Found Deceased UK - Libby Squire, 21, last seen getting into a taxi outside Welly club, Hull, 31 Jan 2019

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You were unlucky back then. All my uni rooms (I think I lived four places altogether) were large, and one had an an suite!
I don't know what happened there. I quoted two posts, but only meant to quote one. Oops.

I think we've always assumed Libby lived at no15, the house with the lovely black doors being seen getting searched and luminol'd. Do we KNOW that that's her house? Could she have lived elsewhere on the street? I think I saw confusion over bin numbers (29? 39?) and now I'm wondering if we know for sure?

I thought she lived in the house with the white doors, next to the house with the black doors? :confused:
Important to remember also that abduction doesn’t necessarily mean premeditated. Many cases have unfortunately revealed what started as something else escalated. Eg. Someone makes advances on a person who becomes uncomfortable or startled and screams and in attempting to stop them screaming they end up causing harm or bringing them into their house or car either to calm them or out of fear that they are going to tell someone what happened/ draw attention
That was what happened with Joanna Yeates. Good point.
I think they are trying to control the narrative with this new statement. It mentions multiple times she was sociable.
An earlier article talked of Libby keeping ‘herself to herself’ and spending a lot of time in her room. Even on here some of the discussion has been around Libby’s mental state and her scarring. I think they are trying to share that she was a well-balanced, normal young lady so that people don’t just chalk it down to run off or suicide.

It reminds me of Corrie McKeague and how they tried to change the discussion away from certain aspects of his life and mental health.

Libby Squire: From High Wycombe to Hull | Humberside Police

Yes...and they also only want two specific photos used for her posters etc...all very strange to me. They may think they are helping but imo it is sort of the opposite...they are drawing attention to whatever they are trying not to. This may not be the case but it is feeling odd to me. Jmo
It's a thought. I'm not sure how people react when something like that happens. I'm not much of a screamer - I tend to become silent and think instantly about how I can get out of my predicament. But I'm not Libby...

Yeah I agree that if I actually hit icy cold water I would probably be too busy trying to get out than to scream but maybe on the way down a slippery slope I might be able to yell out if I was slipping in and knew where I was headed.

Its really hard to say because everyone is different.

Do we know if the hammer and screwdriver that was found has any credibility to it being possibly from a perp? I keep seeing that those items were found near where she was last seen. So are those items still in play or being disregarded by us?
Yeah I agree that if I actually hit icy cold water I would probably be too busy trying to get out than to scream but maybe on the way down a slippery slope I might be able to yell out if I was slipping in and knew where I was headed.

Its really hard to say because everyone is different.

Do we know if the hammer and screwdriver that was found has any credibility to it being possibly from a perp? I keep seeing that those items were found near where she was last seen. So are those items still in play or being disregarded by us?
Those items were fairly quickly disregarded as unrelated to Libby's case by the police.
Those items were fairly quickly disregarded as unrelated to Libby's case by the police.

Thank you. That helps. I didnt want to waist time thinking about those items.

I think we've always assumed Libby lived at no15, the house with the lovely black doors being seen getting searched and luminol'd. Do we KNOW that that's her house? Could she have lived elsewhere on the street? I think I saw confusion over bin numbers (29? 39?) and now I'm wondering if we know for sure?

She doesn't live at that No 15 property that was combed over by the police, her house is round the corner further down the street, No 32 Wellesley it is.
Do we know if the hammer and screwdriver that was found has any credibility to it being possibly from a perp? I keep seeing that those items were found near where she was last seen. So are those items still in play or being disregarded by us?[/QUOTE said:
The police said they were found to be unrelated.
I've been following this thread since Libby went missing. I went to Hull University and still live relatively close by so I'm hoping i can be of some help.

The student halls you live in first year are either in a place called Cottingham which is 3.5 miles from the university - You have to bus in. Or you can live directly on the university campus which is ~20 min walk from there Libby lives now. In my opinion Libby wouldnt know the area she lives in now very well. As a second year she will only have lived there since mid-late September and there is a long Christmas break of 3-4 weeks,. The only reason she would have visited this area previously would have been on nights out to The Adelphi, The Welly, The Haworth, The Gardeners Arms etc. Therefore she could easily have got lost if she decided to start walking back drunk to find her friends/to go to another friends house. I got really lost myself once trying to get to the bus stop back to campus and I hadn't been drinking.

The halls of residence are really nice and you feels much safer. When I moved in to a student house near Libby we didn't feel safe in the area at all. My housemate worked in a hotel bar a 10 min walk from home and someone tried to mug her. After that she used to get walked home by a male member of staff of get a taxi even though it was such a short distance. We all hated her working late and worried about her safety.

The University has exams in January. I've just double checked and the start of term was 28th Jan. The reason The Shrugger said she was hugging everyone saying its nice to be back together is most likely because they wont have had a night out since before Christmas. In my house everyone returned at different times because of exams, some courses having more than others. No one ever did any studying at home over Christmas so it was cram time. The night was probably a celebration it was all over and a start to the new term - hence Libby drinking so much. I am super surprised she didn't get in The Welly. A trip advisory review of "If you want to get really drunk and not remember anything about yourself then welly is the place" describes it well so she must have been pretty much unable to walk at this point.

Most of the water near Libby house is very shallow and even though some of it is free flowing I don't think its deep enough to carry someone away.

The rest of this post is just my speculation really based on the facts...
It sounds like she left the phone at home or forgot it. I saw somewhere her housemate said if she had been without her phone before she had got in contact. In all honesty I several times at uni lost or forgot my phone. Maybe she purposely didnt take it if she'd lost them previously?
I don't believe either her or her housemate knew she was without keys. I lost my keys and locked myself out several times while at uni. I also on occasion did go out without them if I knew I was with my housemates. However, clearly her housemate didnt know she couldnt get in or she would have gone with her/give her the keys.
It would be common place to put a fried to worse for wear in a taxi from The Welly or the clubs around their home. Its not far and its a lot safer than walking. I think either her friend got the time wrong about her getting in the taxi (the police should have some CCTV to work this out) or something very strange happened. That road is not that busy at that time of night and even if she stopped for cash/to be sick it took her a long time to get home.
I dont think the CCTV footage of her on the bench will be released. Its could be very distressing for friends and family if Libby was in a mess to see this and not good for anyone.

My theories
  1. She got lost trying to make her way to her friends or someone she knows house (could be near the pond) and ended up in the water.
    As the weather has warmed and the ponds been searched several times I feel she would have been found by now?
  2. She was abducted or taken by someone
    I just find this unlikely too. I dont think the woman who heard screams will amount to anything and even though its not impossible I feel like she was on the whole in areas with some CCTV so this might have been spotted. Although I wouldnt feel safe personally in this area at that time of night.
  3. She went round the back of the house to try and get in through a window/another door and ended up in the drain
    This feels the most likely to me but the water isnt that deep so surely it would have been frozen last week and she would have been found now? Same if she hid somewhere else with hyperthermia. If it was still moving then she could be in the humber by now and unfortunately never get found . I.
  4. Mental health related
    I think this is a red herring and could potentially divert focus and why the family have asked for specific photos to be used.
Really stumped as to whats happened and it seems the police arent sure by he slow down in the case. All I can hope is she is found safe

Thank you for your thoughts and knowledge, information about the area
Sorry it made you sad, thanks for your thoughts. Wasn't mentioning it for sympathy though, just feel my experiences may be relevant to the case and potentially Libby's state of mind. One year ago on the 10th February since I was last in hospital, can happily say I'm in a much better place but still don't drink much (partly due to the damage last year's attempt did to my organs, partly because I still end up feeling suicidal when I drink too much). What I think is important and maybe relevant to the case is that even though it's been a year since any major mental health incident and I consider myself to be feeling much better, as recently as December I drank too much on Christmas and can't remember anything from that night but my partner said I was saying I wanted to die. And that is months after I last hurt myself - point being, even if the scars are old, alcohol can bring things back to the surface, especially if emotions are already running high.

Thank you for sharing this and your previous post Sera. It touched me. It's good to hear you're feeling much better and balanced nowadays. All the best to you {{ hug }}
As time goes on does anybody start to think the abduction theory could have more credibility then first thought?

I certainly would not rule it out she had too much alcohol and was was certainly in a vulnerable state could be an easy target and not having her phone on her and keys on her kept her outside longer then she should have been
Yes...and they also only want two specific photos used for her posters etc...all very strange to me. They may think they are helping but imo it is sort of the opposite...they are drawing attention to whatever they are trying not to. This may not be the case but it is feeling odd to me. Jmo
Surely only with nutty people like us, who scrutinise and think through everything? I would think the average person catching bits on the news wouldn't question which pictures are used and motives.
Th at suggests to me that they have potential evidence of foul play. I'm not sure why else they would investigate a property that isn't her own.
Are we sure where the pre-drinks were and if they were only in one location? It's common for students to rent houses close to each other so it could potentially be a friends house.
Th at suggests to me that they have potential evidence of foul play. I'm not sure why else they would investigate a property that isn't her own.
Precisely. Those photos of them using black light on the front of number 15 is NOT just knocking on a door to ask if they saw anything. Is it possible (just a theory) that's the house of the lads that saw her "stumbling"?
Has missing student Libby, 21, been abducted? Police investigating 'all possibilities' | Daily Mail Online

Detectives investigating the disappearance of student Libby Squire say they are investigating ‘all possibilities’ amid growing local fears that she may have been abducted.

Dozens of police officers have been searching for the 21-year-old philosophy undergraduate, pictured, for six days without finding any clues.

A specialist police marine unit has thoroughly searched a large pond and waterway a few minutes’ walk from Miss Squire’s home in Hull.

And yesterday 20 officers scoured a wooded area near playing fields without success.


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