TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 April 2016 #1

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Two more words to jog your memory about the Church of Christ: Mary Winkler.

Yikes! I forgot about Mary Winkler.... cold-blooded. :eek:fftobed: Not that I will sleep with thoughts of Mary Winkler roaming through my head....
Excellent rebuttal! Our neighbor is CoC (also a former co-worker was CoC), I assume the more conservative branch because they don't celebrate any holidays including Christmas. Thanks for the link! Checking out the ranting now!

No, I don't think there was a gun shootout between Missy and the dude/dudette. Bludgeoning to the head and upper body is my guess.

Please keep in mind that the owner of that website (Ken Sublette is his name) is way, way, way, waaayyyyy out there. Like the fringiest of the fringe. Most CoC people are sincere and not all that strict. Most don't celebrate religious Christmas (baby Jesus), but they do usually celebrate secular Christmas (Santa Claus). The key is that they only do what they can specifically find in the Bible. Still, not as strict or as strange as Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormons (no offense to anybody). IMO only.

But also remember that the victim was not CoC.
I've seen/heard quotes from the MIL, FIL, and BIL. Have we heard anything from her family?
Excellent rebuttal! Our neighbor is CoC (also a former co-worker was CoC), I assume the more conservative branch because they don't celebrate any holidays including Christmas. Thanks for the link! Checking out the ranting now!

No, I don't think there was a gun shootout between Missy and the dude/dudette. Bludgeoning to the head and upper body is my guess.

We celebrate all holidays except Halloween we call fall festival. This is a very no. Traditional Coc. Guys and girls can wear jeans or shorts to church. There is still no dancing but that is a Coc thing. This is and has been a very liberal Coc for a long time that split over 10 years ago from rolling hills Coc which was much more conservative.
I have been trying to follow this case closely, but I missed hearing/reading that Missy's husband is a member of Law Enforcement. Do you have a link referencing his job title? Is he a local policeman?

No, he's not. But am thinking poster may have used pronoun "her" husband in reference to the (female?) killer's husband.
Channel 5 - NBC affiliate - just reported FBI is involved.
For perspective, I took a screenshot of the person by the Dutch-door. The other two pics are for trying to figure out what is in the left hand. I thought possibly a hammer, flashlight or a dumbbell, but it looks different at different angles. Both videos are quite short and I tried to do them frame-by-frame to see better, but I still am not at all clear in what I am seeing.



Good catch! I was so busy watching how they walked I didn't look at their hands. Maybe it is a flashlight but at first glimpse I thought a hammer.. Hard to tell.
We celebrate all holidays except Halloween we call fall festival. This is a very no. Traditional Coc. Guys and girls can wear jeans or shorts to church. There is still no dancing but that is a Coc thing. This is and has been a very liberal Coc for a long time that split over 10 years ago from rolling hills Coc which was much more conservative.

"Itching ears!" "Abideth not the words of Christ!" LOL (I'm just messing with you.) :blowkiss:
Could the ATF have been brought in because the crime was in a church?? IDK.

Maybe Missy really did interrupt something, and it had to do with harming the church, not her.

Just another wild speculation as we think this through. (I'm still thinking it was personal.)

Missy's mom-in-law, Marsha Tucker, says her son communicated "for some time" that he was worried about Missy's safety with the early morning workouts. "The morning before we knew anything happened he said 'I've told her, I've told her she's got to be careful.' He was so afraid something would happen."

Well, I don't know what to think. Why would they be concerned about safety in a really low-crime area? Why the heck is the husband communicating his safety concerns to his mom the day before it happened? Maybe I'm not reading the article right. I'm still thinking this was an oh-so-personal business dispute, but.......

Something else that I found curious about that was that meant he said that to his mom while he was on his fishing trip in Mississippi and he said he called his wife at night at 9:30 PM that day, the day before she showed up for work at 4:20 AM. I don't know that he had anything to do with it and I've looked elsewhere, but I do think LE is studying him as that's something that's a bit too convenient not to make you a POI. Also I'm not exactly clear on what he expected her to do, quit her job for CG? It seems inherent in the work for CG that you're going to be out [alone] very early in the morning if you're an instructor for CG.
Missy"s husband said it wasn't an official tactical outfit that the killer wore. He indicated it was just an outfit that resembled the real deal.

Interesting. Wonder how he knows this ? From LE ? Be helpful to know if the suit gave the killer any type of protection.And if the killer was wearing a BPV. If the suit gave no kind of protection the killer's reason for wearing it becomes really strange...Was she/he trying to terrify Missy into submission ?
There's a kind of weird angle to examine on all this. Burglars and murderers normally/generally fall into two totally separate categories of criminal. The burglar starts out with shoplifting. Then moving to cars and move expensive stuff. Credit card theft. Check kiting, etc. They're not usually the violent type.

Whereas, the course of a murderer usually goes the harming of animals, followed by assault, then rape, and eventually getting to murder. Often times going directly to murder.

The reason? These different crime career paths come from different parts of human nature. One is a matter of income and survival without wanting to do real work. The other comes from the human nature to control and dominate others, and the great feeling some people get out of it--the power. Burglars don't steal for power and murderers don't kill for survival--unless it's the very rare cases of contract killers.

So, here we have a suspect who seemingly is on one criminal career path--breaking and entering--who suddenly jumps onto the other one in a matter of seconds. I guess you could say the suspect got scared when he/she saw Missy. But why? The suspect was clothed from head to toe. With the weapon the suspect had, he/she could've threatened Missy to give her phone up so she couldn't call the police. Meaning, there were several things the suspect could've done to avoid murdering Missy while still getting away from the church without being identified. I'll go even as far to say that the suspect could've simply punched Missy to incapacitate her, destroyed the phone, then gotten away. But Missy would've lived.

However, this suspect went the whole way to murder. And once again, burglars aren't necessarily known as being violent. They may threaten. They may tie people up. But for most burglars, murder is a bridge too far.

But not for this suspect.

What does this mean? I'm struck by the reaction the suspect has in the first video released when he/she seems to notice that there is someone else in the building. I've read somewhere that that was the case: The first video released happens right before Missy is confronted by the suspect. What catches my eye is there is no sense of concern in the suspect's body language. No tip-toeing. No creeping. No slowness of movement. No moving to a near wall to conceal himself/herself. No attempt to go the opposite direction to avoid being seen. Just a simple crossing of the hallway as if nothing of concern is happening. That's weird. In fact, I think I could convince myself that the reason the suspect wasn't concerned is because he/she was expecting it to happen.
WAAAH!!! This is the first case where I've had to sit on my hands...Argh!!! 🤐
I'm struck by the reaction the suspect has in the first video released when he/she seems to notice that there is someone else in the building. I've read somewhere that that was the case: The first video released happens right before Missy is confronted by the suspect.

The first video is timestamped at 3:58am, which would be 20 minutes before the victim arrived at the building. Otherwise, I like your analysis of burglars vs. murderers.
Something else that I found curious about that was that meant he said that to his mom while he was on his fishing trip in Mississippi and he said he called his wife at night at 9:30 PM that day, the day before she showed up for work at 4:20 AM. I don't know that he had anything to do with it and I've looked elsewhere, but I do think LE is studying him as that's something that's a bit too convenient not to make you a POI. Also I'm not exactly clear on what he expected her to do, quit her job for CG? It seems inherent in the work for CG that you're going to be out [alone] very early in the morning if you're an instructor for CG.

He said in that interview the he just wanted to hear her voice....
A few posters have mentioned sitting on their hands.
Can any of you give us an idea of what angle or google search might lead us to ...um...info of intrest?
Is that possible without violating tos?

Missy's mom-in-law, Marsha Tucker, says her son communicated "for some time" that he was worried about Missy's safety with the early morning workouts. "The morning before we knew anything happened he said 'I've told her, I've told her she's got to be careful.' He was so afraid something would happen."

Well, I don't know what to think. Why would they be concerned about safety in a really low-crime area? Why the heck is the husband communicating his safety concerns to his mom the day before it happened? Maybe I'm not reading the article right. I'm still thinking this was an oh-so-personal business dispute, but.......

Interesting post. It would be very clumsy, to be talking about Missy's safety like that. And this wasn't a clumsy crime. Is it possible that someone had bothered Missy before when she was there early in the morning ? Or that someone had driven by the church more than once when Missy was there alone ? And she had told her husband about it. Maybe LE has told him not to mention it. jmo
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