TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 April 2016 #3

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Let me tell you, if I was the one who discovered my fitness instructor murdered before class, I would take that as a sign that I should sit on the couch and get fat.


I take it you're not into the fitness craze?
Possible theory. Missy had a cop in her camp. Cop and Missy are friendly but not necessarily any friendlier than any 2 other ' friends'. Cop's got a super jealous , seething wife at home who hates every second that he talks about ' camp with Missy' , etc. Cop's wife swipes hub's OWN gear to carry out murder. Extreme speculation!!! I remember when a friend and I went to a gym regularly ( many years ago ) and the men there frequently made comments like " wow, you're looking good, you're firming up , your legs are stronger'', etc. They were in no way flirting but this was just ' gym talk ' I guess? A way to be friendly and sociable with strangers who are all in the same place for the same reason. We're at the gym and we're strangers. What else can we talk about but body parts and muscles ? Anyway, my friend's husband was super mad and jealous about it all the time. He thought any man commenting must be trying to steal his wife. So I can imagine how in the course of the fitness camp, some participants' partners may have gotten bent out of shape about it.
I may have misunderstood but I thought she was moving indoors. I also wonder if possible that MB is who propped that door open? To bring her things in. I dont know the time stamps but if that is the main hallway possible that she propped open Jmho

No, the doors interior set of doors were propped open in the very first video, timestamped at 3:58am. And the police said SHE entered the building herself, unaware that the perp was already inside.
I hope they are looking at pregnant women who are linked some way to Missy, a jealous pregnant women is a dangerous thing with all those hormones making them very moody and vulnerable, may have thought that Hubby/ Boyfriend was having affair with Missy, came up with the disguise to protect her baby!

I hope they are not looking for a person like that, because it would be a waste if time. The chance of a pregnant woman being able to climb through a high broken window, is about zero.
JMHO, when the LEO say perp left shortly after the murder, it would have been shortly after by the time lines. From time "FIRST appearance of MB on video, to last time she was seen/perp seen" to the time she was found by camper (s) was a relatively small time. Perp could have been leaving when the campers came, they had no idea what they were fixing to encounter. I would feel sure it was a few minutes time for them to enter building... then find MB and then both call 911. Time stamps on videos, and the 911 calls document those times, so far thats only verifiable times given to work with. That gives plenty of time for someone to leave get in veh at back and leave the parking lot. JMHO
And this is why LE is responsible for the speculation of camper 1 and 2.

Obviously LE has the footage of most movement from all. But since LE won't release the footage of the murderer leaving and the campers arriving; They actually have people pondering on if the camper 1 or 2 was involved.

So hopefully LE clears this soon and tell folks that they are sorry for not clearing camper 1 or 2 earlier since they have proof from the videos not shown, that camper 1 nor 2 was involved at all. Jmo
"KDFW spoke with Bevers' husband, who said he was out of town when he first started receiving concerning phone calls from students in her class."


That is all I can find about how the husband found out. And it's copied from a secondary source so YMMV.

In the video from this page with the husband, he says he received a phone call from a couple of Missy's campers ... had he not and left on the boat, there would have been no way to contact him for a few days. He said this at the very beginning of the video where he has a brown and white stripe/checked shirt on.
Fingers crossed a judge has an arrest warrant on his/her desk waiting to be signed first thing in the morning!

I would be very nervous right about now if I were the perp. Tick tock tick...

They do have "night time search warrants" too :) No one knows if they have had any served yet. I think the LEO prob have a good idea. JMHO
Like is said yesterday I will never sleuth another murder case this close to home again. I kid you not there is a since of anxiety in the air. And it's not just me.

I'm thinking of sleuthing cases in other countries...
Any locals have a scanner?

ETA: I realize scanners are online now but my friends back home still have the traditional kind too.
6. One puzzle to my mind is WHY did this man dress up like a fake ridiculous SWAT cop, vs. just wearing any-old Halloween costume, OR if he wanted to be disguised in case anybody happened to drive by there at 0330am, I'd think he'd disguise himself either to look like a real cop (IMO he looks completely fake, as if the disguise is SOLEY for the video cameras) OR ELSE he'd wear casual sorts of Sunday clothes, EG conservative plaid flannel shirt, so that anyone driving by would thing he was just an early bird church-enthusiast-elder-with-a-key who was there at 0330am cuz' he was an early bird & he was fixing coffee & setting out materials EG for a 6am Alc Anon group or somethin'. ALL I CAN GUESS would be that this killer, FOR SOME GOOFY REASON which is unrelated to him committing this murder, had access to the fake SWAT outfit. MEEBEE the killer, or killer's real-life bro', got all excited about owning that fake SWAT outfit, so the killer just happened to use it for this murder.

9. A part of me wonders if this killer read up on diaper-astronaut & stuff she'd done got him thinking about dressing up in his cop/SWAT play clothes which he already happened to have handy for him to use. MEEBEE the guy watched that show The Americans & took a few ideas: They wear a lot of disguises in that show. I don't have tv & watch very limited video but I would imagine there's A TON of SWAT video & video games & things like that with play-fake-SWAT/police involved, correct?!

I think you answered your own question. It was just a convenient disguise for him. I agree with most of the rest of what you said.
And this is why LE is responsible for the speculation of camper 1 and 2.

Obviously LE has the footage of most movement from all. But since LE won't release the footage of the murderer leaving and the campers arriving; They actually have people pondering on if the camper 1 or 2 was involved.

So hopefully LE clears this soon and tell folks that they are sorry for not clearing camper 1 or 2 earlier since they have proof from the videos not shown, that camper 1 nor 2 was involved at all. Jmo

Btw. If my wife was camper 1 or 2 and the police didn't debunk her possible involvement while not releasing the entire footage. Then I would be mad too.

Don't say my wife was first on the scene. But not give clarity that my wife was no way involved while only showing your bs video snippings.

This is ludicrous. Jmo.

Atleast publicly clear the 2 people that were first on the scene and called 911. Jmo
S/he was dressed as LE! If s/he was surprised by Missy all s/he had to do was bluff! "Ma'am, we got a report of a possible break in... can I see your id?" Etc. If it were a simple burglary or vandalism, there was no reason for the swat getup, a simple ski mask and bulky coat would be sufficient. IMO, the fact of the costume means that there was something far more going on.

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The funny thing is that the interview with her DH, he goes to some length to discuss the clothing, how it isn't a real uniform. He said the pants were sweatpants, or something similar, and he wasn't able to determine what kind of helmet it was. He made his views known that it wasn't LE gear the perp was wearing.

Look guys, this is REALLY, REALLY frustrating, the little information that the police have released. We can only speculate, and I don't think some of the speculation is helpful.

If we knew more about the COD, then we could draw more reliable inferences about the crime. (Accident, panic, passion, revenge). For instance, some of you are speculating that it was a gunshot. The only thing the police have said is what? A blow to the head with an unknown instrument? Could a bullet be that instrument? I guess it could. Or it could be the hammer, or a barbell, or a pan from the kitchen. WE DON'T KNOW.

I guess I just want to remind everyone that we can make inferences, but we should try our best not to STACK inferences. KWIM?

Anyway, my two cents.
Maybe someone didn't like their spouse going to the early morning workouts. Maybe they were wondering if that's where they actually went. Were they flirting with that cute guy in class? Or were they hooking up with him elsewhere before work, using the class as an excuse. So they get into a crazy disguise and hide in the church waiting for class time.

Just throwing out another scenario.
Gang: Remember Missy put up a bit of a fight BUT REMEMBER THIS PEOPLE -------- THE KILLER DID NOT HAVE TIME to slug his victim on & on & on with his big hammer (IMO Only IMO that big hammer is exactly what he used) ! The killer needed to skiddaddle before the class started showing up.

Which is: All the more reason this was a man who was clearly far stronger than Missy could be & he was confident it'd be a cinch to do what he wanted to do to her.

IMO this man had psycho thoughts about Missy & his police Halloween costume was PARTLY that he was into police outfits (would NOT at all be surprised if he dressed up like that at Halloween adult beer parties fyi - motorcyle type IMO) and PARTLY to terrorize in the victim's dying process. AND THIS EXPLAINS WHY local police (I read) said something like "we hope you'll please come forward & seek (mental health) help for yourself, killer !"

Could someone please post the exact video link & approx. time into the tape where the police chief kinda 'talked to the killer' ? tyia !!
Let's re-visit LE's comments to the killer that s/he should seek out someone to talk to....or something along those lines.

They aren't saying, "Turn yourself in" and they aren't saying, "Mark my words, we will get you."

But, rather, it seems sort of a gentle statement that the person will turn to someone about this crime. And that someone should in turn contact the police.

What to make of that?

Like is said yesterday I will never sleuth another murder case this close to home again. I kid you not there is a since of anxiety in the air. And it's not just me.
Truthfully it's something about this case. I live in New Mexico not even close to Texas, but I got up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and for the first time in a long time I was scared. I wonder, for me anyway, if it's not the fact it happened in a church? You kind of think of a church as a safe place. JMO
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