TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 April 2016 #4

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I read that but discounted it.

the weird gait makes you go Hang On! but if you look at the top half and the movements themselves its a Man. In my humble opinion.

Gotcha. It's not just the gait, but much more for me and others but that's great that your opinion differs. I always look forward to reading your posts. :)
I cannot even imagine :(

There's also a chance the killer was still there when Camper #1 drove up. But if he/she had gone by then, they must be thanking their stars that they got outta there so fast.

Has it been confirmed by LE what time C#1 turned up? Or just her statement that she was 25 minutes early. (I'm saying she, could be a he!)

I'm quite close to referring to all the he/she's as "it"....
this is all underlining what I mean

Missy was so Involved in her community

youd think thered already be a Suspect...:( maybe there is we just don't know about it yet.
could have sworn they said 30 minutes at the beginning. I do firmly believe that what the public has been shown is NOT the whole video that LE has. And what they have is a huge part of the case,but jmo.

I believe that in the April 22 presser, in response to a reporters question about whether the surveillance video shows what happened during the 28 minutes between perp arrival and body discovery, that it was affirmative that they have video covering most of that time:

Midlothian Asst. Police Chief:
" [MB] arrived in the parking lot at 4:16 and entered the church "immediately" - A few minutes later she was inside not realizing intruder was already inside and shortly thereafter she was "murdered" inside the church"
We are not going to discuss the details of how [MB] was murdered
Communication center received some calls to 911 at about 5am reporting the incident to [MPD]

4:36 mark
Reporter Q: [do you know what the suspect was doing during that approximately half an hour?]

KJ A: We do and the video we have released and the additional video we have reflect most of the behavior that we know about that took place inside the church

Welcome to WS!!!!

Stella, would you say that the perp would have pretty much had to drive there to be able to make a quick getaway? Or, if they walked, someone surely would have noticed a person in SWAT gear walking away? (Unless they changed their clothes, which of course is likely if they walked away).
Thank you for the welcome :)
Yes, I would say that person drove there or was dropped off. No matter the time of day, I can't imagine anyone walking 287 in swat gear (or regular clothes for that matter) and not being noticed. And as prepared as they were I don't think they would risk having to walk further than the parking lot to escape after their evil deed. I've seen some speculation about parking at the airport or on some dirt road behind the church. Possible, sure. But I think they probably drove straight into and left from pking lot.
Whataburger is too far to escape efficiently on foot thru the field after committing a crime and it's a24 hour joint and you know some old cronies were already in there having coffee and I'd be surprised if they don't have cameras that would show perp in the WB pkng lot had they parked there n walked. Doesn't make sense with how prepared and under the radar they were about all the other stuff. I think they drove into church lot, knew where to park to not be seen (or per LE, barely seen) on camera n got the heck out of there before that first camper arrived. If they were entered the church from the north bound side, I hope they could see something on the SWFA security cameras. It's a huge gun store, so I'd be surprised if they didn't have good footage. But, it's on the south bound side and the highway is wide, so also wouldn't be surprised if you can't see much on the north bound side.

JMHO, went out the back, where veh was parked and left out that way and drove out parking lot. Others were in the building wouldnt notice car leaving in the commotion. Could have left with out turning on lights, was dark out. They were not looking for a killer right off bat (the campers)
I believe that in the April 22 presser, in response to a reporters question about whether the surveillance video shows what happened during the 28 minutes between perp arrival and body discovery, that it was affirmative that they have video covering most of that time:

Midlothian Asst. Police Chief:
" [MB] arrived in the parking lot at 4:16 and entered the church "immediately" - A few minutes later she was inside not realizing intruder was already inside and shortly thereafter she was "murdered" inside the church"
We are not going to discuss the details of how [MB] was murdered
Communication center received some calls to 911 at about 5am reporting the incident to [MPD]

4:36 mark
Reporter Q: [do you know what the suspect was doing during that approximately half an hour?]

KJ A: We do and the video we have released and the additional video we have reflect most of the behavior that we know about that took place inside the church

OT- did anyone see BB's comments last night on WFAA FB replying to implications that he was involved somehow, since deleted?


ut oh


they never did solve Rev Carol Daniels did they...
They would all have been there at 5, when Missy was found. It must have been chaos :(

And the perp blends right in amongst the chaos. So creepy but would explain why they were never seen leaving the crime scene.
I've been wondering how close to the church, easily accessible, big (wide/deep), and fast moving this creek is, especially with all of the rain there lately. Specifically; could the perp have ditched the gear in the creek? Has the creek and surrounding area been checked? I'd think probably yes but if there has been any mention of that I've missed it. TIA!

But remember too it was raining. Hard. Would be muddy. That garb that wearing he/she would be weighted down. They would have been able to see some sort of footprints or disrupted earth at the least. Person would have to have a way out of there too fast. LEO and First responders arriving fast and Daylight too. Traffic. I think was parked in rear of bld.
And the perp blends right in amongst the chaos. So creepy but would explain why they were never seen leaving the crime scene.

he may have been disturbed

lets hope he made enough mistakes hes already made a Major One being caught limping about on film.
There's also a chance the killer was still there when Camper #1 drove up. But if he/she had gone by then, they must be thanking their stars that they got outta there so fast.

Has it been confirmed by LE what time C#1 turned up? Or just her statement that she was 25 minutes early. (I'm saying she, could be a he!)

I'm quite close to referring to all the he/she's as "it"....

I haven't heard of any independent confirmation of C#1's arrival
k so as far as I can gather he intercepted her and dragged her into the Church bit and did X "behaviour"

This is starting to sound very disturbing indeed.
Hello. I cannot get over how quickly the threads on this case are filled with posts ! WOW ! Reminds me of posting here when there's a Big verdict ! (Like a Scott Peterson.)

All is IMO: IMO, yes it is a local man. No, he was not in the class himself. Yes, he's a beer drinker with a beer belly. He's a sociable guy. He's prob' married or at min' in a stable relationship with a woman who's likely a dyed blonde & who sometimes would attend Missy's class & this woman drinks beer along with her man. The woman uses the tanning booth & wears typical bar hopper bling bling outfits. Killer rides a motorcycle & sometimes wears those 'headkerchiefs' & that's why he wore a helmet instead of headkerchief & other face scarves to cover up all of his face - IMO he had the sense not to blow his cover by raising suspicion over the headkerchief (tied in the back like they do). He's dark hair (what there is left of his hair) and he always has a moustache. He goes out to bars with 'the gang' & they're 40-50'ish group of mostly males but many couples IMO.

THE REASON THAT THE POLICE HAVE THIS MASSIVE TASK FORCE is because HELLO this man dressed up in play clothes that say 'police' on 'em & so on a very, very human level, there are a gwazillion officers who are happy campers to get to work nonstop on this case 'til the 'local' who is the murderer is arrested. Also, remember the psycho murderer does not want to be caught so police/LE has a lot of work to get done.

IMO the killer DID NOT THINK about his silly right foot that turns out so much: IMO the killer is in his 40's & so used to his foot being as it is AND NO ONE EVER MENTIONS HIS FOOT TO HIM that he never thought that his right foot might Out him.

Killer's wife/live-in is younger than him.

Killer likes pizza & he likes salted nuts & pork rinds (all go well with beer). Salty, oily popcorn, too.

Killer planned this crime over a very long time & his plan 'came together' for him CUZ' he owns that police jacket (or something along those lines & got hold of that jacket for this murder) & because of how Missy posted all on FB' - definitely he wanted to look like it was a robber or psycho, NOT A MAN WHO knew Missy & really wanted to make her dead. See IMO the man loved the angle of how he had that 'costume' & big hammer & he caused awful terror in Missy in her final moments of life here on earth.

Also IMO the man is strolling nonchalant because he planned this for A Long Time - the guy is the type who shines his (silly IMO) big motorcycle (the motorcycle will be that 'big' older 'biker club' type, a motorcycle over which he wanted the general public to lust.

And something else that stands out to me is how this man had that silly helmet on his head!! See, I am the sort who hears pins even b4 they drop. So if I were in killer's place & wearing that helmet I would have trub' hearing. And we don't see the killer anxiously watching for Missy - YES HE TIMED HIS KILL to be in a very tight time frame. I think he did that:
a. to minimize the time he was gone from his snoring wife (whom he prob' gae a little sleep aid to, on top of her normal beers; and
b. he'd planned this for a long time - he's been out there lurking in the shrubs in prior weeks - he knew Missy to be an 'on time' sort of person herself (HELLO - THAT IS A SIGNIFICANT piece of how obsessively attracted to her hed been - he found that quite charming - he fantasized loony stuff like 'oh if Missy & I were a couple, Missy would time me each time I polished my motorcycle - she could hold a stopwatch & give 20 mins. each time - oh how cccuuuutttteee that would be - we're such a pair.... starz in his eyes).

The tension of seeing Missy 'around' in his daily life drove him nutZ & he reached a point where he could not stand it & 'had no choice' but to do what he did. IMO this is classic awful domestic violence & this murderer blames Missy as the cause of her demise.

Missy is in heaven.

Yes, the man is nervous now. IMO this man is a sociable man not a quasi-hermit-dog catcher like Dennis Rader AND this man is a boozer/beer. Booze loosens his inhibitions & so it is his daily booze/beers that have him APPEARING to be calm & 'just like always'.

The police ALL KNOW EXACTLY WHO THIS MAN IS !! It is NOT the husband !! IMO the police know because when I listened to as many chunks of their pressers that I could take (I knew by spending precious moments on those pressers, I'd return to another 8-10-12 pages of WSl thread posts !!, when I was listening to LE hold pressers IMO ALWAYS, UNIFORMLY, EACH & EVERY TIME & WORD of theirs showed they know exactly who it is. They let us know the man is a local & he's got mental illness in him - you know, lunacy to wear that police SWAT get up & have that huge hammer & scare Missy on top of all else - I heard GRIEF in the police officers who spoke. And, IMO in the police officers I did NOT observe or hear anything from them telling the locals they needed to be worried or change their daily habits !!

ONE QUESTION I DO HAVE is that it seems like it would be released/leaked from someone just how much life ins. money there is on Missy - I am simply curious about that.
k so as far as I can gather he intercepted her and dragged her into the Church bit and did X "behaviour"

This is starting to sound very disturbing indeed.

I think "behaviour" just means all the faffing about he/she was doing, wandering around checking nothing in particular. I reckon what we have seen is probably typical.
when i taught Girls scouts a long time ago, we paid the church for space.....

many churches allows non religious groups to use their facility to increase their income

Yes and also I see in newspaper that AA some church areas. And other Recovery groups. Someone posted on the MPD fb that he/she travels that road daily at that time and that there is some sort of Daycare? at that church? Said that kids would be seen in parking lot. That would be awful early to bring kiddos out with ya to work out. Any locals know anything about daycare or maybe Mothers Day out?
Not necessarily.

I'm quite sure there are several people working on the investigation so checking the alibi of one person will not slow the progress in looking elsewhere at the same time, ykwim?


Personally I bet they are keeping the investigation info pretty close to the vest. Or thats my opinion because of the possibility may be LEO or Former or associated with. I think that also could be reason even partially to bring in the Rangers/FBI. I believe if happen here, AR State Police would be brought in so would not compromise the integrity of the case and evidence. JMHO
Just saw on wfaa news (live TV so no link) that investigators believe she WAS the target and it was staged to look like a break in. I haven't seen/heard this specifically stated so please forgive if I'm late to the party.
Well the fbi always mention getting touch dna. So hopefully there is plenty of dna on those tools. Especially since they probably came from the perps home. Jmo.

Honey, Where's the hammer?
Dexter: Wonderful, I agree - DNA ! But Dexter, this murderer PLANNED THIS CRIME and this murderer IS A NEAT-NIC/NIK !!!!!!!! IMO this murderer had hole pre-dug & he buried all.

And Dexter: IMO the police know exactly WHO it is but THEY CAN'T GET A WARRANT (for killer's crib/hood) BASED ON A RIGHT FOOT THAT FLIPS OUTWARD !!!!!!!! THATZ THE PROBLEM THEY'VE GOT NOW !!
Do we know where in the church Missy was killed at?
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