TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, 18 Apr 2016 #44

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Respectfully, I wasn’t implying in any way that you were assuming anything. I was saying that the affidavits are often taken at face value by the public and from those affidavits, it’s often then assumed by the public that the puncture wounds were caused by the hammer. My statement wasn’t directed towards you or at you. It was just an observation I’ve witnessed across the board on multiple sm platforms.

IMO, references were made back to the tools being consistent because they were consistent. I also believe that the remaining footage that is still unseen by the public shows more “tools” than what we are aware of. Or perhaps the crime scene revealed more “tools” than what we would normally refer to as tools. If we were to look at the vague wording of LE, a tool used in a murderous act could also be loose wording for a gun. A firearm when used in to kill someone is essentially a tool used for murder.

IMO, Missy was shot and she was also savagely disfigured with some kind of tool, ie, a hammer.

And because I’m too lazy tonight [emoji854]to type out this definition of tool, this is what makes me believe that a gun could have been consistent with a tool used in the murder.

As always, JMHO


Quoting myself. Had LE instead used the description “murder weapon” instead of stating tools, many would have assumed that a gun or maybe a knife was used. However a murder weapon isn’t necessarily a gun. A murder weapon can be anything, just as a murderous tool can be anything, as long as the object referenced was used in the commission of a murder.
Respectfully, I wasn’t implying in any way that you were assuming anything. I was saying that the affidavits are often taken at face value by the public and from those affidavits, it’s often then assumed by the public that the puncture wounds were caused by the hammer. My statement wasn’t directed towards you or at you. It was just an observation I’ve witnessed across the board on multiple sm platforms.

IMO, references were made back to the tools being consistent because they were consistent. I also believe that the remaining footage that is still unseen by the public shows more “tools” than what we are aware of. Or perhaps the crime scene revealed more “tools” than what we would normally refer to as tools. If we were to look at the vague wording of LE, a tool used in a murderous act could also be loose wording for a gun. A firearm when used in to kill someone is essentially a tool used for murder.

IMO, Missy was shot and she was also savagely disfigured with some kind of tool, ie, a hammer.

And because I’m too lazy tonight [emoji854]to type out this definition of tool, this is what makes me believe that a gun could have been consistent with a tool used in the murder.

Snipped by me.

Agree 100% with everything you just wrote.

First, if we believe BB, SP was seen in CCoC holstering at least one additional tool that was not seen in the clip released to the public. In the interview, he makes no mention of what that tool is, but it leads him to believe that SP is male. On top of that, it is clear that some "tools" were left at the scene (see links and quote below). Since the hammer and crow bar, which were the only tools seen on the CCoC video (please correct me if I am wrong), were still being sought in December 2016, there were clearly other tools that we did not see present at the crime scene. I don't think that there is any disputing that there were more tools present than were seen on the public video.

Second, the SW states, "Terri Bevers had multiple puncture wounds found on her head and chest that are consistent with the tools that the suspect was carrying throughout the building." Although the SW does not say that those tools caused the puncture wounds, it is highly likely that MB was attacked using a hammer or crow bar. IMO more importantly, the SW does not state that the puncture wounds on Missy's head and chest consistent with the tools seen in the video were the only injuries sustained by Missy. Furthermore, the SW does not state that those puncture wounds were the manner/cause of her death.

If MB was shot (intent to kill) and was then subsequently attacked with the hammer and/or crow bar (intent to disfigure), there is nothing in the SW language inconsistent with that scenario. In fact, I would caution us against assuming the wounds described in the SW were the cause of her death. Since MPD has not wanted to address her manner/cause of death since the autopsy was performed, I think that those wounds described in the SW did not cause her death. IMO not only did those wounds not cause MB's death, but they masked the real cause... until the autopsy. JMO

[FONT=&amp]“We are working through a list of suspicion and right now, we have not ruled anyone out,” Johnson said. “We found tools around the crime scene and are currently analyzing them.”[/FONT]
From when the first Doc that Cannonball got, Where the whole "serial number" discussion comes from. To put it in context it was in reference to a Mr. Perez who sent a request to MPD. 2 other Media people had already sent and those request were sent to the AG for an Opinion Those 2 were sent May 3, 2016 - same day as the big release of SWs. In the Opinion from the AG, they tell MPD that they are doing their Opinion in Memo form and they reference what it is covering that was requested:
06-07-2016, 08:32 AM#29 Cannonball3804 https://www.websleuths.com/forums/s...T-gear-18-Apr-2016-26&p=12612388#post12612388
Here is a link to the letter MPD sent the Texas AG's office, and the AG's response:

RE: Request for a copy of all surveillance footage, all search warrants and all search warrant returns, all 911 audio tapes, all offence/incident reports, and the autopsy relating to the homicide of a named individual

Now we have since then learned from Cannonballs FOIA we have that the report writer and CST from ECSO were asked to process MB Truck.
01-26-2018, 11:09 PM#1059 sillybilly https://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...4#post13893834
WS Administr
Okay folks, doing a turnaround here.

Normally documents are not allowed without a link to the original source. Decisions at Websleuths are not always black and white and can be case specific. In this case, Tricia and I have discussed the dropbox doc/link that was removed and Tricia has decided to allow it. I will reinstate the OP and all responses to it.
Last edited by sillybilly; 01-26-2018 at 11:17 PM

When ECSO CST processed the truck, she would have to make a report. So would the person who wrote the snipped report that Cannonball shared. 2 different people 2 different reports (as the CST person was ref jmho not the report writer) "After viewing the body we were asked to process the truck". So would the person who requested those 2 to process the truck and anything about the truck.

Anything in those reports or any evidence removed from that Ford F-150 would be listed in a report that in turn would be covered by the same AG Opinion that was issued on May 26, 2016 to MPD Attorneys. Link to where I was going over the AG Opinion and the Request from MPD Lawyers https://www.websleuths.com/forums/s...T-gear-18-Apr-2016-29&p=12649279#post12649279

What the AG Opinion covered that had not been released was: JMHO from going over docs released and what Perez was requesting:
Exhibit E only thing left on Mr. Pertiz list not addressed is:
all 911 audio tapes ***detailed information-witnesses, description of the victim and location

all offence/incident report *** - witness information, First Responder information, crime scene information, very detailed information

the autopsy relating to the homicide of a named individual ***COD/MOD... information that MPD has stated some of which only the Suspect would know.

all surveillance footage- ***would have all information that LE has on the Suspect, MB, the CG campers, EMT, LE with a gun most likely drawn looking around the building to see if anyone else was there ETA 2/9/2018 Anything from ECSO CST "processing of MB Ford F-150 . ... You know everything every wants to know. *** is JMHO information from document Cannonball3804 posted to Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/s/k7ju5m1k31...ponse.pdf?dl=0
Several others have agreed with the theory, but exploring it created a kerfuffle because of sleuthing TOS. The main argument against discussing was that neither was listed on the search warrant.........and then later because it was claimed that BB's family members had all been CLEARED.........which, in my humble opinion is nonsense. Even BB himself said in an interview in late May 2016, essentially, that no one is immune, including himself, until the killer is caught, as investigators see it...and that that is the way it should be. He also went on to basically forgive the killer. The way he talked gave me the impression that he either knew who the killer was, or suspected that he knew. We all have different impressions of BB, and why he says what he says and does what he does......as with all of the other characters in this case. Very early in the case, I was really stuck on CT being the perp, as was a good majority of posters and there was lots of circumstantial evidence to suspect her.....but I just couldn't see how she could have pulled it off with leaving a bunch of little kids alone at home...... whoever did this had to have had the motive, opportunity and means to pull it off. JMO JMO

I’ve held all those positions at one time in the last 21 months. I’ve veered off some. Here’s where and why.

I think SP is male. Of all the variables that we can’t figure out on this side of the interrogation room wall, I bet LE is pretty certain on gender. Esp if they have any DNA. Profiling gender of off DNA seems like one of the easiest and most basic things to do, and wouldn’t take much of a sample size. And like the similar bludgeoning case previously discussed, LE was able to zero in on gender through the type and depth of strikes.

Also, both extensive search warrants issued were aimed at males.

As feminine as the overall walk is, there is a point or two where SP makes a move that is pretty uniquely male. But I understand the sentiment SP is female. You have alarge following. I was there for a while.

I don’t believe the person in the SP outfit is extremely close to the family. We have too much of them on tape (and there’sa bunch more that we haven’t even seen.) MPD, among others, have said, those who live or lived with this person(SP) will recognize their unique mannerisms. IMHO, if they were that close, we wouldn’t be sitting here burning our grilled cheese sandwiches at 2 in the morning trying to figure out who’s face is on the puzzle.

They’ve checked a lot of people; I actually think LE’s strategy could be to eliminate any possible candidates and see who’s left standing. I could be wrong.

I rememberwhen CT was sleuthed as a POI. People have said the same thing you did: That’s impossible, she’d have to leave 4 kids alone at home; that’s not SP then. To me that’s a bit of a shaky argument. SP just went out and bludgeoned someone to death and ripped at her chest. Leaving the kids alone in the middle of the night for an hour or two is small potatoes,comparatively. I suspect many families have had an emergency come up in their lives where they had to drop everything and run to the hospital/etc. and potentially leave a situation temporarily unattended. If the motive was strong enough (saving their family?) anything is possible. LE has examined them, I guess we’re assuming they did a thorough job. Frankly, after seeing all the SW’s, LE appeared to be looking more closely at CW in the beginning.

The most unconventional shaped piece in this puzzle is the attack on the victim’s chest with his tools. They wouldn’t have done that unless this thing was deeply personal.

Off course,this is all just my opinion. I could be wrong on all counts.
Missy Bevers truck was considered part of the crime scene, as it was marked off with crime scene tape.
From Cannonball snipped document link https://www.websleuths.com/forums/s...T-gear-18-Apr-2016-26&p=12612388#post12612388

"The tape was marking off a sout breeze way/entrance for the church. Inside the yellow tape was a four (4) door Ford Truck. The truck was positioned facing west underneath an awning. The front passenger door and truck bed lid was open"
"After viewing the body we were asked to process the truck under the awning"

I asked someone within my family who is LEO their opinion. This is what I was told. Take as just an opinion. **Disclaimer just gave ss of the documents and asked questions.

"Now that I understand the details, I (me personally and/or my CID peeps) would not have taken anything from the vehicle and knowing we were going to seize the vehicle, we would not have done an inventory either (for fear we would contaminate evidence) we would have towed the vehicle to our CID bay (controlled environment and protected from the weather). We would have gotten a search warrant for the vehicle. We would process the outside first for any evidence or finger prints, then the inside for any evidence. We would have seized the iPad and planner at that time and obtained another search warrant to analyze the contents in those. No matter how badly we may want to find the killer, it’s imperative to go SLOW to avoid losing any evidence by haste, contamination, or illegal searches. Often easier said than done. When in doubt, get a search warrant we say."
The actual murderer is never seen on camera just like Missy and the SP were not seen again after the murder? We have no idea how SP got out of the building either.

Just a few thoughts as to what is making this murder so difficult to solve. LE may be on the wrong track!

Snipped by me.

Although LE states that presumably SP exited the building the same way that they entered, could it be possible sp is not seen on camera leaving the building because s/he exited through the front west doors? When I read the snippet shared by cannonball, IMO the front west doors would make the most sense because of the location of where Missy was found.

Here is the snippet. I cannot link it because cannonball’s Dropbox link was disabled when he left ws, but this is the snippet.

When I read that snippet, this is the location within the church that I come up with. (Ignore the squirrel):

IMO, it would make complete sense that sp exited out of those main doors immediately. It was dark. They didn’t have to worry about being seen coming out the front doors.

Another thought, maybe the sp chose this location not because of cameras not working there, but because this location gave him (or her) the quickest escape route after committing murder. I personally don’t believe sp cared one way or the other if the attack was on camera. It’s my opinion they were there on a mission and they wanted to make sure they got out as fast as possible after, in order to put as much distance between themselves and the church as possible before campers arrived and found Missy.

This area was also blocked off by both LE and crime scene tape, as we saw in the first photos of the church released by the media in the first couple days of the murder. That area being blocked off leads me to believe LE was preventing anyone from entering the immediate crime scene where Missy was found.
I agree that a gun is not a "tool" in the sense of what "tools" we have seen suspect carrying around the building in the 2+ minutes of video released.

My point was that going by what is sworn to in a SW Affidavit on the evening after the autopsy was completed if it was as some are posing referenced to a gun To speculate the injuries were from a gun would have to be "seen" by someone viewing the video, as it is the only way Moon would have known that the suspect was carrying throughout the building. <

Respectfully the whole Affidavit for Probable Cause was sworn to as PC to to obtain the SW to extract the iPhone and iPad.

"Investigators arrived on scene and were able to access the video surveillance recordings from within the church. Investigators reviewed the video of the incident which shows a subject wearing a black helmet, black balaclava, dark pants, dark long sleeve shirt, black gloves, and a black vest with Police in white lettering on the front and back. The subject is seen walking throughout the building holding a hammer, breaking windows and going through offices."

Then the PC Affidavit goes on to tell time the victim MB observed entering building and states where, what she was seen doing and where she was walking toward. States that suspect nor victim were seen again on video. And where the victim was later found deceased.

Then it tells of MB injuries and references back to being consistent with the tools the suspect was carrying throughout the building.
"Terri Bevers' had multiple puncture wounds found on her head and chest are consistent with the tools that the suspect was carrying throughout the building"

Why be so descriptive of what the suspect was wearing and note a hammer specificallycarrying throughout the building (as referenced 2 paragraphs prior) if something other than tools?


I can't answer for sure why, not reading their minds. But I believe if I were a chief investigator on this case and determined to keep the manner of death as well as murder weapon a closely guarded secret (as it appears they are), then I would carefully phrase things in such a way as to be simultaneously truthful and vague. Specifically, if the coroner informed me she'd died of a gunshot wound, and I had any reason to suspect it might be related to the stolen evidence gun arrest I'd made a few days earlier (a case that was still evolving), I'd immediately inform the ATF and Texas Rangers while at the same time refusing to tell the public the manner of death, what the murder weapon was, or if it had been recovered. I'd also avoid answering questions about why Titan was brought in the day after her autopsy, or whether or not that gun-residue sniffing dog had found anything.

On public documents like search warrants I would use language that could be interpreted in more than one way, yet knowing most people would interpret it in one particular way (a way, hopefully that would protect the facts I'm trying to keep close to the chest for now). If I were trying to keep a lid on the fact (for PR as well as investigative purposes) that this might be tied into a bigger case involving local crooked law enforcement and stolen guns, I'd describe her 'puncture wounds' without saying precisely what caused them. I'd scrupulously avoid stating what the actual murder weapon was, while not quelling rumors that it was the breaching tool. I'd use the power of suggestion in stating that she had wounds that were "consistent with" the tools he was carrying (since the public was repeatedly invited to view him carrying and using them in this horrifying and transfixing video), and then let the public be responsible for drawing their own conclusions that the tool he carried was the actual murder weapon inflicting those punctures that caused her death. If I were ECSO or MPD LE and simultaneously involved in two high profile, possibly overlapping cases I'd hope to be brilliant enough to phrase things exactly this way, in fact. Diversionary, yet factually correct in maintaining control of the information dissemination.
Snipped by me.

Although LE states that presumably SP exited the building the same way that they entered, could it be possible sp is not seen on camera leaving the building because s/he exited through the front west doors? When I read the snippet shared by cannonball, IMO the front west doors would make the most sense because of the location of where Missy was found.

Here is the snippet. I cannot link it because cannonball&#8217;s Dropbox link was disabled when he left ws, but this is the snippet.

When I read that snippet, this is the location within the church that I come up with. (Ignore the squirrel):

IMO, it would make complete sense that sp exited out of those main doors immediately. It was dark. They didn&#8217;t have to worry about being seen coming out the front doors.

Another thought, maybe the sp chose this location not because of cameras not working there, but because this location gave him (or her) the quickest escape route after committing murder. I personally don&#8217;t believe sp cared one way or the other if the attack was on camera. It&#8217;s my opinion they were there on a mission and they wanted to make sure they got out as fast as possible after, in order to put as much distance between themselves and the church as possible before campers arrived and found Missy.

This area was also blocked off by both LE and crime scene tape, as we saw in the first photos of the church released by the media in the first couple days of the murder. That area being blocked off leads me to believe LE was preventing anyone from entering the immediate crime scene where Missy was found.

Yes, this is my current theory (mentioned upthread--maybe in the previous one?). We are tracking together, again, I think. Mainly I'm thinking this because of the snippet and the fact that the attack was not caught on camera, nor was SP seen after the attack. I'm theorizing he could've hid behind a column or alcove in this main foyer, shot her (hollow point bullets, head and chest) at close range as she walked up the hall toward the foyer, and then exited promptly through the front doors. In that way he'd not have been caught by any of the cameras mounted in the hallway corners.

If it turns out there are cameras in that main W foyer, that theory's shot. But I looked at the foyer photo (one with the balloons) and did not see any of the white mounted ones we'd seen in the hallway junctions.
I can't answer for sure why, not reading their minds. But I believe if I were a chief investigator on this case and determined to keep the manner of death as well as murder weapon a closely guarded secret (as it appears they are), then I would carefully phrase things in such a way as to be simultaneously truthful and vague. Specifically, if the coroner informed me she'd died of a gunshot wound, and I had any reason to suspect it might be related to the stolen evidence gun arrest I'd made a few days earlier (a case that was still evolving), I'd immediately inform the ATF and Texas Rangers while at the same time refusing to tell the public the manner of death, what the murder weapon was, or if it had been recovered. I'd also avoid answering questions about why Titan was brought in the day after her autopsy, or whether or not that gun-residue sniffing dog had found anything.

On public documents like search warrants I would use language that could be interpreted in more than one way, yet knowing most people would interpret it in one particular way (a way, hopefully that would protect the facts I'm trying to keep close to the chest for now). If I were trying to keep a lid on the fact (for PR as well as investigative purposes) that this might be tied into a bigger case involving local crooked law enforcement and stolen guns, I'd describe her 'puncture wounds' without saying precisely what caused them. I'd scrupulously avoid stating what the actual murder weapon was, while not quelling rumors that it was the breaching tool. I'd use the power of suggestion in stating that she had wounds that were "consistent with" the tools he was carrying (since the public was repeatedly invited to view him carrying and using them in this horrifying and transfixing video), and then let the public be responsible for drawing their own conclusions that the tool he carried was the actual murder weapon inflicting those punctures that caused her death. If I were ECSO or MPD LE and simultaneously involved in two high profile, possibly overlapping cases I'd hope to be brilliant enough to phrase things exactly this way, in fact. Diversionary, yet factually correct in maintaining control of the information dissemination.
If I am a LEO writing up a SW, it is in reference to the instant case, with the instant case evidence. Not would could be about what. And you do not want to be making a general warrant. You could end up getting evidence as happened in the Beverly Carter case. Because of 2 mess ups, 1) SW for the home of the killers was suppressed as it was general (Victims iPhone was found there but out) 2) because of the inventory of his car at scene then tow to crime scene bay - and a SW got which found a hair from victim and tape matching the tape on the victims body- trunk evidence was also suppressed.

Search Warrants are very serious.

1) If it were related to stolen evidence gun I'd made a few days earlier, I have the serial numbers on all those guns and the one that is referenced in the docments that are not made public by AG Opinion.

2) Doing a trace on any gun is done by ETrace from crime scene (and we don't know where the gun with serial number we don't know about came from) but ATF would then become involved.
Fast Facts
ATF&#8217;s National Tracing Center assists domestic and international law enforcement agencies by tracing the origin of firearms that have been recovered in criminal investigations.

ATF&#8217;s eTrace is a paperless firearms trace request submission system and interactive trace analysis module that facilitates firearms tracing and assists ATF&#8217;s efforts to combat firearms trafficking.

A firearms trace is conducted when a law enforcement agency recovers a firearm at a crime scene and requests information regarding its origin to develop investigative leads.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is the federal agency that is authorized to stem firearms-related violent crime and to regulate the firearms industry in America. ATF&#8217;s National Tracing Center (NTC) assists domestic and international law enforcement agencies by tracing the origin of firearms that have been recovered in criminal investigations.

Pursuant to the Gun Control Act (GCA) of 1968, the U.S. attorney general is authorized to administer firearms tracing. The attorney general has delegated ATF the sole federal agency authorized to trace firearms. The NTC is only authorized to trace a firearm for a law enforcement agency involved in a bona fide criminal investigation.. https://www.atf.gov/resource-center...-internet-based-firearms-tracing-and-analysis

I&#8217;ve held all those positions at one time in the last 21 months. I&#8217;ve veered off some. Here&#8217;s where and why.

I think SP is male. Of all the variables that we can&#8217;t figure out on this side of the interrogation room wall, I bet LE is pretty certain on gender. Esp if they have any DNA. Profiling gender of off DNA seems like one of the easiest and most basic things to do, and wouldn&#8217;t take much of a sample size. And like the similar bludgeoning case previously discussed, LE was able to zero in on gender through the type and depth of strikes.

Also, both extensive search warrants issued were aimed at males.

As feminine as the overall walk is, there is a point or two where SP makes a move that is pretty uniquely male. But I understand the sentiment SP is female. You have alarge following. I was there for a while.

I don&#8217;t believe the person in the SP outfit is extremely close to the family. We have too much of them on tape (and there&#8217;sa bunch more that we haven&#8217;t even seen.) MPD, among others, have said, those who live or lived with this person(SP) will recognize their unique mannerisms. IMHO, if they were that close, we wouldn&#8217;t be sitting here burning our grilled cheese sandwiches at 2 in the morning trying to figure out who&#8217;s face is on the puzzle.

They&#8217;ve checked a lot of people; I actually think LE&#8217;s strategy could be to eliminate any possible candidates and see who&#8217;s left standing. I could be wrong.

I rememberwhen CT was sleuthed as a POI. People have said the same thing you did: That&#8217;s impossible, she&#8217;d have to leave 4 kids alone at home; that&#8217;s not SP then. To me that&#8217;s a bit of a shaky argument. SP just went out and bludgeoned someone to death and ripped at her chest. Leaving the kids alone in the middle of the night for an hour or two is small potatoes,comparatively. I suspect many families have had an emergency come up in their lives where they had to drop everything and run to the hospital/etc. and potentially leave a situation temporarily unattended. If the motive was strong enough (saving their family?) anything is possible. LE has examined them, I guess we&#8217;re assuming they did a thorough job. Frankly, after seeing all the SW&#8217;s, LE appeared to be looking more closely at CW in the beginning.

The most unconventional shaped piece in this puzzle is the attack on the victim&#8217;s chest with his tools. They wouldn&#8217;t have done that unless this thing was deeply personal.

Off course,this is all just my opinion. I could be wrong on all counts.

I wholeheartedly agree on many things you post.
Here&#8217;s my psychological profile of SP so everything below is all my humble opinion and speculation.

IMHO, SP is a white male who has &#8220;been around the block&#8221;, attended the &#8220;school of hard knocks&#8221;, and is a hardened criminal with a law enforcement and military background. I believe SP has an alcohol/substance abuse issue. SP is a sociopath/psychopath with a very checkered past. He is a &#8220;pro&#8221; but likely presents himself as a likable, &#8220;good ole&#8217; boy&#8221; to his local community. He is street smart & tough to the core.

MB never had a chance against him & sad to say this but there was no struggle as SP had the element of surprise, weaponry, and malicious intent on his side. This was over quickly. MB knew too much by default from a sloppy idiot that put her in jeopardy thru no fault of her own.

There&#8217;s a couple of possibilities on how SP may be caught. SP may one day be caught......one day while under the influence of drugs and alcohol, he may hint at his actions in this case and others to a female who will bring the knowledge forth to a government agency to the FBI. The only other way that SP could get caught is by one of his criminal colleague co-conspirators of his illegal business deals who gets arrested & &#8220;talks&#8221;. SP is a pro at nefarious activities so he is very closed mouth 99% of the time......so we have the 1% to hope for. SP has been involved with many illegal activities throughout his lifetime and has been very fortunate to not have been caught but he is getting **tired** and losing his vigor now. SP has walked on both sides of the law and feels comfortable being judge and jury. Nothing rattles him. People don&#8217;t realize how cold this person is.....he can present himself as an authority figure and pillar of respect and command while being jovial. But he has done so many bad things in his life&#8212;he knows there&#8217;s no salvation for him. He likens himself to attack dogs that he has trained and surrounded himself with throughout his life.

This is not likely to be solved thru local LEO methods. And not anytime soon. He may be dead by the time this case becomes resolved.

Stringent analysis of DNA and investigation of familiar DNA may prove useful in identifying SP as the technology advances.

Of course, this is all moo. I sometimes wonder if SP reads here.......
Yes, this is my current theory (mentioned upthread--maybe in the previous one?). We are tracking together, again, I think. Mainly I'm thinking this because of the snippet and the fact that the attack was not caught on camera, nor was SP seen after the attack. I'm theorizing he could've hid behind a column or alcove in this main foyer, shot her (hollow point bullets, head and chest) at close range as she walked up the hall toward the foyer, and then exited promptly through the front doors. In that way he'd not have been caught by any of the cameras mounted in the hallway corners.

If it turns out there are cameras in that main W foyer, that theory's shot. But I looked at the foyer photo (one with the balloons) and did not see any of the white mounted ones we'd seen in the hallway junctions.

It does appear that we are tracking together. I’m sorry, I must have missed your previous post about this. However, if there are cameras in that area, I don’t believe the theory is completely shot. Although it’s stated he is not seen on camera exiting the building, it has never been stated that he didn’t cover up or disable a camera. LE knew he was in that area somehow, whether the SW cameras picked that up (I don’t know) or maybe another camera picked him up in that location. I looked for cameras in those photos as well and did not see any.
Yes, this is my current theory (mentioned upthread--maybe in the previous one?). We are tracking together, again, I think. Mainly I'm thinking this because of the snippet and the fact that the attack was not caught on camera, nor was SP seen after the attack. I'm theorizing he could've hid behind a column or alcove in this main foyer, shot her (hollow point bullets, head and chest) at close range as she walked up the hall toward the foyer, and then exited promptly through the front doors. In that way he'd not have been caught by any of the cameras mounted in the hallway corners.

If it turns out there are cameras in that main W foyer, that theory's shot. But I looked at the foyer photo (one with the balloons) and did not see any of the white mounted ones we'd seen in the hallway junctions.
We have no idea of knowing if there was a camera in the West entrance April 18, 2016 but do know there was on there July 13, 2016 from this VBS photo. Very well could have added, as the did add other cameras and got an alarm service after the murder. JMHO while I do think possible to have went out those glass doors, they ran a big risk of being seen from the highway/someone driving in. But if they went out those NW doors they would could go straight to vehicle and drive out. No street lights on the North side of building.

Compare it to the "squirrel" photo that is dated March 9, 2015 https://www.facebook.com/creeksideD...79345102342/10152633605397343/?type=3&theater

CCoC July 13 2016 camera.jpg


  • CCoC July 16 2016 camera.jpg
    CCoC July 16 2016 camera.jpg
    45.2 KB · Views: 47
It does appear that we are tracking together. I&#8217;m sorry, I must have missed your previous post about this. However, if there are cameras in that area, I don&#8217;t believe the theory is completely shot. Although it&#8217;s stated he is not seen on camera exiting the building, it has never been stated that he didn&#8217;t cover up or disable a camera. LE knew he was in that area somehow, whether the SW cameras picked that up (I don&#8217;t know) or maybe another camera picked him up in that location. I looked for cameras in those photos as well and did not see any.

No apologies needed! For sure I have not been able to read every post in here, either--just happy to find the occasional person who has a similar opinion. :eek:

Not sure if LE have said whether or not any cameras were covered up, but I believe I recall reading they did say none had been disabled or tampered with. (In response to a reporter's question, iirc.) Not sure if tampering would include covering one up, though I suspect it might--if they discovered one still covered, that is.

I'm torn on whether or not there was any bludgeoning at all with the tool (before or after gunshot). Unless it happened in the W front foyer out of camera range...though I'd gotten the impression her body was found in the hall, not the entrance foyer. If he brought her down in the foyer, I can't see him dragging her into the hall to continue the attack on camera. And I can't see him bludgeoning her in the hall for the same reason. In any case, I agree with posters who are theorizing the attack was quick.
We have no idea of knowing if there was a camera in the West entrance April 18, 2016 but do know there was on there July 13, 2016 from this VBS photo. Very well could have added, as the did add other cameras and got an alarm service after the murder. JMHO while I do think possible to have went out those glass doors, they ran a big risk of being seen from the highway/someone driving in. But if they went out those NW doors they would could go straight to vehicle and drive out. No street lights on the North side of building.

Compare it to the "squirrel" photo that is dated March 9, 2015 https://www.facebook.com/creeksideD...79345102342/10152633605397343/?type=3&theater



Yes, if that's a camera (appears to be one), looks like front foyer camera(s) *may* have been added after the murder. The earlier "squirrel" photo clearly shows no camera in place under the air vent on the foyer wall near Cub Corner.

(Took me a while to figure out that wall was a reflection in glass doors!)
No apologies needed! For sure I have not been able to read every post in here, either--just happy to find the occasional person who has a similar opinion. :eek:

Not sure if LE have said whether or not any cameras were covered up, but I believe I recall reading they did say none had been disabled or tampered with. (In response to a reporter's question, iirc.) Not sure if tampering would include covering one up, though I suspect it might--if they discovered one still covered, that is.

I'm torn on whether or not there was any bludgeoning at all with the tool (before or after gunshot). Unless it happened in the W front foyer out of camera range...though I'd gotten the impression her body was found in the hall, not the entrance foyer. If he brought her down in the foyer, I can't see him dragging her into the hall to continue the attack on camera. And I can't see him bludgeoning her in the hall for the same reason. In any case, I agree with posters who are theorizing the attack was quick.

LE very well could have stated to a reporter that no cameras had been tampered with. I’ll have to go back and see if I can find that statement anywhere.

BUT, if LE did say that, does that mean the statement is true? That could possibly be info only the sp would know, thus LE may have intentionally put false info out there regarding that question. LE doesn’t have to be completely honest in statements given to the public/media. They’re only required to be honest with mandated documents such as sw’s, for example.

From the very beginning of this case, when I watched the first video released, I have thought SP is a woman. So here goes my theory (my opinion only!):

SP is a female very close to Bevers family, or a member of it. Because of her familial familiarity, she would know Missy's routine for the fitness classes at this particular location (maybe even attended at one time or another), and would know if and when one of Missy's daughters planned to accompany Missy to her class. (As a close family member, she would know all this without having to ask pointed questions.)

As per reasoning above, she would know everyone's whereabouts. Did the deed while BB out of town, did it away from the house (and the daughters), didn't do it in a manner to get the truck bloody because BB would eventually get the truck back.

This is is also why BB is not pushing harder to have this case resolved. He suspects who it is, and wants to spare his daughters losing someone else they love. (Losing to prison, and knowing someone they love killed their mother.)

SP dressed in gear that was available to her, and likewise, the tools she took to the church were ones to which she had access. (Early on, a rumor had Missy stopping at a fire station the day (?) prior to the murder, so for SP to be using a tool commonly used by firefighters is of interest.)

<snipped for focus>

You raised several points that have also been curious to me. In my theory, while the killer SP is male, I have not ruled out involvement of a female accomplice (purposeful or inadvertent), possibly "very close to Bever's family, or a member of it." For all the rest of the reasons you list above.
I wholeheartedly agree on many things you post.
Here&#8217;s my psychological profile of SP so everything below is all my humble opinion and speculation.

IMHO, SP is a white male who has &#8220;been around the block&#8221;, attended the &#8220;school of hard knocks&#8221;, and is a hardened criminal with a law enforcement and military background. I believe SP has an alcohol/substance abuse issue. SP is a sociopath/psychopath with a very checkered past. He is a &#8220;pro&#8221; but likely presents himself as a likable, &#8220;good ole&#8217; boy&#8221; to his local community. He is street smart & tough to the core.

MB never had a chance against him & sad to say this but there was no struggle as SP had the element of surprise, weaponry, and malicious intent on his side. This was over quickly. MB knew too much by default from a sloppy idiot that put her in jeopardy thru no fault of her own.

There&#8217;s a couple of possibilities on how SP may be caught. SP may one day be caught......one day while under the influence of drugs and alcohol, he may hint at his actions in this case and others to a female who will bring the knowledge forth to a government agency to the FBI. The only other way that SP could get caught is by one of his criminal colleague co-conspirators of his illegal business deals who gets arrested & &#8220;talks&#8221;. SP is a pro at nefarious activities so he is very closed mouth 99% of the time......so we have the 1% to hope for. SP has been involved with many illegal activities throughout his lifetime and has been very fortunate to not have been caught but he is getting **tired** and losing his vigor now. SP has walked on both sides of the law and feels comfortable being judge and jury. Nothing rattles him. People don&#8217;t realize how cold this person is.....he can present himself as an authority figure and pillar of respect and command while being jovial. But he has done so many bad things in his life&#8212;he knows there&#8217;s no salvation for him. He likens himself to attack dogs that he has trained and surrounded himself with throughout his life.

This is not likely to be solved thru local LEO methods. And not anytime soon. He may be dead by the time this case becomes resolved.

Stringent analysis of DNA and investigation of familiar DNA may prove useful in identifying SP as the technology advances.

Of course, this is all moo. I sometimes wonder if SP reads here.......

Save this post. I think you&#8217;re probably closer than you think. Agree. Sp doesn&#8217;t look like they&#8217;ll live a long life. And it might take along time to solve. Wonder what % of cases never get resolved or post humiusly
I still think it was a man even after reading threads. I could see if it was a woman, it was one who was very close to her family IMO. But, I can’t imagine a woman doing something so gruesome and still acting normal around others after. Either way, I think this was without a doubt targeted and planned well in advance. JMO

ETA: Not making a knock against either gender, so don’t jump on me. ;)

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I still think it was a man even after reading threads. I could see if it was a woman, it was one who was very close to her family IMO. But, I can’t imagine a woman doing something so gruesome and still acting normal around others after. Either way, I think this was without a doubt targeted and planned well in advance. JMO

ETA: Not making a knock against either gender, so don’t jump on me. ;)

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I agree with you!
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