TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, 18 Apr 2016 #43

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Please stop misquoting the investigators. "The suspect was first seen on surveillance after breaking into the church at 3:50 a.m." according to Midlothian Assistant Chief of Police Kevin Johnson. That was the words of the Assistant Chief. Nothing was said about where he was seen. The location of the kitchen is 100% your speculation. Please stop discussing the kitchen location as a fact. Because it does not agree with what the police have said.

Do you personally think the sp broke in around the time he/she was first seen or earlier?

I think he spent a few minutes in the kitchen - probably no more than 5 minutes. Enough time to maybe dry off with some paper towels, and rummage thru cabinets to see what he could find. JMHO
I think he spent a few minutes in the kitchen - probably no more than 5 minutes. Enough time to maybe dry off with some paper towels, and rummage thru cabinets to see what he could find. JMHO

So after looking at the church room map, there is no other area where the sp could have been for a long time with out being seen, correct?
So after looking at the church room map, there is no other area where the sp could have been for a long time with out being seen, correct?

BB, who may or may not have seen more video than we did but may have also been privy to details from MPD, said that after SP broke in he "spent several minutes rummaging from room to room". Also said he "spent some time in the kitchen". 13:58 mark of the video I previously linked.

None of the rooms had cameras. The cameras are in the hallways. None in the kitchen. So he could have spent hours in the kitchen with no camera activation. Coming out of the kitchen, he was in a hallway that runs W to E. i assume that is when a camera first caught him. If he turns E, there are rooms 10, 12 and 8 that way. I don't know if he went that far or not. At some point I think he turned back W and then S down the long main hallway that took him past Holy Grounds. At that point it was 3:58. So 8 minutes from where he is first seen somewhere on that W/E hallway outside the kitchen, to being at the awning entrance.

8 mins is not a long time. That's 8 mins to possibly check out the rooms 8, 12 and 10, and then the other rooms that are off the main hallway going S.

In studies at amusement parks, it's been shown that most people enter and go to the right and work counterclockwise. So if we apply that to SP, it may be more likely that when exiting the kitchen he went to his right, which would be W and then S. I don't know the placement of the cameras, so I don't know at what point it would have picked him up on that path. Presumably seconds rather than minutes.
THANK YOU. This thread, which has wandered off from time to time, has really cemented in my mind how incredibly special WS is, and how incredibly valuable our Mods are. Contributing in a productive, respectful manner (even when we disagree!) is what we are all about. Thank you to our Mods![/QUOTE

and this crime hits home for me, I moved the winter before Missy was killed and I just was so devestated. I loved living in Midlothian, I bought my home there in 1986 when the population was just 3005. It felt safe and I loved it even though all of my friends and co-workers said I would dread the drive back to Dallas. That happened but I still thought it was well worth it to have a nice safe community to live in. Then George Rayfield was killed and did I ever catch H***, people at the courthouse would approach me and say " you said that was a good town".!!! It IS a good town I replied, can't you see this is why it is getting all this attention.? Cops are killed all over the country and they didn't get the kind of coverage we got.

Still, even though I did not know Missy I feel like I know her. She was a fellow Midlothian resident and she deserves to have her justice. We all deserve justice and , well today after reading all these crazy posts I feel like Missy will never get the justice she deserves. Too bad psychics are all phoneys cause if they were real one would have come forward to solve this crime.
Ok so I just thought about a question after reading some brilliant posts here.

Most of you know that I’m under the belief that she was targeted. But then a lightbulb went off and I began to ponder this; wouldn’t it have been safer to attack MB **after** the class was over by hiding out?

This would give SP a distinct advantage as he could see everyone leaving & therefore would have plenty of alone time to commit the atrocity knowing he had MB all to himself with plenty of time, no? Now maybe SP knew somehow that MB’s campers always helped her & they all left in unison? If so, that says a lot—do we know if that’s true?

On the other hand, this would not be necessary if SP had a lookout by MB’s house and this lookout was radio-ing to SP her movements & ETA, right? Does it appear if SP has an earpiece or walk-ie talk-ie in the video’s? Maybe this lookout even followed MB by car all the way to the church informing SP of her arrival & could alert when the campers arrived, if necessary. Was this the Altima?

So many questions and theories.....will there ever be justice for MB? I care.
Just because cases look cold to us in the public doesn't mean the police aren't making headway. Five-plus years later, arrests have been made in the case of murdered NJ radio host April Kauffman. Hope it doesn't take that long in the Bevers case.
Ok so I just thought about a question after reading some brilliant posts here.

Most of you know that I’m under the belief that she was targeted. But then a lightbulb went off and I began to ponder this; wouldn’t it have been safer to attack MB **after** the class was over by hiding out?

This would give SP a distinct advantage as he could see everyone leaving & therefore would have plenty of alone time to commit the atrocity knowing he had MB all to himself with plenty of time, no? Now maybe SP knew somehow that MB’s campers always helped her & they all left in unison? If so, that says a lot—do we know if that’s true?

On the other hand, this would not be necessary if SP had a lookout by MB’s house and this lookout was radio-ing to SP her movements & ETA, right? Does it appear if SP has an earpiece or walk-ie talk-ie in the video’s? Maybe this lookout even followed MB by car all the way to the church informing SP of her arrival & could alert when the campers arrived, if necessary. Was this the Altima?

So many questions and theories.....will there ever be justice for MB? I care.

The podcast 'True Crime Garage' had a theory on the Altima that I thought made sense.

What if SP knew about the surveillance cameras, but wanted to make sure there wasn't an alarm. They drive to the church ahead of time and break into the door. If they don't hear an alarm they still leave the scene and park where they still see the church well enough to see if LE is responding to a silent alarm. If that is the case they stayed in the parking lot for a short period of time and possibly moved somewhere else until entering the church again before 0400.
and this crime hits home for me, I moved the winter before Missy was killed and I just was so devestated. I loved living in Midlothian, I bought my home there in 1986 when the population was just 3005. It felt safe and I loved it even though all of my friends and co-workers said I would dread the drive back to Dallas. That happened but I still thought it was well worth it to have a nice safe community to live in. Then George Rayfield was killed and did I ever catch H***, people at the courthouse would approach me and say " you said that was a good town".!!! It IS a good town I replied, can't you see this is why it is getting all this attention.? Cops are killed all over the country and they didn't get the kind of coverage we got.

Still, even though I did not know Missy I feel like I know her. She was a fellow Midlothian resident and she deserves to have her justice. We all deserve justice and , well today after reading all these crazy posts I feel like Missy will never get the justice she deserves. Too bad psychics are all phoneys cause if they were real one would have come forward to solve this crime.[/QUOTE]


Your post is anything but dizzy! : ) It's heartfelt. I have no doubt in my mind this case will be solved, as long as well meaning folks stay out of the way and let local LE and the supporting agencies work their science.

I learned a big lesson a few years back on another thread. I was 100% sure...100%! of who I speculated had murdered the victim. I had seething contempt for for this "Perp". Well guess what?! I was 100% *wrong!!!*
-Such a lesson learned- And I was so sure!

Now back to Missy. What would I be looking at? The basics. Again and again as the lab continues to develop the forensic results, and LE develops their case:

-Who was attached to that church from a service perspective? Maintenance, routine delivery people, and so forth. Any one of these "routine" providers move away or change their route after the murder? Any one of them call in sick immediately after the murder? Any one of them have a notable gait or physical characteristics that should be closely considered?

The list could go on and on...and I'm sure LE is well done the road to bringing Missy's case to Justice. All it's going to take is ONE call, even anonymous. Because we all know that someone knows who did this. And if I were a betting gal, I'd say that someone is the Perp's mother.

We shall see.
In the meantime, keep the faith and keep sleuthing. You guys are all coming up with some incredible research, and some solid speculations. Thank you for letting me contribute to the thread.
I have always found this interview interesting for some reason. I’ve watched it numerous times but I think it’s very telling. Not only was missy a cg trainer, she also had individual training clients, we’ve known from the beginning that MB was pretty transparent on her social media, with having her sm public and posting numerous times daily. But one thing that stood out to me in this interview is she was also transparent with people in person about her daily schedules and plans. And clearly, everyone who knew her personally seemed to adore her. Side note, MIssy was also involved with the chamber of commerce. I feel like her inner circle was larger than what has been portrayed. Not that that means anything either way, I just feel like the amount of people who knew her movements, plans, etc is vast.

Anyways, here the link. May Justice be brought to Missy, her family, and all who loved her.


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I have always found this interview interesting for some reason. I’ve watched it numerous times but I think it’s very telling. Not only was missy a cg trainer, she also had individual training clients, we’ve known from the beginning that MB was pretty transparent on her social media, with having her sm public and posting numerous times daily. But one thing that stood out to me in this interview is she was also transparent with people in person about her daily schedules and plans. And clearly, everyone who knew her personally seemed to adore her. Side note, MIssy was also involved with the chamber of commerce. I feel like her inner circle was larger than what has been portrayed. Not that that means anything either way, I just feel like the amount of people who knew her movements, plans, etc is vast.

Anyways, here the link. May Justice be brought to Missy, her family, and all who loved her.


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Thanks for the link to that interview, Mitten. I had never seen it before.

It made me think again about the Austin conference & if she unknowingly met up with SP there? And then the creepy social media message comes to mind as well as MB’s not going to her gym work outs as often in the last few weeks....was she really afraid about someone?

Wouldn’t her closest friends know?
Just because cases look cold to us in the public doesn't mean the police aren't making headway. Five-plus years later, arrests have been made in the case of murdered NJ radio host April Kauffman. Hope it doesn't take that long in the Bevers case.

That is an interesting case, but I don't see any similarities. April Kauffman was murdered by her husband whom she was involved in divorce proceedings with and who was a gang member involved in organized crime. He used his gang connections to get her killed. That was never a cold case. Everybody knew who killed April Kauffman including her daughter who filed a wrongful death lawsuit, immediately after the murder. It was just a matter of investigators getting enough evidence to arrest him.

I know a lot of people like to believe that MB's murder was like that, but I don't see any evidence to support that. If MB and BB were involved in a bitter divorce, and BB was a gang member with organized crime connections, then we all know who would be the #1 suspect. But that is just not the case. Which means that the suspect is unknown. This case is cold. It's not just a matter of gathering enough evidence to get a conviction. There are no suspects in this case to gather evidence against.
The podcast 'True Crime Garage' had a theory on the Altima that I thought made sense.

What if SP knew about the surveillance cameras, but wanted to make sure there wasn't an alarm. They drive to the church ahead of time and break into the door. If they don't hear an alarm they still leave the scene and park where they still see the church well enough to see if LE is responding to a silent alarm. If that is the case they stayed in the parking lot for a short period of time and possibly moved somewhere else until entering the church again before 0400.

I'm not convinced that the Altima had anything to do with it. But I do think that scenario is highly likely. There was just too much time between the time the Altima was seen and the time the suspect arrived. The suspect wouldn't have waited that long. In 15 minutes he would have known that the police were not coming. I don't think it's impossible that the Altima driver was the suspect, but I think it's unlikely.
That is an interesting case, but I don't see any similarities. April Kauffman was murdered by her husband whom she was involved in divorce proceedings with and who was a gang member involved in organized crime. He used his gang connections to get her killed. That was never a cold case. ,,,

Did everyone really know all that? Although I suspected the husband, I was surprised to learn of his involvement with a violent, drug-dealing biker gang, and didn't know she was pursuing a divorce, much less that she had threatened to expose his alleged criminal activity. Unless I missed it, none of that was in the press for years, and in fact after the initial coverage, there was very little coverage of the case at all for years -- even less than for Missy Bevers, I estimate.

Anyway, I'm not comparing the particulars of the cases or suggesting that Brandon Bevers is involved with a biker gang or his wife's murder. I am saying there's likely much we don't know happening behind the scenes in law enforcement, who probably have far more evidence than we think they do.
I wonder if Missy's involvement with multi-level-marketing businesses had any connection to her murder. These businesses can create financial hardship for and sow resentment/grievances among the people participating in them. I hope the police have at least explored that avenue.
I wonder if Missy's involvement with multi-level-marketing businesses had any connection to her murder. These businesses can create financial hardship for and sow resentment/grievances among the people participating in them. I hope the police have at least explored that avenue.

I highly doubt it...I think this was related to relationships (whether perceived or real) she was involved in. JMO

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That is an interesting case, but I don't see any similarities. April Kauffman was murdered by her husband whom she was involved in divorce proceedings with and who was a gang member involved in organized crime. He used his gang connections to get her killed. That was never a cold case. Everybody knew who killed April Kauffman including her daughter who filed a wrongful death lawsuit, immediately after the murder. It was just a matter of investigators getting enough evidence to arrest him.

I know a lot of people like to believe that MB's murder was like that, but I don't see any evidence to support that. If MB and BB were involved in a bitter divorce, and BB was a gang member with organized crime connections, then we all know who would be the #1 suspect. But that is just not the case. Which means that the suspect is unknown. This case is cold. It's not just a matter of gathering enough evidence to get a conviction. There are no suspects in this case to gather evidence against.

MPD isn’t going to share all their evidence with us, nor should they. I think they want an arrest just as much as everyone else. Not everyone is corrupt, and you can blame a few bad cops for all of them. JMO

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MPD isn’t going to share all their evidence with us, nor should they. I think they want an arrest just as much as everyone else. Not everyone is corrupt, and you can blame a few bad cops for all of them. JMO

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I truly hope you are right. Does anyone know, has it ever been confirmed how long the crime scene was blocked off and what time the scene was released? I’ve heard very conflicting stories and Id prefer to know the facts regarding this if they are available.

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That is an interesting case, but I don't see any similarities. April Kauffman was murdered by her husband whom she was involved in divorce proceedings with and who was a gang member involved in organized crime. He used his gang connections to get her killed. That was never a cold case. Everybody knew who killed April Kauffman including her daughter who filed a wrongful death lawsuit, immediately after the murder. It was just a matter of investigators getting enough evidence to arrest him.

I know a lot of people like to believe that MB's murder was like that, but I don't see any evidence to support that. If MB and BB were involved in a bitter divorce, and BB was a gang member with organized crime connections, then we all know who would be the #1 suspect. But that is just not the case. Which means that the suspect is unknown. This case is cold. It's not just a matter of gathering enough evidence to get a conviction. There are no suspects in this case to gather evidence against.

How do you know that there is no POI's in this case and it is cold unless you are LE and you are not. Silence from LE does not mean a case is cold. This case has a high amount of armchair detectives and MPD has stated that it has bothered their investigation with crazy leads .JMO
I truly hope you are right. Does anyone know, has it ever been confirmed how long the crime scene was blocked off and what time the scene was released? I’ve heard very conflicting stories and Id prefer to know the facts regarding this if they are available.

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I'm not aware of any conflicting info as far as the scene clearance. MPD said they cleared the scene at noon. We know they were on scene investigating shortly after 5, so call it 7 hours.

They went back with TITAN the explosive-sniffing ATF dog in advance of the Wed prayer service.
I'm not aware of any conflicting info as far as the scene clearance. MPD said they cleared the scene at noon. We know they were on scene investigating shortly after 5, so call it 7 hours.

They went back with TITAN the explosive-sniffing ATF dog in advance of the Wed prayer service.

Thank you. I’ve seen it referenced a few times on forums that aren’t reputable like ws, so I just wanted to be certain. I was aware of the ATF dog as well.

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