because of the presser,her need to defend herself,being "friendly" with SA, telling Hailey "I really do love you",trying to convince strangers....to me the Presser really did the opposite that she intended,it made me doubt her,because it was just to make herself and SA look good,why would she care so much about that?
The other thing that made me doubt her was I did not know before that Hailey never spend the night at MB's before.I just assumed they were best friends and spend the night at each others' house frequently so I would get BD not being worried and not calling.But she never spend the night there before.IMO no mother that "really" loves her child would have not checked on her if it was the first time at someone's house who's parents she was not even close to.
so let me see if I got this.... Hailey smashed the glass on the front door with a basketball? and that is where DD reached in to unlock the door?
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