TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, 18 Apr 2016 #37

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I really don't know what I believe.
But there are things that disturb me. And I need to say what those things are and get feedback. So thank you for responding.

I believe the murder of Missy took a while to plan. But at the beginning of the plan, communication between whoever participated "shut down" so as not to leave a trail. Except for limited innocent communication.

One of the people who did leave a trail was Missy. And that's because she didn't know she was going to be murdered. Maybe the same with CW. He was "caught unaware" and therefore suffered the consequences. Missy is deceased
so it's been easy to hang her out
to dry.

The others are not however. Why do you think they kept the warrants quiet about KC and about BB. Could it be MPD doesn't want to upset the applecart and make a mess of a bunch of lives instead of a few?

This was not some random burglary turned murder by surprise. This took some planning.....and why was it planned for when certain people would be out of town? Was it so the spotlight wouldn't be on the most logical people? Even if BB had been at home, he could easily have had an alibi. A legitimate one.
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End of year and it was a high profile story so it will be mentioned over next few days/week JMHO. People Mag new article yesterday nothing new and also some errors in reporting. Only have to report facts so why screw them up?http://people.com/crime/missy-bevers-texas-murder-update/

RBBM. Agree.*planning, if nothing more, it was planned to wear the head to toe cover depicting LEO. JMHO And on that note, not so sure it wasn't to gain control of the situation of anyone that encountered, no one would question someone in that get up at that time of morning jmho*
Re the Affidavit revealing KC/alleged something with MB by BB. The only reason WE/WS have the complete SW with Affidavit is because Cannonball did an FOIA for it. Again we have to Thank Cannonball again for that. Now either the MSM/Reporters don't fully look at what they have/understand it (very possible) The other SW had all the Affidav.ts with them, so I agree it is something I have been curious about for a while.OR another possibility it was rec'd by MSM, but not released by MSM. Were they told not to? Did they not want to reveal someone name? They very easily could have just posted the full documents as they did the others :thinking: JMHO either way that is not investigative reporting by ANY MSM that reported on those Sealed FB SWs. Remember the news story that headline was something about a gun and was almost immediately taken down with no explanation? JMHO I sure the MPD has promised heads up to the reporters if they do as they ask/off the record type stuff. We know it does happen.
Goes back to my wondering if there are other "filed for record" documents possibly related to this case. Were the prior scooped up by MSM Reports because it was a big local news story gone High Profile and got from their contacts at the Clerks office? News cycle changed and changes fast. Was it for strategic reasons the complete SWs released prior?
Something else I am just curious of by nature. Per the Texas Statute, unless a SW is sealed .. if it is executed then a copy has to be filed for record with County Clerk for public viewing. What about SW that for some reason were sought but not executed? JMHO that would be something we (public) would not know as it is part of an investigation. And not sure if they would even have to turn over to a Defense Attorney as it may be considered work product. (thinking out loud and may not be factual so disclaimer on the work product lol )
JMHO everything the MPD has released was calculated and for purpose. True most was to satisfy the public need to know something and some was required by law.
The fact that the building was broken into, that the individual was dressed in clothing to make appear a LEO, and murder def would make it qualify for a Capital Murder and qualify for DP. So jmho that is one of the huge reasons that everything is so hush hush. I expect them to have all their ducks in a row when an arrest is made. No way they are not still investigating. And again with all the "tips" and various info I believe it is logical for some to be called back in to follow up with questions. Public has no way of knowing what they got orig from anyone. *and could also catch someone changing from their orig statement jmho* We do not know any lab results that may have came back. Anything about the Death Certificate if has been amended. MPD stated they were not releasing the mechanize of death, something only the killer would know. JMHO I believe any info on this case is being kept very close to only those working on the case. Anything leaked they would know where came from. And again the whole wearing what appeared to be a LEO Swat type outfit, especially in today's world they have to also consider possibility of it being LEO. JMHO another reason the big guns came in and fast. :) sorry so wordy
Sorry for that long post. I having issues for some reason keeping logged onto WS tonight.
Going to try to post this while I have on my mind and still connected :silly:

How odd JMHO.. Think about this... Of people we know listed on SW's : MB, BB, CW, RB, VB, CT, AT, KC, MC, WH
How crazy odd is it this: bad mojo if someone is trying to set any of these up. :what:

CW- MMA fighter Height 5' 8" Weight:165 lbs.http://www.mixedmartialarts.com/fighter/Casey-Williams:2F3A41ED40EAD1E9
Broke 3 bones in foot sparring, Jan 10, 2012 in comments he posted this http://www.thecagedoor.net/events/m...-latest-update-to-legacy-amateur-series-card/

RB - has an odd gait

CT - posted a photo on her fb that was public at the time with her right leg/foot in a pink cast & walking boot. Broke right ankle/tore ligemint May 2014

KC - posted on his public fb and public Twitter at the time an article about drinking water and made a comment about being inspired by the article. August 23, 2015 · It took 15:04 to do Ironman! With a stress fractured foot.
Well, how do you know BB wasn't having them himself? I can't help but think that's what got MB started. I suspect, if this was true, there would have been some serious animosity between the 2 women.

I may not be recalling correctly but didn't MB speak with a divorce lawyer? I suspect a divorce would have been costly, not only for them but the kids as well.

So round and round it goes. Each had info on the other, perhaps. However, MB never got the opportunity to tell her side. But according to the SW, MPD wanted access to BB's FB as well. Of course, we didn't find this out until much later because it was sealed.

And I really wish that instead of being coy...WSers would just say what they mean. All this "mystery" is confusing and adds unnecessary

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your right. , JMO that love, either by lust or true feeling love was the motive. I go back and forth with two scenes.

1. a man that Missy didn't know became infatuated with her and she just was friendly with him but not meaning anything else since she was definitely a people person through her work and out going personality or

2.a man that she knew and he couldn't hold it together anymore and he snapped but........

a third scene has played in my mind and it involves BB. For a very long time his statement about her needing to be careful has become powerful to me even if it was only meant to be a real warning out of love or a warning that he knew would actually happen that fateful morning. MOO, but i wonder if someone chose to take Missy's life so BB became their item or he played a part in it.
:fireworks: Prize goes to EZRAH for this new find! :loveyou: :fireworks:
THE NISSAN ALTIMA!!! Just like I had thought all along YOU CAN SEE Creekside Church of Christ and Knowing when MB first seen on video entering the SW doors of church, they could go back and look for vehicles. Thats how they knew she drove into at 4:16 a.m.

SWFA Surveillance 4-18-2016 <<<<<

Published on Dec 5, 2016
17 different camera angles
Entered at 1:58am <<<<
Exited at 2:04am <<<<<,
:fireworks: Prize goes to EZRAH for this new find! :loveyou: :fireworks:
THE NISSAN ALTIMA!!! Just like I had thought all along YOU CAN SEE Creekside Church of Christ and Knowing when MB first seen on video entering the SW doors of church, they could go back and look for vehicles. Thats how they knew she drove into at 4:16 a.m.

SWFA Surveillance 4-18-2016 <<<<<

Published on Dec 5, 2016
17 different camera angles
Entered at 1:58am <<<<
Exited at 2:04am <<<<<,

this is amazing. Wooooow.
:fireworks: Prize goes to EZRAH for this new find! :loveyou: :fireworks:
THE NISSAN ALTIMA!!! Just like I had thought all along YOU CAN SEE Creekside Church of Christ and Knowing when MB first seen on video entering the SW doors of church, they could go back and look for vehicles. Thats how they knew she drove into at 4:16 a.m.

SWFA Surveillance 4-18-2016 <<<<<

Published on Dec 5, 2016
17 different camera angles
Entered at 1:58am <<<<
Exited at 2:04am <<<<<,
Darn. I can't see the pic. Was it deleted?

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Darn. I can't see the pic. Was it deleted?

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Video of the Nissan Altima on morning MB killed

I found the swfa video on youtube. IMO that is a SILVER car, the driver is doing a lot of driving around that parking lot. Odd that they keep turning their headlights off. Then when they leave they turn right to get out of the parking lot. Is it okay for me to post the YouTube link or is that against tos?
SWFA has a pretty great camera system. However I still can't make out the license plate or any other distinguishable details/markings. The tail lights on the back of the vehicle make it hard to see anything on the rear end clearly.

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I found the swfa video on youtube. IMO that is a SILVER car, the driver is doing a lot of driving around that parking lot. Odd that they keep turning their headlights off. Then when they leave they turn right to get out of the parking lot. Is it okay for me to post the YouTube link or is that against tos?
SWFA has a pretty great camera system. However I still can't make out the license plate or any other distinguishable details/markings. The tail lights on the back of the vehicle make it hard to see anything on the rear end clearly.

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Touch the arrow in middle of pic and it will start the video. Also you are seeing the same images over and over but from all the different camera angles.

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Wow, great find! Watching that car gives me the heebie jeebies. 1. I know there were hours of time put into threads about where the Altima in the still photo that was released was parked. Does this video line up with any of those earlier conclusions? 2. Interesting that the driver turned off the head lights right after entering the lot. 3. They parked right under a bright light when they did park for an amount of time. Light to help suit up? Seems like they didn't have any fear of being seen in the light as there were certainly other dark places to stop in that lot.

Thanks for finding and posting this video. For a case that has so much video surveillance, it is sad there are no arrests yet. Whoever killed Missy needs to be brought to JUSTICE!!!

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Am I seeing what I think Im seeing? Orange dots a helmet? Blue dots headrest & seatback. Someone else play around w a still and see what you get please.

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Who originally uploaded this to youtube? SWFA? LE? Is it going to go "POOF goodbye" when the media gets whiff of this thread in the next few days? (And claims the "find" as their own probably...)

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
There was another veh came by while the Altima was in the side parking lot. Altima goes toward the back of building. **this was fast in real time, possible the other veh did or did not see the Altima. :thinking: wonder what the video of that veh going past SWFA looks like. It was raining pretty good at that time as well. I would love to see any video prior to this and after of traffic ;)
** I put the video in the Media/No Discussion thread. Page 9

I can see why would be a "vehicle of interest" JMHO

Altima on side of SWFA can see Creekside CofC swfa april 18 CCofC.JPG

Another vehicle came down Highway while Altima in side parking lot swfa april 18 CCofC another car goes down hwy.JPG

From Google SWFA swfa april 18 CCofC another car goes down hwy.JPG
This is the one I was playing with, if you zoom in closely at the driver (circled in red) it looks like somebody with shoulder length brown hair, possibly wearing a hood.

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Do you guys agree that the car looks silver?

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Am I seeing what I think Im seeing? Orange dots a helmet? Blue dots headrest & seatback. Someone else play around w a still and see what you get please.

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I thought I saw the same thing when I watched it. Thank you for posting the video...

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Am I seeing what I think Im seeing? Orange dots a helmet? Blue dots headrest & seatback. Someone else play around w a still and see what you get please.

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With a picture of so low quality that would be akin to a Rorschach test. Everyone will be seeing what they want to see, that what, or who really is in the car is unrecognisable.

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With a picture of so low quality that would be akin to a Rorschach test. Everyone will be seeing what they want to see, that what, or who really is in the car is unrecognisable.

Yes. I don't think this reveals much. Sure looks like the car is casing the gun store, obviously supporting the theory that it was a gun store robbery aborted to church robbery gone wrong. Others will see it at evidence of an accomplice.

Everyone can commence fitting this into your theory.

The reality is it is probably some innocent drug mule pulling off to call their connection to let them know they will be late because of the rain.

Feel free to spend the next week trying to determine if it is cookie monster or elmo in the passenger seat.
This is quite a find, and an eerie one. Wonder why LE didn't release this to the public, including the close-up that Ezrah posted, and if they know that it's on YouTube. It seems to be a store upload, although don't know for certain.
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