TX TX - Heidi Broussard, 33, & Margo Carey, 2 weeks, Austin, 12 Dec 2019 #4

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One thing I have to say...postpartum depression can present many different ways. People, even her family, saying she would never leave her son or never do this or that...PPD can make a woman do things that everyone close to her would swear she’d never do. We often hear of women wanting to harm their baby or not care for him/her. But when it happened to me, I learned it wasn’t uncommon for PPD to make a mother want to protect her baby from the world, including the dad, siblings or other family. Sometimes a mom DOES want to leave with just her baby, even though she loves the other members of her family. My family and I didn’t recognize the effects PPD had on me because all I wanted was to be with my newborn. It was the older kids I struggled with and that was what confused my husband about what was going on. I don’t think that’s what happened in this case, but saying she’d never intentionally leave her son may not be true if she’s dealing with PPD or PPP. Moo.
It looks like she was planning a move to a vacant house owned by SC's dad. It would entail quite a drive every day, but she was determined to keep her son in the same (good) school. The fact that SC's dad owns the house doesn't mean she and SC were getting back together or were together.
<respectfully snipped by me>

Um, what? I must have missed this! Do you have a link I can read this?
He's said this about infant (2-3 weeks old): "these two beautiful women" and "She couldn't do anything mean."
Yep, I remember that "two beautiful women" phrasing and it struck me as odd that a father (if he is the father) would refer to a weeks-old infant in that manner. Seems like there is some distance there between him and that poor baby. IMO.
I caught a cold on here yesterday and can't think my usual sharp thoughts.

What if he was cleaning up and threw the phone in a dumpster, then wanted it back? He started to worry what LE could find on phones, and next day went to the phone store.

If it doesn't make sense, blame it on my cold that I caught here.
Possible--he would definitely want that phone. It's crucial, regardless of his guilt or innocence.
If she was on her way to her car to go get the son and had thrown her purse on the seat and he pulls up in his work van and for some reason she gets in his van with the baby and things went from there - that would be a reason no one saw him taking anything out of the apartment.
Perhaps what we have heard about him "looking for her keys" in the dumpster was actually him in the dumpster covering up a body...have we heard if LE actually searched the dumpster as well?
Bingo!! Covering his tracks in case someone saw him near them before he reported Heidi & Margo missing!!

I've been asking this same question, I mean the FBI did door knocks on day 5! The trash reportedly was due to be emptied on Monday, two days ago. Did that happen? I hope not.
Maybe the guy who contacted the youtuber did contact LE first. We don’t know about that guy. If he’s real.

So many unconfirmed rumors turn out to be unfounded. I think it’s okay for me to mention one that was floating around in this case because it’s clearly nonsense. “Family says he was arrested at 8:00 pm Monday night!” Nope. Never happened.
I do wonder, though- is this the same guy that spoke on GMA this morning, the friend who said they were shocked that Heidi was back with SC and mentioned something about her moving into a vacant house that SC's Dad was letting her move into?

I just saw that now- the GMA interview, which cleared up the confusion I had earlier about her moving into a house.
Would it be possible for him to have tossed a person off the balcony?
And possibly - for the dumpster to be below the balcony?

Also - movers have moving equipment to move heavy things - even down stairs.


And judging by photos of the apartment exterior, it doesn't look like it's a huge flight of stairs leading up to their place, so there's that, too.

Sunset was at 5:31 pm on December 12 in Austin:
Sunrise and sunset times in Austin, December 2019

SC made the call to LE at 7:30.

Just noting that there's about a 2-hour window of time between when HB and MC were last seen and when they were reported missing when it would have been dark outside.

If she was on her way to her car to go get the son and had thrown her purse on the seat and he pulls up in his work van and for some reason she gets in his van with the baby and things went from there - that would be a reason no one saw him taking anything out of the apartment.
I don't know any Mom that would take her newborn baby anywhere without a car seat. Would Heidi do that? Maybe you mean, she didn't anticipate going anywhere, merely talking in the p-lot?
Patrick Frazee did, and trust me he was one colossal idiot. 11 days from the first PC to arrest. The only difference is PF's murder of KB was premeditated and he even had time to try and cover his tracks. This guy didn't have much time. It may not take 11 days. JMHO
Frankly, I’m surprised it’s gone on as long as it has, atleast without clear direction (like an arrest).

I fully expect some huge news in the next day or two.


And judging by photos of the apartment exterior, it doesn't look like it's a huge flight of stairs leading up to their place, so there's that, too.

Sunset was at 5:31 pm on December 12 in Austin:
Sunrise and sunset times in Austin, December 2019

SC made the call to LE at 7:30.

Just noting that there's about a 2-hour window of time between when HB and MC were last seen and when they were reported missing when it would have been dark outside.


No, there is not a two hour window because at least some of that time was spent picking up his son and then caring for him. LE surely has checked with the after-school care to see what time Shane Carey arrived to pick him up.
One thing I have to say...postpartum depression can present many different ways. People, even her family, saying she would never leave her son or never do this or that...PPD can make a woman do things that everyone close to her would swear she’d never do. We often hear of women wanting to harm their baby or not care for him/her. But when it happened to me, I learned it wasn’t uncommon for PPD to make a mother want to protect her baby from the world, including the dad, siblings or other family. Sometimes a mom DOES want to leave with just her baby, even though she loves the other members of her family. My family and I didn’t recognize the effects PPD had on me because all I wanted was to be with my newborn. It was the older kids I struggled with and that was what confused my husband about what was going on. I don’t think that’s what happened in this case, but saying she’d never intentionally leave her son may not be true if she’s dealing with PPD or PPP. Moo.
Thank you so much for this. I haven’t seen many putting emphasis on just how varying PPD can be. It is a subject that shouldn’t be downplayed or discussed with a cookie cutter mentality. Not in this situation or any. I hope everyone here reads this and carries it with them in future situations.
One thing I have to say...postpartum depression can present many different ways. People, even her family, saying she would never leave her son or never do this or that...PPD can make a woman do things that everyone close to her would swear she’d never do. We often hear of women wanting to harm their baby or not care for him/her. But when it happened to me, I learned it wasn’t uncommon for PPD to make a mother want to protect her baby from the world, including the dad, siblings or other family. Sometimes a mom DOES want to leave with just her baby, even though she loves the other members of her family. My family and I didn’t recognize the effects PPD had on me because all I wanted was to be with my newborn. It was the older kids I struggled with and that was what confused my husband about what was going on. I don’t think that’s what happened in this case, but saying she’d never intentionally leave her son may not be true if she’s dealing with PPD or PPP. Moo.

We also see people who harm themselves, even though they have kids they are close to/love. Chris Cornell, for example, had two young daughters whom he doted on.

(Just saying, this isn’t what I think likely happened.)
I’d like to review the quote about making lunch.
From an earlier post of transcript of SC interview:
Shane: Yeah it was uh just uh basic Thursday we have basically have a routine every day. I get up around 6:00 a.m. and pretty much hit the snooze button a couple times and then I finally wake up around 6:15…drink some water…Wake up the kids and around 6:30…wake up Heidi and Silas right before I leave… So like once I got him up on Thursday it was kind of a later morning it was around 6:40 whenever I got ‘em up and because his Heidi's first day to actually take Margot by herself with uh Silas so… Pretty much gave Heidi a kiss, the baby kiss and um Silas a kiss. Said, “Have a wonderful day…” Left the apartment. Went to work and then she takes the kids to school and she was--she was making lunch like right before I left. She took the kids to school...I mean I don’t know.
DEC 17, updated DEC 18, 2019
La. family of missing Austin mother, infant daughter plea for their return

“Heidi, baby, if you can hear me, if you’re anywhere out there around a TV or anything, if you can hear me, we’re praying for you baby,” said HT, the aunt of the missing woman.


Her aunts and grandmother live almost 500 miles away in Winnsboro, Louisiana, and as the search continues, they are pleading for the pair to be found safe and sound.

“I want her to come home, be safe live a life she needed to live. She’s a good mother, a good person,” said MT, the grandmother of Broussard.

Her aunt HT remembers the last time she spoke to her. She said they Facetimed regularly.

“Right before she had Margot, I talked to her, and she was laying on the bed with Silas he was eating cookies and they were playing with Zeus,” Hope said.


“There’s somebody somewhere that knows something or somebodies. Step forward. Don’t be scared. That’s a little baby three weeks old and whoever can ignore that...that’s not even imaginable,” HT said.

As HT fought back tears, she cried out for their safe return.

Heartbreaking. :(
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