TX - 'Lori Ruff', Longview, WhtFem UP9863, *General Discussion and Theories* #5

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This makes no sense whatsoever. This girl is saying Lori picked her new name Lori Erica, based on some family members of Blakes? Um... she didn't know them when she filed for a name change... so I am not buying it.

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I'm fighting sleep! I hope we know something soon. You folks Across the Pond hold it down while us here in the States gets some rest. Ta-ta, cheerio, and all that good stuff from the Great State of Texas! [emoji42] [emoji42] [emoji42]

Morning!! I don't know if I speak for all of us folk across the pond, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who has no bloody idea what's going on!! I'm flicking between here and CW.net, wondering who the heck Akoya is and getting increasingly confused with every word I read.....

Cast list of "people who may know or who have claimed to know who Lori was"

Joe Velling
Mike Nance (and everyone at Namus)
Derek Abbot
The Ruff family
A Seattle Times reporter

And here's a list of "facts" if we believe what everyone above has said:

Lori was ID'd months ago (Akoya)
Lori has a living sister (Akoya via Velling email)
There are concerns abut the impact on Lori's daughter (Akoya)
Lori was an 18 year old runaway from PA (Abbot)
Lori lived in TX with her mother in 1988 (S/S)
Lori was never reported missing from her previous life. (Akoya)

Anyone/anything else? If anyone here is on CW.net could they ask if Akoya has been in touch with Velling in the last couple of days? Is it possible he has released the story to the ST without Akoya knowing, ie are they still in touch?

I know we don't have a "right" to know Lori's identity but it bugs me when officials ask the public for help and then clam up when it gets resolved. The worst case was a mother pouring her heart out and begging for information on here, then one day there was a rumour her daughter was found, she just clammed up and the thread got pulled and that was that. Hours of work just gone. Maybe I'm wrong but I'm gonna be cross if Lori's name or her reasons aren't released.
The Eric you found is Blake's first cousin. I can tell you that much--and he did marry his wife (Lori) in 1986 in Dallas, SO FLEK could have known them and chosen her name from that like this supposed insider is saying. But this is crazy beyond explanation to think she could plan that out in 1988 to try to meet and marry a member of the Ruff family in 2003. Maybe she didn't target Blake to marry him. Maybe she was friends with his cousin's wife in 1988 and liked her name enough to choose it when she was changing identities. Lori is a VERY common name for women born in the 1960's and it might have just been a coincidence.

And honestly I do not believe this at all. So far fetched. Even if FLEK did do this ( which is kind of ridiculous) how would anyone in the family know that? They didn't even know she wasn't who she said she was until she was already dead. It does not add up.

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This makes no sense whatsoever. This girl is saying Lori picked her new name Lori Erica, based on some family members of Blakes? Um... she didn't know them when she filed for a name change... so I am not buying it.

Yep, I agree it was just coincidence. Probably.

Though at this point in time I'm so confuddled I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out I'm the real Lori somehow.
Do we think her true ID is why Angie is divorcing Brad??

Just kidding..
Honestly I am sitting here at 4am about to leave for work and I am happy and sad all at the same time. I am glad the family will have answers for her daughter but sad that we have all put in hours, days, YEARS of real research to help them solve this. We all feel some ownership here. The poster on the Crimewatch board really hit a nerve with me for all the reasons other posters touched on above. How very obnoxious to post that!
I can think of several scenarios why they have kept the info secret. I rather not just randomly vomit them here so I am not late for work.
My guess is unless we find out from the family or a FOIA request, we won't know.
I will think of Lori on my way to work today as I drive through downtown Dallas and say a small prayer that she has found some peace.

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Akora said that lori has been identified for a while and both families and le are aware of her true identity. However, on lori's wiki page two rule outs have been made this year, one in may and one in August. One of the rule outs was made using fingerprint analysis. I don't know how long this would take but i doubt they would still be checking if they knew who she was, unless the possibilities were all submitted at the same time.

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Whatever the truth behind the matter is, I'm not a fan of Akoya's behaviour.

Welcome sceawian!! I'm just reading your thread on Reddit. I find it strange that any member of LE or a PI would publicly post on a forum for everyone to see, but who knows!!
@CeCeMoore, I see you lurking lol! Please let us know what you think of all this latest shenanigans!!
@CeCeMoore, I see you lurking lol! Please let us know what you think of all this latest shenanigans!!

I think it is strange that it was leaked a few months ago that Lori was identified through DNA Genealogy databases, but now it appears that she really was identified months ago, but not through this method.

Also, Akoya states that she and Velling had the same suspicions about Lori's identity and researched accordingly, but claims it wasn't any of the many theories discussed here. I find it surprising that they came to the same conclusion, but that no one here had thought of it, unless, of course, they had important information that led them to this conclusion that was not public, which is certainly possible.

Thanks for asking. :blushing:
I think it is strange that it was leaked a few months ago that Lori was identified through DNA Genealogy databases, but now it appears that she really was identified months ago, but not through this method.

Also, Akoya claims that she and Velling had the same suspicions about Lori's identity and researched accordingly, but states it wasn't any of the many theories discussed here. I find it surprising that they came to the same conclusion, but that no one here had thought of it, unless, of course, they had important information that led them to this conclusion that was not public, which is certainly possible.

Thanks for asking. :blushing:

I totally agree and Akoya would have had to read EVERY post on here (including all the subthreads) to know that their unique theory was never brought up.

May I ask when you last contacted Blake? I know he declined your help initially but that was a while ago. Would it be worth letting the Ruffs know there's a possibility this might be blown wide open for all the world to see, perhaps they can be tempted to release info themselves, in a controlled manner, rather than causing any potential intrusion into the family. It's not just gonna go away.
I totally agree and Akoya would have had to read EVERY post on here (including all the subthreads) to know that their unique theory was never brought up.

May I ask when you last contacted Blake? I know he declined your help initially but that was a while ago. Would it be worth letting the Ruffs know there's a possibility this might be blown wide open for all the world to see, perhaps they can be tempted to release info themselves, in a controlled manner, rather than causing any potential intrusion into the family. It's not just gonna go away.

Actually, he didn't directly decline my help. I just never heard from him at all and don't think he even saw my messages. After he accepted my friend request, I re-sent the message but it never showed as read. On Aug 18th, I typed a period to make it come up again in his notifications, but it appears that he didn't see that either. So, unfortunately, I don't have an inside track to him.

As far as Akoya, I am torn. I do empathize with how difficult it is to sit back and watch people speculate when you know the answer, especially if it seems to be going in a potentially less than optimal direction. It is impossible to know what she has been cleared to say as well. So, while some of what she has said may seem unprofessional to some posters, she may have been specifically told that she could reveal those things. Apparently, she has kept it very quiet for many months and finally felt she had to speak out.

On the other hand, I have had people from certain forums/groups openly take credit for cases I solved, so I weigh those types of claims with some degree of skepticism in general. With that said, she does seem to be an insider in this case, so my feeling is that her claims are, at least, partially true. That is just MO though and I have no more info than you do to support it.

I hope the Ruff family is in a good place and prepared for the media attention this will create for them.
Well someone did some digging into the photo I posted of the unknown girl because they actually found the website where I found it and posted the link to it here.

A lot of things added up for me as a match. I contacted the Greggs County Sherrifs Office about what I found, got 2 replies back that the Detective got my message but I never heard from anyone after that.

So even though to me it all matches... from the age, height, hands, possibly Jewish, possibly Russian, possibly linked to being a spy... all things that people have speculated about FLEK, I kind of dismissed it as a match because no one ever got back to me.

But who knows.... maybe the unknown girl is FLEK??

I can't wait to find out!!!

Once I Looked at the site the photo came from I noticed 2 things:
1- there are a couple other people listed as "unknown" in various pictures.
3- there is a woman named Lori Kennedy in at least one pic- the 2006.
Actually, he didn't directly decline my help. I just never heard from him at all and don't think he even saw my messages. After he accepted my friend request, I re-sent the message but it never showed as read. On Aug 18th, I typed a period to make it come up again in his notifications, but it appears that he didn't see that either. So, unfortunately, I don't have an inside track to him.

As far as Akoya, I am torn. I do empathize with how difficult it is to sit back and watch people speculate when you know the answer, especially if it seems to be going in a potentially less than optimal direction. It is impossible to know what she has been cleared to say as well. So, while some of what she has said may seem unprofessional to some posters, she may have been specifically told that she could reveal those things. Apparently, she has kept it very quiet for many months and finally felt she had to speak out.

On the other hand, I have had people from certain forums/groups openly take credit for cases I solved, so I weigh those types of claims with some degree of skepticism in general. With that said, she does seem to be an insider in this case, so my feeling is that her claims are, at least, partially true. That is just MO though and I have no more info than you do to support it.

I hope the Ruff family is in a good place and prepared for the media attention this will create for them.

Oh OK, hadn't realise there was never any contact. I wonder if they're aware of the threads here and elsewhere, Lori is pretty famous in these circles! Thanks for answering my questions. :)
Welcome sceawian!! I'm just reading your thread on Reddit. I find it strange that any member of LE or a PI would publicly post on a forum for everyone to see, but who knows!!

Thank you for the welcome!

I completely agree. Also resorting to condescendingly calling someone 'sweet pea' if they question your story - doesn't seem very professional.
Thank you for the welcome!

I completely agree. Also resorting to condescendingly calling someone 'sweet pea' if they question your story - doesn't seem very professional.

I noticed Sweet pea and assumed it was a username, now I see it's not, strange!!

C'mon America, wake up, you have sleuthing to do!
I noticed Sweet pea and assumed it was a username, now I see it's not, strange!!

C'mon America, wake up, you have sleuthing to do!
Good morning all!! Who else couldn't sleep??

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Good morning all!! Who else couldn't sleep??

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I slept like a log knowing I could wake up this morning and catch up at leisure while you're all still in bed. However, it's now lunchtime and I'm bored of waiting.

Re: Akoya - always take everything written on the interwebz with a huge grain of salt. I could write a huge post about how I know FLEK's real identity and I helped solve the case and add some filler information to make it seem more legit but that doesn't mean it's true. Only time will tell.

Although if they were involved in solving the case, their attitude is despicable. No one should do this for bragging rights - so many people have buried their noses in this case (not to mention all the other cases that are featured on this site) and devoted their time to it. That speaks volumes for you as human beings: going out of your way to give answers to a grieving family or give a name to a Doe so their existence isn't forgotten is a very selfless deed. Getting territorial over cases helps no one and it makes you look like a tool (no one in this thread, fyi, just a general 'you').

Lori is someone who was on Namus 3
Lori was never reported missing but we've heard of her 16
Lori was never reported missing and we've never heard of her 31
Lori was Sandy Hopler 4
Lori knew the Turner family 8
S/S1988 was telling the truth 22
You're so giddy you could pee your pants 32

We have a winner haha! Can someone order in some Tena Lady as well as those megaphones. Cheers
An anonymous post yeserday on FindAGrave

You could never find a day of peace while always looking over your shoulder. Soon the world will know who you really were and hopefully your poor husband and daughter can find the peace you lacked. You chose to off yourself in the in-laws driveway which was the true act of a coward. Praying that God has accepted you into the heavens and that in death you found the peace that alluded you in life.

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