TX TX - Heidi Broussard, 33, & Margot Carey, 2 weeks, Austin, 12 Dec 2019 #3

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If people are wanting more sleuthing then there is the possible "I want a baby now at any means necessary" scenario. She could have been lured by a female who had an accomplice or not into one of the apartments or close to a vehicle then taken. Once in an apartment mom would be subdued and ppl would have to either hide both infant and mom or move them quickly. If taken by vehicle then they are in the wind so to speak. For those who think being lured close to a car or taken in the day isn't possible. Think of how easy it would be to overpower or sneak up on a mom who has her hands full or is distracted by getting the baby then all the baby things out of the car. Half your body is in the car unbuckling straps on the carseat and your head is inside the car. You can easily be taken bc your back is to the world and you can't see anything or anyone approaching. The apartment scenario is obviously less likely due to a crying baby being heard by neighbors and the complexity of pulling it off. Again, only speculation at this point at what really happened.

For a scenario like this (another woman desperate for a baby accosts and abducts them), I would think LE would ask the public if anyone they know had suddenly just appeared with a baby since last Thursday. But LE hasn’t said anything like that which makes me think it is not a scenario they think occurred.
I distinctly remember a garbled, choked laugh and smile, being twinned with his fishing around for the word "son". (Am I wrong?)

Since we know he did in fact speak with his son well after 6:40AM, this choked laugh and proper noun substitution midstream, strikes me as rather wrong.

he was particularly choked up at his son asking for him to grill his leftover lunch, too. Strange...I took it at the time to mean he was upset he spent time on that instead of searching/calling friends/calling the police but I doubt that is it.
I can think of several ways around that--she knew that wherever she was going, they'd have what she needed. She was going to buy some more when she got to wherever she was going. Or might have had a small bag with the bare necessities, or shoved some stuff in her pockets, or something.
She has little to no money. How is she going to just buy more things when she has a lot of things already she could have put in a duffel or backpack?

If she had somewhere to go where she'd have anything she needed, why would she leave her 6 yr old behind?
Baby, so fragile at 3 weeks, was dropped during the incident/fight/assault perhaps. Again, unintentional.
Fit of anger? Anger at mother transfers to anger at baby in the room - which may have been a source of stress/financial drain/unneeded future liability? Or, the baby is the initial victim - mother would tell - she has to go, too? Just throwing out ideas. I try not to think about the reasoning because I know I will never understand it.
The quote does appear in that article. The issue comes from where NBC cited their affiliate, in regards to the school never calling. The original story from that NBC affiliate has been updated, and it makes no mention of that phone call.
There has to be a reason why the original news agency removed the quote.

Best guess is they found out it was false. JMO
My ex used to close his eyes when I would confront him about something he either was lying about or unwilling to deal with.
But here I see it also as trying to think carefully what he is saying and keep story straight.JMO.
I highly doubt they did any of that. They can’t make him submit to a search of his body without a warrant, right?

I think they can make a visual inspection without a warrant. If they ask nicely, lol

And a missing baby and wife would probably be enough to get a quick authorisation to check for scratches and bruises. JMO
Perhaps I'm forgetting something already:

If she's missing and one didn't cause that oneself, one would have to think perhaps she purposely left.

He says "if anyone sees an awesome woman walking around... call someone..."

But does he ask her directly to come home? Did he make an impassioned plea for that? Perhaps I just forgot.
That phrase bothers me SO MUCH.

An awesome woman walking around? I see awesome women every day. Could you be more vague about your missing fiancé and newborn daughter?

Call someone?!? How about urgent pleas to call 911?

That phrase bothers me SO MUCH.

An awesome woman walking around? I see awesome women every day. Could you be more vague about your missing fiancé and newborn daughter?

Call someone?!? How about urgent pleas to call 911?


Exactly. And nothing addressed to HER that I can recall - as if she's brainless, or can't move of her own accord. So odd.

If she were truly missing, he'd have to think she MIGHT have left on her own and that would be a huge part of his public message.
Fit of anger? Anger at mother transfers to anger at baby in the room - which may have been a source of stress/financial drain/unneeded future liability? Or, the baby is the initial victim - mother would tell - she has to go, too? Just throwing out ideas. I try not to think about the reasoning because I know I will never understand it.
If a likely fatal assault occurred in the apartment it would have to have been pretty ‘bloodless’, right? I’m thinking of the recent Jennifer Rothwell murder in Missouri where there was a lot of blood evidence in the house plus hubby caught on tape buying bleach etc. Unless there was such evidence found and LE is keeping quiet on it.
Some interesting comments on this news FB post:

EDIT: Oops. That didn’t work. FB page is KPLC 7 News and it’s the video from this morning’s press conference.

EDIT: Oops. That didn’t work. FB page is KPLC 7 News and it’s the video from this morning’s press conference
That phrase bothers me SO MUCH.

An awesome woman walking around? I see awesome women every day. Could you be more vague about your missing fiancé and newborn daughter?

Call someone?!? How about urgent pleas to call 911?

I know some will say for good reason he has never been in this situation before and is clearly inarticulate - but I can’t help but think subconsciously a person who says these things could be saying both “it wasn’t me - I think she is the greatest!” And “I am saying search but I am also sabotaging it and inundating police with ‘lookalike’ and unnecessary reports of other “awesome moms’ to keep them busy.”
Seems like you put a lot of weight in the reliability of body language.

Do you feel that body language should be used as probable cause for search warrants?

How about as evidence in court during trial?

Well, I put a lot of weight into the reliability of my experience and years of following these cases.

But I’ll play.

No. It is ridiculous to suggest that body language be used as probable cause for search warrants. It’s weird to me that you would ask that.

Yes. Demeanor (of which body language is a part), is indeed a form of evidence in every criminal trial where someone testifies. Every witness who testifies does so live (rather than in writing) so that their demeanor can be examined by the jury.

Statements by defendants out of court are also examined by jurors who look at their demeanor. Or who hear about it from witnesses. “Did he cry?how did he react?”

And both sides will discuss demeanor in closing statements and at other times.

Further, while demeanor is obviously not to be used as probable cause, it sure as hell is closely scrutinized by investigators and forensic profilers. They are watching him whenever he makes a statement. They’re watching closely.

Frankly I am amazed that anyone would think body language and demeanor aren’t crucial in investigations and interrogations. Knowing when to push. What to say. When to back off. When to give some human contact. Gauging emotion based on body language is a huge part of that.

In fact, it’s crucial for humans in general when gauging the trustworthiness of any potential employee or mate or friend. Or when striking a deal is buying something. It’s crucial when we pass someone on the street or see someone in a car port, elevator or coming up to our door, etc., to gauge possible danger. We are, after all, still animals. And we use our bodies and faces to communicate.

Of course some people are better at deciphering body language than others. And some think it’s meaningless. The latter probably aren’t investigators. Not good ones at least.
The part about the phone has always bothered me, too. A phone can go to VM if the person is on another call, out of area, or the battery dies. Or if they are on ignore.

Then one can recharge the battery or be back in the area later, and the call goes through.

He never says he tried to call her after 1:40. No attempt was even mentioned - not even after she was "missing".

This is just one of the several red flags, to me.

Not to mention his own phone and turning it off. Bad.
In the case of Amanda Gordon, another mother missing in TX, police declared her as “deceased, not found” right off the bat, opening a homicide investigation. So it seems likely that in this case, the evidence of a crime was not visible, as it was in Amanda’s...jmo.

In any event, it shows that TX police have no hesitation in naming a case a homicide if that is what the evidence is showing, even when the person has not been located.
I think they can make a visual inspection without a warrant. If they ask nicely, lol

And a missing baby and wife would probably be enough to get a quick authorisation to check for scratches and bruises. JMO
If he is hiding incriminating evidence under his hat I doubt he would voluntarily take it off to show LE.

Would the fact that his girlfriend and baby are missing be enough to do a warrantless search?

I'm not sure about that. JMO
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