TX - Zuzu Verk, 22, Alpine, 12 Oct 2016 #1

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Tuesday 10/11
9-10 pm Neighbor said ZuZu arrived and she and RF cooked dinner. Conversation and laughter.

After 11:00 pm It got quiet. Soon neighbor heard "Shut the F... up" but that was it.

Wednesday. 10/12.

Early morning hours (not specified) RF borrows gray pickup truck from his brother in law.

1:00 a.m. CE shows up at friends house visibly distraught. Says he didn't do anything. Calls RF and asks friend if RF can come over. Will have to speak to him in private. It does not say whether RF came over.

Around 2:00 a.m. neighbors hears RF's bed shake multiple times. RF paces back and forth all over the house.

About 3:00 a.m. RF jumps in the shower.

According to above noises in the night alert the neighbor but at no time does it mention Zuzu's dog barked. Now my dogs bark at any noise esp at night so based on the above I do not believe the little dog was in the apartment. RF must of put the leach on and let the little dog out.
I agree. I think the police have found their weak link. If he doesn't already, CE is going to have the realization that the gig is up, and he should save himself. When mouths finally start opening, the fingers will point the blame in every direction. He seems like the type of person who wants to do the right thing, but isn't quite sure what to do just yet.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*

Is CE employed? Does his family have financial strength to get him legal representation? RF or his family must have some $$ to retain an attorney before any arrest?
Respectfully snipped:
My first thought was, "Wow, what thin walls and floors." It's as if the neighbors could hear every move. Something doesn't set right with me about all of that.

There was a particular apartment building in which I lived in Manhattan where I could indeed hear exactly what my upstairs neighbor was up to, any given time of the day. I knew her bathroom schedule, TV schedule, even her "boyfriend schedule." :p
So reading through these warrants and the time lines are jiving to me. What the neighbor said does not match with what the warrants say. So is it a case of just having the times wrong ?

I'm thinking whatever happened to Zuzu happened before 1am and what the neighbor heard later was the cleanup.

The neighbor says it got quiet around 11pm. Sometime after that he heard RF say "Shut the F up" but no time frame given and only heard his voice. I'm thinking he was on the phone with someone.

CE is lying. He knows at 1am that Zuzu is dead and incriminates himself by saying "I'm fine, I did not do anything, If they interview me I have nothing to say."

I'm still foggy in the brain, after reading the SW's last night I had a hard time going to sleep. Last time I looked at the clock it was 3:32am.

Now I'm going to catch up in the thread because I'm sure some good thinking is going on here by the wonderful WS's peeps.
There was a particular apartment building in which I lived in Manhattan where I could indeed hear exactly what my upstairs neighbor was up to, any given time of the day. I knew her bathroom schedule, TV schedule, even her "boyfriend schedule." :p
Oh, heck no. I couldn't handle all that.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *
I think CE will eventually (hopefully sooner rather than later), come clean. The fact is that if he helped RF dispose of a body, evidence etc. etc., he's in big trouble right now. He can probably save himself from some hard time if he comes forward with information.

From the affidavits it sounds like a lot of panicked activity transpired from Wednesday onward. Someone's conscience will prevail eventually and I think it will be CE.

One thing that these people need to realize is that we have laws on the books here in Texas that address "accomplice" situations. If you drive the get away car at the bank robbery, you're just as guilty as the guy who holds the gun at the teller, and demands the money. By holding back, the mother, sister, CE, and anyone else, is putting themselves on the same level as the person who had their hands on Zuzu (providing she was harmed by a specific individual). They need to start talking, or they're all going down together.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *
One thing that these people need to realize is that we have laws on the books here in Texas that address "accomplice" situations. If you drive the get away car at the bank robbery, you're just as guilty as the guy who holds the gun at the teller, and demands the money. By holding back, the mother, sister, CE, and anyone else, is putting themselves on the same level as the person who had their hands on Zuzu (providing she was harmed by a specific individual). They need to start talking, or they're all going down together.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *

And this just tells you what type of a guy RF is. Not only has he allegedly/potentially harmed someone, but he is taking down his family and best friend with him. What type of a "man" does this? Gets himself in to trouble and drags his family and best friend down with him? I think that says it all, doesn't it?
All speculation and opinion only.
And this just tells you what type of a guy RF is. Not only has he allegedly/potentially harmed someone, but he is taking down his family and best friend with him. What type of a "man" does this? Gets himself in to trouble and drags his family and best friend down with him? I think that says it all, doesn't it?
All speculation and opinion only.
And gets an attorney for himself right from the start while leaving everyone else to fend for themselves.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *

After laying out the timeline, I agree that whatever happened was all done by 2:00 a.m. By 1:00 CE was at a friend's distraught (if the date is right). Did he go help RF between 11:00 and 1:00? How long was he at his friend's? I'd like to know what the shaking bed, the pacing, the shower and the loud thump were all about since they occurred after 2:00 a.m. Apparently RF was very quiet between 11:00 and 2:00.
Could the bed movement and the loud sound have been the mattress being moved? Did CE help with just the movement of the mattress not really knowing why at the time his friend wanted to move it in the middle of the night. A truck would be needed for that. Where could it have been dumped or could it have been burned somewhere.

Did RF ever get a new mattress? Did he have another bed in his apartment that he dismantled and took the mattress to use on his bed? Or could the mattress have been flipped and that was the noise heard? Did the apartment get rearranged possibly?

I wonder if the neighbor was sleeping through most of this and only awoken sporadically and just remembers bits and pieces.

If I was that neighbor I would have been way too nosey and been all up in someones business in the middle of the night. I would have been coming up with scenarios of what the heck all the noise was in the early morning hours. Unless this was normal behavior for RF.
Tuesday 10/11
9-10 pm Neighbor said ZuZu arrived and she and RF cooked dinner. Conversation and laughter.

After 11:00 pm It got quiet. Soon neighbor heard "Shut the F... up" but that was it.

Wednesday. 10/12.

Early morning hours (not specified) RF borrows gray pickup truck from his brother in law.

1:00 a.m. CE shows up at friends house visibly distraught. Says he didn't do anything. Calls RF and asks friend if RF can come over. Will have to speak to him in private. It does not say whether RF came over.

Around 2:00 a.m. neighbors hears RF's bed shake multiple times. RF paces back and forth all over the house.

About 3:00 a.m. RF jumps in the shower.

According to above noises in the night alert the neighbor but at no time does it mention Zuzu's dog barked. Now my dogs bark at any noise esp at night so based on the above I do not believe the little dog was in the apartment. RF must of put the leach on and let the little dog out.

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What I think is, if RF said he drove his Mother and Sister to Mexico (might have happened, might be an attempted Alibi) LE checked phone pings. Phone pings may show he drove there or not. What Mom and Sis have said we don't know but they have been interviewed. I think their stories don't match up with evidence, and that is why they are POI's. This will have come to light after the warrants were issued, that is why the Mom isn't mentioned.

Sorry if this has already been addressed - what vehicle did he allegedly drive down to Mexico with?
Sorry if this has already been addressed - what vehicle did he allegedly drive down to Mexico with?

Editing to add that I'm sure that bad azz Alpine LE has these sorry excuses for humans well in surveillance, and good thing. I could see them all making a run for the border.
Speculation and opinion only of course.

Did they dispose of her body in Mexico?
Sounds as though RF had plenty of time to pace the floor and figure out where to hide her so that she couldn't be found.

Seems to be working........................

I think they also need to check and make sure he doesn't have a storage shed that he rents.............as well as anybody he might have contacted.

She's hidden a lot closer than the searches seem to indicate. RF was in a big hurry to distance himself from this situation. You don't drive 2 hours in the dead of night with a body wrapped up in a tarp if your main intent is to rid yourself of the problem before daybreak. It's too risky driving up and down the highway at just about any time of the day to do that. 5-15 miles outside of town---east. I know it's still a big area to try and search, but the focus could be narrowed a lot by staying along paved roads and dirt roads that are accessible by a regular 2-wheel drive pickup. Roads with gates up--forget about 'em. Private property with an inhabited residence---forget about it. Businesses, shops, churches along the outskirts of town---nope.

He borrowed that pickup for a reason. A) He needed something convenient to move a body in. B) he needed something high profile enough get him where he planned on going without the risk of getting high-centered or stuck. He borrowed that pickup because he knew he needed it to get where he was going.

A difficult to access campsite, an ATV staging area or unloading place, a place where locals target shoot, a tank or pond RF may go to in order to fish, abandon mines or cave structures, a farm or ranch he may have worked at. LE needs to talk to the kids he grew up with and figure out every single place he used to hang out as a kid between the ages of 14 and 20. Places that he hung out after he was able to drive should be scoured especially close. He took her someplace he's familiar with, thinking it was such a good hiding spot that nobody would ever find her. He had plenty of time to think about it. I think he moved her in the truck and then transferred whatever he was using to cover her up with into CE's car at a later time, tarps, blankets, carpet, etc.
By transferring "things" into CE's vehicle......he basically relocated trace evidence such as blood and bodily fluids.

CE realized only later that he was being set up as a partner in crime----especially after word of her disappearance leaked out-------and then set out to have his car cleaned up and detailed so that no trace evidence was found in his vehicle. I personally think that RF made a conscious effort to try and implicate CE in the crime, unbeknownst to CE.

RF may have very well taken a drive down close to Mexico sometime in the following day, but I'd guess it was to try and distance himself from the scene or a weak attempt to set up an alibi of sorts.
Ya know the really sad thing to me is that Zuzu didn't feel safe with RF. Her gut/intuition was telling her something. There is a reason why she didn't feel safe and that laptop may hold the key.

I hope arrests are imminent.
Sounds as though RF had plenty of time to pace the floor and figure out where to hide her so that she couldn't be found.

Seems to be working........................

I think they also need to check and make sure he doesn't have a storage shed that he rents.............as well as anybody he might have contacted.

She's hidden a lot closer than the searches seem to indicate. RF was in a big hurry to distance himself from this situation. You don't drive 2 hours in the dead of night with a body wrapped up in a tarp if your main intent is to rid yourself of the problem before daybreak. It's too risky driving up and down the highway at just about any time of the day to do that. 5-15 miles outside of town---east. I know it's still a big area to try and search, but the focus could be narrowed a lot by staying along paved roads and dirt roads that are accessible by a regular 2-wheel drive pickup. Roads with gates up--forget about 'em. Private property with an inhabited residence---forget about it. Businesses, shops, churches along the outskirts of town---nope.

He borrowed that pickup for a reason. A) He needed something convenient to move a body in. B) he needed something high profile enough get him where he planned on going without the risk of getting high-centered or stuck.

A difficult to access campsite, an ATV staging area or unloading place, a place where locals target shoot, a tank or pond RF may go to in order to fish, abandon mines or cave structures, a farm or ranch he may have worked at. LE needs to talk to the kids he grew up with and figure out every single place he used to hang out as a kid between the ages of 14 and 20. Places that he hung out after he was able to drive should be scoured especially close. He took her someplace he's familiar with, thinking it was such a good hiding spot that nobody would ever find her. He had plenty of time to think about it. I think he moved her in the truck and then transferred whatever he was using to cover her up with into CE's car at a later time, tarps, blankets, carpet, etc.
By transferring "things" into CE's vehicle......he basically relocated trace evidence such as blood and bodily fluids.

CE realized only later that he was being set up as a partner in crime----especially after word of her disappearance leaked out-------and then set out to have his car cleaned up and detailed so that no trace evidence was found in his vehicle. I personally think that RF made a conscious effort to try and implicate CE in the crime, unbeknownst to CE.

Great post. This aligns with my original thinking of the location, which I posted up thread. Off 118. I especially agree it will be a place he knew well growing up. Fishing hole area, hunting, etc. I think you are spot on. As far as CE and implicating him intentionally...wow. Didn't think of that, but it makes sense. This guy is a piece of work.
Editing to add that I'm sure that bad azz Alpine LE has these sorry excuses for humans well in surveillance, and good thing. I could see them all making a run for the border.
Speculation and opinion only of course.

Did they dispose of her body in Mexico?

No. Too risky. The pictures posted of cameras were of the cameras that point toward the southbound side of the road - that is, as you drive past a checkpoint going toward Mexico. Even at night the checkpoints are extremely well lit. Then coming back north, you have to go through a checkpoint and there's almost always a K9 and they are trained to alert for hidden people. However, to risk that a particular K9 can't alert on a cadaver smell (smell only northbound) would be stupid.
I also believe there is something significant to the time Zuzu's phone was turned off/went dead. Wednesday, Oct 12th at 6:30am. Would smashing/destroying a cell phone be the same as a dead battery? In other words, does the signal being lost indicate options beside the battery being dead?
Protest in Alpine for Robert Fabian to speak up.


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Rather than protest, they should split up into groups of 3 and 4 people and start running up and down dirt roads on the outskirts of town. Try doing something that might yield results.

RF isn't going to talk, they're wasting their time. RF only reported her missing after he was certain he had his tracks covered.
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