TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 April 2016 #4

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I was responding to someone who mentioned the "Usual Suspects," so I was joking that the killer resembled the killer from the Usual Suspects movie in that they both had (or at last feigned) having a gimpy walk.


I never thought of Mr Gimpy faking it as part of his disguise...:eek: until now!
IMO the odds are up in the 99.999's that this local, the white killer beer drinkin' biker with the turned out rt. foot, will NEVER kill anyone again !! I can't see the man, he's SO CONTROLLING, ya' know - well, I can't see himself ever letting himself become vulnerable to any other woman. Ever. IMO remember: The killer BLAMES MISSY for her own murder!! ('Missy made me do it - Missy pushed me too far', that sort of line of thinking.) About the 'blaming', I did see that dynamic near first hand locally (MaryMinn is not a spring chicken like this killer's wife more nearly is).
I drove to Cornwall once, it took over 9 hours to get there. I made a vow never to leave Yorkshire again unless by aeroplane. :giggle:

Back to Missy. I'm seeing posts about the possibility of a foundation being set up in her name to help children with special needs which apparently is close to her heart. Good to hear of something nice happening in all this darkness.

Well I say if for some reason one of our tips pays off, we give it to the girls.
Bad weather heading our way tonight Texas friends, stay safe!
Yes, and local media will be obsessed with it; and local LEO... Wasn't Midlothian area hit by the bad storms we had in NCTX in December?
Her FB from the 17th:

This is to answer the question on the previous thread if the campers brought their own equipment. It says if you have been using the same weight for the last 2 camps it's time to Go Up. I guess that still doesn't clarify if they brought the weights or if she did.

I'm curious if anyone knows how tall Missy was?

ETA: Did that mean she was teaching the 9:00 class as well or just the 5:00 class? I remember somewhere there was a post of the teachers and the classes.


I found a FB post from March that Missy posted BBM

It seems this wasn't MB's 1st time working out at this church or in the rain there. Just an observation.

I found another picture from her page that is INSDIE the church (under the Holy Grounds wall) from Jan but it has a ton of people in it so I don't feel right posting it even though she has it on her public page. THIS for 1 creeped me out b/c I recognized it from the killer video and 2 tells me that anyone who has worked out with her before knows her routine for the workouts as well as the layout of the church.


ETA Link: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10208419000892464&set=pb.1229322185.-2207520000.1461683927.&type=3&theater I got Mod approval to direct to MB public FB.

To quote myself from earlier today: Here are some links that answer some questions. MB and her campers had worked out at the church (outside and inside previously) so this wasn't her first time there.
Sources tell News 8 that investigators are certain that Bevers was the target, and did not stumble into a burglary gone bad. They further believe that the scene was staged to make it look like there had been a burglary.

They also say investigators have subpoenaed records from nearby cell towers. Those subpoenas could yield hundreds of cell phone numbers, making combing through those records a bit like looking for a needle in the haystack.

I am wondering if the killer is a police officer's wife. She thinks that her husband and MB are having an affair and in a rage "borrows" her husband's police gear and wears it to murder MB. Maybe like a message, I know what he and you did. You recognize his uniform? I wonder if any LEO took MB's Gladiator classes. Maybe the police officer's wife took her class to get "closer" to MB in a stalker kind of way. MOO MOO My Speculation.

I personally got a vibe from the MIL and SIL that someone was giving reason to worry. Mother in law even said that BB said on Sunday He TOLD her and Told her... And the Sis in law gave impression she knew who may be. Later she came back and said that she wasnt sure anymore. Or no longer thought that person or whatever. Friend from the gym said she was more reserved. I think someone had been stalking harassing or something. Has anyone seen any of MB family spoken to media? Or has it just been BB family. Not sure if MB family lives near, could be why I havent seen. I cant believe they went into so much detail about the girls. Shock and not thinking I sure. But too many freaks to give out so much personal info.
Wow, thanks for the post. So this clears up a few things. We can rule out a bumbling burglar . I am sure they have a few specific phone numbers they are going to search for on those records.
Sources tell News 8 that investigators are certain that Bevers was the target, and did not stumble into a burglary gone bad. They further believe that the scene was staged to make it look like there had been a burglary.
It was said the first Camper waited for others to arrive before they entered the building. I could not find it, but it has been said a few times.

So early in the morning to be 'extra' early and then not go and speak with instructor? Sounds shady but maybe I am reading into things. Like the perp not actually leaving and knowing the routine. If camper #1 was the perp, they had time to strip off clothes, move car to where camera would see 'arrival', be there 'waiting' for other arrivals and then be there when body is 'found.' By doing this, they look like they just got there and whatever clothes they stripped off go unnoticed in their car since nobody would immediately suspect them. Just a rambling thought.
Since MB AND the campers had worked out at the church before in the rain and dry weather, that tells me there are several people who would be familiar with her routine as well as knowledge of the church layout and the cameras. JMO
I ALSO IMO think this killer doesn't have a criminal history - speeding tickets, yes. Underage drinking, meebee. Cig' smoking at school (but I think he does NOT smoke anymore...). This killer does NOT have any history of assault or brawls, NO history of restraining orders against him, NO history of episodes of domestic violence. I think he was 'around' Missy a lot & his 'problem' went on literally for years, building & building in him til he couldn't take anymore 'of what SHE was doing to HIM' - he blames her as causing her own death.

TY for all the wonderful posts !!! Yup: The guy was doing crime scene staging with his opening of doors & smashing & being fully covered. The guy had stalked Missy many a time b4 that nite, learning her habits at the church. The guy is local & he made certain b4 he did this that there was NO alarm system, NO motion detectors which would alert the pastor or sheriff - the guy fully well knew about the video cams'.
So early in the morning to be 'extra' early and then not go and speak with instructor? Sounds shady but maybe I am reading into things. Like the perp not actually leaving and knowing the routine. If camper #1 was the perp, they had time to strip off clothes, move car to where camera would see 'arrival', be there 'waiting' for other arrivals and then be there when body is 'found.' By doing this, they look like they just got there and whatever clothes they stripped off go unnoticed in their car since nobody would immediately suspect them. Just a rambling thought.

Or they allowed the perp to hide in the trunk for an hour or so. Hint drop off and pick up. Idk
Maybe I've been thinking too much, (shocker I know ) but I'm wondering if the swat getup was to toy with her. Example '' hey i'm a cop. there's a bad guy in here. you gotta come down the hall with me to be safe'' A little cat and mouse prior to killing her just for ' fun'. This seems to be quite the game to the perp. Perp just doesn't not seem bothered by any of it, right?

ETA which will make seeing the perp's face once caught all the more enjoyable. I do believe this person believes they will never be caught!
Interesting that they are certain it was targeted but don't seem any closer to solving?? :thinking:

Well It my honest opinion. They know way more than we do and not telling anything (publicically) tells me they dont want the public to know and /or the perp. I rather they do it right, Document Document Docutment so that all the stuff stands up to scruney and to the letter of the law. Then let the public know. JMHO
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