TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #13

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Possibly like Nancy Grace? Had (two) day old information and was trying to put together to make a story for himself and promotion?

Other things Nancy has said regarding this case:

"MB was reportedly stabbed in the face with a knife"! She said this approximately 4,271 times on one show last week after reading "puncture wounds on the head and chest" from the cause of death report. No one in LE or the ME office ever mentioned anything about a knife or stab wounds.

"It sounds to me like the motive may have been an illicit affair!" She talked about this several times during her show where reports/affidavits included the exchange of "messages of an intimate nature". No one in LE has ever made a claim of extramarital affairs.

"The murderer filmed the crime!" She talked about this at length after reading a warrant for phone data. Warrants must include lists of specific evidence LE is seeking. It's not necessarily a list or any indication of knowledge of specific evidence or acts.

Nancy Grace, God love that woman. I really enjoy her show but... she is not exactly a font of rational, critical, vetted information when it comes to crime news. She has loads of contacts and could make a really amazing show, but most of the time she is just intentionally provocative, combative, and outrageous in order to get her fans and ratings whipped up.
Can we get off the CT tip for a while? What if? Remember to stop and think before you post.
Hello StarryNight :clap:

[Edit - hi everybody. I've been a long time WSer, since way before the 2003 crash; at that time i had a different WS name & changed to PSA in 2004. To save you from going "Huh, who IS this person??" ... allow me to update you. Huge crime boff/fan; always read WS tho I never post; been following many cases here and posters are flipping awesome! I have great memories of the great people still here and excellent comments of those posting since I entered my hibernation. I might add WS wins hands down in all forums and has greatly improved from the [then] personal attacks & bedlam that reigned. Huge applause to Tricia *enter wavy guy here * for last couple of WS decades. You need one huge WS conference, dear friend! Love coming here; love the thoughts, warmth & humor - so thank you everyone, new old (and lurking). Just saying my bit in case I drop out for another few years!]

Yes, starrynight: seems an obsolete media story - but then, when media have nothing concrete to say, they churn out a story on the story (i.e.: on us sleuths & story-rumors). This is, IMO, mainly to try and keep eyes on their publication. Nothing beats WS, so I guess it won't work. Perhaps the reporter is glib that he/she/they haven't worked as tirelessly on this story as WS-ers have?

As for writing the letter: again, I agree with you here,too. However there is a thing called free speech. Is it right or wrong to pen a letter to "the perp" in this fashion? Can't answer that,suffice to say the author is finger-pointing and (IMO) it's letters like this that perhaps support the Trial-By-Media ideology/cliche.

MOVING ON & to capture my thoughts on this riveting case. (So this post may be long. Forgive me: You're free to snore, delete, jibe or absorb, LOL). I have not read every post, I have danced through every thread tho. Wow. Immense amount of thought & energy. I'll attempt to bring in factors either omitted or simply thoughts garnered as I have traversed these threads. Bear with me, if you may.

There's a song out there with the lyrics trying to make sense of no sense at all or similar. Yes. B/c murder is senseless. Irrational. Unnecessary and most importantly no human, under civil laws, has the right to deny another of life. Humans murder. We are all human. It is in all of us; we may only thank the Good Lord above there is only a very very small % of us who do kill. It's the what, where & why of that small %,that we, 'normal' people, beat out here. WHY!? MMO. Usually: Money Sex Drugs & Rock n Roll trigger that part of the brain containing heaps of anger & pride. Sad, eh?

1. It's not what LE has said, it's what they haven't said. And there is a lot they have not said; why would they? They are building a case & it must be protected under the law of the land. Us crime boffs are frustrated. The victim has gone. Missy was unlawfully and cruelly removed from her life. Whatever her perceived transgressions (a few have alluded to X Y Z), she did not deserve to die and her children did not deserve to lose their mom is such a hideous, unexpected and brutal way. If old enough, they probably read here, too. May love keep them going strong: they have much to be proud of in their mom.

2. LE said "are not suspects at this time". At this time. Well that was then and [then] meant "today"...and yet tomorrow that may certainly change.

3. Perp was not seen leaving building (as of public info). We have a few minutes of a CCTV clip. LE caught/saw the perp much longer. That alone tells you they're already some 23 minutes ahead of us. On the HD video, around 40-42 secs, I do see a hammer & claw. By my eyes, anyway. I think perp was using a long steel blade of sorts to pry open the latch and returned the metal object to his her pocket.

4. Targeted. (Missy was very fit, even taught self def. The perp knew this. I believe perp used a stun gun on Missy to subdue her then the hammer & stabbing. Speed was essential - as the perp knew a class was about to commence.

5. LE told us "other lives are at risk". Perp clearly had an axe to grind and felt betrayed or threatened by other lives. Was it sex? Affairs? Jealousy? Throwing open a less-discussed mind-set: could drugs play any part of all of this? Seriously. Could, in some nefarious way, drugs seriously be linked? Was someone paid,outed,warned or ... not paid? Did someone find out about drug dealings and feel threatened? Did someone owe money & due to their own terrible financial issues feel cornered? Was Missy's murder sending a "message" to the (perceived) target? Do LE wonder as much - hence they waned "other lives are at risk"? Did Missy discover/know something else? Was the trash, for example, take a week later when someone (not necessarily the perp) felt it was safer to trash X Y Z later, rather than sooner? If lives are still at risk...who could those people be? Suffice to say if LE believe this to be true, then everyone is being watched. And most definitely here on WS ...and the killer is likely reading here. Make absolutely no error on that score.

6. BB's Odd Media Statement: Simply odd to me, perhaps not so to many. BB said & as printed-which we've all read often enough : "....it's my children; what they will come to find out...". Here's why it's odd. Surely, if a man is trying to find out why/how his wife was murdered, he'd say "what we will come to find out". Could be innocent slip of the tongue, however I wondered: why is worried about what THEY will find out? We know, despite the innocent-until-proven-guilty (inside a court of law) nothing is innocent in a murder investigation. I certainly found it discomforting to see BB's dad jovial, smiling, laughing; as if this is not the worst news. May be so for him. Yet he has grand-kids. He at least owes them far more honor, breeding, dignity respect and love that they deserve...whatever his own emotions are ... at the terrible loss of their mom. Personally I found his demeanor a tad too flippant. That is NOT accusatory, it's merely my own observation.

7. Terrific discussion/thoughts on everything from the moment of entering the church to current news. I've noticed very little on how the perp exited, aside from a few suggestions the perp "blended in to class". LE confirmed: "we do not have CCTV of the suspect leaving the crime scene". LE did not say what they found later, or earlier on the CCTV.

8. The MC/KC on the warrants. I feel they're no way implicated other than matching stories. For instance: and do note example here...: LE may have Missy's phone, saw she texted (eg) MC to say "On my way" and MC replied. LE would need those phones to establish where each person was at cell-tower-ping time of messaging. More to eliminate rather than incriminate. And to confirm a timeline of who/when/how Missy was found & first callers.

9. Affairs. Hey...what's new folks? The basis of many a revenge killing. Ego, pride & hate. Insurance pay outs. Deletes custody/alimony wars. Deletes a witnessto any things nefarious. So, yeah. Affairs may lead (often do) to big, big trouble. BUT. No-one deserves to die for love. Divorce, sacked, sued...whatever. But no-one on God's Blue & Green Earth deserves to die for that. And no-one,dead or alive, deserves trash-talk about it either. I'm a prude, sure. I avoid things I don't agree with. But I sure as heck do not wish those people dead for what they do or how they live their lives. If I did wish such, I'd fall into that much-less than 1% who have it in them to kill. Murderers, monsters, rapists, child abusers? Hell's too good for some of those scorched deadly souls.

10. Quite frankly all close to this case (esp those on warrants) are walking on egg shells. Everyone will try act normal. Accent on act. There are some who are 100% innocent, yet thru a contact/associate may feel edgy. Their own family; suspicions, early conclusions. And yet...someone (maybe 2) knows exactly who they are, what they did and why they did this. And LE are concerned for other lives. This case is definitely a classic Murder on the Nile case. It's one of those cases that flies to the High-Profile Case that we see every few years...these are the kinds of cases that the late Anne Rule (RIP) et al, loved so dearly. Here we are: friendly followers of fate are fixated upon clues, results and justice.

Well. Told ya! Said this would be long. Now...under my rock. No helmet required as I have a very tough skin! Sending you all greetings: great posts, comments and follow up. Thoughts with Missy's children and her loved ones. Soon. Maybe soon ... as BB curiously said of his children "they will come to learn when, why, who".

RIP Terri "Missy" Bevers.
Agreed, and from everything I have seen just from Facebook she seems like a loving mother and wife. I just don't see it.

Respectfully, going by everything we saw on Mark Sievers' facebook, he was a devoted, supportive and loving husband and who dearly loved his girls. People publish what they want others to see and they hope that no one (or unaware that many people) can see past the facade.

I am not saying that's what anyone involved is doing, I'm just saying that it IS what so many people do and it can be difficult to know the truth if you don't know the person.
Just to clear up a few things with sources/facts:

Regarding how MB was found:

"Medics were attending an unresponsive female as officers entered the church. The officers observed a lot of glasss – broken glass on the floor, and the female – uh, as well as the female. They started the search of the building to make sure there were no other individuals in the facility."

Transcribed from official press conference by MPD.
Source: [video=youtube;XNLtwTK2hq8]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNLtwTK2hq8"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNLtwTK2hq8[/video]

**I am in the process of transcribing the whole press conference currently.**

Regarding if there was camera footage of suspect after Missy's murder:

"At approximately 0418 hours, the victim Terri Bevers is observed entering the building
through the main door under the awning area. The video shows Terri Bevers walking
toward where the suspects location. Neither the suspect nor victim, were seen again on
The victim was later found deceased at the south west comer of the interior of the
Source: Search warrant

How suspect gained entry to the church:

"The unknown suspect dressed in police tactical/riot gear, obtained forcible entry to the
location of the murder,
to-wit, the Creekside Church, and appears on the Creekside
Church surveillance videos."
Source: AT&T tower warrant

**Search warrant links posted at the beginning of each thread by mods**
Just to add, sorry, starrynight, took so long to type that, I lost you post I quoted above. Also... gosh...20pages since I least read, have no clue on all updates. Man oh man. This thread advances faster than the speed of light, LOL. back under my rock...to catch up.
I wonder if the rectangular box/ phone could be a taser
Agreed, and from everything I have seen just from Facebook she seems like a loving mother and wife. I just don't see it.
Facebook is notorious for being an inaccurate portrayal of real life. I'm not saying CT is guilty. She and AJ may in fact have a wonderful life. However, people often only put the best of themselves on social media.
It would certainly explain the number of agencies involved, which is something that continues to baffle me.

It's my opinion the investigators are having us chase our own tails to deflect from what is really going on at least until they can give a statement. Even if the costume was not 100% authentic, I believe part of it was and I think that is what we keep dismissing. I believe the perp staged the break in to throw missy off. Once she arrived and noticed broken glass, open doors etc, he or she was planning on that gaining her trust.

I believe he almost did so, but maybe as she got closer realized something was not right, maybe the lack of other officers, no police car whatever. I believe it she most likely backed away and attempted to escape but was caught subdued and killed by her attacker. Maybe she reported something she had stumbled upon drugs, illegal activities or maybe even was having an affair with him. Maybe his wife said prove to me it's over and that is what he did. All speculation and JMO but I do have a strong feeling that this involved LE in some way.
True; but then, in that case, there would be literally NO reason to go ever go check someone's FB page for the purpose of sleuthing any case, if it was such an unreliable source due to people lying about themselves or faking personalities...

I prefer to believe what people show to the world is their true self, unless i find out otherwise. Because 9 times out of 10, it IS who they are, IMO.

I think that a person who is able to brutally kill an innocent person would not be in the norm. Would they be truthful in their Facebook posts?
from the "target interests"

BB - married to MB, was reportedly out of town, had financial & marital issues with MB but reportedly still loved her

RB - MB father-in-law, was reportedly out of town, took blood stained shirts to dry-cleaners several days after the murder (blood reportedly from an injured animal)

MC & KC - have a child who is friends with the Bevers child, KC teaches spin & boot camp classes (but not thru Camp Gladiator)

WH - ? not enough info - per FB she is widowed

AT - Camp Gladiator trainer, was in Austin with Bevers just prior to the murder, also teaches womens self-defense & has access to black self-defense attire/equipment similar to what the killer wore

CT - wife of AT (CT trainer & self-defense trainer,) locals suspected her from the start due to same body build & gait as the killer, her husband (AT) was in Austin with Bevers just prior to the murder, might also have access to self-defense attire/equipment thru her husband, per FB lives in Mansfield & school was closed day of the murder

But what if a local journalist was hurting for a story and killed Missy to be the person to get the lead.

Some fire fighters start their own fires as well.

I don't think the search warrant for the March 1 - April 24 communications of the "target numbers" is linked on page one of this thread.

But there are five released search warrants, correct? Dry cleaners, ATT tower dump, Missy's LinkedIn, Missy's iPhone and iPad, and target numbers. Has LE said how many search warrants they've obtained?

There has been 7 Search Warrants filed. Unknown how many have been issued. My post from end of thread 12

Check this out.... If ya think they aren't working and writing many Search Warrants!! Just figured this out by accident. I thinking they have a bunch under seal JMHO http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...T-gear-18-Apr-2016-12&p=12536390#post12536390

7 Search Warrants have been filed with the District Clerk office, only 3 of the 7 have the hand written Search Warrant # sheet *THAT WE HAVE BEEN PROVIDED.They are as listed. Meaning that the last number is for that particular SW....

1) Filed 4/21 SW16-050 Is to go into the 2012 Ford F150 at MPD & get personal items from veh (iPad and other financial paperwork) ***iPhone was NOT listed so it had to be w/ MB
4/18 Affidavit
4/18 Warrant
4/18 Warrant Execution
?? can not see the Notarized date on the end of page on media page
* truck was released back to BB Attachment 94079

2) Filed 4/27 SW16-059 Dry Cleaner warrant
4/22 Affidavit
4/22 Warrant
4/22 Execution of Warrant
4/27 Notarized Attachment 94080

3) Filed 5/3 SW16-060 MB iPhone & iPad for Forensic Extraction
4/19 Affidavit
4/19 Warrant
4/20 Execution
4/28 Notarized Attachment 94081

4) Filed 5/3 NO SW# Written on copy LinkedIn
4/26 FAXED Emergency Data Preservation for MB account
*no Execution form JMHO is because this was sent to the Company is in Mountain View, CA

5) Filed 5/3 NO SW# Written on Copy LinkedIn for Casey Williams account
4/26 FAXED Emergency Data Preservation for Casey Williams account
*no Execution form JMHO is because this was sent to the Company in CA

6) Filed 5/3 No SW# Written on Copy AT&T Cell Tower Dump
4/21 Affidavit
4/21 Warrant
*no Execution form JMHO is because this was sent to the Company is in North Palm Beach, FL 

7) Filed 5/3 NO SW# Written on Copy AT&T Target Numbers
4/25 Affidavit
4/25 Warrant
*no Execution form JMHO is because this was sent to the Company is in North Palm Beach, FL
She is not being negatively criticized for merely being a victim. What do you mean exactly? Thanks.

I know you're not asking me, but I agree with ATL. IMO, I think it was mainly that the last sentence either could have been worded differently or left off entirely. The last sentence especially came off kind of snotty. Telling a victim that they "need to find another way to vent" when she did what was right for her isn't fair.

MB was family, her daughter-in-law, the mother of her grandchildren and she's grieving, hurt and angry and she can vent however it feels right for her. Some think it's weird, some do not. It's her pain, it's her prerogative and frankly, I'd be a whole lot less restrained than she was.
Excellent question. Somewhere along Hwy 287 headed north?
Or, if "they're" smart, the swat outfit has been burned to ashes. Or hidden away in someone's house until it can be disposed
of "properly".

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