TX - Sandra Bland, 28, found dead in jail cell, Waller County, 13 July 2015 #2

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She didn't lose her life, she took her life. That is not the officers fault.

Are you suggesting that if she hadn't been arrested that she still would have killed herself?

(For what it's worth, I think her arrest was irregular, illegal, and unjust. I think that she killed herself. But I also think that she was given clearly inadequate custody, and there will be a very large, and justified, lawsuit against those who failed to protect her while in custody.)
Leaving themselves open to a lawsuit is part of my "They have a lot to answer for" comment.

I don't know IF they did a cover up and I don't know enough about the inner workings for a county jail to even guess what they would do. Mess with recording devices? Stage scenes? Shred documents? Pay off witnesses? Forge signatures? Your guess is as good as mine. *shrug*

This is just me but I'm not going to guess that there's a coverup. I want some evidence that supports that possiblty. I haven't seen any yet.

What does that mean, 'the right way' to interact with law enforcement? Are you talking about protocol, such as with when people meet Queen Elizabeth II or the Pope?

Is that the sort of standard to which members of the public are expected to adhere when they are interacting with public servants, whose salaries they pay?

OT but I hope I never have to meet QE II because I would panic about what to do. Probably fall on my face in a failed curtsy.
Would they care that they looked really bad? :dunno: Will anyone be punished/reprimanded? :no:

If Sandra died from injuries sustained while she was arrested, I could see a strong chance of a cover-up, that's why her death needs to be investigated thoroughly. ALL deaths in custody have to be investigated.

I was skeptical at first about the circumstances of Sandra being found dead in her cell. Her death was preventable, she didn't belong in that jail cell. Once there, she deserved a duty of care that everyone deserves who is brought in. LE failed miserably in both instances, imo.

I hope that anyone and everyone that did something wrong in this case is punished in a manner fitting their crime or negligence.

I just hope that it's based on evidence and not politics. JMO
I don't see how killing her would help in anyway in a coverup.

If she died of "other causes" why would they stage a hanging. I'm assuming that "other causes" means a natural death not a homicide.

Sandra hanging herself with the trash bag makes them look really bad. Why would they want to use that as a coverup?

Sorry, it doesn't add up. JMO

I haven't read on this thread where anyone has stated their opinion is that SB was murdered by LE and a coverup is taking place. Perhaps in the beginning of thread one that was a theory when much information had not been released. It has never been a theory of mine. But lately I have yet to read that opinion here. Yes, I've read it on other sites recently but not here.
What does that mean, 'the right way' to interact with law enforcement? Are you talking about protocol, such as with when people meet Queen Elizabeth II or the Pope?

Is that the sort of standard to which members of the public are expected to adhere when they are interacting with public servants, whose salaries they pay?

The right way is the way I hope everyone treats each other. With respect.

It shouldn't matter what color your skin is or if your a cop. Everyone should be treated equaly. JMO
I don't think this has been addressed but if I missed it sorry. In the video when the first car he pulled over pulls back into traffic she doesn't use her turn signal but does when she moves into the far left lane then turns. So why didn't he pull her over again for failing to use a turn signal.

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Just a guess, but the first stop was a white woman.

The right way is the way I hope everyone treats each other. With respect.

It shouldn't matter what color your skin is or if your a cop. Everyone should be treated equaly. JMO

I have to say I doubt SB felt very respected when she was snatched and grabbed and thrown to the ground over a turn signal. IMO
I haven't read on this thread where anyone has stated their opinion is that SB was murdered by LE and a coverup is taking place. Perhaps in the beginning of thread one that was a theory when much information had not been released. It has never been a theory of mine. But lately I have yet to read that opinion here. Yes, I've read it on other sites recently but not here.

I never said that anyone here at Websleuths claims Sandra was murdered by LE.
This is just me but I'm not going to guess that there's a coverup. I want some evidence that supports that possiblty. I haven't seen any yet.


I agree 100%, that's why this is being looked into. Why else would it be? The investigation has to prove that there was no foul play or a cover up.
The evidence is in the past.
Sandra's past is being delved into, same goes for everyone else.

My grandfather is retired LE and my brother is in LE currently. Needless to say, I have the utmost respect for all LE. With that said, I was sick to my stomach watching how SB was treated. It sickened me from the moment I heard about it. I still go to bed thinking about it and wake up thinking about it. My grandfather said he was appalled while watching the dashcam video. He said that was never his approach. My grandfather said he had been spat on many times and as far as individuals giving him "lip" well that was a daily occurrence. He said it "comes with the territory..getting pulled over by police isn't making anyone's day." He also said he learned very quickly after entering into LE that how he approached certain situations (whether it is a traffic stop, domestic call, 911, accidents, shootings, etc) would make all the difference in his day to day work life and ultimately his career. My grandfather said he lost many buddies over the years from getting burnt out and/or not being able to deal with the stresses of the job. He said that could have easily been him but the dept he was in was very supportive and worked with LE to be sure they received all the training/support they needed to continue to do their job at the best of their ability to continue to futher their career...he said he was lucky. He also said he knows times have changed and he is glad he is not in LE today.
My brother has been in LE for almost ten years I haven't gotten his opinion yet.
Even though I respect LE and anyone in authority I must feel respected equally. I have to say I can get a little mouthy if I feel I am being treated unfairly. My grandfather said he could totally see me letting a officer know that I know my rights. He is right. I sure would. I will not back down to any ego. I would probably pause to think it through but because I know myself so well...it would be so very hard not to stand up for myself. Ultimately, I would.
I thought the same thing. A respected newspaper that's been around for almost 200 years is nothing close to a political blog.

Without The Guardian and The Daily Mirror I don't know where I would get my news from. The US news media is garbage, that reports nothing except corporate BS from their owners. It's a pretty sad state of affairs when you have to get news about your own country from news media in another country.
I have to say I doubt SB felt very respected when she was snatched and grabbed and thrown to the ground over a turn signal. IMO

Of course. She shouldn't have been pulled from her car in the first place. JMO
I never said that anyone here at Websleuths claims Sandra was murdered by LE.

My bad. Because I had read a few posts of yours questioning why one would think this is murder and a coverup, I mistakenly assumed you were referring to this forum. My mistake.
I agree 100%, that's why this is being looked into. Why else would it be? The investigation has to prove that there was no foul play or a cover up.
The evidence is in the past.
Sandra's past is being delved into, same goes for everyone else.


I'm surprised more isn't known about BE. Maybe I missed it. He previously worked at Blue Bell Creamery (I think) and he was LE for 1 year. Anything else?
The right way is the way I hope everyone treats each other. With respect.

It shouldn't matter what color your skin is or if your a cop. Everyone should be treated equaly. JMO

While I agree with you, I think we must all acknowledge that the interactions between LE and the public are asymmetrical. LE have considerable powers that members of the public do not. LE have protections that members of the public do not. As well, they have (as paid public servants) responsibilities that members of the public do not. So when we are discussing an interaction between a LEO and a member of the public, we are not talking about anything like when two citizens meet in the street as equals.

The burden of 'acting the right way' falls on LE *alone*. They are the ones who are paid to participate in the interaction, and they are the representatives of the state/government. Citizens are just members of the public who are not expected to bow or kneel to public authorities -- I mean, we are still talking about America here, right?

And so once again I will say that it is not that citizens need to act 'the right way' to LE; it is LE that needs to act 'the right way' to the citizens who pay them.
While I agree with you, I think we must all acknowledge that the interactions between LE and the public are asymmetrical. LE have considerable powers that members of the public do not. LE have protections that members of the public do not. As well, they have (as paid public servants) responsibilities that members of the public do not. So when we are discussing an interaction between a LEO and a member of the public, we are not talking about anything like when two citizens meet in the street as equals.

The burden of 'acting the right way' falls on LE *alone*. They are the ones who are paid to participate in the interaction, and they are the representatives of the state/government. Citizens are just members of the public who are not expected to bow or kneel to public authorities -- I mean, we are still talking about America here, right?

And so once again I will say that it is not that citizens need to act 'the right way' to LE; it is LE that needs to act 'the right way' to the citizens who pay them.

I don't care who has the burden. I wish that everyone would treat others as they would themselves want to be treated.

It would solve a lot of problems. This BS that people just need to take abuse because it's their job doesn't cut it with me. JMO
I don't care who has the burden. I wish that everyone would treat others as they would themselves want to be treated.

It would solve a lot of problems. This BS that people just need to take abuse because it's their job doesn't cut it with me. JMO

It's really pretty cut and dried. If you are LE you are going to have to deal with unruly people. Just like if you are a garbage man you have to deal with garbage.
It's part of the job....don't like? Then the jobs not for you.
But is the grass still there today? The leaf was embedded in an injury and was still there 3 days later.

It could have been if I didn't wipe it off or shower. Was the leaf so deep it would have stayed embedded through a shower?
I don't care who has the burden. I wish that everyone would treat others as they would themselves want to be treated.

It would solve a lot of problems. This BS that people just need to take abuse because it's their job doesn't cut it with me. JMO

rsbm --

Any LEO who does not expect to be treated rudely -- especially but not only when s/he is rude to members of the public -- should choose another line of work, probably in the private sector in a position in which s/he does not have to interact with members of the public.
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