GUILTY UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016 #7

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You missed a real treat!!! It was very, very funny and a brilliant move on the part of Mr Trimmer!

I think people following this as their first trial are going to be disappointed by any future trials they follow aren't they. It really never is as downright bizarre as this.Sure we get people telling unbelievable lies but IS has taken it to a whole new level.To the point where all you can do is laugh at the absurdity of it all, the absurdity of him, his stories and his delusional belief that people will buy them.
Just been told it`s ok (be it on your head!!!!) :jail:

It was two pieces of evidence:
1. The £500,000 that the kidnappers apparently wanted for ransom money as the folder had not been found!
2. The other was the searches that Helen had apparently done on her Ipad re: zophiclone.
Neither of these facts were in IS`s defence statement so the bigwigs are discussing whether to allow or not!
And yes - that`s why it`s 9.45 tomorrow.
Ah Ok.If they allow them then hopefully the defence can bring back the expert who found all the searches for tiredness on the ipad and they can confirm if there were any for zopiclone.
It could have been a very real worry to IS though - in the same way he didn't understand the reality of POA he didn't know for sure what a blood test would or wouldn't uncover.

True. I guess a number of things all built up over the previous few days

Helen was going to go ahead with the 14k ring order
Helen was still making wedding venue enquiries
Helen was searching for answers to her daytime sleeping

any more?
Just been told it`s ok (be it on your head!!!!) :jail:

It was two pieces of evidence:
1. The £500,000 that the kidnappers apparently wanted for ransom money as the folder had not been found!
2. The other was the searches that Helen had apparently done on her Ipad re: zophiclone.
Neither of these facts were in IS`s defence statement so the bigwigs are discussing whether to allow or not!
And yes - that`s why it`s 9.45 tomorrow.

Any hint of who his witnesses will be?
I say let him have whatever story included he wants. It really is not going to affect the outcome. If it's not allowed he might use it as grounds for appeal.
Just been told it`s ok (be it on your head!!!!) :jail:

It was two pieces of evidence:
1. The £500,000 that the kidnappers apparently wanted for ransom money as the folder had not been found!
2. The other was the searches that Helen had apparently done on her Ipad re: zophiclone.
Neither of these facts were in IS`s defence statement so the bigwigs are discussing whether to allow or not!
And yes - that`s why it`s 9.45 tomorrow.

Loving the legal jargon for Evidence, which in this case was always clearly IS lies. Thank you, Michelle - for this ... at least we know our Legal System is Honourable and gives a fair Trial, despite everything.
Doesn't look like it kicked until a bit later but another thing that's weird is she emailed her friend then minutes later when her friend rang it went to voice mail which her friend said was unusual. So did she go from being sleepy but able to email to being zonked out completely minutes later? Or did she fall asleep in the middle of writing an email and then IS just clicked SEND once she was already semi conscious or worse

I don't take zopiclone but I do take an antipsychotic med which has the side effect of helping me sleep. It is very much like an on off switch. It takes about 3 hours to kick in unless I've accelerated it with alcohol (!!!). I can be chatting one minute and gone the next. When I first started taking it I wasn't aware it would be so sudden and my ex husband scraped me off the floor a few times! I am not saying Zopi does that just that it is possible for drugs to have that affect.
I can't remember if it was on here or somewhere else I read it, very recently, that zopiclone usually takes an hour to hour and a half to kick in.
Ah Ok.If they allow them then hopefully the defence can bring back the expert who found all the searches for tiredness on the ipad and they can confirm if there were any for zopiclone.

Sadly that won`t happen CP - it`s already been raised by Mr Trimmer - and you are NOT going to believe this......:drumroll:...
but according to IS when this put put to him, he "advised" us that apparently Helen was in the habit of deleting her search history!
Ah Ok.If they allow them then hopefully the defence can bring back the expert who found all the searches for tiredness on the ipad and they can confirm if there were any for zopiclone.

The box of zopiclone would have had an information sheet inside the box listing any contraindications. if prescribed by a GP. No need to search the net. Unless .....they were purchased from an online pharmacy......then you would have to download it from the online pharmacy site if you wanted to.
Doesn't look like it kicked until a bit later but another thing that's weird is she emailed her friend then minutes later when her friend rang it went to voice mail which her friend said was unusual. So did she go from being sleepy but able to email to being zonked out completely minutes later? Or did she fall asleep in the middle of writing an email and then IS just clicked SEND once she was already semi conscious or worse

I don't have one of those fancy phones, so what does 'going to voice mail' signify? I know you can obviously switch it to voice mail, but would it automatically kick in if the phone went unanswered? Say if she'd just gone to the loo, or popped upstairs for something?
Sadly that won`t happen CP - it`s already been raised by Mr Trimmer - and you are NOT going to believe this......:drumroll:...
but according to IS when this put put to him, he "advised" us that apparently Helen was in the habit of deleting her search history!

...and forgot to add that he * definitely * remembers her doing the searches! Definitely. He remembers...
I don't have one of those fancy phones, so what does 'going to voice mail' signify? I know you can obviously switch it to voice mail, but would it automatically kick in if the phone went unanswered? Say if she'd just gone to the loo, or popped upstairs for something?

Yes, as long as you had the voice mail function turned on.
I've got phones on my mind at the moment. IS mentioned tiny phones in prison. I couldn't resist a search for them! Would you believe Amazon sell them and they are tiny at 68mm long. It seems from the comments on the advert that they are popular with prisoners and you can imagine how they bypass security checks! Retrieval by the visitor might be a bit of a problem though.:facepalm: He must have seen them inside or do you think I am the only one who didn't know they existed :). I don't for one moment believe his story about him getting a phone call on one of these telling him one of his 'gangsters' had been taken care of and I confess to thinking he was telling porkies about them existing at all.
I don't have one of those fancy phones, so what does 'going to voice mail' signify? I know you can obviously switch it to voice mail, but would it automatically kick in if the phone went unanswered? Say if she'd just gone to the loo, or popped upstairs for something?

Going to voicemail just means it goes to the option where callers can only leave a message. I think her friend said it rang out first and then went to voicemail because Helen hadn't answered and that was really unusual for Helen not to answer,I guess even more so because Helen had just emailed her minutes earlier.
Doesn't look like it kicked until a bit later but another thing that's weird is she emailed her friend then minutes later when her friend rang it went to voice mail which her friend said was unusual. So did she go from being sleepy but able to email to being zonked out completely minutes later? Or did she fall asleep in the middle of writing an email and then IS just clicked SEND once she was already semi conscious or worse

Maybe I've got the times wrong but I have it down that Helen's last online activity was at just before 11am and a call to her phone went to voicemail at 12:13, which is more than a few minutes later.
...and forgot to add that he * definitely * remembers her doing the searches! Definitely. He remembers...

But... he can't remember the colour of her eyes... or anything important... and his head was all over the place because the police had broken his little china duckywucky.
I can't remember if it was on here or somewhere else I read it, very recently, that zopiclone usually takes an hour to hour and a half to kick in.

It varies. Could be 20 mins. Could be 1 or 2 hours. Could not work at all.
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