TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #21

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That's a lame looking bumper sticker for advertising a health-oriented energy product, lol.



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What is Thrive? Is it related to/a product of Camp Gladiator? Thanks.

I believe it is a patch worn to stimulate weight loss. Missy is seen in many photos wearing one on her arm. I THINK it is a multi level marketing scheme. People are recruited to sell these products, and there are usually promises of substantial money to be earned. However, some people are better at sales than others...

I spoke to my old boss who owns a AV company in DFW and had him check out the gun stores video quality. He said absolutely, unequivocally (in his opinion) rain or shine the license plate would be visible. It seems like whomever this person is must have in some way, intentionally or otherwise, was driving a vehicle without tags/concealed tags or LE has blurred the image. My logical side cannot come up with a reason that LE would pretend not to know the plate #. If so they would have found this car, even if in another state once a BOLO went out. However, I also feel that if they do have the tag info they would have no reason to appeal to the public for help. Earlier I read a theory that maybe they were trying to intimidate or squeeze the perp and/or manipulate those around him/her into making the connection, which isn't impossible. I just think the more plausible, less complicated answer is that they genuinely need this car bc they have no way of finding it. My boss also referred to a video on the gun stores YouTube involving the detection and zoom in on a military air craft. He said if you have any doubts just how powerful the cameras are, watch that. He said in his opinion without the rain he would bet money that they can zoom in on the serial number on the dash if the angle is correct even at night.

IMO - I know this is hearsay and I hope I can use his opinion?

Unless… unless the perp wanted it to appear as if it were a crime of passion in order to confuse the investigation. The perp(s), knowing that the revelation of relationships outside the marriage would become public, makes it appear as if the motive were jealously/revenge. Perp(s) have also been successful in confusing the investigation in regards to gender. Gives the defendant plenty of alternative theories to throw at the jury at trial. IMO, IMO.
I think LE should have a more precise estimate of the height. Can't they use the same cameras and have someone 5'7 walk around to compare images? It is not like the camera positioning or any permanent fixtures or doorway sizes would be different today than it was at the time of the murder. Why the huge range in height? One can wear healed boots and the helmet might add an inch, but this baffles me.

It's possible they do have a more precise height than the range they gave the public while still accounting for the boots and helmet. I probably posted this previously but IMO, I think the public was given a wider range because not everyone is good at estimating height so giving a range might help people come forward who wouldn't if they assumed someone couldn't be the perp bc they don't think they look like the exact height given.

The other reason for the large range could be due to the standard deviation talked about in statistics when it comes to height and maybe they added this on to the range along with a more specific height they came up with. Kind of like a margin of error. I don't remember too much from stat class so I will try to find a link. but according to Wikipedia, the average American adult female is between 5'3-5'5, more specifically it's 5ft 3.8 inches and the standard deviation is 2.8 inches according to another website linked below. I found these numbers on a calculator at the website linked below where you can check by gender and nationality. Using just averages for women and the standard deviation I found, the range one standard deviation out from the average female height would be 5ft 1 on the low end of the range and 5ft 6.6 inches on the high end. This is just an example, I have no clue what they used but it's possible statistics were used to come up with the range based on what the experts believe the height to be. Here's the link I used and it explains it better than my mish mashed knowledge of anything relating to math.


Sorry for the ramble. It took three hours to finally finish this post bc of real life
Thank you for this. I am trying to find a more specific source saying which surveillance camera she was seen arriving on - the church's interior camera, or the gun store's camera?

I read for hours and looked at video's and I personally have not seen where a source of the surveillance camera is that has MB pick up truck driving into parking lot. JMHO that is some of the evidence they are keeping close to the vest.
Yes, in some of the photos there are 2 white circles - photo shop style - over the numbers but, in this image the rectangular plate is clearly visible. Hmmmm.
re: enlarged license plate photo in posts #367 and #375 on page 25. Yes, and the twin license plate bulb light diffusion is seen beyond the plate itself at the plate upper corners, fuzzy diffuse light is each end of the 'batwings'. But it still looks like the plate number has been whited out by someone, either physically Altima person(s) or on photo by LE. It is possible that this one frame had so much glare that the numbers are obliterated and no one whited out the numbers, but if it is video, they surely have better, clearer frames. JMO
I've been more focused on the shoes/boots in the investigation. I've been trying to get a good focus on them, but the right shoe stands out most because it is always in better view and I did get some slight detail. I've taken dozens of stills trying to get the best images, and though I never thought about it, I realized in one particular image that PERP is wearing an entire outfit under the costume (not including a possible tool vest), and possibly, not sure yet, a second pair of shoes...that may explain why they seem so big, but I do see some odd distortion in the footwear. It is possible PERP ripped his clothing off in the parking lot (or wherever) to get no blood in his car, as I'm sure there was quite a bit. Pretty sure he had a prepared drop off spot for the clothing. I have narrowed the footwear down some, but not ready to reveal until I'm really sure.

I had the same "overshoe/overboot" opinion about the footwear at first, too. I've also spent hours studying those shoes and trying to find something like them online. I eventually concluded they are basic black work/tactical shoes with a couple of distinct features. They're smooth (leather or faux leather) on the top and toe. The sole has a slightly flared heel with an indented shank. The toe curls slightly upward. I have found various shoes and boots with this general shape online:


I think maybe the perp bought an inexpensive pair of tac footwear for his costume and wore them pretty much exclusively for this crime. I think that's why he walks a little funny. Like his shoes/boots are not broken in yet.


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Not sure if this would be helpful or even possible to estimate with all with all that gear, but I found it interesting as far as narrowing male vs female, and whether boots may be oversized or not for "expected" foot size...

Anyone want to tackle? Batbrat?

1.1. There is a positive, strong and significant association between a female's right forearm length and right foot length. (r=0.693, p<0.05, N=36)

1.2. There is no relationship between a male's right forearm length and right foot length. (r=0.481, p=0.519>0.05, N=4)

1.3. There is a positive, strong and significant association between a female's left forearm length and left foot length. (r=0.636, p<0.05, N=36)

1.4. There is no relationship between a male's left forearm length and left foot length. (r=0.317, p=0.683>0.05, N=4)

Ploddng my way through missed pages, still, in Thread 20...(maybe I'll have that one finished by the time we go to Thread 22). Anyway, since Thread 21 is focusing a lot on the car at the SWFA that morning, and we're still getting newcomers in here, thought it might help to also bring this post by texasgirl2 (T20, p42, #624) into this thread:


Thanks, texasgirl2 (and the mister!) for taking the time to go get pictures. :)
Respectfully, you have this comment linked as if that is what the link states. BBM That is not factually a snip from that article & what the article states. from your link http://www.waxahachietx.com/article/20160418/NEWS/160419438/?Start=1 I say this not trying to be snarky, but because sadly some do not read the links and will think this is what is said in the link and think it is factual. It is not. JMHO

Also, there is no West hallway of the church. West Entrance is the Front of Creekside Church of Christ and the Main hallway goes North (broken metal door side building parking lot) to South side (where MB truck was parked) parking lot side of building) Per SW she was found in SW corner of building. For all we know its just in that SW portion of the building.

The part that quotes what Captain John Spann said was put in quotation marks. Thank you for not thinking I was 'snarky'.

4:16 a.m. Monday – Terri Bevers’ pickup truck is shown on video surveillance driving into the church parking lot.


4:20 a.m. Monday – Terri Bevers appears on video surveillance camera walking into the church building.

That is a typo. In the SwWit states 418 appears walking into building,(first seen) (and Captain Spann give this time at t the first Press Conf) but she very well could have went opend door, went back to truck and got something an went back in thus possibly where the 420 time comes in. We, (public) just dont know. JMHO
I spoke to my old boss who owns a AV company in DFW and had him check out the gun stores video quality. He said absolutely, unequivocally (in his opinion) rain or shine the license plate would be visible. It seems like whomever this person is must have in some way, intentionally or otherwise, was driving a vehicle without tags/concealed tags or LE has blurred the image. My logical side cannot come up with a reason that LE would pretend not to know the plate #. If so they would have found this car, even if in another state once a BOLO went out. However, I also feel that if they do have the tag info they would have no reason to appeal to the public for help. Earlier I read a theory that maybe they were trying to intimidate or squeeze the perp and/or manipulate those around him/her into making the connection, which isn't impossible. I just think the more plausible, less complicated answer is that they genuinely need this car bc they have no way of finding it. My boss also referred to a video on the gun stores YouTube involving the detection and zoom in on a military air craft. He said if you have any doubts just how powerful the cameras are, watch that. He said in his opinion without the rain he would bet money that they can zoom in on the serial number on the dash if the angle is correct even at night.

IMO - I know this is hearsay and I hope I can use his opinion?

I see a lot of people with plexiglass over their license plate. Sometimes it is yellowed to the point of being opaque. The law states that the tag must be visible at a certain distance.

Even clear plexiglass would cause a glare condition under the tag lights...especially from certain angles. The tag might actually be visible when viewed laterally, but at an angle...not so much.
I had the same "overshoe/overboot" opinion about the footwear at first, too. I've also spent hours studying those shoes and trying to find something like them online. I eventually concluded they are basic black work/tactical shoes with a couple of distinct features. They're smooth (leather or faux leather) on the top and toe. The sole has a slightly flared heel with an indented shank. The toe curls slightly upward. I have found various shoes and boots with this general shape online:


I think maybe the perp bought an inexpensive pair of tac footwear for his costume and wore them pretty much exclusively for this crime. I think that's why he walks a little funny. Like his shoes/boots are not broken in yet.

It would make sense to buy a pair and then toss them so prints couldn't be compared with shoes in the closet. A smart perp would also pay cash. In Louisiana, murderers were caught by looking at video at checkout counters from all stores for miles around which sold a piece of equipment used to commit the murder.
Can someone help me out?
I'm not sure how to post image (s) and I have been wondering if the bumper sticker is a Duck Dynasty/Duck commander bumper sticker?

here is a google link to the various images, just not sure how to post nor do a side by side comparison.

That's what I first thought of when I saw it, that it was a bird of some sort, but I looked up military birds & this came up, kinda matches also imo

The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.
Originally Posted by arkansasmimi View Post
Respectfully, where are you getting that there is video of her PARKING? I know on the Official Press Release, that it says driving into the Parking Lot at 4:16 a.m. (we do not know factually, where this surveillance camera is that has this on video, we are assuming it from SWFA camera. ... and then they have her walking INTO building at 4:18 am (that would be from camera inside the church) http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sho...2#post12523292

OK. I see, NOT parking but driving INTO parking lot. Which lot? Front lot or awning lot? And not captured entering from the highway or all other cars would have been seen entering from highway, as well. And exiting. Maybe too nitpicky of me, but I'm really curious.!!! JMO
LOL I understand the nitpicky... it ok. I know I probably seem that way too. But all we know for FACT, is what we have been told. And LE have not told anything other than driving into parking lot. And although it not answering your question. that is all we know. Any thing other than exactly in the SW or by LE, is an opinion/speculation. That is why I go by Press Conf video over the MSM reporting. The LE spokesperson says one thing. You can read 3 diff MSM and possible say different. Example look at the various ways the MSM reported what was stated on Friday May 20 ...

Even the MSM articles, notice they go back and UPDATE. Snipped quotes here and there. Sometimes reading them, it appears was stated all same time, but clearly not in some of the time.
You have a good point. But I'm not so sure we'd be able to see these kinds of emotions on surveillance video. Especially if this was planned over a period of time.

As far as the bumbling around, it might look casual to our eyes, but I believe behaviors like fidgeting, snooping, wandering actually indicate nervousness more than nonchalance. No matter what we believe the perp's actual intentions were, or how we view his behavior in the video, he is in the process of committing at least one very serious crime. I guarantee he is at least somewhat nervous, if not very distressed.

I believe he wanted to make it look like a burglary, so there had to be some staging of the scene. Unfortunately for the perp, it looks like he was only thinking about how LE would process the scene itself after the crime, and failed to envision how all that "staging" behavior would appear on video. He stages the scene to look like a botched burglary, but for whatever reason he doesn't consider that later as they process the video, he can be seen just randomly wandering, breaking things, maybe moving items around - in the act of staging the scene. This is where I think the perp was actually not very bright. He didn't realize people would be analyzing his every move on the surveillance footage down to each gesture, and so he didn't put on a performance of a real burglar for the cameras.

I believe the subject in the video is probably pretty mentally exhausted. Maybe from a few days of stress building up to the crime. I believe he is wearing uncomfortable clothes. I am certain he is wearing shoes that make his feet uncomfortable. He's probably only worn them a couple times before the crime, if at all. People say they see what looks like oversizes footwear. I'm convinced he wore new shoes for the occasion (as a part of his costume) so no one could recognize his footwear. He has that ouchy "new shoes walk". He might have even had blisters. Anyway he has gone to a whole lot of trouble with the planning. He is determined to carry it out. No matter how uncomfortable he is, he needs to focus. His behavior looks consistent with contained nervousness to me.

Has anyone been able to figure out if this perp is a man or a woman yet?

And do you think this person is overweight or using padding to appear so?

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