UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #5

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I've just been watching the footage again and looking at street view. Pay attention to the floor where Corrie is standing when he turns right. He almost doubles back as he follows that diagonal bit of pavement. He's headed to the corner where the bikes are, or towards that black door. I've zoomed in but can't see if there's a lock on it? Where does the staircase go?

Video here:
Map here:!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1

Please someone have a look and see what you think!
I think what JamesKing means in his last post is that the family's aim, by using Facebook and any other media/social outlets, is to quite simply find Corrie. Used simply as tools, in whatever way, to achieve that goal as quickly and effectively as possible.
The information released, appeals & "updates" aren't necessarily, if at all, done to update and inform the public.
Tony, is a very intelligent guy, utilising Facebook "updates" as a veil to eek out the perpetrator by dropping hints, misinforming and either lulling him/her into a false sense of security so the perpetrator slips up or by showing the perpetrator that the net is closing in which would make him/her crack or panic and make hasty/miscalculated decisions.
When it comes to finding one of your own, you quite rightly, do whatever you have to do, by whatever (legal) means necessary and if that means telling a few lies to 65000 Facebook followers to catch 1 person who's taken your nephew, so be it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I could not have said it better myself...
......And I have nothing to add.

We don't know that.
We can speculate, but we may be wrong of course.
Maybe we will find out one day.

But my Cotswold friend has summed up my thoughts.
I've just been watching the footage again and looking at street view. Pay attention to the floor where Corrie is standing when he turns right. He almost doubles back as he follows that diagonal bit of pavement. He's headed to the corner where the bikes are, or towards that black door. I've zoomed in but can't see if there's a lock on it? Where does the staircase go?

Video here:
Map here:!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1

Please someone have a look and see what you think!

I had a look but I'm not sure what you mean. But he really does look about doesn't he? You want to know what it reminds me of? When I've arranged to meet someone in the city for example and they're there before you, you've still got a bit to walk before you reach them and it's creepy to stare right at them, so you glance at them so they know you've seen them then you look about like things are interesting around you to try and avoid the awkward hellos over a huge amount of distance. Also because it's bloody awkward watching them watch you walk towards them! That is exactly what it reminds me of.
I could not have said it better myself...
......And I have nothing to add.

We don't know that.
We can speculate, but we may be wrong of course.
Maybe we will find out one day.

But my Cotswold friend has summed up my thoughts.

I'm not saying I agree with your theory on this but with Tony's background there is a lot he could do that could be difficult for the police to do without jumping through RIPA-type legislative hoops.
Yep I agree with this. I don't think he was there long. I really do think it was a fairly timely pickup and he had his phone in his pocket. Anything untoward happened after they'd left bse in my opinion.

Again, thinking out loud. If he set off from the bin area between 0324-0400 just before the bin lorry arrived and then headed towards the Barton Mills/Mildenhall area with his partner/driver that he'd contacted prior to 0100 for a lift and was looking for somewhere enroute for a private suaree.....that may explain the laboured signal updates as the bin lorry took the same route. If they were constantly pulling off (no pun intended) the road to find some privacy and then moving on because of traffic that would slow the signal updates down?
The bin lorry has been spoken about as a similar time signature to Corrie's phone! That could just be pure coincidence!
Hmmmm.....we may be making some progress here!
Again, thinking out loud. If he set off from the bin area between 0324-0400 just before the bin lorry arrived and then headed towards the Barton Mills/Mildenhall area with his partner/driver that he'd contacted prior to 0100 for a lift and was looking for somewhere enroute for a private suaree.....that may explain the laboured signal updates as the bin lorry took the same route. If they were constantly pulling off (no pun intended) the road to find some privacy and then moving on because of traffic that would slow the signal updates down?
The bin lorry has been spoken about as a similar time signature to Corrie's phone! That could just be pure coincidence!
Hmmmm.....we may be making some progress here!

Corrie was on EE which doesn't get great signal heading out to bm. It's also entirely possible Corrie and his phone took a different route into bse to the bin lorry, the phone could be anywhere in a 5km (I think) radius to the mast so he could have driven into that radius from any direction to ping. Perhaps even driving past bm?
I find it so hard to run with "one single" scenario over another, therefore I cannot speculate.

My fear is, he has been murdered.

I cannot help in catching this animal. I wish I could. I hope that our shouting out of ideas helps.

I will share with you guys openly at the end of all this a "small" tale of what happened to my partner (female, I am male)....and how I think things.....things like "community"....should change and should work.

Frustrating as it is, I hope that Tony's "drip feeding" does work. I can guess he likely didn't wish it got this far.

In their plight, how much does the truth hurt us ? We are not in their position (and I thank whoever's "God" that may be).

I ask Tony, if he ever reads our posts...release those "key" pictures. You have the "mass" required to send them "ten fold" around the web. It is that "one lead / motive" you need.

Lets "nail the b8stard".
Corrie was on EE which doesn't get great signal heading out to bm. It's also entirely possible Corrie and his phone took a different route into bse to the bin lorry, the phone could be anywhere in a 5km (I think) radius to the mast so he could have driven into that radius from any direction to ping. Perhaps even driving past bm?

I half disagree. Think about it and look at my map and previous images with the facts we have....

Corrie's EE phone signal is limited. I agree.
Corrie was already in BSE and his phone was heading towards the BM mast area at a steady pace. If you're looking for somewhere to 'get jiggy' you'd find somewhere slightly secluded and therefore off route. This would slow down the arrival of the signal at the BM mast area. It's coincidental that the bin lorry is on the same route at the same time! Get it? The phone pings have been matched to the bin lorry's route.
Now take a look at my next image for possible destinations...

The large circle is the rough range of the BM mast. The smaller encirclements are conurbations.


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Thereafter, I'm still working on...

But by my reckoning the bin lorry could have used the bottom road on your map and Corrie and his phone the top, the pings would still match and the bin lorry would be a few miles apart.
I saw reference made earlier to the status of the investigation. It is still a Missing Persons investigation isn't it? I think in the absence of any evidence, it will be impossible for this status to change.
But by my reckoning the bin lorry could have used the bottom road on your map and Corrie and his phone the top, the pings would still match and the bin lorry would be a few miles apart.

I believe there to be a reference from UT that the 'phone signal matched the route taken by the bin lorry at around the same time' (or words to that effect) somewhere. A link would be good.
I believe there to be a reference from UT that the 'phone signal matched the route taken by the bin lorry at around the same time' (or words to that effect) somewhere. A link would be good.

I thought it just meant the phone arrived a little earlier than the lorry. I'll check through the updates again in the morning see what I can confirm. It is a hell of a coincidence though.
But by my reckoning the bin lorry could have used the bottom road on your map and Corrie and his phone the top, the pings would still match and the bin lorry would be a few miles apart.
Nicola and Tony have both tried to explain this repeatedly to people on facebook, but they still don't get it. You are right about your explanation of the pings- they could be nowhere near the bin lorry and travelling quite a vastly different route at a different time.
I honestly don't think the phone was ever in the bin. I don't have any proof, and I could be totally wrong, but I feel if it had been in the bin and the police thought for a minute it had, they would have searched that recycling place top to bottom to find it. The fact that they never speaks volumes IMO.

I have also from the beginning thought it was far more likely that a vehicle with Corrie and phone had followed the bin lorry route or not, as it happens, given that we now know it is within a 3 mile radius.

However, that all said, the bin lorry and phone similarities are a huge coincidence we can't ignore, although I must admit it's tedious to go over the same thing over and over.
On Saturday nicola wrote
" it didn't ping at 0800, it was just before 0500 and the area is around 3-5km so there isn't anything exact about it. I'll have the wording changed on the website, Corrie was last seen at 0325 his phone left bury at 0430 and took 28 minutes to get picked up by the micro mast at Barton mills but the phone itself could have been up to 5km away from the mast."
Random map I stumbled on showing all the building numbers in the area. The two smaller properties on the corner where he was last seen are 27-28 Brentgovel Street. (I think all of the others in that block are classes as Cornhill, including Greggs)

Anyway, not sure how much use it is but I found it interesting. I'd still like to know where 4 minute man came from, are we 100% sure there are no flats up there?

(click on map tab)
On Saturday nicola wrote
" it didn't ping at 0800, it was just before 0500 and the area is around 3-5km so there isn't anything exact about it. I'll have the wording changed on the website, Carrie was last seen at 0325 his phone left bury at 0430 and took 28 minutes to get picked up by the micro mast at Barton mills but the phone itself could have been up to 5km away from the mast."


The police say (to a reporter) 8.00am
Nicola before said 4.20am

The "locations" are debatable. But the time is irrefutable ?
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