Found Deceased TX - Michael Chambers, 70, Hunt County, 10 March 2017 #6

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Sorry to post so much at once but I have to get on with some things and may forget it if I don't put it down now.
There are a couple of inconsistencies in Klein's comments. I guess John was under agreement to only ask specific questions.
Did I hear it correctly that he said her phone went off after she finished work at 2 or 2:30? Was off for an hour and 32 minutes and turned back on when she got home and started looking for MC? I thought she didn't get home until after 6 or about 6. So if her phone was off from 2:30 to 4:00? Or did I misinterpret what he said? Certainly she did not want her movements to be tracked.
The 2nd thing was another confusing statement about GPS and pings. He said they have GPS data, but he also said his phone was pinging at the 2 mile bridge. I still don't think it's clear if they have his GPS from his account before it was cancelled.
This is the first I have heard of having $100k in a box in the shop! They did not have money problems.
If this was supposed to look like a burglary the garage would have been tossed about some. Why did BC feel the need to lie about having money problems? Who confirmed the money had been there and was still there? A daughter or SIL or trusted friend and how did Klein know for sure it was there and still there? Was it recorded in a police report? Is there an evidence photo of it? Klein said he hasn't read police report, has he interviewed any deputies? The daughter who was here said she knew of the money troubles and suggested selling the Mustang which BC did and that's why she wasn't upset that it was sold. So it doesn't sound like she knew about that large stockpile of cash. Wouldn't she have gotten to read the police report and known of it then? Who knew about it and it's whereabouts? Klein was matter of fact so it sounds like it was reported early on like a forgone fact of the case.
Sorry to post so much at once but I have to get on with some things and may forget it if I don't put it down now.
There are a couple of inconsistencies in Klein's comments. I guess John was under agreement to only ask specific questions.
Did I hear it correctly that he said her phone went off after she finished work at 2 or 2:30? Was off for an hour and 32 minutes and turned back on when she got home and started looking for MC? I thought she didn't get home until after 6 or about 6. So if her phone was off from 2:30 to 4:00? Or did I misinterpret what he said? Certainly she did not want her movements to be tracked.
The 2nd thing was another confusing statement about GPS and pings. He said they have GPS data, but he also said his phone was pinging at the 2 mile bridge. I still don't think it's clear if they have his GPS from his account before it was cancelled.
This is the first I have heard of having $100k in a box in the shop! They did not have money problems.
If this was supposed to look like a burglary the garage would have been tossed about some. Why did BC feel the need to lie about having money problems? Who confirmed the money had been there and was still there? A daughter or SIL or trusted friend and how did Klein know for sure it was there and still there? Was it recorded in a police report? Is there an evidence photo of it? Klein said he hasn't read police report, has he interviewed any deputies? The daughter who was here said she knew of the money troubles and suggested selling the Mustang which BC did and that's why she wasn't upset that it was sold. So it doesn't sound like she knew about that large stockpile of cash. Wouldn't she have gotten to read the police report and known of it then? Who knew about it and it's whereabouts? Klein was matter of fact so it sounds like it was reported early on like a forgone fact of the case.
I do not believe it was ever stated there was $100,000 in cash in the garage. Only that it was a large amount.

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I thought the same thing. I feel that someone could have planted blood in a way to look like he staggered and it might appear the same as the dog walk pattern. But we didn't see it and he did. Interesting that the State trooper thinks the blood was planted and is not able to take the case away from HCSO. I wonder how often the State feels a local office is mishandling an investigation but does nothing.
I saw comments from nurses who say arterial blood would spray not drip. I wonder what other health care people would say. Is it possible if blood was taken from him with a syringe that it could be arterial blood?
The dowel had been a mystery but more so now knowing that it wasnt just a single smear but it was "bloodied". I'm not sure if that means it was handled with bloody hands or if it fell into the blood on the floor. However nothing has ever indicated the blood on the floor was disturbed by anything, even this dowel.
In an earlier post Hazelnutty speculated that the original plan was to make it look like a suicide with Michael using the dowel to push the trigger on the rifle. But when it was attempted, mistakes were made and it would have been obvious to an investigator that it was homicide and/or staged so they quickly got his body out of there. I've turned that over in my mind since she posted. Klein describes the scene as he imagines it that he was hit or shot and carried out but his speculation almost requires someone to catch his body at the point of impact or at least some of the blood on the floor would be deposited from his fall and not be in drops. I think it would be obvious if his body hit the floor after being hit or shot. Unless he didn't go down immediately or didn't start to bleed until he was lifted. How are you imagining the scene as Klein describes it in which he was attacked?
I am downright bewildered.

If he normally took his cap off in the garage, why was it missing? Did whoever -if whoever- hurt him, grab the hat and the d.l. too, and his glasses to make it look like he left of his own accord? If we can believe HCSO, the only fingerprints in the shop belonged to MC.

If he was hit and was dogwalked, surely his glasses and hat would have fallen onto the floor.

And why was the money not touched? Maybe the person(s) did not know about the money. I wonder if the only one who knew about it was MC?

Or, if BC knew about it, why not arrange it to make it look like a burglary? Therefore, she could have the money,
and if anyone else was privy to that information, well, then, she could say it was stolen in the robbery.

And what would be the purpose of planting his blood?

This whole thing does not make sense.

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If his hat is missing maybe he was wearing it when possibly hit over the head. Maybe the hat was soaked in his blood and the excess is what fell onto the garage floor. If this was the case the suspect/s would want to get rid of the hat for evidence reasons of course.
If his hat is missing maybe he was wearing it when possibly hit over the head. Maybe the hat was soaked in his blood and the excess is what fell onto the garage floor. If this was the case the suspect/s would want to get rid of the hat for evidence reasons of course.

WAS his hat missing? I swear it’s been mentioned that it was in the shop. Let me see if I can find something about it.

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WAS his hat missing? I swear it’s been mentioned that it was in the shop. Let me see if I can find something about it.

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I don’t really remember to tell you the truth. I’d read Razz’s comment above and thought maybe that was stated somewhere.
On 04/18/17 PMerle said MC’s hat “was not in its place in the shed.”
Sorry to post so much at once but I have to get on with some things and may forget it if I don't put it down now.
There are a couple of inconsistencies in Klein's comments. I guess John was under agreement to only ask specific questions.
Did I hear it correctly that he said her phone went off after she finished work at 2 or 2:30? Was off for an hour and 32 minutes and turned back on when she got home and started looking for MC? I thought she didn't get home until after 6 or about 6. So if her phone was off from 2:30 to 4:00? Or did I misinterpret what he said? Certainly she did not want her movements to be tracked.
The 2nd thing was another confusing statement about GPS and pings. He said they have GPS data, but he also said his phone was pinging at the 2 mile bridge. I still don't think it's clear if they have his GPS from his account before it was cancelled.
This is the first I have heard of having $100k in a box in the shop! They did not have money problems.
If this was supposed to look like a burglary the garage would have been tossed about some. Why did BC feel the need to lie about having money problems? Who confirmed the money had been there and was still there? A daughter or SIL or trusted friend and how did Klein know for sure it was there and still there? Was it recorded in a police report? Is there an evidence photo of it? Klein said he hasn't read police report, has he interviewed any deputies? The daughter who was here said she knew of the money troubles and suggested selling the Mustang which BC did and that's why she wasn't upset that it was sold. So it doesn't sound like she knew about that large stockpile of cash. Wouldn't she have gotten to read the police report and known of it then? Who knew about it and it's whereabouts? Klein was matter of fact so it sounds like it was reported early on like a forgone fact of the case.
I caught the discrepancy in the time line too. From the beginning I have always thought BC got home at 6 so I did some searching to see if I could verify it. The petition says she got home at 6 and RM says the same in the first press conference. A VI also stated here that she got home at 6. After more searching I found this article below. It was written very early on and it says she arrived home at 3pm. Strange.

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Same feeling here. When Klein said he didn’t think it was a hit because they made mistakes, I thought- not a professional hit. A hit by someone he knew, something planned by a couple/few beginners, amateurs- absolutely. JMO.

WAS his hat missing? I swear it’s been mentioned that it was in the shop. Let me see if I can find something about it.

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I'm going strictly by memory, so hope you can find the post. There may have been 2 posts re: the hat from VI. I recall that the last post about his hat was a correction, and that the hat he'd worn at WalMart was found in the house. The VI's initial post about the hat was either that it was missing, or in the shop- I just can't remember which at the moment. There definitely was some confusion about that hat, and he had a lot of them. I don't think any of us can say for sure where the hat was or wasn't :(
I'm going strictly by memory, so hope you can find the post. There may have been 2 posts re: the hat from VI. I recall that the last post about his hat was a correction, and that the hat he'd worn at WalMart was found in the house. The VI's initial post about the hat was either that it was missing, or in the shop- I just can't remember which at the moment. There definitely was some confusion about that hat, and he had a lot of them. I don't think any of us can say for sure where the hat was or wasn't :(

I’m recalling that the hat was present along with the keys and wallet.

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I caught the discrepancy in the time line too. From the beginning I have always thought BC got home at 6 so I did some searching to see if I could verify it. The petition says she got home at 6 and RM says the same in the first press conference. A VI also stated here that she got home at 6. After more searching I found this article below. It was written very early on and it says she arrived home at 3pm. Strange.

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Very strange. I don't know what to think. But at least it seems that between 2 and 6 her phone was only off part of that time so they should know where she was the other part.
Very strange. I don't know what to think. But at least it seems that between 2 and 6 her phone was only off part of that time so they should know where she was the other part.
Yes you're probably right. 6pm is probably just another piece of misinformation BC put out to throw off the investigation. Klein probably has it nailed and was referring to the "real" time line in his statements

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I am going to go back and listen to the interview again, but I don't think Klein ever stated what time she got home.

He did say she was off work around 2 and her phone went dark for an hour and a half, but I don't think he ever stated what time she got home because HE has not interviewed her yet and she is the only one who knows what time she really got home.
I am going to go back and listen to the interview again, but I don't think Klein ever stated what time she got home.

He did say she was off work around 2 and her phone went dark for an hour and a half, but I don't think he ever stated what time she got home because HE has not interviewed her yet and she is the only one who knows what time she really got home.
I believe he begins talking about it around the 14 or 15 minute mark

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At 13:45 Klein states BC talked to the boyfriend on her cell phone.
At 14:40 he starts discussing the timeline........Klein says it is up for discussion.

He states she got off work around 2-2:30. This is when she calls the boyfriend and her phone immediately goes dark for 1 hour and 32 minutes. Within 15 minutes of being turned back on she is calling family, neighbors and everyone yo ask "have you seen MC" She eventually calls 911. He doesn't go into any other timeline here.

I am taking this to mean she arrived home around 4ish or so......calls and looks for MC and then calls 911 and LE gets involved.

Something else I picked up on in this second listen is Klein states the JP who issued the declaration of death is a "Friend with Benefits"! I had not picked up on that the first time I listened.
I think the statement that MC was OK with the affairs was that he was not depressed over it. But the convo with the bf happened a year ago. And there were others, friends with benefits. I bet MC didn't know the extent of his wife's extra marital activities. And I think it is likely when he talked with the bf a year earlier that commitments were made that it was over, and he was OK, forgave and went on with life. I don't think Klein was saying MC accepted an open marriage and a wife having multiple extra marital relationships. That doesn't square with what we have heard of him. I don't think Klein was speaking of continued adultery. He did make it sound like this man with a big heart was willing to move on. To me that sounds like someone who believed it was over. But then the broken wrist and recovery and things may have changed. Sometimes people turn a blind eye and accept things they suspect but have no proof of hoping they will eventually go away on their own, until it gets thrown in their face and they are almost forced to act. Sometimes people accept being marginalized in a marriage until they realize it's public knowledge, until family or friends speak out on it. Sometimes it takes some humiliation to exercise their backbone. He doesn't seem like a weak person who was ok with being walked on.

Exactly- I believe MC knew of an affair... not sure he knew about all. I also believe he believed the affair was over. I don’t think he would have allowed an open marriage or anything of that sort- I was throwing it out there as maybe BC told her boyfriend this and that maybe the convo between MC and boyfriend was clearing up what was really going on opposed to what BC said was going on. I believe MC was a very strong, loving, forgiving man and do think he knew some of BC’s discretions but not all. I do think he loved her dearly but I can imagine there was an ultimatum to her: “give up the side man, or I’m out!” I truly believe BC loved the way MC spoiled her, put her above anyone... this is what she didn’t want to lose. She loved the thrill and excitement of a boyfriend(s) but did not want to give up the husband that completely adored her. I don’t think she was in love with MC anymore. In love with how he treated her maybe ...

At 13:45 Klein states BC talked to the boyfriend on her cell phone.
At 14:40 he starts discussing the timeline........Klein says it is up for discussion.

He states she got off work around 2-2:30. This is when she calls the boyfriend and her phone immediately goes dark for 1 hour and 32 minutes. Within 15 minutes of being turned back on she is calling family, neighbors and everyone yo ask "have you seen MC" She eventually calls 911. He doesn't go into any other timeline here.

I am taking this to mean she arrived home around 4ish or so......calls and looks for MC and then calls 911 and LE gets involved.

Something else I picked up on in this second listen is Klein states the JP who issued the declaration of death is a "Friend with Benefits"! I had not picked up on that the first time I listened.

And I think there is only one male JP in Hunt County at the moment

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