Found Deceased UK - Frankie Morris, 18, bike found Pentir Bangor, North Wales, 2 May 2021

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I understand your point about drugs, @Bit of hope - the family have specifically commented about people who may be apprehensive about speaking to the police generally and the police continued to ask people who had been at the rave to come forward even after they had made arrests on the death by dangerous driving angle, so it does seem plausible that there could be a connection. I imagine that like in many areas, there are large groups of people who are uncomfortable with speaking to the police for various reasons.
It all seems very strange, and I feel no clearer about what has happened to poor Frankie. It seems particularly odd that everyone is behaving as though Frankie is definitely dead, when no body has been found and the police no longer even seem to have anyone under suspicion.
I have been speaking to people in the area and it seems that rumours are starting to circulate, and the police are still visibly working in the area around Frankie's disappearance in terms of questioning residents and searching the land by foot and helicopters.

What are the rumours, blackcrow?
I understand your point about drugs, @Bit of hope - the family have specifically commented about people who may be apprehensive about speaking to the police generally and the police continued to ask people who had been at the rave to come forward even after they had made arrests on the death by dangerous driving angle, so it does seem plausible that there could be a connection. I imagine that like in many areas, there are large groups of people who are uncomfortable with speaking to the police for various reasons.
It all seems very strange, and I feel no clearer about what has happened to poor Frankie. It seems particularly odd that everyone is behaving as though Frankie is definitely dead, when no body has been found and the police no longer even seem to have anyone under suspicion.
I have been speaking to people in the area and it seems that rumours are starting to circulate, and the police are still visibly working in the area around Frankie's disappearance in terms of questioning residents and searching the land by foot and helicopters.

Are you local, @blackcrow?

So, following the live updates from the press conference, it seems we really are back to square one on this. There's no body and neither the family nor the police have any certainty as to whether Frankie is dead or alive at this point, except to say that he's been gone for nearly 4 weeks and obviously the odds he's still alive are dwindling.

His mother says he had a plan to get a van and go travelling, but currently he didn't have a driving licence (he was saving for lessons) so he's unlikely to have put that plan into action. She thinks the chances he's had an accident are 'slim'. She says she's pretty sure he's met with foul play - she says she's 'seen messages from various people' that make her think that (but no details given). She accepts he is probably dead and wants his body found asap. Her willingness to face the odds head on is really admirable imo.

She's in Wales now btw but normally lives in the Czech Republic (Brno, I think) (she had to finish quarantining before she could do this press conference).

Everyone is baffled, it seems.
This is so horribly sad. His mum seems very dignified. I wonder why he moved back to Wales four years ago though and ended up living in supported accommodation and the police were only notified after his mum raised the alarm after not getting a response to messages for 2-3 days. Who was he living with? Was he often completely out of contact for several days? Who would he normally be with?

He’s only eighteen, which is so young to be so independent. Thinking of the Sarah Everard case in which the police were notified in less than a day, even though she was in her 30s and living alone.

Frankie Morris' heartbroken mum 'really worried he's not alive anymore'
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Know your children...I think Frankie's mom knows her child and feels things, knows things you don't want to share with the whole wide mother's do....not conscious all the time, but "sipping" through knowledge. I feel very sad for her and the rest of the family....where is he?
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He's an 18yo kid. Lots of 18yo kids are into drugs. Most of them grow out of it. Most of them get the chance.

I'm talking from experiences here....Yes...every chance...every...every...every chance...until this day...and ever....

He's an 18yo kid. Lots of 18yo kids are into drugs. Most of them grow out of it. Most of them get the chance.

Just to clarify that it was a now-deleted quote that got snipped, not anything I said! Frankie is the victim here. The role of recreational drugs in his life is only relevant in so far as it might help or hinder the police investigation imo.
OK, well, I said I would go all the way through the thread again, and I have now.

Firstly, I don't believe that either Frankie or his dead body are out there on the hills somewhere. The police have used dogs, drones, divers, mountain rescue teams, helicopters and God knows what else. If he was there, he would have been spotted by now, unless moved into a building or extremely well concealed. Even newly disturbed earth would have been spotted imo.

It's interesting to me that Frankie was caught on CCTV in Pentir. I don't know this area at all and have been zooming in and out on google maps for an hour. If someone local reckons I'm talking nonsense, then please feel free to set me straight! However, if the rave was in Waunfawr, and he was also seen on CCTV in Brynrefail, then to me the fact that the next sighting was in Pentir makes me think he was not making his way home to Llandegfan. If he had been, I think he would most likely have followed the A4244 and then the B4547, or the country lanes off it, and headed towards the Parc Menai area. The fact that he definitely did go through Pentir makes me think he was heading towards either Caerhun, where I believe he had friends, or via Caerhun to Bangor, which is what his (very switched-on imo) mother has said all along.

The bike is interesting. The tyre got punctured on Saturday, on the way to the rave, so on Sunday Frankie walked with a non-functional bike all the way from the location where he stashed it when he ran into (was overtaken by) the friends who picked him up and gave him a lift to the rave, to at least the Vaynol Arms in Pentir. Afaik, we don't know where that overnight stash location was, but I'm guessing the police do, as they've clearly heard from whoever it was who gave him the lift. So he walked from the rave site to that location unencumbered, and then with the bike from there all the way to Pentir, which must have been a bit of a drag, but he's young and fit, and seems to be sportive - hiking, cycling, skiing, snowboarding are all in his repertoire. Also, I don't think he's in much of a hurry. It's the Sunday of a bank holiday weekend, he's already taken hours over a journey that would have taken a fraction of the time in a car, and from what we know he doesn't strike me as much of a deadline-driven kind of guy anyway.

So why does he then stash the bike again at Pont Felin? The logical answer to me is: for the same reason he stashed it overnight. He's overtaken by someone he knows, who offers him a lift but can't take the bike too. I think this is why the police are so keen to identify those cars - because one of them was driven by someone who either knows him, or who pulled over and offered him a lift anyway (and it may also be why the 4x4 with the trailer was the first one ruled out - because it could have taken the bike too). Any car driving north from the Vaynol Arms imo is most likely to be heading to Caerhun or on to Bangor. It might also be heading towards Anglesey via the bridge, or Caernarfon via the A487 or Conwy via the expressway, but if so, for any of those, there seem to me to be more direct routes if their starting point was anywhere south of Pentir.

So if I were in charge of the investigation, what I would be doing next is:
  • looking at any CCTV or ANPR data from the roads between Pentir and Bangor for matches with the cars that went past the Vaynol Arms
  • appealing for dashcam footage from any cars or cyclists travelling in the opposite direction in the relevant time window
  • pulling DVLA data for all of the vehicles that went through Pentir to see if any of them have any prior connection with Frankie or any relevant criminal record
  • looking at pedestrians on CCTV in Bangor to see if Frankie himself shows up later on Sunday than the Pentir sighting
  • checking out any friends, associates, social media contacts in Bangor.
Failing any leads there, I would be timing the drive from Pentir to the interchanges with the major roads and looking at CCTV/ANPR from there too.

The mother of a missing teenager has said she is "terrified" someone has harmed him, adding it would be a "miracle" if he is still alive.

Frantisek "Frankie" Morris, 18, was last seen 27 days ago and mum Alice Morris said the "best scenario" is if he disappeared after losing his memory.

Mum of missing teen 'terrified' he has been harmed - BBC News
The devastated mother of missing teenager, Frankie Morris has made an emotional appeal to the public to help her find her "beautiful son."

Alice Morris made the plea during a press conference at Llangefni Police Station this morning after flying to North Wales from her native Czech Republic and isolating for 10 days.

Alice, whose only child is Frankie, said he was born in Bangor and had been living in the city since the age of 14 after she and his father split up.

She added: "He enjoyed the outdoors and climbing in the mountainside.

"He liked snowboarding in winter and would come over to Czech Republic and we would go up in the mountains together and go for a week to Italy or Austria either skiing or snowboarding.

"He loved to be with his friends, he was very smart and very skilled and a talented artist.

"He used to draw a lot and graffiti over my home town and here as well ."

Alice said she last spoke to her son on the Wednesday before he disappeared.

She said during their last conversation, he sounded “very optimistic” and had been saving up to have driving lessons so he could buy a van and go travelling.

She messaged him on the Friday to ask how he was and he replied: "I'm fine."

She said he was usually quick to reply to her messages and found it “very strange” when there was no response from him when she sent him a text on Sunday, May 2.

Frankie was reported missing a few days later.

Alice said she believes there is “definitely” someone out there who knows Frankie’s whereabouts.

Although she still has hope, she added: “after almost a month, it will be a miracle really.”

Alice said she thought there was a "slim chance" of Frankie having fallen, hit his head and lost his memory.

Her belief that something bad has happened to him comes from messages he's been sent from "various people."

Mum's concern over messages sent to missing Frankie Morris from 'various people'


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Thank you for delurking!

And driving? Where would a car driving north through Pentir be likely to be heading?

Likely heading to Bangor. There are villages along the way (Glasinfryn, Caerhun, Waen Wen and Minffordd) but there’s nothing there! Unless someone lived there or was visiting someone there it is likely that they would be taking the back roads to Bangor.

There’s a local rumour that F had good friends in Caerhun and may have been heading there.
Likely heading to Bangor. There are villages along the way (Glasinfryn, Caerhun, Waen Wen and Minffordd) but there’s nothing there! Unless someone lived there or was visiting someone there it is likely that they would be taking the back roads to Bangor.

There’s a local rumour that F had good friends in Caerhun and may have been heading there.

He strikes me as a boy who had friends pretty much everywhere tbh. The question for me is where the cars were heading though, because to my mind the abandoned bike tells us that he left Pentir in a car. And also because the one thing we pretty much know for sure is that something happened to prevent the journey he thought he was making from being completed as planned.

Watching with interest.


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