TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, 18 Apr 2016 #37

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Thank you, Mimi. So between the LinkedIn data requests for both MB and CW, LE should have been able to obtain any messages the two sent to each other under their normal profiles that had not been deleted and emptied from their Trash folder.

This does raise two potential problems:

1. No way to recover messages that were deleted from both the Sent Items of one and the Inbox/Trash of the other. Those messages are simply gone for good.

2. It really doesn't help with the creepy message mystery, unless LE showed MB's friend a page of messages including the CW messages and the friend could point one out and say that's it - that wording is exactly what MB showed me.

But if the LinkedIn message was from someone OTHER THAN CW, I don't see how LE can find that out unless that message from Apr. 15 was still on her phone or computer's LinkedIn. Then they would have a name that they could go and request more data from LI. And they obviously haven't done that because we have no additional SW.

So without a name and without a profile URL, they couldn't go back to LI and request anything more.

Anyone else have a take on the LI stuff? Something I missed?

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That seems to be about it. Either CW or nothing. Of course that does mean that criminals of all kinds should get themselves on LinkedIN because police/FBI/Interpol will be SOL in getting anything on them.
That seems to be about it. Either CW or nothing. Of course that does mean that criminals of all kinds should get themselves on LinkedIN because police/FBI/Interpol will be SOL in getting anything on them.

And that leaves me to wonder who already knew LE would be SOL trying to find that LinkedIn " creepy message".

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I posted the last map I had "officially" (it has a date) published for SteveS. I have other changes to this map which were long before discussed and that will be published sometime in the near future. The issues with the east side of the building do remain to be resolved - but I have removed the "room" numbers but left my names E1, E2, E3, NS, SS so that way there isn't a need to cloud up any discussions not related to map making with map making discussions (which are still necessary and I keep looking for new pictures to make changes).

is there not one church member here willing to further the cause and loan their expertise to the map?????
I do appreciate your theories. I keep
thinking this perp is a person who IMO has a diabolical personality to be able to commit such a crime. They could very possibly have some violence in his/ her history. IMHO the planning, plotting, narcissism, callousness, lack of empathy for leaving children motherless just screams to me that this perp has not been " normal" before this crime and probably has some control, violence issues In their past. I can understand a crime of passion that happens relatively quickly with no impulse control in the heat of the moment, but this crime has a different feel IMO.

As for the church layout I do think the perp had most likely been in the church prior and possibly attended CG there (my top theory)or had other reasons to have been in the church before such as funerals, weddings, other events that the church allowed to use its facilities, as well as various work related visits mentioned by others are all possibilities IMO I recall some think perp did not know the church well bc of the seemingly surprised reaction to the dutch door half opening. I think that the video recording by the CCTV system appears more well lit than it was in actuality. Perp does have on a headlamp as we can see so they needed extra light to see. So if we watch the perps movements with that thought in mind it might explain the reaction to the dutch door and maybe even the hand raking along the wall as perp walks away from the camera possibly feeling their way along. Based on WS members who have mentioned it I'm now also wondering if LE editing of the video makes perp appear to be proceeding through the church faster or slower than real time at different parts of the video. All JMOO

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I am sure that MPD has run quite a number of people through NCIC and have gone through anyone on probation or parole or sex offenders that they could actually bring in and question and those folks don't have much choice in the matter. Have you found anyone on the search warrants with a arrest for violent crime? I haven't looked for all of them so I am curious if you found any. I am sure there are people connected to MB/BB that have to have some sort of record though I haven't dug through many of them.
I am sure that MPD has run quite a number of people through NCIC and have gone through anyone on probation or parole or sex offenders that they could actually bring in and question and those folks don't have much choice in the matter. Have you found anyone on the search warrants with a arrest for violent crime? I haven't looked for all of them so I am curious if you found any. I am sure there are people connected to MB/BB that have to have some sort of record though I haven't dug through many of them.

My POI is not on SW. I have not run a background check but I have "seen" things readily available to indicate relationship problems. If I am correct in who your POI is I can't find the links to these issues. So we check a lot of the same boxes but not that one for me yet. Very possible Im missing something with busy holidays.

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Thank you, Mimi. So between the LinkedIn data requests for both MB and CW, LE should have been able to obtain any messages the two sent to each other under their normal profiles that had not been deleted and emptied from their Trash folder.

This does raise two potential problems:

1. No way to recover messages that were deleted from both the Sent Items of one and the Inbox/Trash of the other. Those messages are simply gone for good.

2. It really doesn't help with the creepy message mystery, unless LE showed MB's friend a page of messages including the CW messages and the friend could point one out and say that's it - that wording is exactly what MB showed me.

But if the LinkedIn message was from someone OTHER THAN CW, I don't see how LE can find that out unless that message from Apr. 15 was still on her phone or computer's LinkedIn. Then they would have a name that they could go and request more data from LI. And they obviously haven't done that because we have no additional SW.

So without a name and without a profile URL, they couldn't go back to LI and request anything more.

Anyone else have a take on the LI stuff? Something I missed?

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I find interesting go back and re read the SW affidavits and hour by hour timeline ;)
*MB phone and iPad was extracted the week prior. Funeral was on Sat 4/23..
:) AT trash was taken allegedly by AT public FB posting on morning of Monday 4/25 and the ATT Target Numbers SW as issued same date. 4/26 the EXIGENT CIRCUMSTANCES, LinkedIn SWs were signed at 3:50 pm on April 27, 2016 Plenty of time for anyone to delete if anything was deleted. JMHO, I have wondered if possibly due to the timing of things if AT may have been the friend who told LE about the creepy message. :thinking: jmho
I think we would be shocked if we knew how many of the people associated with the case or close family/friends are following this case. If I loved the family or knew them, I know I would follow it. If I was the perp I certainly would, too.

And I know with 100% certainty that at least one person named in a SW is on here and following the case. It's a long and convoluted story as to how I know that, but there is no doubt or speculation to it. Of course, that doesn't mean that person is the perp.

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Cannonball: Just based on some of the messaging/responses that are posted by some of the frequent posters here I would concur. Intuition points that...
I think we would be shocked if we knew how many of the people associated with the case or close family/friends are following this case. If I loved the family or knew them, I know I would follow it. If I was the perp I certainly would, too.

And I know with 100% certainty that at least one person named in a SW is on here and following the case. It's a long and convoluted story as to how I know that, but there is no doubt or speculation to it. Of course, that doesn't mean that person is the perp.
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JMHO, I don't think as many as you do would be shocked. Especially in this case since Tricia did a podcast with Tamera Jolee (hope I remembered her name correct) and she was an active posting member prior to then. WS is widly known and comes up near top on Google searches about the case.

I know for fact that MPD does read here ;)
I have a hard time understanding why you think the library area was somehow the ideal place for perp to have committed the murder. Or how such a location corresponds in any way with LE's comments. Care to explain?

Maybe it's out of camera view!!

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RE Camera/videos

April 18 Press Conf wonderfully transcribed by our own WS member : Galadriel
https://www.dropbox.com/s/m2ykkazqapxcvrm/MB 4-18-16.protected.pdf?dl=0
Captain John Spann:Like Chief said, we have some video surveillance. The video in the church is ––works on motion section [sic], so we can't say for sure whenhe got into the building, but he ––the first time he appears on the camera is about ten minutes before 4:00 A.M. But that's not to say that he wasn't in the building prior to that, because he may not have been anywhere where they captured video

Female Reporter:Is Ms. Bevers in the video as well? CaptainJohn Spann:The video that we're going to release to you is of the suspect. There's no video of the assault that took place. There is video of Mrs. Bevers when she first enters the church, but I don't believe that's part of the video that's being released for right now ––

Captain John Spann: Pretty quick after she got there. Again, the timeline from the boot camp members that were arriving there ––again, we know the time that she entered the church, which I believe is going to be around 4:18 [A.M.], again, approximate time. We see her in the video. She's walking down the main hallway in the vicinity of where we located her, but when she gets out of the range of the camera it doesn't pick up the motion, and the camera turns off, so we don't have anything. Like I said, we have no video of the assault actually taking place
Captain John Spann:I believe he left shortly after that. Again, going back, piecing together the videos, because you're getting different angles,depending on what cameras, but I don't believe ––he left pretty much right after that occurred. I don't believe he went into other ––we don't have any indication that he went anywhere else, into any other rooms,within the building after the assault took place

Female Reporter:And is he seen fleeing? Is he seen after the assault?

Captain John Spann: Again, we see him walking down one of the hallways, but presumably he went out the way he came in, which was through a metal door that had a glass window that was broken out. And, again, this is all speculation on our part that he broke the window and reached inside to open the door, but we also have a second and third windows [sic] that were broken, but we don't have any evidence that anybody ever went through them. They were just broken

May 20 press conf: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pn259u08s3kap41/MB 5-20-16 FINAL.protected (1).pdf?dl=0
Male Reporter:Are there spots in the church that don't have certain surveillance, obviously? I mean, is that kind of part of the pieces that you're missing, so that you don't know everything that went on that morning inside?

Chief Kevin Johnson:Absolutely, yes. And to clarify that, so––the exterior cameras worked on an intermittent basis, so they were experiencing just some malfunctions. We have video, you know, during previous times of exterior footage, but on the day of the murder we don't have exterior footage from the cameras outside. And again, the cameras inside ––you know, they have their field of view and then they have a motion sensor field, if you will, and those don't always coincide. So, as you see in some of the videos, you know, you see a ––the suspect walk away from a camera and then it deactivates.
RE Camera/videos

April 18 Press Conf wonderfully transcribed by our own WS member : Galadriel
https://www.dropbox.com/s/m2ykkazqapxcvrm/MB 4-18-16.protected.pdf?dl=0
Captain John Spann:Like Chief said, we have some video surveillance. The video in the church is ––works on motion section [sic], so we can't say for sure whenhe got into the building, but he ––the first time he appears on the camera is about ten minutes before 4:00 A.M. But that's not to say that he wasn't in the building prior to that, because he may not have been anywhere where they captured video

Female Reporter:Is Ms. Bevers in the video as well? CaptainJohn Spann:The video that we're going to release to you is of the suspect. There's no video of the assault that took place. There is video of Mrs. Bevers when she first enters the church, but I don't believe that's part of the video that's being released for right now ––

Captain John Spann: Pretty quick after she got there. Again, the timeline from the boot camp members that were arriving there ––again, we know the time that she entered the church, which I believe is going to be around 4:18 [A.M.], again, approximate time. We see her in the video. She's walking down the main hallway in the vicinity of where we located her, but when she gets out of the range of the camera it doesn't pick up the motion, and the camera turns off, so we don't have anything. Like I said, we have no video of the assault actually taking place
Captain John Spann:I believe he left shortly after that. Again, going back, piecing together the videos, because you're getting different angles,depending on what cameras, but I don't believe ––he left pretty much right after that occurred. I don't believe he went into other ––we don't have any indication that he went anywhere else, into any other rooms,within the building after the assault took place

Female Reporter:And is he seen fleeing? Is he seen after the assault?

Captain John Spann: Again, we see him walking down one of the hallways, but presumably he went out the way he came in, which was through a metal door that had a glass window that was broken out. And, again, this is all speculation on our part that he broke the window and reached inside to open the door, but we also have a second and third windows [sic] that were broken, but we don't have any evidence that anybody ever went through them. They were just broken

May 20 press conf: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pn259u08s3kap41/MB 5-20-16 FINAL.protected (1).pdf?dl=0
Male Reporter:Are there spots in the church that don't have certain surveillance, obviously? I mean, is that kind of part of the pieces that you're missing, so that you don't know everything that went on that morning inside?

Chief Kevin Johnson:Absolutely, yes. And to clarify that, so––the exterior cameras worked on an intermittent basis, so they were experiencing just some malfunctions. We have video, you know, during previous times of exterior footage, but on the day of the murder we don't have exterior footage from the cameras outside. And again, the cameras inside ––you know, they have their field of view and then they have a motion sensor field, if you will, and those don't always coincide. So, as you see in some of the videos, you know, you see a ––the suspect walk away from a camera and then it deactivates.

RE Camera/videos ****On the Creekside Church FB, the "main hallway" is considered the hallway from SW entrance (where MB entered that leads to the covered awning area truck parked) going across in front of the West Front Glass entrance to the NW doors.... This would be the hallway that the front/main entrances to the Worship Center are.*not going down the South hallway (the one where the Dutch door is located. But again that JMHO from info we have, no idea if or why MPD would call any side hallway a main hallway. We also know that MB held at least one class in front of the Worship Center/Auditorium doors next to the folding Holy Ground doors. *from her FB
Thank you, Mimi. So between the LinkedIn data requests for both MB and CW, LE should have been able to obtain any messages the two sent to each other under their normal profiles that had not been deleted and emptied from their Trash folder.

This does raise two potential problems:

1. No way to recover messages that were deleted from both the Sent Items of one and the Inbox/Trash of the other. Those messages are simply gone for good.

2. It really doesn't help with the creepy message mystery, unless LE showed MB's friend a page of messages including the CW messages and the friend could point one out and say that's it - that wording is exactly what MB showed me.

But if the LinkedIn message was from someone OTHER THAN CW, I don't see how LE can find that out unless that message from Apr. 15 was still on her phone or computer's LinkedIn. Then they would have a name that they could go and request more data from LI. And they obviously haven't done that because we have no additional SW.

So without a name and without a profile URL, they couldn't go back to LI and request anything more.

Anyone else have a take on the LI stuff? Something I missed?
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JMHO, in reading the LinkedIn SW for MB... and look at the individuals listed in the ATT Target Numbers SW (issued April 25) LinkedIn Emer request was issued April 26) Multiple show up with LinkedIn also :thinking: JMHO from BB FB Search Warrant again JMHO it appears to me they found out about CW from MB FB and about KC from BB himself. https://www.dropbox.com/s/9152vpwur2bsray/Brandon Bevers search warrant.pdf?dl=0

IIRC, CW wife did not know anything (allegedly ) until MSM showed up at their home after the LinkedIn SW was released.

MB SW Probable Cause Affidavit snip:

In the course of our investigation we have had multiple references to the Decedent’s
social media accounts, specifically her Linkedln account. Linkedln is a social media
networking service used to make connections to others. In the course of our
investigation, we have received information from interviews conducted with persons of
interest and persons close to the victim that the decedent was a regular user of
Linkedln. During one such interview a friend of the victim told law enforcement that less
than three days before the murder, the victim showed this friend a private message
from the victim’s Linkedln account.

The message was from a male unknown to them both, and they both agreed that the
message was creepy and strange. This friend could not recall the person’s name on the
Additionally, law enforcement has identified another person of interest through evidence
gathered and an interview was conducted. This person of interest confirmed that they
had engaged in a series of communications with the decedent while on the Linkedln
Social Media Service some time starting around (January 2016) until her death that
ultimately turned flirtatious and familiar.

An electronic forensic data extraction of the cell phones belonging to the decedent and
the identified person of interest confirms that the communications using Linkedln
occurred. The content of the recovered communications appears intimate in nature.
The extracted information also showed that these communications were deleted after
the conversation ended and were only able to be partially recovered.

Your Affiant has probable cause to believe that the decedent was in contact with
several people through the Linkedln service who are of direct interest to this
Jethro, that library location doesn't match LE's description of where they found her. They pretty clearly describe her entering from the SW corner and walking northward in the westside hallway, then disappearing from view because the cam shuts off as she gets out of range, and then being found in that "vicinity." Per that description, she wouldn't have been found down the southside hallway.
The Library is the room labeled S2 on the map. It is the room on the South hall that has a glass wall along the hallway with glass doors.

* Respectfully removed image link for space. *

I recall the Library being more narrow than S2. The Library is not as deep as S2 either. It is a very brightly lit small room on Sunday mornings. Maybe one-fourth of the size of S2. It contained a nice collection of books on custom built shelves. It surprised me as the elegantly appointed Library was almost out of place in the casual setting of the Church's interior.

SP passes the single wooden Door, where the white stacked baskets are located in the SW corner, as SP walks to the Dutch doors. Even though it was early in the investigation, LEO stated SP left the way SP entered. Hence, I think SP crossed from the alcove directly to the Door which, on your map, is the door to the right of the Holy Grounds. SP has now entered into the auditorium where SP crosses to NE in order to exit the auditorium door outside of Room 8, that has two doors, that lead into the kitchen interiorly. If SP makes these maneuvers quickly enough, SP triggers the CCTV but the camera maybe only catches a glimpse of the closing doors.

There easily could have been a glass table within the restrooms' alcove as there is room for one on each side even with the wheelchair parked within it. All of the glass tables were removed on my visit with the exception of the glass display case placed outside of the auditorium in the W hallway.

What are others suggested route of escape from the interior of the church without SP being seen on camera again?
I recall the Library being more narrow than S2. The Library is not as deep as S2 either. It is a very brightly lit small room on Sunday mornings. Maybe one-fourth of the size of S2. It contained a nice collection of books on custom built shelves. It surprised me as the elegantly appointed Library was almost out of place in the casual setting of the Church's interior.

SP passes the single wooden Door, where the white stacked baskets are located in the SW corner, as SP walks to the Dutch doors. Even though it was early in the investigation, LEO stated SP left the way SP entered. Hence, I think SP crossed from the alcove directly to the Door which, on your map, is the door to the right of the Holy Grounds. SP has now entered into the auditorium where SP crosses to NE in order to exit the auditorium door outside of Room 8, that has two doors, that lead into the kitchen interiorly. If SP makes these maneuvers quickly enough, SP triggers the CCTV but the camera maybe only catches a glimpse of the closing doors.

There easily could have been a glass table within the restrooms' alcove as there is room for one on each side even with the wheelchair parked within it. All of the glass tables were removed on my visit with the exception of the glass display case placed outside of the auditorium in the W hallway.

What are others suggested route of escape from the interior of the church without SP being seen on camera again?
I believe SP escaped through the SW doors where MB entered. It was the quickest exit available and the camera at the SW hall facing east would not have picked SP up if he/she moved quickly through the doors.

It was rainy and still dark at the time. I don't believe the camera from the gun store would have picked him up.

The police say it appears he exited the way he came in. But they weren't sure and it was still early in the investigation. It makes absolutely no sense (to me anyway) that he/she would have taken such a convoluted way to get out of the church. And if that's how it happened, SP took an incredible chance of being detected by the cameras. And what if the door by the Holy Grounds had been locked?

And Jethro, it makes no sense that the murder would have occurred by the library. Why would that have been the first place MB went? There's nothing down that way and
why would the campers have thought to go right? If her body had been in the hallway there, it would have been picked up by the cameras.

And I think once MB arrived, the
murder occurred quickly. Well before the 1st camper arrived at 4:35.

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Respectfully, All we know from the Suspect and movement is what MPD told us at the time what they knew/wanted us (the Public) to know.
Again I refer back to a snip from the first press conf the afternoon of the murder. We have not been told anything different, publicly EVER. We have been so blessed here on this case thread to have had Galadried to have transcribed the press conferences ***They are in the Media/No Discussion thread, starting on page 5 to 7 iirc, April 18th is the last as he/she started with the last one at the time. Again very much appreciated and time consuming.**

**Capt Spann Captain is over the Criminal Inv Division CID, (is or was at time unsure at present) JMHO He would know more about the movement of the Suspect having watched the full actual videos, which were from multiple cameras at various times. He knew where each camera was located. There are locks on the Worship Center/Auditorium doors, which can be seen on the inside photos of that area and on the outside of the doors < Exact door for that matter by the Holy Grounds that MB and her CG campers took photos by and posted on public FB** We ASSUME that the Suspect went inside the side door into the Worship Center, across from the Dutch door in South hallway (Worship Center is what the Auditorium/Sanctuary is called by Creekside Church). I say ASSUME only because we only see a little clip of video that because of it stopping makes it appear that Suspect entered. LOL the way it flows to next makes it appear Suspect went in and then came out. :) again MPD has not said Publicly that the video splices are in any chronological order. It is only publicly assumed JMHO :blushing:

Orig the time stamped portion was released. That orig was at 3:58 a.m. We do not know where Suspect was prior to that... MPD DOES. Just as MPD knows where/what cameras captured or what after the assault/murder. Capt Spann clearly stated "he left pretty much right after that occurred. I don't believe he went into other –we don't have any indication that he went anywhere else, into any other rooms,within the building after the assault took place". While I greatly respect everyone's theories and ideas - I learn from all or try - I don't understand why we would not take MPD at their words, until they say different because MPD DOES KNOW more about the movement than we the public do from having seen the actual full videos and crime scene. < facts not JMHO

JMHO for one to leave after a murder (and Capt Spann stated) they see the Suspect going down a hallway and that believe went out same way came in) Remember they had seen the crime scene from inside, that day, after MB was found. They would be able to see for instance if the broken glass from the NE doors that were busted, the way the broken glass fell and if any was disturbed.. spread from hastily leaving/moving any out the door so forth. Andy possible prints on insides of door or smears where other prints had been. JMHO It makes more sense to me that the Suspect went down hallway and out the way he/she came in and drove straight out the parking lot. To have possibly left out the SW doors and out the way MB entered would give more possibility of coming in contact with CG campers or being seen by someone going down the highway as that whole side has lighting in parking lot and under awning where the North side is DARK. JMHO someone who went to such planning to suit up would not take that chance. Or the chance possibly getting trapped within the Worship Center. In and Out. JMHO

Snip April 18th Press:
Captain John Spann:I believe he left shortly after that. Again, going back, piecing together the videos, because you're getting different angles,depending on what cameras, but I don't believe ––he left pretty much right after that occurred. I don't believe he went into other ––we don't have any indication that he went anywhere else, into any other rooms,within the building after the assault took place
Female Reporter:And is he seen fleeing? Is he seen after the assault?

Captain John Spann: Again, we see him walking down one of the hallways, but presumably he went out the way he came in, which was through a metal door that had a glass window that was broken out. And, again, this is all speculation on our part that he broke the window and reached inside to open the door, but we also have a second and third windows [sic] that were broken, but we don't have any evidence that anybody ever went through them. They were just broken
https://www.dropbox.com/s/m2ykkazqapxcvrm/MB 4-18-16.protected.pdf?dl=0
LE's quote: " ...again we know the time that she entered the church, which I believe is going to be around 4:18, again approximate time, we see her in the video. She's walking down the main hallway in the vicinity of where we located her, but when she gets out of the range of the camera it doesn't pick up the motion and the camera turns off, so we don't have anything. Like I said, we have no video of the assault actually taking place."
LE quote: ...she was found "in the southwest corner of the interior of the building"

1 She's walking down the main hallway
a - "MAIN" hallway is obviously the westside hallway. Nothing else fits. The others are side hallways, back hallways, etc but one hallway in that church is bigger, wider, and accommodates all the people coming in the main entrance.
b - She doesn't just enter the hallway but walks down it, indicating her walking in that northward direction
2 when she gets out of the range of the camera
The unsaid but clear implication - camera follows her for a ways as she is walking down that hallway
3 when she gets out of the range of the camera it doesn't pick up the motion and the camera turns off
She walks far enough that the camera stops recording
4 the camera turns off
The indication is that she would otherwise have still been recorded, if the camera isn't off - meaning she is still walking in the westside hall at this point, and not somewhere else that the cam can never see
5 we have no video of the assault actually taking place
From the camera turning off, then after that the assault took place unrecorded
6 down the main hallway in the vicinity of where we located her
This is what tells us that the location was not far from the end of where the cam stopped recording. It doesn't say in the hallway, but it does say "vicinity" of that, so it might or might not have occurred in hallway. Since the assault didn't trigger a cam, I take it that it was not done in the hallway (but it can't be said for certain).
7 the southwest corner of the interior of the building
"Southwest corner" can be seen in any number of ways (the very SW corner? somewhere within the SW quadrant?) as can "interior of the building" (the entire structure? the interior sanctuary area?) as can "corner" (an actual corner? a broader area that fits with the generalized location indicated?), and there's probably a bit more specificity in the "vicinity" limitation.

The library doesn't fit, because it's down the southside hall, not the main hallway. The bathroom area doesn't fit, because it doesn't have her walking in the westside hallway until the cam stops recording due to distance.

I end up with something like this, which accounts for the LE statements above as well as how perp might have exited unseen through kitchen-area door:



  • perp exit.png
    perp exit.png
    23.6 KB · Views: 373
The Library is the room labeled S2 on the map. It is the room on the South hall that has a glass wall along the hallway with glass doors.


JMHO, also I disagree with your S1 and S2. I am going by photo https://www.facebook.com/1793451023...79345102342/10152111682167343/?type=3&theater from Creekside Church public fb. The placement of curtains in this June 22, 2014 is only in one place in the whole building. For your layout to work there would have to be some major remodeling and I personally have not seen anything to back that up. Not saying didn't happen but nothing to show me a wall between these 2 windows as your layout shows. JMHO the Dutch door room is the other windows to the left last room on that outside wall.
Heli April 18 58 sec mark.JPG
Respectfully, All we know from the Suspect and movement is what MPD told us at the time what they knew/wanted us (the Public) to know.
Again I refer back to a snip from the first press conf the afternoon of the murder. We have not been told anything different, publicly EVER. We have been so blessed here on this case thread to have had Galadried to have transcribed the press conferences ***They are in the Media/No Discussion thread, starting on page 5 to 7 iirc, April 18th is the last as he/she started with the last one at the time. Again very much appreciated and time consuming.**

**Capt Spann Captain is over the Criminal Inv Division CID, (is or was at time unsure at present) JMHO He would know more about the movement of the Suspect having watched the full actual videos, which were from multiple cameras at various times. He knew where each camera was located. There are locks on the Worship Center/Auditorium doors, which can be seen on the inside photos of that area and on the outside of the doors < Exact door for that matter by the Holy Grounds that MB and her CG campers took photos by and posted on public FB** We ASSUME that the Suspect went inside the side door into the Worship Center, across from the Dutch door in South hallway (Worship Center is what the Auditorium/Sanctuary is called by Creekside Church). I say ASSUME only because we only see a little clip of video that because of it stopping makes it appear that Suspect entered. LOL the way it flows to next makes it appear Suspect went in and then came out. :) again MPD has not said Publicly that the video splices are in any chronological order. It is only publicly assumed JMHO :blushing:

Orig the time stamped portion was released. That orig was at 3:58 a.m. We do not know where Suspect was prior to that... MPD DOES. Just as MPD knows where/what cameras captured or what after the assault/murder. Capt Spann clearly stated "he left pretty much right after that occurred. I don't believe he went into other –we don't have any indication that he went anywhere else, into any other rooms,within the building after the assault took place". While I greatly respect everyone's theories and ideas - I learn from all or try - I don't understand why we would not take MPD at their words, until they say different because MPD DOES KNOW more about the movement than we the public do from having seen the actual full videos and crime scene. < facts not JMHO

JMHO for one to leave after a murder (and Capt Spann stated) they see the Suspect going down a hallway and that believe went out same way came in) Remember they had seen the crime scene from inside, that day, after MB was found. They would be able to see for instance if the broken glass from the NE doors that were busted, the way the broken glass fell and if any was disturbed.. spread from hastily leaving/moving any out the door so forth. Andy possible prints on insides of door or smears where other prints had been. JMHO It makes more sense to me that the Suspect went down hallway and out the way he/she came in and drove straight out the parking lot. To have possibly left out the SW doors and out the way MB entered would give more possibility of coming in contact with CG campers or being seen by someone going down the highway as that whole side has lighting in parking lot and under awning where the North side is DARK. JMHO someone who went to such planning to suit up would not take that chance. Or the chance possibly getting trapped within the Worship Center. In and Out. JMHO

Snip April 18th Press:
Captain John Spann:I believe he left shortly after that. Again, going back, piecing together the videos, because you're getting different angles,depending on what cameras, but I don't believe ––he left pretty much right after that occurred. I don't believe he went into other ––we don't have any indication that he went anywhere else, into any other rooms,within the building after the assault took place
Female Reporter:And is he seen fleeing? Is he seen after the assault?

Captain John Spann: Again, we see him walking down one of the hallways, but presumably he went out the way he came in, which was through a metal door that had a glass window that was broken out. And, again, this is all speculation on our part that he broke the window and reached inside to open the door, but we also have a second and third windows [sic] that were broken, but we don't have any evidence that anybody ever went through them. They were just broken
https://www.dropbox.com/s/m2ykkazqapxcvrm/MB 4-18-16.protected.pdf?dl=0
Actually, I was just responding to Dedee's query.

If I'm not mistaken, Span said after they saw MB go where they had last seen SP go, neither were seen on camera again.

I think the MPD was kerfuffled in the beginning. When had they or anyone else for that matter, ever had something like this happen?
They were rightfully unsure of exactly how this went down.

And they may know now exactly how things went down but maybe
they have come to the conclusion that it's best to keep that info quiet. There may be no reason or benefit to inform the public now of the hypothesis they have formed since their in-depth study and help from other agencies.

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