UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #4

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It is very difficult to get a job in the local community if you are a US service member's spouse as they are not granted work visas - unless the spouse is a UK citizen, in this case.

So that would suggest then potentially an even more isolated spouse? More of a tendency to need attention when her husband was away.... Get my drift?
Following the US service member train of thought - is Mildenhall still an open base? Meaning, you can drive on and through the base without showing ID? (Whereas RAF Feltwell and RAF Lakenheath - the 2 other US bases in the area - are closed.). Logs could be collected from the closed bases, showing which vehicles exited and entered during the hours in question...
I'll look for Nicolas comments, but it's definately the police accessing them. I am a member of the Facebook group, if I go on corries profile and click group we have one mutual group "find corrie"

I didn't just randomly make it up you know.

"Social Media / App evaluation
The Police and other agencies are assisting with cellular mast interrogation and social media/app evaluation.
To answer some specific questions that have been asked a lot in this regard:
Yes Corrie is a member of Tinder, Plenty of fish, Instagram and a number of other apps." from Tony's 6th November update, although there should be plenty of family sources for this

If you click on Corrie's Facebook and it says you're both members of the group Find Corrie, that would NOT be the police. Why on earth would the police pose as Corrie and follow the group?!

I'm sure you don't make things up, but I know for a FACT the police can NOT have access to his Facebook. If you don't believe it contact Facebook or the police - they will tell you they do not.

This is getting more fishy by the day...
Long time lurker, apologies. I can with 100 % assurance state that Corries work/private passport would be one and the same. He would not have two.
I wrote a long post detailing my latest theory and when I went to post it I had been logged out twice - so annoying!
I did up to a few days ago go with the AWOL theory,in the early days it was dismissed but I still stuck with it, I think if you think about something you make it fit..
Now I have taken the blinkers off and am more open to other theories.
Going back to what we do know the actual facts takes me back to the video footage.
There is no footage of him eating anything prior to him bending down.
To eat anything out of the boxes they would firstly have to be open and to me it looks like the box/ boxes are closed.
I don't think he could of bent down to pick anything up if one of the boxes/box was open so in my opinion that rules out a chip.
The more times I watch the video the more I see is a straw sticking out of his left hand, if you pause the footage where he passes the black door it shows it clearer.
He walks past the gents on the corner and drops the straw, picks it up pulls the wrapper off with his teeth as you do puts the straw into the cup and then holds it up drinking through the straw which is why his right arm is still in the raised position as he walks off.
That to me convinces me it wasn't a chip but 'something else' that he picks up therefore something 'smaller' as I said.
Correct me if I am wrong?
So that would suggest then potentially an even more isolated spouse? More of a tendency to need attention when her husband was away.... Get my drift?

Or perhaps more likely to throw herself into church-type or base-community-type activities
So that would suggest then potentially an even more isolated spouse? More of a tendency to need attention when her husband was away.... Get my drift?

I do - but then wonder, why 3:30 am rendezvous time? If spouse is working, shifts are usually 6-6 (if 12 hour shifts) or 7a-3p, 3p-11p, or 11p-7a if shift work. 3:30 am just seems odd as the spouse would be home a few hours later and increases the risk of getting caught. I still think the 3:30 time frame fits someone getting off work at one of the local bars.

Could the the incident that prompted Corrie getting asked to leave the bar earlier that night be related? Another patron flirting with the person Corrie was to meet up with, maybe, and Corrie stepping in to stop it? Voices raised and Corrie leaves?
First post here, not sure if it's been covered yet.

Nicola said that Corrie's passport was in his room . Would that be both of them ? One for work purposes and 1 for leisure? .

There's no requirement for a separate work passport civvie one suffices
This IS a massive thing that we're talking about here. It is just as massive as the 'gay' angle or the Grinder/Tinder' angle.
If Corrie has been having an affair with a married women who's partner is in the military I can guarantee that a 24hr posting would quickly ensue. I'm not saying that this has happened. I'm suggesting that if it has happened and Corrie befell a tragic set of circumstances like I prophesied several weeks ago, then a 24hr posting would be the next step. Let's not get fluffy about this. If you're caught having an affair with a married person you're not only austracised but shifted quickly!

Only if it becomes known to the CoC, I know plenty at Honnington who've managed to carry on for a long time and not suffered a 24hr posting as a result.
Just in respect of bin wagon: No depot in Mildenhall or BM, unlikely to be tipping at a council centre, even less likely to be tipping at a council site at that time.
Biffa work on a dial collection basis, so it seems possible he Greggs or who ever manager just called up at the end of the shift and the collection was added to the route.

All of of this being said, I now think bin lorry only contained the phone, thrown there by Corrie as he went AWOL with the support of his brother. Think about where he dog and car are now.....
I wrote a long post detailing my latest theory and when I went to post it I had been logged out twice - so annoying!
I did up to a few days ago go with the AWOL theory,in the early days it was dismissed but I still stuck with it, I think if you think about something you make it fit..
Now I have taken the blinkers off and am more open to other theories.
Going back to what we do know the actual facts takes me back to the video footage.
There is no footage of him eating anything prior to him bending down.
To eat anything out of the boxes they would firstly have to be open and to me it looks like the box/ boxes are closed.
I don't think he could of bent down to pick anything up if one of the boxes/box was open so in my opinion that rules out a chip.
The more times I watch the video the more I see is a straw sticking out of his left hand, if you pause the footage where he passes the black door it shows it clearer.
He walks past the gents on the corner and drops the straw, picks it up pulls the wrapper off with his teeth as you do puts the straw into the cup and then holds it up drinking through the straw which is why his right arm is still in the raised position as he walks off.
That to me convinces me it wasn't a chip but 'something else' that he picks up therefore something 'smaller' as I said.
Correct me if I am wrong?

Good theory, however we're led to believe that he ordered a 'large kebab, two burgers and a portion of chips'. No mention of a drink of any kind. After all, why would you after several rounds of alcohol to be fair? :(
Or perhaps more likely to throw herself into church-type or base-community-type activities

At at the risk of type-casting, what I've seen in 8 years living on US military bases (including Mildenhall/Lakenheath) as a government contractor is that once a large deployment takes place, the spouses left behind go a little crazy. Normally, they hook up with other people on base. The officers (with spouses) tend to live off base and the married NCO's (enlisted) live on base - or if they don't, they're on a wait list to get base housing. It's cheaper and they can save $$. It's very expensive to bring our cars to the UK so it's easier just to buy a used car once we get there. Buying 2 used cars can be pricey, so most couples only have 1 to share as they're only there for a few years then PCS to another location. So finding a US military spouse with their own car is not always the norm - leaning me toward the shift work theory (which doesn't fit because if timing) or the deployment theory (but, still, why 3:30?). All that taken into account, I just don't think it fits a US service member's spouse.
Just in respect of bin wagon: No depot in Mildenhall or BM, unlikely to be tipping at a council centre, even less likely to be tipping at a council site at that time.
Biffa work on a dial collection basis, so it seems possible he Greggs or who ever manager just called up at the end of the shift and the collection was added to the route.

All of of this being said, I now think bin lorry only contained the phone, thrown there by Corrie as he went AWOL with the support of his brother. Think about where he dog and car are now.....

Why would he go AWOL? Then need to spend the next few years living like the infamous canoe guy when he could have just PVR'd (handed his notice in) and kept his reputation, contact with his family etc. It's easy to get out these days. I've posted on this before, in the whole RAF from 2007 to 2014 there were only 7 attempts at AWOL (attempts not individual people, so could have all been the same person) these were all in 2013. Meaning that even at the peak of back to back tours of duty in Afghan no-one bothered going AWOL.
I do - but then wonder, why 3:30 am rendezvous time? If spouse is working, shifts are usually 6-6 (if 12 hour shifts) or 7a-3p, 3p-11p, or 11p-7a if shift work. 3:30 am just seems odd as the spouse would be home a few hours later and increases the risk of getting caught. I still think the 3:30 time frame fits someone getting off work at one of the local bars.

Could the the incident that prompted Corrie getting asked to leave the bar earlier that night be related? Another patron flirting with the person Corrie was to meet up with, maybe, and Corrie stepping in to stop it? Voices raised and Corrie leaves?

Yeh, I agree. The proposed and accepted 0330 pick up time does seem to not correlate with a normal shift type of pattern. Fits more with an ad hoc time to suit Corrie or a time to fit someone who was finishing work like bar work for instance.
I have one or two problems with your theory....does everything have basis in fact?
First, the area isn't a dead end so a thief wouldn't be running into a dead end; Second, I believe Tony's wording suggested the person in DID in fact leave 4 minutes after we saw Corrie enter the horseshoe area; Thirdly - and perhaps I missed this, I hadon't heard that Corrie's car was untaxed (I don't believe this point to 'risky' behaviour- i had mine untaxed for 12 months because I hadn't checked and the car dealer night bought it off had written the wrong address down when I purchased the car and so the DVLA couldn't send paperwork to me...Corrie's car was newish...) and Fourthly, I hadn't heard that the images of Corrie in the doorway were 'distressing'! The only mention of it has been on this forum and I don't remember theme being described as distressing....I could be wrong however as there is such a lot of information to process. I also think describing him as impulsive is also little bit leading....says who? The way he behaved on that night is similar to how young men (and girls) behave every single wknd around the country (I have two daughters and known what they get up to!).

My twopennorth:
I believe the person involved has taken the phone and dumped when Corrie was in that area with whomever....plenty of people are savvy enough to think to be rid of a phone that could enable you to be tracked. I also think this may well have just been a wrong person, wrong time encounter but that remains to be seen. I do think that the heavily we looked area needs to be searched but I am trying to keep hoping of a positive outcome.

But according to Tony and Nicola the bin area is a dead end. They claim there's only one way out - and that's the same way in. And now you're saying they're either lying or they're wrong.

The person leaving 4 minutes after Corrie may not have seen him. It's a small area, it wouldn't take 4 minutes to walk through - so that man could be anyone at all....

I do think Corrie took risks. Absolutely. He drank - a substantial amount - whilst sat in the driving seat of his car. That's illegal. So he took risks. Especially as the car was untaxed.

You were lucky you never got pulled over or clamped for having no tax. It's your responsibility to make sure it is taxed, and when you didn't receive the car registration documents you should have contacted the DVLA. Ignorance is no defence against the law, and had you been clamped they would have made you pay to be released. You couldn't have said "oh, I didn't realise I didn't have tax".

And the same applies to Corrie. He should have (possibly did) know he had no car tax. Or are you saying he didn't receive his documents, either? His car isn't newish, it's about 10 years old. Why made you think it was newish?

Corrie was drinking BEFORE he went out that night, and then for an hour in the car...then he went to a couple of pubs, then finally the nightclub - where he was ejected. He then bought 2 cheeseburgers, chips AND a kebab, then semi passed out in a doorway for two hours. And you call that normal? And if my daughters did that I'd be beside myself!
Returning to this, I don't recall who first mentioned the idea of the CCTV images being distressing. I've tried searching for the first use appearance of the idea on here but the search facility doesn't narrow it down sufficiently to be able to find it.

Can anyone remember how it first came up and where/when?

It was on Facebook. Nicola wrote it. It was then removed about 20 minutes later.
If he has gone AWOL I am going to be soooo cross with him!!

If he's gone AWOL that would be the least of your worries, the only possible reason for going AWOL would be that he had done something much worse and needed to hide from military/authorities quickly.
We have literally no comprehension of his personality other than that which the family have told us.... if you were complicit in it would you say "yes he was hating life in the RAF and its possible he bailed".

Is Uncle T running the greatest misinformation campaign of recent times? His background would suggest he might have the background to do so. It's only the FB group keeping things alive.

Why would he go AWOL? Then need to spend the next few years living like the infamous canoe guy when he could have just PVR'd (handed his notice in) and kept his reputation, contact with his family etc. It's easy to get out these days. I've posted on this before, in the whole RAF from 2007 to 2014 there were only 7 attempts at AWOL (attempts not individual people, so could have all been the same person) these were all in 2013. Meaning that even at the peak of back to back tours of duty in Afghan no-one bothered going AWOL.
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