TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #13

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The reason for training outside in the rain versus moving training inside, IMO, could be as simple as in March the rain was light while in April the rain was torrential and there was thunder and perhaps lightning.

My guess is if it is self-defense training, you might want to be able to perform in inclement weather instead of the security of a church, lol. JMO
I think people on here have surmised he downloaded a bible app which produces daily bible quotes. So it doesn't seem that he is actually sifting through the bible each day and posting quotes. It's automatic with the app it seems. IDK - anybody know how this app actually works?

I went ahead and downloaded the app and signed up as a non-religious person it will not remain but I digress. The app has a daily verse one can share the verse on SM accounts.There is also an option to read the chapter in its entirety. After signing up one can also receive a daily email with the verse.

The verses BB has shared are not the recent daily verses (which go back to a year ago so I looked at some to see if they could have been from a different day although this is unsearchable). Perhaps if one signed up using Facebook then the app will request to share automatically.

@thriftymaven I had the same verse so it is the same verse for all users which is also posted on their website
My guess is if it is self-defense training, you might want to be able to perform in inclement weather instead of the security of a church, lol. JMO

It wasn't self-defense training.

"CG is a full body functional workout program that combines strength plus cardio in every 60 minute session. Each workout is different and each week we focus on something different: endurance training, functional movements, interval training, and metabolic conditioning. The workouts are challenging but fun and it's always a positive environment."

"Is camp ever cancelled due to weather?
We never cancel! Rain, shine, sleet or snow, there will always be a trainer present to greet you with a big CG smile! Most locations have an alternate spot where they meet if there is inclement weather. See your trainer for details."

Not caught up yet, but I wanted to address this point. This is Texas where they really do have a death penalty. If apprehended, it could be the difference between a Life sentence for the suspect to have incidentally killed someone in the commission of a felony burglary, where proof of a premeditated murder for hire is going to be the death penalty. If apprehended, the suspect actually is relying on the co-conspirators to continue to not say a word, because the killer suspect doesn't want the death penalty and wants a deal for his life. If the co-conspirators have a breakdown of remorse and go blabbing, they are ALL up for that death penalty. JMO and not based on the intricacies of Texas jurisprudence - let's see what we have for suspects when arrests are made - but staging a burglary may be to the advantage of the hired hitman.

Excellent point. Haven't researched it yet, but my guess would be that the DP would be off the table for a juvenile?
Totally agree.

Yup. We don't know what wording the camper used when calling BB, but we do know that BB called his mother and that his mother gave his sister the impression that it was an accident when she called her.....and then they received the call that she had died (from BB). Maybe just telephone mix-up maybe not. JMO
Dénouement;12541613 said:
I went ahead and downloaded the app and signed up as a non-religious person it will not remain but I digress. The app has a daily verse one can share the verse on SM accounts.There is also an option the read the chapter in its entirety. After signing up one can also receive a daily email with the verse.

The verses BB has shared are not the recent daily verses (which go back to a year ago so I looked at some to see if they could have been from a different day although this is unsearchable). Perhaps if one signed up using Facebook then the app will request to share automatically.

@thriftymaven I had the same verse so it is the same verse for all users which is also posted on their website

It may depend on which bible study plan BB is doing. Each plan has different bible verses each day. It would be almost impossible to look through all of the plans that are included on YouVersion. It's hard to say what plan he may be on. But, I do know that on this app--bible verses go to SM immediately without you giving it permission to each day. IOW, when you check the box to share on your FB--it shares every time until you go back in and change your settings to not share. At least that's the way it is on mine. I have both the app online and on my phone.

There's really no way to know for sure if BB is putting those out there or the app is doing it automatically. Even if you went through all of the plans and did not find that particular scripture on that day....it could still mean he's doing a study and they are automatically being generated but he might be behind on his plan (on a different day than everyone else). If that makes sense?

Having said that--I think he is probably posting the scriptures each day.

(I'm around but I don't have much to add at the moment with everything going on in the thread. I'm going to sit back and wait for more information and see how this unfolds. Hope all of my faves are doing well! :) )
I was struck by that phone call too but this is what I think might have happened: the 1st class participants find MB, they would not have known what happened to her - seeing broken glass, blood - they might have assumed she had an accident. At this point, they don't know. They call BB and say there has been an accident. BB might have assumed it was a car accident. If it were me, and I lived in Red Oak with very dangerous highways, and someone told me my spouse had an accident, I would assume it was a car accident. We don't know how that call went down. If it were frantic and short BB might innocently have come away with the complete wrong idea as opposed to him misleading his sister in that phone call.

This is how I think it went down, too. I work in an ER and so many times when we inform family members that their loved one was involved in an accident, the majority of people assume we mean car accident. I recently had a patient who fell off of a ladder. it was an accident, but it took several attempts at straightening out the story that it was not a car accident.
But not a "car accident" i don't think....
No, definitely not a car accident. But if they had a frantic phone call with BB, I could understand if he heard 'accident' and assumed car accident. The roads are dangerous around there and car accident would be the most likely accident one would have.

I see you are from Yorkshire. Right! I have family there. What a beautiful place :)
I've never lost anyone to murder, and I can't know how it feels or how people deal with tragedy like this. I do think I would be IRATE and steadfast in finding the killer. Id be angry! I'd want a piece of this person!
See, I think the perp could park beside that tree on the left side of the picture, and Missy nor anybody else would have seen his/her car. And it would not have been visible from the road or the gun store. And especially if there were no cameras in the back of the building.

In fact, until someone shows me some proof that there were any exterior cameras other than the the one next to the doors under the awning (which was probably used to "buzz" people into the building during the week when the church office was open but they were not having services), then I am going to assume that there were no other exterior cameras, despite what the sign at the front of the property says.


They had cameras going back to at least 2013 with the theft capturing the vehicle on camera:
I still can't decide from watching the video a gazillion times, if I think the swatperp had been in the church prior to the morning Missy was murdered. There are times that the perp seems new to the church, for instance, the dutch door. BUT, how risky to plan a murder in a building that you don't know the layout of, other than nervously walking around in "wait?"
In the warrants does it actually state that each of the target numbers actually called or received calls from Missy's cell phone recently? Why would CT call her unless Missy was buying make-up from her. I haven't heard that they were friends. Maybe AT borrowed one of the women's phones once to call home or to call work. That could explain a call or calls between the two.
An innocent reason for such communication may be to arrange meetings for their girls who are friends.
It appears a few posters here are familiar with the inside of the church. My question is...what type of room or what is inside the room that the SWATperp went into before attempting to jar the door open of the room next to it? I'm trying to figure out what in the world the white elongated thing is that you all were posting pictures of last night.

Part of me thinks the perp gets the hammer from that room you are talking about. To me they do not seem to have the hammer in their hands prior to walking in that room but they come out swinging the hammer up and down. I suppose it is possible the perp had the hammer in their vest and simply pulled it from their vest while in that room but im just not sure.
I still can't decide from watching the video a gazillion times, if I think the swatperp had been in the church prior to the morning Missy was murdered. There are times that the perp seems new to the church, for instance, the dutch door. BUT, how risky to plan a murder in a building that you don't know the layout of, other than nervously walking around in "wait?"
I have wondered that too. I was wondering if the perp attended service there once or twice in order to case the place. Maybe there would be video from another day, or a visitor register, or someone might remember the visitor.
This is how I think it went down, too. I work in an ER and so many times when we inform family members that their loved one was involved in an accident, the majority of people assume we mean car accident. I recently had a patient who fell off of a ladder. it was an accident, but it took several attempts at straightening out the story that it was not a car accident.

I'd agree there was probably gentle euphemisms used i.e 'can you get here quickly? Missy has been hurt,' that caused confusion - If summoning a relative I would imagine it's safer to give fewer details so they're a bit less distracted making their way to the scene of an incident/hospital etc. Jmo.
NG is suggesting she has been told there was cleanup after the killing. Have we heard this before?

I'm wondering if perhaps Nancy Grace (or someone) misconstrued a comment about crime-scene cleanup—meaning professionals brought in once the scene was released back to the church—and put 2 and 2 together, came up with 22, and set off and running the notion that the perp cleaned up.

In other news, if Mr. BeesInMyBonnet were to get ahold of my search history, he might give me frightened glances: "crime-scene cleanup," "admissibility forensic kinesiology," and so on.[emoji45]
The reason for training outside in the rain versus moving training inside, IMO, could be as simple as in March the rain was light while in April the rain was torrential and there was thunder and perhaps lightning.
Good Morning Everyone! My thoughts on MB holding camp inside that day - since she has posted pics on FB of her group inside the church we know this isn't unusual. I attended CG a few years ago and the workouts vary each time. If she had a decent size group - she probably didn't have enough room under the awning for what she had planned. Also, MOO, maybe the church didn't want her advertising they would be inside (probably for safety reasons) so the campers would know they would be inside when she posted under the awning? I joined the CG in Arlington (prob 25 mins from Midlo) but we never had access to anything indoors so we truly worked out under the awning of a church when it was rainy!
Side note - CG offers amazing workouts and they truly are like a family if anyone is considering joining, I highly recommend it!
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