TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, 18 Apr 2016 #43

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I really can't believe BS was okay to not to find the killer of his wife. .

Maybe this is a tactic for investigation purposes but again there are still so many unanswered questions in this case
All other identified POI who were video surveyed were ruled out by the Dr. and at time said could not exclude BWH.
Interesting the writer of the SW duplicated his first paragraph and added to it in the 2nd one.

Maybe this was why it took 7 months. But with MPD prior statements and this it was not BB or his father in that church. So JMHO it doesn't matter BB height, but his height was in one of the SW and iirc he is 6ft.It was over the height given by MPD.
Not saying BB could not be involved, but from info we have had from MPD, he was not the Suspect inside that church. JMHO
View attachment 128227
JMO, but no one, according to MPD is a POI.....or that we know of.

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Here is some online and/or printed documentation related to BWH's past. The Dropbox links you may need to access via computer rather than on your phone.

Many of you are familiar with a famous Midlothian murder of undercover cop George Raffield back in the 1980s. Interestingly, BWH worked with him and was quoted in this article:

Here is the 1996 newspaper report of BWH's first arrest - note that the "Waxahachie ISD bus driver" was his wife's sister:


Interesting piece about the judge who presided over BWH's trial on the 1996 assault. I'm not saying the judge wasn't fair or anything - just that he was a real piece of work:

1996 trial information. This is basically the entire trial record. It also includes one page called "Notice of Extraneous Offense" (page 26 of the 117-page document) which is the testimony of his father's wife that BWH had done two similar offenses to her years before.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/lpz5ukjdrnehzyp/BWH trial info in 1996 assault.pdf?dl=0

The 2003 assault, which was handed over to the Texas Rangers and eventually led to a deferred adjudication and BWH giving up his LE career:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/pdkcw02wwu0by72/BWH Texas Rangers 2003 assault records.pdf?dl=0

BWH's records from his employment as an officer (TCOLE - Texas Commission on Law Enforcement):
https://www.dropbox.com/s/n92yo09becalujr/BWH TCOLE report.pdf?dl=0

Video footage of BWH's gait from a TV station at MB's memorial service, where BWH was working security. It's the second video on the page, showing the woman in the coral shirt. BWH is the man standing alone in the parking lot near a pickup truck:

The Dec 2016 SW for BWH's property:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/jq47z4r08osz0dh/SW Dec 2016 BWH.pdf?dl=0

Items seized from Dec 2016 SW (doesn't mention the electronic devices, but we know they took them):
https://www.dropbox.com/s/vs3wdb3znht2lts/Returned SW Dec 2016 BWH.pdf?dl=0

Midlothian Mirror arrest logs including BWH's child *advertiser censored* arrest:

BWH's child *advertiser censored* MPD arrest report from June 2017:

Dec. 27 mainstream TV news report discussing BWH and including an interview with him while he was incarcerated:

Thank you for this informative post. OMG, his gait is so similar to SP! Not only do his feet turn out, but other similarities, as well. The large belly fits as well.

As to the question of why 7 months on the SW - my thought is that it came down to the podiatrist. It probably took some time to find the expert, then more time to compile footage of various POIs and their gaits, and still more time for the podiatrist to analyze the footage. Then once they got word back that everyone was eliminated except BWH, they had the probable cause they needed.

I'm thinking the passerby / dark SUV info was gleaned pretty early on, but MPD didn't have enough probable cause. Remember, we don't know that they didn't try to get the SW earlier than December - we only know that they were successful in December.

That's true.
What reason do you think?

In the beginning threads so many topics were being discussed for a motive. Many posters were discussing Ellis County and their internal issues. I researched a lot and quite frankly anyone living in that county should be scared. LE should be trusted and not create fear in civilians. That county is so messed up it makes our country's foreign relations look sane. I personally think this investigation is internal and I tend to lean on that LE still is not sure who they can trust yet inside. JMO
Girth no, height yes. BatBrat always maintained that SP was close to 6 feet tall. BWH's listed height is 6'1" but that is likely taken from his driver's license and would have been provided by him when he was in his teens. No one ever checks the accuracy of that. And someone who is 6'1" in his teens is likely not still that height at the age of 55 due to spinal compression over the years. For an example of that, take a look at wrestler Hulk Hogan. He was 6'7" at one time but is nowhere near that now.

But girth is problematic in tying BWH to SP. Everything else checks out pretty well except that. It's like trying to fit a round peg into an oval hole.

The video of SP was taken 20 months ago. It’s possible he could have put on a bit more weight.

Quote Originally Posted by arkansasmimi View Post
All other identified POI who were video surveyed were ruled out by the Dr. and at time said could not exclude BWH.
Interesting the writer of the SW duplicated his first paragraph and added to it in the 2nd one.

Maybe this was why it took 7 months. But with MPD prior statements and this it was not BB or his father in that church. So JMHO it doesn't matter BB height, but his height was in one of the SW and iirc he is 6ft.It was over the height given by MPD.
Not saying BB could not be involved, but from info we have had from MPD, he was not the Suspect inside that church. JMHO
Attachment 128227

JMO, but no one, according to MPD is a POI.....or that we know of.

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Respectfully I think you are meaning Suspect not Person Of Interest (POI) They have said they had POI but they were not Suspect at the time it was stated. My comment was in ref to what was stated in the SW of BWH. And they can have many POI and we never know. I don't think POI becomes a Suspect until they have something giving them probable cause to make them more than a person of interest. JMHO I could be wrong on that part.
In the beginning threads so many topics were being discussed for a motive. Many posters were discussing Ellis County and their internal issues. I researched a lot and quite frankly anyone living in that county should be scared. LE should be trusted and not create fear in civilians. That county is so messed up it makes our country's foreign relations look sane. I personally think this investigation is internal and I tend to lean on that LE still is not sure who they can trust yet inside. JMO

Midlothian PD is who is responsible for this case, not Ellis County.

I still am amazed that the public has not been shouting from the roof tops. There is a real killer out there. Just strange all the way around. I haven't ever seen a case like this. I know it is damned if do, if don't but jeez. I have faith in MPD. I just feel bad for MB.
In the beginning threads so many topics were being discussed for a motive. Many posters were discussing Ellis County and their internal issues. I researched a lot and quite frankly anyone living in that county should be scared. LE should be trusted and not create fear in civilians. That county is so messed up it makes our country's foreign relations look sane. I personally think this investigation is internal and I tend to lean on that LE still is not sure who they can trust yet inside. JMO

Oh no. I really didn't anticipate that response. Wow. Gives me the shivers for sure. Holy smokes.
Midlothian PD is who is responsible for this case, not Ellis County.

I still am amazed that the public has not been shouting from the roof tops. There is a real killer out there. Just strange all the way around. I haven't ever seen a case like this. I know it is damned if do, if don't but jeez. I have faith in MPD. I just feel bad for MB.

Ellis County is involved as well. She was declared dead by an Ellis County justice of the peace and Ellis County Crime Stoppers is the hotline number to call work info.

But regardless, if someone in Ellis County LE was involved then Midlothian PD needs to tread carefully and their could be an internal investigation in Ellis County either way.
I still contend that the SP is wearing a black front pack to carry the breaching/tactical/burglary tools he used, which gives the false appearance of a wide middle girth. The bulge is just too box-like. I think the SP is much thinner in build than many assume due to all the padding/shin guards etc and front pack worn over the tactical vest.

Completely agree. I see no reason for LE to misinform the height while seeking the public's assistance. This looks like a mid-size built shorter person and of the size that it's highly likely a male to overpower someone like MB the way they did.
Here is some online and/or printed documentation related to BWH's past. <>

Many of you are familiar with a famous Midlothian murder of undercover cop George Raffield back in the 1980s. Interestingly, BWH worked with him and was quoted in this article:

I conducted an intensive research into this murder of GR. Three people were involved in his death. Two males took him to Devil's Hill to shoot him. I was never able to locate a place in Midlothian referred to as Devil's Hill. The female of the group was suspicious of GR. GR had been at her home and obtained serial numbers on electronic equipment in her home that was stolen. GR filled out a report. She was picked up for stolen merchandise immediately. She set up GR to be killed. There is an online interview with one of the killers taken while he was in prison. One of the drug dealer/killers' father was a Dallas Police Officer at the time.

Much of the inspiration for this program was brought on by the tragic murder of Officer George Raffield in October 1987. Officer Raffield was an undercover Police officer working inside Midlothian High School when two teen-age drug users tragically murdered him. His death, which affected all of Ellis County, brought a new urgency to work harder in the prevention of drug use. The program has continued to honor Officer Raffield by working hard to show kids the true dangers of drugs and other destructive decisions.

The killer's interview; GR was trying to nail the big drug dealer from Dallas. Both killers were sentenced to 45 years. The female conspirator was given a paltry 2-year sentence.

Part 1 - The George Raffield Documentary, Hosted by Chief Scott Lindsey of the Red Oak ISD Police Department

Part 2 - The George Raffield Documentary

There is another mysterious death in Midlothian of a male named C Erick. His mother secretly taped a Q&A of Sgt Tim Scott who was an Investigator in CE's death as well as in MBs investigation.


Interesting that Brandon Bevers is talking again, suggests things are on the move possibly, especially with him involving his children. I am not in the US, can't see the interview on any website yet, does anyone have a link please? Thank you.

Ashley Banfield's HLN Video of BB is pinned at the top of the page. It may not be the complete video as I did not watch in in real time.


Direct link to the video

Ashley Banfield's HLN Video of BB is pinned at the top of the page. It may not be the complete video as I did not watch in in real time.


Direct link to the video

I wonder if perhaps the girls wanted this interview. BB has portrayed them in a way that makes them look.....uncaring. I think it's BB that wants to put this murder behind him, not the girls.

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Completely agree. I see no reason for LE to misinform the height while seeking the public's assistance. This looks like a mid-size built shorter person and of the size that it's highly likely a male to overpower someone like MB the way they did.

It's pretty easy to overpower someone when you strike them full force with a hammer.
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