TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, 18 Apr 2016 #40

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I am REALLY PUZZLED as to why the entire family has been SO SILENT the last several months. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND why they have not been visible and LOUD to raise awareness for justice in their loved ones VICIOUS and BRUTAL murder. Anyone, want to share their thoughts?

My personal opinion, when they DID talk, every word they said was put under a microscope. Now, I know it's easy for me to say, I would shout until the murderer was found, but, the reality is, if I was analyzed like the B clan, and knowing my kids were hearing everything that was said, right or wrong, I would probably end up becoming silent too. Just so hard to say. Part of me feels that way and part of me thinks the police asked them NOT to talk anymore. If police were keeping me informed and I knew it wasn't a cold case, I would be ok with NOT talking. But if police were as silent to me as they were the public, I don't know what I would do. Also, I think I would be afraid of jeopardizing the case if I talked too much too and fear would keep me quite.

"SWFA recently released a 7-minute-and-51-second video through its YouTube channel that shows a four-door Nissan sedan circling the parking lot. On two different occasions, the vehicle can be seen flashing its headlights before parking on the rear of the building for approximately four minutes."

I have tried to read all posts so please forgive me if someone already said this and I missed it. Flashing lights.........could they have been signaling someone to let them know it was a go??? Someone parked on the dark road, on foot???? It didn't stand out to me until just now when I read it again. I know we discussed the theory of water messing with electrical system. I don't have time to go back through the video but I'm curious which direction(s) they were facing each time they flashed their lights???? Not that it tells us anything really other than they were working with someone.
Respectfully, BBM, do you have a link for that that LE asked BB to stop? Thanks in advance.
JMHO since no arrest I can see many reasons why not talk. May have seek out legal advise and they advised to not speak. But seen nothing where LE asked them to stop. Or is this just an opinion. Thanks not meaning snark, just trying stay factual.

No snark taken. I like to stay factual also.
Having said that I thought I read it somewhere and now I can't find a link. I've read so much that I haven't a clue. I guess I have to retract my statement unless I can find a MSM link or any link for that matter.
Why are people calling MB family the "B Clan". I know the def of clan but I find it strange this first case I remember seeing victims family referred to as such. Why not use initials or MB family. :waitasec:

a group of close-knit and interrelated families (especially associated with families in the Scottish Highlands).
synonyms: group of families, sept; More
a family, especially a large one.
"the Kennedy clan gathered for the celebration"
synonyms: group of families, sept; More
a group of people with a strong common interest.
I just had a terrible thought. ***Total speculation.***

Based on rewatching the video we have seen, I wonder if the reason for so little info is that SP might be underage, wearing a family member--or parent of a friend's--SWAT getup?

My terrible thought was: what if SP is the teen child of someone MB was thought to have flirted with? I could see some kids deeming that enough to "ruin their family," and maybe explain the violence of her death.

IMO! Complete conjecture.

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It's quite possible and it's a theory I've given some serious consideration. (Although, I'll agree... the mere thought of it--in and of itself--is horrifying.)

When I was a sophomore in high school, I stumbled upon an email that was sent to my dad from a 26-year-old science teacher who worked with him (he was the guidance counselor). It wasn't uncommon for me to pop into his office after school just to say hey, and this lady was forever hanging around his office... even when he wasn't in there. She would write her name on Post-it notes and leave them all over his desk and computer screen. It was so clearly obvious that she had the hots for my dad. It was so pathetic.

My parents were (and still are) married, and she herself was a newlywed at the time. Not to mention, my dad was almost 50-years-old. I couldn't stand this woman. She always put on this sugary, sweet fake act around me and acted like we were BFFs. Then one day, she suggested I work at her husband's furniture/jewelry store over the summer. My dad was ecastatic about this prospect. I was a rebellious 16-year-old girl--who was constantly getting caught sneaking around with a boy whom I'd been forbidden to breathe around. My dad probably thought it would keep me out of trouble, so he accepted her offer and forced me to work there. I lasted two weeks before I pulled "the water works show" and quit one sunny day around mid-afternoon. My dad was furious with me, but he got over it when I agreed to go work somewhere (anywhere!) else.

I digress.
A few months later, I came across an email she'd sent my dad. It was one of those corny joke emails that people used to forward to their entire friend list, (this was back in the early days of America Online ---even before it was known as AOL) but she had only sent it to my dad and added a note at the bottom. Her note said something like... "I better stop sending you these inappropriate jokes, old man! Har har har. Someone might get the wrong idea about us."

Lemme just tell you. I saw RED. I was LIVID! Not only was I mad at that piece of garbage for emailing my dad, but I was also mad at my dad for not defending my mother's honor and putting that hoebag in her place. I never mentioned the email to my dad (& he certainly never brought it up to me), but I replied to it (completely unaware she would know who sent it). As I mentioned, this was in the early days of the internet and America Online. I just assumed emails were "anonymous" unless you added your name somewhere... just like handwritten letters. I don't remember what I wrote in the reply, but I know it wasn't nice. It said something about how she might want to remember she is married, and that [insert my dad's name] is also HAPPILY married, before sending any more emails filled with skanky innuendo. :)

(The emails and office visits and Post-it notes stopped after that, BTW.)

Granted... I didn't go out and murder the woman. However, if I magnified the level of rage I felt back then to the level I'm sure I would have felt if I found evidence of a sexual affair of some kind... well, I can't say with 100% certainty that I wouldn't have given murder some serious thought. That level of rage... (the kind that can explode inside of a hormonal teenager who bottles up their feelings) is CRAZY, man.
I recall that as well.. And I believe it was discussed on this site.

First, to mods, sorry if I'm not supposed to be discussing this here.

I think it was over the summer. Will check to see if I have a screenshot but it's doubtful. His account was visible again for maybe a couple of days. He was lamenting the fact that a woman he doesn't know, on FB or a website, was implicating him. Friends and relatives on FB rallied to offer support. This is all IIRC, but noted that a couple of Missy's family members from her family of origin expressed confidence in BB. This may have occurred while the Missy Bevers case thread here was closed.
I just had a terrible thought. ***Total speculation.***

Based on rewatching the video we have seen, I wonder if the reason for so little info is that SP might be underage, wearing a family member--or parent of a friend's--SWAT getup?

My terrible thought was: what if SP is the teen child of someone MB was thought to have flirted with? I could see some kids deeming that enough to "ruin their family," and maybe explain the violence of her death.

IMO! Complete conjecture.

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One of my crazy theories along the way included a minor SP. Only b/c she has 2 daughters and it's a "small town" so there are a few different ways I could see an underage person being SP. Someone who wanted to date a daughter or someone who MB wouldn't let her daughter hang out with or someone who thought MB was going to "ruin" their family dynamic. I have zero idea why or any POI but it's always something that has crossed my mind.

Did they give a reason why Missy decided to home school the last few weeks of school? Maybe something happened at school and a youth decided to take it out on Missy. Just a thought. Also could be why she quit the gym. I am not trying to bring the daughter into this by no means but maybe some one she may have known or a teacher conflict.
Cropped and re-sampled pics showing the pry bar being pulled out:





This sample does not show for me. :dunno:

Never heard of TA via MSM until now. I had no idea these people were being so ferociously attacked. There is empathy for AS. I'll pay for a babysitter so she can go speak to detectives plus some. She appears to be in a fragile state due to the incessant accusations lodged against her.

I am very proud of us for being kind and respectful. Well, most of the times we are! Salute to the Mods!
This sample does not show for me. :dunno:

Never heard of TA via MSM until now. I had no idea these people were being so ferociously attacked. There is empathy for AS. I'll pay for a babysitter so she can go speak to detectives plus some. She appears to be in a fragile state due to the incessant accusations lodged against her.

I am very proud of us for being kind and respectful. Well, most of the times we are! Salute to the Mods!

Stay far away from that person (TA). Not a healthy situation
SP's shoes:

View attachment 108887

View attachment 108888

I think s/he isn't wearing clown shoes but perhaps something like that as seen above?

I think the killer is wearing the shin guards that have the front piece that comes down over the shoes.

Sort of like these (and also like the ones AT - who was included in the phone warrant - wears for his Athenas Strategies self-defense classes - I'm not including his photos wearing the shin guards but they are available online)


According to the newspaper Dallas Observer (noted on here earlier today), KS made a big deal about FB stalkers should have checked w/airlines "to verify they were on the plane headed there." Does she not know that passenger lists are not available to the public? Only authorized people/organizations (police/FBI) with a legitimate reason are allowed to access that information from my understanding, and maybe only with a court order? Some of you lawyers help me with this; Pat, Jethro?
According to the newspaper Dallas Observer (noted on here earlier today), KS made a big deal about FB stalkers should have checked w/airlines "to verify they were on the plane headed there." Does she not know that passenger lists are not available to the public? Only authorized people/organizations (police/FBI) with a legitimate reason are allowed to access that information from my understanding, and maybe only with a court order? Some of you lawyers help me with this; Pat, Jethro?
Not a lawyer. But passenger manifests are not available to the public. They are available in the National Archives but those records that are earlier than 50 years in age are restricted. However, you can FOIA your own PNRs (Passenger Name Record as they are known) with proof of identity or you can FOIA the PNRs of another individual provided they give (I assume notarized) their consent.

That said, passenger manifests are releasable in the cases of aviation accidents when the public interest is better served as weighed against the privacy of the individual with respect to having been on a specific flight.
Surely LE has has checked with the airline to confirm that BB was on that flight to Mississippi.....
According to the newspaper Dallas Observer (noted on here earlier today), KS made a big deal about FB stalkers should have checked w/airlines "to verify they were on the plane headed there." Does she not know that passenger lists are not available to the public? Only authorized people/organizations (police/FBI) with a legitimate reason are allowed to access that information from my understanding, and maybe only with a court order? Some of you lawyers help me with this; Pat, Jethro?

No agent can ever tell who's on a flight ever. We have ex husbands looking for an ex wife
and you have to protect the passenger. We have had women leaving abusive relationships and they don't want anyone to know where they are going. So no ,it's not possible to see if RB was on a flight .

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No agent can ever tell who's on a flight ever. We have ex husbands looking for an ex wife
and you have to protect the passenger. We have had women leaving abusive relationships and they don't want anyone to know where they are going. So no ,it's not possible to see if RB was on a flight .

That was my understanding; I think if a crime is involved, LE can get a court ordered exception, but I am sure even in that case, info kept under lock and key.....

Did you see Jethro's response above?
No agent can ever tell who's on a flight ever. We have ex husbands looking for an ex wife
and you have to protect the passenger. We have had women leaving abusive relationships and they don't want anyone to know where they are going. So no ,it's not possible to see if RB was on a flight .

That was my understanding; I think if a crime is involved, LE can get a court ordered exception, but I am sure even in that case, info kept under lock and key.....

Did you see Jethro's response above?

Yes I did. I guess I was answering KS question about the public checking to see if he was on a flight. LE can see who's on flight for sure. In this case, I would think they would have to have a court order. I will definately check on the rules. Public... no.
Thank you!!

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...wondering more about the CA supposed flight from CA to TX
I am fairly certain that MPD would have followed up with Homeland Security to have the TSA gather the information (tickets/boarding passes/security and/or gate footage) related to any air travel involving the people MPD was looking at. The resources were available to them and I doubt that MPD was simply going to take someone's word for it. Quite frankly BB, RB, and VB have the alibis that are most easily proved/disproved by LE in this entire case. Everyone else, more than likely has "was asleep at home" as their alibi.
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