TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #13

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I don't see a search warrant being issued for a suspects home before an arrest in this case.

LE would need some good probable cause to get the warrant in the first place. In my opinion they would have enough for an arrest and conviction and a search of the suspects home would be more of a formality. I doubt the killer would keep the swat outfit or other evidence from the crime at his home.

It would be long gone by now. JMO
I wondered a lot about that too. Someone else commented on it elsewhere, saying they said it looked like a case - the hinged kind with metal edging and corners. You can get them from amazon to store glasses, pencils, you name it. They come in a wide variety of sizes. I puzzled over this one a while and at times wondered if it wasn't just a random item picked up somewhere there in the church and carried around in order to prop a door open for potential quick escape, etc.
If it's a taser that answers a big question of how someone presumably not very fit would have the confidence to, and be able to, overcome someone far more agile and in very good shape.
I don't see a search warrant being issued for a suspects home before an arrest in this case.

LE would need some good probable cause to get the warrant in the first place. In my opinion they would have enough for an arrest and conviction and a search of the suspects home would be more of a formality. I doubt the killer would keep the swat outfit or other evidence from the crime at his home.

It would be long gone by now. JMO

Thank you! I've been wondering about this.
Something else important to remember - I don't think LE would have collected trash from people who had solid alibis. But that's just my opinion.

Due to how early in the morning this murder occurred, I would normally think many of the people LE interviewed would have stated that they were asleep at the time of the murder. But of course it's kind of hard to prove that you were asleep at a given time. Also, phone pings, traffic cameras, or social media posts might make LE think someone is not being truthful with that explanation. But this case seems to be full of people who are very early risers and early exercisers, so I guess I can't assume that anyone would tell LE they were sleeping at 3:50 on that Monday morning.
Hi everyone!

I'm back to trying to get caught up again after being out this afternoon. You guys have been busy!:clap:

I have a quick question. Can a search warrant be sealed later (after the fact) or after it's served? Or, does it have to be sealed when it's signed by the judge?


JMHO and this is only my reading but I think the whole purpose of sealing it as outlined has reasons. But also says (say search warrant of someones home... they would have to let that person know what was taken *copy of the items) JMHO.

I feel pretty sure that there are search warrants sealed for at least BB phone extraction and CW phone extraction. Could be wrong but jmho.

Art. 18.011. SEALING OF AFFIDAVIT. (a) An attorney representing the state in the prosecution of felonies may request a district judge or the judge of an appellate court to seal an affidavit presented under Article 18.01(b). The judge may order the affidavit sealed if the attorney establishes a compelling state interest in that:
(1) public disclosure of the affidavit would jeopardize the safety of a victim, witness, or confidential informant or cause the destruction of evidence; or
(2) the affidavit contains information obtained from a court-ordered wiretap that has not expired at the time the attorney representing the state requests the sealing of the affidavit.

(b) An order sealing an affidavit under this section expires on the 31st day after the date on which the search warrant for which the affidavit was presented is executed. After an original order sealing an affidavit is issued under this article, an attorney representing the state in the prosecution of felonies may request, and a judge may grant, before the 31st day after the date on which the search warrant for which the affidavit was presented is executed, on a new finding of compelling state interest, one 30-day extension of the original order.
(c) On the expiration of an order issued under Subsection (b) and any extension, the affidavit must be unsealed.
(d) An order issued under this section may not:
(1) prohibit the disclosure of information relating to the contents of a search warrant, the return of a search warrant, or the inventory of property taken pursuant to a search warrant; or
(2) affect the right of a defendant to discover the contents of an affidavit.

Added by Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. 355 (S.B. 244), Sec. 2, eff. September 1, 2007. http://www.statutes.legis.state.tx.u....18.htm#18.011
If it's a taser that answers a big question of how someone presumably not very fit would have the confidence to, and be able to, overcome someone far more agile and in very good shape.

Missy was only 5'3...even in good shape, that's a small person.

Although one hard smack in the head with a hammer and it doesn't matter how fit one is. Jmo
You guess its true, that that was someones opinion? or that you believe something else to be a fact. Not trying to be snarky just understand.
ETA: usually when a situation like this its a Verified Insider giving such detailed info like and even then we can choose to believe or not believe. Per TOS. Just confused on this whole thread I guess. Not that I don't appreciate local comments, I do.

Locals who do not become VIs are still like the rest of us--take what they say however you want to, right? Believe or not, consider the info or not, read their posts or scroll and roll. Whether or not the purported local gives details, we have to decide for ourselves if we think s\he is a credible poster or not. Or posting credible information.

Thank you, arkansasmimi, for how much time and effort you give to WS cases. I appreciate your posts, and your pursuit of justice.
Something else important to remember - I don't think LE would have collected trash from people who had solid alibis. But that's just my opinion.

I'm not sure that LE collected trash from anyone connected to this case. All I've heard is some Facebook claims by a neighbor of AT's.

It could have never happened and the neighbor is jacking up AT or it could have been some bum or identity thief digging in the trash. JMO
I mentioned stun gun (taser) in my post preceding yours ...:)
While I believe a taser was used (easiest way to overpower someone) "the white box thing" seems too large.
Where did the perp get this box - as it's not in his/her hands earlier in the HD video?
Was it in his/her front "tool kit" pouch?
Collected elsewhere in the church?
Could the perp have visited the church beforehand and left it ready to use at the time of the murder?
As in being all part of a planned operation.
Is this why the perp is seen smashing doors: to access a *previously planted* hidden weapon of sorts?
This person did not want to murder Missy in front of any kids basically to avoid witnesses - and also to ensure "all went according to plan".
That being said, begs the Question: if the above hovers close to fact...was Missy stalked in the weeks/days leading up to the murder?
Missy was only 5'3...even in good shape, that's a small person.

Although one hard smack in the head with a hammer and it doesn't matter how fit one is. Jmo
Very true. Absent a gun (which we don't know one way or the other) a taser could sure come in handy.
I don't see a search warrant being issued for a suspects home before an arrest in this case.

LE would need some good probable cause to get the warrant in the first place. In my opinion they would have enough for an arrest and conviction and a search of the suspects home would be more of a formality. I doubt the killer would keep the swat outfit or other evidence from the crime at his home.

It would be long gone by now. JMO

I don't completely agree. I think the outfit is gone, but then some perps aren't too bright/are very arrogant, so it's hard to say.

What makes you think they wouldn't search someone's home without an arrest? Is it just the way this particular case has been handled? Because there are plenty of crimes I have followed where many homes and properties were searched, but an arrest has never occurred. Hailey Dunn and Lisa Irwin are 2 such cases. Many homes and properties were searched and many years later, no one is behind bars for either case. And there are hundreds, if not thousands, of cold cases like that IMO.
With respect to my earlier post... just noticed that high-powered female Dallas divorce attorney KMc "de friended" MB recently because they were def FB friends after the murder. May not mean anything. Some people are just private people.
Anyone from Midlothian know if MB contacted her on a professional level or how they were connected??
How can you tell if someone has been un friended?
I'm not sure that LE collected trash from anyone connected to this case. All I've heard is some Facebook claims by a neighbor of AT's.

It could have never happened and the neighbor is jacking up AT or it could have been some bum or identity thief digging in the trash. JMO

Per his follow up comments on that post - he verified it did happen. And that it was a crazy story that he could not talk about.
Hello...and thanks for your reply :)
Difficult for all involved. Absolutely.
Let's pray the perp is sweating.

I've been wondering about a taser for couple weeks and posted this thought and why) a few pages back, as you captured.
As I said then: makes sense to overpower a very fit person; the only set back would could) be the victim's screams.
The perp had to act fast and knew Missy would arrive well before others: the window of opportunity was small.

Am interested to know other posters' views/thoughts on how the perp escaped and avoided class members as they arrived.

Love this...thanks for posting! I can imagine for BB it is what his children will learn. He already knows about the affair(s) I assume his children had no clue, so for me I took that to mean his children will hear very unsavory things like that and the financial problems. Most of the time parents try to avoid letting their children know of financial issues. I hate to think it, but I feel like this is going to come down to gambling or selling of illegal substances to try and get out of the debt they had. MOO

I feel like when it is all said and done, RB is putting on a front of this person who has it together (smiling etc.) for the sake of his grandkids and son. If I saw my grandfather break down, and my dad after just loosing my mother, I wouldn't know what to do. Often times girls need a "strong" male in times of tragedy, so maybe RB is trying to be that. (It's very off putting for me personally, but maybe explains some?)

One final thing, if I still lived in the Midlo area I would be hoping and praying everyone was being watched. I can't imagine the stress that this putting on everyone there. I do hope that the Bevers kids are going to counseling, this has to be the most confusing and terrifying times of their lives.
Per his follow up comments on that post - he verified it did happen. And that it was a crazy story that he could not talk about.

Why would he make that up and have people think he was a suspect if it wasn't true?

Cops can take your trash once you put it out on the curb. I don't see why this is controversial. It doesn't make the T's a suspect right now, but I'm sure LE had check out anyone in the close circle of family, friends, and business associates.
Regarding the item the perp has in the left hand as they cross the hallway in the last scene of the long surveillance camera clip, we had a long, long discussion about that a week ago or so, and it seemed like we reached a consensus that it might be the handle of the door that the perp took apart. Is there a reason we are backtracking on this, and going back to Saran Wrap boxes, or whatever?

I haven't read all the threads this weekend, so it seems odd that we are discussing this item once again.


In all honesty. Maybe if the killer felt that they had to actually make it look like a burglary. Then maybe they just picked the first thing they seen for camera purposes to make it seem like they stole something. Idk.

I truly think the killer was improvising as they went along for the sake of the camera. Jmo.
Looks like someone headed out of state recently... according to their FB
In the age of social media, seems everyone knows everything about anything.
In my day...one was simply quietly removed from the Christmas Card List, LOL!
Either way, un-friending, snubbing hurts our pride, I guess :shame:
I don't completely agree. I think the outfit is gone, but then some perps aren't too bright/are very arrogant, so it's hard to say.

What makes you think they wouldn't search someone's home without an arrest? Is it just the way this particular case has been handled? Because there are plenty of crimes I have followed where many homes and properties were searched, but an arrest has never occurred. Hailey Dunn and Lisa Irwin are 2 such cases. Many homes and properties were searched and many years later, no one is behind bars for either case. And there are hundreds, if not thousands, of cold cases like that IMO.

Homes that are crime scenes like the Irwin home are obliviously searched at the very beginning.and search warrants are gotten for them. Don't get me going on the HRD dog alert that was used for probable cause in that case. It could get ugly.

We don't have that situation in this case. The crime scene is the church. Not the killers home. I'm not saying that there's no inculpatory evidence at the killers home, just that LE will not need that evidence before they can make an arrest. JMO
Why would he make that up and have people think he was a suspect if it wasn't true?

Cops can take your trash once you put it out on the curb. I don't see why this is controversial. It doesn't make the T's a suspect right now, but I'm sure LE had check out anyone in the close circle of family, friends, and business associates.

The things people post on FB are perplexing to me sometimes. It sounds like he posted it just to get reassurance from others that he wasn't the only one whose trash was taken. I think he worded the post like he was being helpful and giving a 'heads up' to his FB friends that some kind of identity thief was stealing people's trash in Midlothian. But it just kind of read like he was trying to find out if any of his friends had their trash taken. IMO
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