TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #56

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I don't know why the wording of that comment bothers me so much.

Maybe in the past, someone showed out when they didn't get what they asked for?
*My* kids would never act ugly because they didn't get what they wanted, but last year, my nephew asked for a puppy and got a really nice tv instead.
No lie, that kid basically shut down Christmas day for my sister's family. He literally made the day miserable for all of them.
I'm not saying any of Billie's kids did something like that, but if one of them did in the past, that might be why it was significant to her.
Perhaps I'm just thick, but didn't NS say HD removed the red earings herself?

If Hailey herself removed them, and placed them on the floor, what is everyone so worried about the earings for? There is no mystery here then, is there?

What am I missing?

IMHO it's because BD said she was wearing them, and used them in the missing persons description.

Also, BD should have seen her daughter on Sunday when they all had dinner right? Unless they all plopped food on their plate and went their separate ways, why didn't BD notice Hailey wasn't wearing them. Did she even talk to her daughter on Sunday? Yes, while her hair is long, in many of the pics, she wears her hair back.

pppffftttt...perhaps BD didn't notice that Hailey wasn't wearing her earrings and I'm just nit-picking.

I would sure love to know what kind of interaction BD had with Hailey from the time Hailey left CD's house at noon (Sunday) until Hailey went to bed. The only thing I've really heard is about a dinner, and what DD said:

•DD, Hailey's brother, says Hailey is playing a video game at home at 9 p.m. Based on her skill level, he believes she'll be playing until midnight.

Too much info is missing for Sunday.

What happened to you Hailey!


IMHO it's because BD said she was wearing them, and used them in the missing persons description.

Also, BD should have seen her daughter on Sunday when they all had dinner right? Unless they all plopped food on their plate and went their separate ways, why didn't BD notice Hailey wasn't wearing them. Did she even talk to her daughter on Sunday? Yes, while her hair is long, in many of the pics, she wears her hair back.

pppffftttt...perhaps BD didn't notice that Hailey wasn't wearing her earrings and I'm just nit-picking.

I would sure love to know what kind of interaction BD had with Hailey from the time Hailey left CD's house at noon (Sunday) until Hailey went to bed. The only thing I've really heard is about a dinner, and what DD said:

•DD, Hailey's brother, says Hailey is playing a video game at home at 9 p.m. Based on her skill level, he believes she'll be playing until midnight.

Too much info is missing for Sunday.

What happened to you Hailey!



Quoting myself -- so she did know Hailey took the earrings out? Then why note them in the description? Did BD just assume she put them on again on Monday morning? And I don't really get the below exchange - BD says she's not positive she had the earrings on Sunday, then says "I noticed that she had taken them out". 2 completely different answers IMHO.

GRACE: Are you absolutely positive she had the earrings on Sunday, the next day?

DUNN: No, I`m not.

GRACE: So him saying --

DUNN: I noticed that she had taken them out.
I was looking some stuff up, and noticed something I hadn't noticed before.

January 8 - post by Billie's friend czgtz

01-08-2011, 01:26 PM czgtz

Originally Posted by Amster
czgtz....when was the last time Billie saw Hailey?

Billie left her house before 7am Monday to go to work. I am sure she saw her Sunday. I always just take a look at my kids asleep before I leave to work, even though I don't wake them up - I figure most moms do. But I didn't ask Billie specifically about 'looking in' on Hailey Monday morning.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5982487&postcount=112"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TX TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #9[/ame]

January 12 - Nancy Grace

BILLIE DUNN: I saw her Sunday night.

GRACE: What time, 10:00 PM?

BILLIE DUNN: Probably around 10:00.

GRACE: Now, was that when you looked in her room and it is was dark and you thought she was lying in her bed?

BILLIE DUNN: I did see her in her room, but I saw her watching TV. Monday morning, I looked in her room and it was dark and it looked look she was laying in bed. But I didn`t go touch her, make sure that was her. I just peeked in to make sure she was in bed to ease my mind and…

January 31 - Billie Dunn press conference

I peeked in at Hailey because I’m used to seeing her asleep on the couch. She wasn’t there. I remembered ‘oh yeah, she’s in her room’. I peeked in and it was dark, but her TV was on, and it definitely pacified me. I didn’t touch her, but I seen my daughter and felt good.
I found the post where czgtz announced that CD and NS had moved. So the Monday in question, where either NS found the earring and gave it to DD to return to BD, or DD found it on the livingroom floor during the move could have been either Jan 3rd or Jan 10th.

My question then is why wouldn't BD have asked NS or CD if they found the other one instead of running to NG with this BOMBSHELL on Jan 19th?

OT: did we ever hear if Hailey had or used a bicycle? Just curious, all the kids around here use bikes.
BD stated in her press conference " I want to start out by saying that there was no blowout on Christmas. There were no arguments or disagreements. Everyone was getting along fine. Everyone pretty much got exactly what they asked for".

This statement, speculation on my part, that Christmas gifts were opened on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning. Why? because BD states "ON Christmas". That being said, Hailey could not have been wearing the earrings for a "week" prior to taking them out on Saturday night and setting them down by the couch at her Dad's house. JMO.

I think BD gets very literal. The earlier report was that there was a blowout during Christmas time, but she says there was no blowout on Christmas, and talks about the day, so there still could have been some episode during the week before. Also, I don't understand why it's thought that Haylie was doing the ear stretching thing when all she had done was get her upper ear pierced, which got sore so she took them out.
BBM-Didn't want to form that opinion but it is forming...A poster had said that BD appeared to be wearing black tennis shoes like Hailey at her press conference, the torn up jeans BD is wearing in pictures that teens wear, it appears the BD doesn't own anything other than T-shirts, now the earrings..I realize it is just clothing but whether we like it or not, clothing and the way one presents themselves on the outside has a whole lot to do with what is going on in the inside....just thoughts and opinions.

BD has a limited income. She works as a nurse and/or tech at a hospital where uniforms would be required. I don't think she has the money for high fashion if she is paying for her daughter to participate in cheerleading and other school activities.

It appears to me that she hangs out at home on her days off and has little need to dress up. It's a small town, where I would venture to guess that half the population goes to the store in jeans and t-shirt.

I am many years older that BD and I pretty much dress the same way she does. I like it. Its comfy and that's important to me.

I gotta tell ya though - you will never catch me with tennis shoes on, because I happen to think everyone that wears tennis shoes, must also smoke pot. Just one of those things ya know, I just don't trust them.

Just sayin'

I found the post where czgtz announced that CD and NS had moved. It was posted on Jan 10th, late evening. So the Monday in question, where either NS found the earring and gave it to DD to return to BD, or DD found it on the livingroom floor during the move could have been either Jan 3rd or Jan 10th.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TX TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #13

My question then is why wouldn't BD have asked NS or CD if they found the other one instead of running to NG with this BOMBSHELL on Jan 19th?


Unless Clint moved prior to the 10th. czgtz's post doesn't state what date he moved.

What's the latest date confirmed by a MSM source that Clint was living there?
BD has a limited income. She works as a nurse and/or tech at a hospital where uniforms would be required. I don't think she has the money for high fashion if she is paying for her daughter to participate in cheerleading and other school activities.

It appears to me that she hangs out at home on her days off and has little need to dress up. It's a small town, where I would venture to guess that half the population goes to the store in jeans and t-shirt.

I am many years older that BD and I pretty much dress the same way she does. I like it. Its comfy and that's important to me.

I gotta tell ya though - you will never catch me with tennis shoes on, because I happen to think everyone that wears tennis shoes, must also smoke pot. Just one of those things ya know, I just don't trust them.

Just sayin'


She lost her nursing license years ago. She's been working as ward clerk.

ETA: lost nursing license source:
BD has a limited income. She works as a nurse and/or tech at a hospital where uniforms would be required. I don't think she has the money for high fashion if she is paying for her daughter to participate in cheerleading and other school activities.

It appears to me that she hangs out at home on her days off and has little need to dress up. It's a small town, where I would venture to guess that half the population goes to the store in jeans and t-shirt.

I am many years older that BD and I pretty much dress the same way she does. I like it. Its comfy and that's important to me.

I gotta tell ya though - you will never catch me with tennis shoes on, because I happen to think everyone that wears tennis shoes, must also smoke pot. Just one of those things ya know, I just don't trust them.

Just sayin'

I am going to follow up what your saying. I wore black and white to work for years, now t-shirts with jeans always. No tennies, but Harley Davidson sandals. I am over 60, lol, and I don't smoke pot, in fact we don't even drink alcohol of anykind, lol.
Unless Clint moved prior to the 10th. czgtz's post doesn't state what date he moved.

What's the latest date confirmed by a MSM source that Clint was living there?

Clint was on NG with BD on January 4th and she stated that he lives across the street and no one corrected her on that.

GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Along with us tonight, taking your calls, the mother and the father. Now, the two are separated. They`ve long been separated. He lives across the street from the little girl. With us right now, Clint Dunn. Mr. Dunn, thank you for being with us.


GRACE: Mr. Dunn, did you know that Hailey was on her way over?

CLINT DUNN: No, I didn`t.

GRACE: How often did she come visit you? You live right across the street, correct?

CLINT DUNN: Yes. She comes over every day.

GRACE: At what time?

CLINT DUNN: At all times. She might come over for five minutes, she might come over and spend all day. She comes over every day.

GRACE: Does she let you know she`s coming or does she just show up?

CLINT DUNN: She just shows up.

GRACE: Well, you know what?

CLINT DUNN: She just walks across the field most of the time.


ETA: Clint also appeared on NG the next day, January 5th, and he and NG seem to be talking about his house in the past tense.

GRACE: Now, Mr. Dunn, you said your daughter would visit you at all different times of the day. She would not call ahead of time. But you were right across the street. So whenever she felt like it, she could walk right over to your place.


GRACE: Now, let me get something straight. She was last seen by neighbors in the back yard, talking on a cell, which she did a lot, around noon. Now, the boyfriend says that around 3:00 PM, she leaves. She says she`s going to your place and then to her little friend, Mary Beth`s. You`re saying she never came to your place, right?

CLINT DUNN: Yes, she never made it over there.

Clint was on NG with BD on January 4th and she stated that he lives across the street and no one corrected her on that.

GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Along with us tonight, taking your calls, the mother and the father. Now, the two are separated. They`ve long been separated. He lives across the street from the little girl. With us right now, Clint Dunn. Mr. Dunn, thank you for being with us.


GRACE: Mr. Dunn, did you know that Hailey was on her way over?

CLINT DUNN: No, I didn`t.

GRACE: How often did she come visit you? You live right across the street, correct?

CLINT DUNN: Yes. She comes over every day.

GRACE: At what time?

CLINT DUNN: At all times. She might come over for five minutes, she might come over and spend all day. She comes over every day.

GRACE: Does she let you know she`s coming or does she just show up?

CLINT DUNN: She just shows up.

GRACE: Well, you know what?

CLINT DUNN: She just walks across the field most of the time.


ETA: Clint also appeared on NG the next day, January 5th, and he and NG seem to be talking about his house in the past tense.

GRACE: Now, Mr. Dunn, you said your daughter would visit you at all different times of the day. She would not call ahead of time. But you were right across the street. So whenever she felt like it, she could walk right over to your place.


GRACE: Now, let me get something straight. She was last seen by neighbors in the back yard, talking on a cell, which she did a lot, around noon. Now, the boyfriend says that around 3:00 PM, she leaves. She says she`s going to your place and then to her little friend, Mary Beth`s. You`re saying she never came to your place, right?

CLINT DUNN: Yes, she never made it over there.


Same NG transcript, Jan 6th, present tense:

GRACE: Did you look over there during that day?

C. DUNN: Yes, I look over there constantly, all the time.


ETA: NG January 10th - present tense:

GRACE: OK. What about that, Mr. Dunn, Clint Dunn, street or field?

C. DUNN: I live across the field, about 50 yards.

GRACE: About 50 yards.

C. DUNN: Yes.
Keeping in mind too that the red earrings were not
part of the initial description of what Hailey was wearing. The red earrings did not come into play until a week or longer IIRC.

Umm after DD had given her the earing? Because if was...that is just bad and shows what she was trying to do IMO :(

Colorado City Manager Pete Kampfer confirmed Monday Billie Dunn has been ruled out as a person of interest in her daughter's disappearance.

Thank you very much- just my opinion but this needs to be repeated- we need to focus on what could have happened to Hailey. Neither parent is a POI. Both have made parenting mistakes but BOTH love their daughter.

As I focus on this case I believe (I know I am not in the majority) what ever happened to her happened sometime Monday. So who had an opportunity to take Hailey, a stranger, RSO, SA, and last but not on my radar she ran away.

I am not sure there is anything we can do to find that answer but to me that is what should be our focus, Just my opinion for what it is worth,
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