TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, 18 Apr 2016 #40

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I just had a terrible thought. ***Total speculation.***

Based on rewatching the video we have seen, I wonder if the reason for so little info is that SP might be underage, wearing a family member--or parent of a friend's--SWAT getup?

My terrible thought was: what if SP is the teen child of someone MB was thought to have flirted with? I could see some kids deeming that enough to "ruin their family," and maybe explain the violence of her death.

IMO! Complete conjecture.

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I have also thought about that possibility. I have thought from the beginning that the perp. was slimmer and leaner than what people were initially saying and his/her form looks youthful to me.
All you FB detectives out there I’m sure haven’t checked with American Airlines to verify they were on the plane headed there. Nor did any of you check with the phone companies to see that RB and VB’s phones were actually pinging in the San Diego area at the time of the murder. After all, that’s why we have the FBI and LE who confirmed that already because armchair detectives just don’t have that ability!!!

It appears to me that KS is saying that internet sleuths can't check airline or phone company records like LE can. JMO

It sounds to me that KS thinks that's all there is to it, a cell phone pings and that is irrefutable evidence you are where you say you are. Not.

I think she was being sarcastic. It worked for me.
]I am fairly certain that MPD would have followed up with Homeland Security to have the TSA gather the information[/B] (tickets/boarding passes/security and/or gate footage) related to any air travel involving the people MPD was looking at. The resources were available to them and I doubt that MPD was simply going to take someone's word for it. Quite frankly BB, RB, and VB have the alibis that are most easily proved/disproved by LE in this entire case. Everyone else, more than likely has "was asleep at home" as their alibi.

(rbbm) That would be a hopeful assumption, but the truth is we just don't know if MPD knows any of that. It was originally said that MPD had corroborated alibis. The use of that word leaves room for some speculation.....
For sure there is a ton public does not know. And I believe short of someone walking in and admitting to this (NEVER GONNA HAPPEN JMHO) the State has their work cut out to first get a GJ indictment.

And after all the social media and local rumor mill they are most likely keeping things closer to the vest as they should. I truly feel so bad for the family. Whatever healing or whatever has happened will be hard and potentially worse when an arrest is made. Especially if it turns out to be someone known to the family. Closure is a word that jmho in horrific cases like this and on WS, that there is no such thing. Never know all the answers to "why". Senseless evil. JMHO. I want the LEO to take their time and get it right and by the book.

If and when this goes to trial it will be a giant trial. If I recall, Texas does not allow cameras in the court room. Someone should take that battle on now.. that would fill their time nicely lol. EVERYONE is gonna want to see that trial. Shoot, I would even go watch. I love a good trial on tv. I really miss the good ole days of Court TV. But back to the family, yes my heart aches for them. They are probably on the road to some semblance of life now without their mother, but this is going to come and smack them in the face when an arrest is made. :(
I'm assuming if the Altima at SWFA is involved then it could possibly provide a treasure trove of forensics that could link the car and the crime scene and suspects. Carpet fibers, hair, glass, paint, etc as Mimi listed. I do not think the tag will match to that car IMO.

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If that car was involved I am sure it has been chopped to pieces by now, and was likely stolen to begin with JMO :)
(rbbm) That would be a hopeful assumption, but the truth is we just don't know if MPD knows any of that. It was originally said that MPD had corroborated alibis. The use of that word leaves room for some speculation.....
Just based on its definition and its synonyms which include "confirm", "verify", "validate" and "authenticate" I don't think it leaves much room for speculation. I have never seen the word used to mean anything else let alone something on the order of "not confirmed but we think so, maybe, but anything is possible". They wouldn't have used that word if it were anything but the case that MPD checked out everything for themselves.

I think this has been hashed before so it is best for me to leave it be.
It sounds to me that KS thinks that's all there is to it, a cell phone pings and that is irrefutable evidence you are where you say you are. Not.
Keep in mind that MPD spoke via phone with BB on his trip home. MPD can obtain the records, and very likely did, that will show where that phone was while they were speaking with him.
If that car was involved I am sure it has been chopped to pieces by now, and was likely stolen to begin with JMO :)

Agree! I don't think someone would spend time planning a murder and forget about the car. If the Altima , I'm sure that's why they didn't care that it was on camera at SWFA.
Never going to be seen again... IMO

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How do you know BB was instructed not to speak?

One of the first thing I would do is hire a lawyer if my spouse were murdered. The spouse is the #1 suspect in many cases. Innocent or not, people get framed by coincidence. Coincidence is not always evidence.

I pray to God no one in the "family" had anything to do with this murder, for the sake of the family. They all need each other. We all know they were ripped sideways and upside down for every interview and movement they made or didn't make.

All that being said... I personally don't dismiss ANYONE as a POI. I'm all over the board on this one. Except for the few things I do know to be true.. I know nothing about any of MB's clients or friends.

I would lawyer up in a NY minute if I was on the radar as a POI. Media can twist and interpret words that are said by a grieving family member or friend at an impromptu interview that could change your future forever! Example - NG..I cringe listening to her just rant on and on about something she obviously she read some of the cliff notes on.

I'm way behind on this thread - so I apologize in advance.. This is all IMO
i think regardless of what transpires from here on out, mpd is going to have to answer to local citizens and voters for what appear (emphasis on that word because it very well may be that things are not as they appear) to be a series of mis-steps in the crucial early stage of the investigation.

1. Publicizing the crime as a burglary gone wrong, then asserting it was someone who mb had been in contact with, then later shifting to "untargeted".

2. Clearing the crime scene in record time (ellis county did the csi but mpd has overall responsibility).

3. Referring to perp as male, then changing to unknown.

4. Reporting height as 5-7 to 5-9, then saying they have a better description only to double the possible range from 3 inches to 6 inches.

5. Directing the public's focus to a supposed right foot injury when video evidence of such is lacking. Same goes generally for the "gait" of the perp, as if they would walk the same way in ordinary clothing as they do in a bulky uniform.

6. Publishing one frame of the altima when much better video was available and might have led to solid leads back when memories were fresher.

7. Generally, releasing scant info, then asking the public for tips, then chastising the public for wasting their time with leads that don't pan out, but then admitting that they had basically closed 90% of the leads they had gotten anyway.

I've felt since the 18th of april that chief carl smith seemed out of his depth. He had that "deer in the headlights" look that does not inspire confidence. Johnson seems at least publicly more confident. But his manner of speaking doesn't make up completely for the content of what he says, which is a basic message of, "we have very little to go on, don't suspect the family or friends or co-workers. Don't have pois. Know nothing by which to profile this perp, don't understand movement in the church. All our sws were executed that first week. We're no closer to solving this thing now than we were in april, but believe us when we tell you we are doing all we can."

Do adults check in on Facebook when arriving to airports and arriving at hotel location?

His updates just seems odd as if he was letting whomever know that the coast is cleared. Jmo
Do adults check in on Facebook when arriving to airports and arriving at hotel location?

His updates just seems odd as if he was letting whomever know that the coast is cleared. Jmo

Some people do like a regular habit, but he never did.
Keep in mind that MPD spoke via phone with BB on his trip home. MPD can obtain the records, and very likely did, that will show where that phone was while they were speaking with him.

I can give you that...
It's quite possible and it's a theory I've given some serious consideration. (Although, I'll agree... the mere thought of it--in and of itself--is horrifying.)

When I was a sophomore in high school, I stumbled upon an email that was sent to my dad from a 26-year-old science teacher who worked with him (he was the guidance counselor). It wasn't uncommon for me to pop into his office after school just to say hey, and this lady was forever hanging around his office... even when he wasn't in there. She would write her name on Post-it notes and leave them all over his desk and computer screen. It was so clearly obvious that she had the hots for my dad. It was so pathetic.

My parents were (and still are) married, and she herself was a newlywed at the time. Not to mention, my dad was almost 50-years-old. I couldn't stand this woman. She always put on this sugary, sweet fake act around me and acted like we were BFFs. Then one day, she suggested I work at her husband's furniture/jewelry store over the summer. My dad was ecastatic about this prospect. I was a rebellious 16-year-old girl--who was constantly getting caught sneaking around with a boy whom I'd been forbidden to breathe around. My dad probably thought it would keep me out of trouble, so he accepted her offer and forced me to work there. I lasted two weeks before I pulled "the water works show" and quit one sunny day around mid-afternoon. My dad was furious with me, but he got over it when I agreed to go work somewhere (anywhere!) else.

I digress.
A few months later, I came across an email she'd sent my dad. It was one of those corny joke emails that people used to forward to their entire friend list, (this was back in the early days of America Online ---even before it was known as AOL) but she had only sent it to my dad and added a note at the bottom. Her note said something like... "I better stop sending you these inappropriate jokes, old man! Har har har. Someone might get the wrong idea about us."

Lemme just tell you. I saw RED. I was LIVID! Not only was I mad at that piece of garbage for emailing my dad, but I was also mad at my dad for not defending my mother's honor and putting that hoebag in her place. I never mentioned the email to my dad (& he certainly never brought it up to me), but I replied to it (completely unaware she would know who sent it). As I mentioned, this was in the early days of the internet and America Online. I just assumed emails were "anonymous" unless you added your name somewhere... just like handwritten letters. I don't remember what I wrote in the reply, but I know it wasn't nice. It said something about how she might want to remember she is married, and that [insert my dad's name] is also HAPPILY married, before sending any more emails filled with skanky innuendo. :)

(The emails and office visits and Post-it notes stopped after that, BTW.)

Granted... I didn't go out and murder the woman. However, if I magnified the level of rage I felt back then to the level I'm sure I would have felt if I found evidence of a sexual affair of some kind... well, I can't say with 100% certainty that I wouldn't have given murder some serious thought. That level of rage... (the kind that can explode inside of a hormonal teenager who bottles up their feelings) is CRAZY, man.

I totally get that...
Keep in mind that MPD spoke via phone with BB on his trip home. MPD can obtain the records, and very likely did, that will show where that phone was while they were speaking with him.

Just asking Jethero.. how do we know this? I probably missed that. Personally I thought the LW was VERY vague in the family's whereabouts. just sayin'
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