TX TX - Julie Moseley, 9, Mary Trlica, 17, Lisa Wilson, 14, Fort Worth, 23 Dec 1974 - #5

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I respectfully disagree with your theory of TT being a triple murderer. You are giving him way too much credit. For him to interact with the police within hours of committing a triple murder, disposing of bodies and remaining completely calm is pure fantasy.

That wouldn't even be challenging for a psychopath.
I respectfully disagree with your theory of TT being a triple murderer. You are giving him way too much credit. For him to interact with the police within hours of committing a triple murder, disposing of bodies and remaining completely calm is pure fantasy. Competent or not if FWPD really thought he was the actual killer they would have found a way to burn him one way or another. We can walk through this scenario in another thread if you like.

What I am absolutely convinced of is TT and Debra share a "secret" that would have broken this case wide open had they cooperated with FWPD early on. I don't believe either of them actively participated in the disappearance of the girls. This "secret" is not about them having relations either.

This "secret" has caused Debra angst her entire life.

All of the families know deep down she has never told the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

As far as FWPD being incompetent, that is debatable. What I do know is in 1974 FWPD was ruthless and vindictive if they felt they were being played. There is a clear reason FWPD would want this case to go away, but I'm not going to post it here. It is a purely speculative and dangerous scenario.

I completely dismiss the theories that the girls were the victims of an interaction with a stranger(s) who kidnapped them using a weapon or a "strong arm" technique.

These girls were lambs that walked right into a trap.

Let's look at a PURELY SPECULATIVE scenario of what realistically could have happened the day they disappeared.

First they go to Army -Navy and Renee picks up her layaway. Julie stays in the car as best we know. Maybe they make it to Seminary South maybe the don't.

The girls make another stop. This is where the girls meet their end. This is the "secret" that TT and Debra know. TT and Debra know enough about this stop to be absolutely
terrified when the girls come up missing.

Keep in mind we're talking about juveniles.
Not only do TT and Debra have legal exposure if they tell the truth about the reason for the stop, they would have to explain how they know about this stop to all of the families and what the ugly truth is.

On top of this they have to worry about their own safety. They don't fully cooperate with law enforcement for these reasons.

This is the worst possible position for them to be in.

The letter isn't an attempt to buy time or divert FWPD. It is a message to the people at the stop that we're not going to finger you.

Plant this in your brain box garden and sprinkle a little water on it:

Decent people put themselves in situations with others they would NEVER interact with normally when they go to cop.

People get robbed and/or murdered every day when they go to cop. The deal can go bad at the drop of a hat. It is an indisputable fact.

One thing that will get you killed in this world regardless of your sex or age is if someone thinks you might inform on them and send them to prison.

Who got booted from their apartment for non payment of rent and yet had a job. How do you explain this?

Who worked in bars? Best connects ever are people who work in bars.

The main reason Renee wanted to be home by 4 was so she could go to a party.

Absolutely no disrespect to the girls. They are as innocent as a driven snow.

Drugs, deceit, theft and violence fit like hand in glove.

FYI, some background info on me.

I graduated from Southwest in 78. I had just turned 14 when the girls disappeared. Renee would have been in my graduating class.
I lived on Lawndale, two streets over from Minot. To say this case hits close to home is an understatement.
Welcome aboard.
Firstly since you lived in the neighborhood what do you or your family remember the Trlica household being like? Lots of parties? Calm? Cope being called? Do y’all remember anyone living in the back yard in a van?
If the message of the letter from Tommy was to tell the perpetrators we’re gonna finger you, how does that tell them that much less Tommy and Debra’s lips are sealed 46 years later as tight as they were 12/23/74? They haven’t fingered anyone! Whatever they know will not be told on a death bed confession. That’s only for people that have a conscious.
Where do you purpose this extra stop was made? What time do you purpose it was made?
How would the people at this stop know where to dump the car? What did they do with the packages from the mall?
How would the envelope that Tommy addresses get the postage stamp with the 23rd date on it. By the time he “knew” where that car was it was WAY to late to get a letter postmarked! That to me says he KNOWS and KNEW HE HAD TO HAVE THAT ENVELOPE POST MARKED.
The party Renee was heading to wasn’t a teenage party. It was being heard by adults. I’m sure alcohol was there but no drugs.
I’m very interested in what you it any neighbors may know that the rest of us don’t. I like new thoughts and new ways of thinking because one things for sure I’m missing something! Just know with any scenario I’m gonna try and poke holes. Just as I do with my own. Thank you for joining the conversation.
Here’s another add referring to Tommy as factory trained. I don’t believe you can state that just by buying parts from a distributor. That would be like I order some parts and say I’m factory trained. What good would it do to put that in an add if it didn’t mean you actually trained?


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Here’s another add referring to Tommy as factory trained. I don’t believe you can state that just by buying parts from a distributor. That would be like I order some parts and say I’m factory trained. What good would it do to put that in an add if it didn’t mean you actually trained?
This add is after CA's death. Eight months after the disappearance.
I respectfully disagree with your theory of TT being a triple murderer. You are giving him way too much credit. For him to interact with the police within hours of committing a triple murder, disposing of bodies and remaining completely calm is pure fantasy. Competent or not if FWPD really thought he was the actual killer they would have found a way to burn him one way or another. We can walk through this scenario in another thread if you like.

What I am absolutely convinced of is TT and Debra share a "secret" that would have broken this case wide open had they cooperated with FWPD early on. I don't believe either of them actively participated in the disappearance of the girls. This "secret" is not about them having relations either.

This "secret" has caused Debra angst her entire life.

All of the families know deep down she has never told the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

As far as FWPD being incompetent, that is debatable. What I do know is in 1974 FWPD was ruthless and vindictive if they felt they were being played. There is a clear reason FWPD would want this case to go away, but I'm not going to post it here. It is a purely speculative and dangerous scenario.

I completely dismiss the theories that the girls were the victims of an interaction with a stranger(s) who kidnapped them using a weapon or a "strong arm" technique.

These girls were lambs that walked right into a trap.

Let's look at a PURELY SPECULATIVE scenario of what realistically could have happened the day they disappeared.

First they go to Army -Navy and Renee picks up her layaway. Julie stays in the car as best we know. Maybe they make it to Seminary South maybe the don't.

The girls make another stop. This is where the girls meet their end. This is the "secret" that TT and Debra know. TT and Debra know enough about this stop to be absolutely
terrified when the girls come up missing.

Keep in mind we're talking about juveniles.
Not only do TT and Debra have legal exposure if they tell the truth about the reason for the stop, they would have to explain how they know about this stop to all of the families and what the ugly truth is.

On top of this they have to worry about their own safety. They don't fully cooperate with law enforcement for these reasons.

This is the worst possible position for them to be in.

The letter isn't an attempt to buy time or divert FWPD. It is a message to the people at the stop that we're not going to finger you.

Plant this in your brain box garden and sprinkle a little water on it:

Decent people put themselves in situations with others they would NEVER interact with normally when they go to cop.

People get robbed and/or murdered every day when they go to cop. The deal can go bad at the drop of a hat. It is an indisputable fact.

One thing that will get you killed in this world regardless of your sex or age is if someone thinks you might inform on them and send them to prison.

Who got booted from their apartment for non payment of rent and yet had a job. How do you explain this?

Who worked in bars? Best connects ever are people who work in bars.

The main reason Renee wanted to be home by 4 was so she could go to a party.

Absolutely no disrespect to the girls. They are as innocent as a driven snow.

Drugs, deceit, theft and violence fit like hand in glove.

FYI, some background info on me.

I graduated from Southwest in 78. I had just turned 14 when the girls disappeared. Renee would have been in my graduating class.
I lived on Lawndale, two streets over from Minot. To say this case hits close to home is an understatement.

Well a theory is a theory and there all unproven but yours is an interesting one and not a bad one even though I have a few problems with it but that's no big deal. There's problems with all of them or they wouldn't be unproven.
A few questions I would ask. Why would someone not known to be associated with the girls take the unnecessary risk of taking the car to the mall? Why not just dispose of it too? This seems like something that someone very close to one of them would do.
Another thing is when someone is involved with drugs they usually have at least somewhat of a reputation for it. So did they? The one PI was said to know just about everything that went on in those parts, so wouldn't he have turned up something? Or maybe he did and just for whatever reason sat on it. I don't know.
And why has no one still not come forward after all these years? Still scared?
I look forward to reading your posts in the future. Who knows, maybe you will convince me of it.
Having said all that I'm going to back out of here now. I will continue to follow along or go back to lurking or however you wanna look at it. Peace and happy sleuthing.
This add is after CA's death. Eight months after the disappearance.
yes after Tommy moved to Throckmorton. Again factory trained is my point. His claim to have paid Cotton $10,000 to teach him the business is false. And $10,000 in 1974 Tommy could have gone to college and become a doctor or bought a house for that. My point is that $10,000 transfer if it happened was for something else. Just one of those stories that is stuck in my craw....
yes after Tommy moved to Throckmorton. Again factory trained is my point. His claim to have paid Cotton $10,000 to teach him the business is false. And $10,000 in 1974 Tommy could have gone to college and become a doctor or bought a house for that. My point is that $10,000 transfer if it happened was for something else. Just one of those stories that is stuck in my craw....
Are you implying 21 year old TT bought a 16 year old wife from CA for $10,000.00? A wife so young CA had to sign before she could marry. A wife that married TT less than 2 months from his first divorce. What parent wouldn't want their 16 year old daughter to marry a 21 year old man with a 2 year old son.
Try looking at this case from a different perspective.

For 46 years law enforcement, private detectives, family members, friends, websleuths, arm chair detectives and the like have been trying to find a "mistake" that the perpetrator(s) may have made to help solve this case.

The only thing to come of this is an echo chamber of non provable theories.

Nobody is any closer to discovering anything new that would stand up in a court of law today than on December 24th, 1974.

There is no physical evidence besides a letter that DNA could be used on. Unfortunately without a deathbed confession the possibility of this case ever being solved is remote.

Instead of trying to find a "mistake" our investigation should attempt to follow a "skill" set that has allowed a perpetrator elude justice all this time.

The same methodology that was used in "Silence of the Lambs" could be applied to this case.

The investigator could selectively poll inmates about the general facts of this case without disclosing enough information where a respondent could "insert" themself into the case.

Edward Bell played the journalist from Houston like a fiddle. She was on the right track though.

The criteria used to qualify inmates would probably be best determined by a psychologist.

If the sample group was of decent size the feedback might give new ideas on WHY whatever happened to the girls that only a criminal would know.

WHY is as big of a question as WHAT happened to the girls.

Somebody might not know who specifically, but could give a realistic scenario why.

The letter makes sex trafficking prohibitive in this case, but all other answers could be assumed as leads.

There would be nothing to lose with this approach at this point in time.

As a side note I am 100% convinced drugs are at the core of this case. The case makes no sense otherwise. Too many people including LE haven't been cooperative at different points.

There are secrets that will be taken to the grave.

Drugs are secretive and duplicitous by nature.
Glad you could join us Mr.James.
Are you implying 21 year old TT bought a 16 year old wife from CA for $10,000.00? A wife so young CA had to sign before she could marry. A wife that married TT less than 2 months from his first divorce. What parent wouldn't want their 16 year old daughter to marry a 21 year old man with a 2 year old son.
I’m not implying anything. I’m saying Tommy didn’t pay Cotton $10,000 to learn transmission repair. IF there was a $10.000 transfer which I have not seen sufficient proof of, it wasn’t for that. That is Tommy’s story. Rusty backs it. So I figure there is a $10.000 transfer. Now could it have been to buy his daughter? Possibly but if I paid $10,000 for you I’m sure not gonna kill you! I’m gonna get my moneys worth. Js
I’m not implying anything. I’m saying Tommy didn’t pay Cotton $10,000 to learn transmission repair. IF there was a $10.000 transfer which I have not seen sufficient proof of, it wasn’t for that. That is Tommy’s story. Rusty backs it. So I figure there is a $10.000 transfer. Now could it have been to buy his daughter? Possibly but if I paid $10,000 for you I’m sure not gonna kill you! I’m gonna get my moneys worth. Js
Maybe he thought he wasn't getting his money worth.
I’m not implying anything. I’m saying Tommy didn’t pay Cotton $10,000 to learn transmission repair. IF there was a $10.000 transfer which I have not seen sufficient proof of, it wasn’t for that. That is Tommy’s story. Rusty backs it. So I figure there is a $10.000 transfer. Now could it have been to buy his daughter? Possibly but if I paid $10,000 for you I’m sure not gonna kill you! I’m gonna get my moneys worth. Js
Yes unless she wanted out and said she was leaving and taking some money with her.
Or the make out session at Mr.Wilson's house if it got back to him.
Especially is said make out companion was with them at the mall or anywhere the girls may have been that day.... and his description matches one given by multiple people to be seen with the girls that day. It really is the only scenario I can’t poke holes into.
I was sure hoping to hear from @Goldenlancehead today. Maybe soon....
Many times people have asked if the phrase “I know I’m gonna catch it” is a family phrase. I always thought maybe so because so many asked about it. However I have been watching the show what’s happening from the mid 70’s and D is always telling Roger “ohhh you gonna catch it!!!” Maybe it’s not just a family phrase....
Especially is said make out companion was with them at the mall or anywhere the girls may have been that day.... and his description matches one given by multiple people to be seen with the girls that day. It really is the only scenario I can’t poke holes into.
I was sure hoping to hear from @Goldenlancehead today. Maybe soon....
Something tells me you're not going to hear from @Goldenlancehead because @Goldenlancehead was blowing smoke.

ETA: I have a question for @Goldenlancehead : Do you have any connection to TT or to the friend of TT's who called TT to inform him that California Jacket Guy was in the company of the girls at the mall?
Something tells me you're not going to hear from @Goldenlancehead because @Goldenlancehead was blowing smoke.

ETA: I have a question for @Goldenlancehead : Do you have any connection to TT or to the friend of TT's who called TT to inform him that California Jacket Guy was in the company of the girls at the mall?
I tend to agree with this but I think someone called him because he was at his house with his wife sending him into a rage.I believe the first article after the disappearance that stated the girls were last seen at an outlet store near the mall.Then after that everyone added to the story like Fran.I haven't heard of one concrete sighting.Either way I think we agree what happened.
I sincerely do not appreciate someone that has Threatened me, attacked me, attacked my integrity, and cast accusations towards me, taking what I say here and screenshooting it and posting it on a fb group I am not in. Especially when I have you blocked on any form of social media. That is against websleuths rules. I have absolutely no problems saying what I want where I want to say it and if I wanted to talk in any of those groups I’d be a member. I am not and have no desire to be so please do not take my words and put them in a place that I am not permitted to speak. Thanks and have a blessed night. I am asking politely and respectfully one time.
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