Found Deceased UK - Libby Squire, 21, last seen getting into a taxi outside Welly club, Hull, 31 Jan 2019

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As the search for Libby Squire continues today, officers are asking for anyone who may have been on Haworth Street either on foot, in a car or any type of transport, between 11.30pm and 12.30am on the night of her disappearance (Thursday, 31 January), to please get in touch with police, as any information could prove vital in finding Libby.

Detective Superintendent Simon Gawthorpe said: “There are a number of leads we are following up and I want to offer my thanks to everyone who has come forward with information, your help has been invaluable.

“We’re trying to trace Libby’s steps and piece together her movements that night. We know she got into a taxi outside the Welly Club on Beverley Road at around 11pm on Thursday, 31st January.

“Libby got out of the taxi a short while later near her home address on Wellesley Avenue, but was later seen on CCTV on Beverley Road, close to the junction with Haworth Street at around 11.45pm.

“We’re keen to speak to anyone who may have been on Haworth Street, which is almost adjacent to Beresford Avenue, between 11.30pm and 12.30am as part of this line of enquiry, to understand Libby’s movements that night.

“Officers will be conducting further house to house enquiries in the Beresford Avenue area, Haworth Street and around Beverley Road today and special constables will be out on patrol in the areas.

“We have specialist teams again out today carrying out searches and we are working with Humberside Fire and Rescue and the Coastguard, who will be around the River Hull.

“I completely understand people will want to help with the searches, but I would please ask that you instead continue to help us by coming forward with any information, no matter how small or insignificant you think it may be, as it could link together with information we already have and help us to find Libby.

“We need your help with information to piece together Libby’s movements, to find her and return her home safely to her family. "

Anyone with information that would help with our investigation should call us on 101 quoting log 29 1 February 2019.” #HelpFindLibby

Search continues for missing student Libby | Humberside Police
From what I can see on google maps, the street she lives on looks like a safe area. There are two primary schools nearby and the houses look very nice. The road she was last seen on looks nice too, though Haworth street - the junction of which she was last seen - looks a little rougher. They're your classic terraced houses that are usually let to students but are also let to those with low income. I lived on a street like that for a year. I got harassed on the street by men and teens twice, one of our neighbours was a domestic abuser who was constantly screaming at his partner and throwing things (with a crying baby in the background, scary stuff) and the other neighbours seemed to be drug users. There were other students living on our street, too. I doubt anything nefarious happened since Beverly Road probably would have other people on it and cars going past, so it wouldn't be smart to harm her on Haworth street imo. But if she did turn down that way, who knows.

But having looked at the location of her house, Welly club, and where she was last seen, I'm now more firmly of the opinion that she was trying to get back to the club. It's a straight shoot down Beverly Road to Welly club, about a 25 minute walk according to google. If she turned down Haworth street she might have thought it was a shortcut, or possibly she was trying to get to one of the many fast food outlets in the area. There doesn't seem to be much in the way of water in the immediate area other than the Beverley and Barmston drain (which runs down the back of the street she lives on so she would have to turn back home to end up there) though google maps won't show things like ponds and smaller bodies of water.
I'm getting a worse feeling about this. I'd want to reassure myself about the motorist who stopped, the students she was out with (and later organised searches) and now the screwdriver etc.

I wouldn't put a high probability on the hammer and screwdriver being related as it would be unusual to drop them at the scene of an abduction.
From Hull Live:

New sighting of Libby

In the latest statement from police, officers confirmed they now believe she was seen in Beresford Avenue at 12.05am on Friday, February 1.

What we now know about her movements:
  • Libby got into a taxi outside Welly at 11pm on Thursday, January 31
  • The taxi took her to her home in Wellesley Avenue, off Beverley Road
  • She was then seen on a bench near Haworth Street at 11.45pm
  • Libby was then seen in Beresford Avenue at 12.05am - the last known sighting of her before she disappeared
Beresford Avenue is the road opposite to where Libby was seen on the bench - this is a road initially full of terraced houses but further on leads to playing fields and the canal.
Beresford Avenue is back towards where she lived. Maybe she wanted to go back to the club but changed her mind and started heading home. The aforementioned drain is in the middle of Beresford Avenue, past where she'd have to turn to get home, and the large playing fields are further along at the end. It looks like there's a lot of trees, though Google seems to have been in the area in summer - it probably looks a bit more bare right now. Behind the playing fields is the river Hull, though there's also a lake in the playing fields and two smaller lakes (large ponds?) just outside of it.
From what I can see on google maps, the street she lives on looks like a safe area. There are two primary schools nearby and the houses look very nice. The road she was last seen on looks nice too, though Haworth street - the junction of which she was last seen - looks a little rougher. They're your classic terraced houses that are usually let to students but are also let to those with low income. I lived on a street like that for a year. I got harassed on the street by men and teens twice, one of our neighbours was a domestic abuser who was constantly screaming at his partner and throwing things (with a crying baby in the background, scary stuff) and the other neighbours seemed to be drug users. There were other students living on our street, too. I doubt anything nefarious happened since Beverly Road probably would have other people on it and cars going past, so it wouldn't be smart to harm her on Haworth street imo. But if she did turn down that way, who knows.

But having looked at the location of her house, Welly club, and where she was last seen, I'm now more firmly of the opinion that she was trying to get back to the club. It's a straight shoot down Beverly Road to Welly club, about a 25 minute walk according to google. If she turned down Haworth street she might have thought it was a shortcut, or possibly she was trying to get to one of the many fast food outlets in the area. There doesn't seem to be much in the way of water in the immediate area other than the Beverley and Barmston drain (which runs down the back of the street she lives on so she would have to turn back home to end up there) though google maps won't show things like ponds and smaller bodies of water.
This seems like a very probable theory- she is locked out, can't wait outside till 3am when her friends get home and decides to walk back. She was drunk but its been an hour or so so she may may have sobered up a bit on the cold walk. She may have blown her cash on the taxi and gone down a side street looking for an ATM.
I can see two possibilities, the sadly too common drowning due to being drunk or abduction like the case a little while back in Scotland, I can't remember the poor girls name but she went home with a man from a night club and he murdered her and tried to burn her body.

I haven't had time yet to study the maps, is falling in the canal a likely possibility, I saw it was mentioned above
Beresford Avenue is back towards where she lived. Maybe she wanted to go back to the club but changed her mind and started heading home. The aforementioned drain is in the middle of Beresford Avenue, past where she'd have to turn to get home, and the large playing fields are further along at the end. It looks like there's a lot of trees, though Google seems to have been in the area in summer - it probably looks a bit more bare right now. Behind the playing fields is the river Hull, though there's also a lake in the playing fields and two smaller lakes (large ponds?) just outside of it.

Yes it does seem likely she walked down Beresford Avenue intending to go home. Worryingly there does appear to be a lot of water at the end of the Avenue with the lake and the river Hull running just past the playing fields.
Police said they have "a number of leads", as they revealed the Coastguard and firefighters were searching around the River Hull on Sunday.

Police dogs have also been deployed to the area she was last spotted.

Missing student's mother 'broken' as Coastguard and police dogs joins search

I see we were posting at the same time, thank you for that link, it does seem like the river could be involved, it's so concerning how often this is happening, I like the suggestion above of some kind of app with an alert for a friend who is separated from their group on a night out, time is always of the essence in these situations
Looking at Wellesley Avenue on Street View and it looks like standard houses many of which are let to students as the Uni is close, LVatty10.

I would guess her and two others each have a bedroom in a shared house.

Anyone know if the Police will do another PC?

British students tend to live in flats or halls of residence in the first year and more often shared houses in the second and third year (though not always). So not likely to be a shared hallway to sleep in, though there might have been a porch. If I were in her shoes I would have gone round to the houses of friends to sleep on a sofa. Student areas tend to be quite densely populated by students so you would usually have some friends living nearby and not all would be out. Maybe thats what she tried to do?
I wonder if she didn’t have a key, started to go back to the Welly, but then decided to try the back door or a rear window. That would possibly explain the sighting along Beresford ave...and the rear of one side of Wellesley Ave backs up against the drain/canal...
Thanks! So she didn’t take her phone out with her at all? How did she call the taxi? Did the Welly call it for her? Or just hailed the taxi from the street?

Here in the states, I can’t imagine leaving my house without my phone. Even to walk my dogs. maybe that’s not necessarily true in the UK? But I feel like all my Brit friends carry their phones everywhere.

"The University of Hull student is believed to have been turned away from the club and was put in a taxi by her flatmate Amelia Cummins, who told HullLive she has lived with her for the past two years."
"The University of Hull student is believed to have been turned away from the club and was put in a taxi by her flatmate Amelia Cummins, who told HullLive she has lived with her for the past two years."

So maybe her friend thinks Libby isn't really in a fit state to be out so sensibly sends her home but Libby isn't ready to finish the night yet so gets out of the taxi to perhaps head back to the pub and then maybe falls somewhere inaccesible and sucumbs to the cold or is intercepted by someone who manages to avoid any kind of CCTV and takes her away somewhere. Does that sound possible?

I'm hoping she's alive somewhere but sadly not confident that she is
If she's found in the river there's definitely something amiss as it's mainly industrial units on the other side, I can't see why she'd voluntarily be going anywhere near it on a freezing cold dark night, with no phone (so no torch) and probably not enough clothes on.
I'm really conflicted on this one ...

First thought was - too drunk to get in a studenty club = very drunk! - was she anywhere near water? (Thinking of Caroline Everest who was a Sheffield Hallam student, went missing after being ejected from a studenty club, found 4 or so days later, deceased in nearby waterway)

But ... where are the bodies if water? Had a quick look and there's not any that immediately jump out ...

If you Google the words 'missing student' it is utterly heartbreaking how many young people, after a night of drinking and up missing, later found deceased in bodies of water :(
@MarziPanda. Thanks for the insight! I’m older (30s) but super attached to my phone. Even more so when out with friends bc I worry about being separated. Wonder if the sighting at 12:05 is an eyewitness or if she was caught on CCTV.

Is this a “safe” area? (Nowhere is really safe). But it’s close to a uni campus so I would imagine it wouldn’t be uncommon to have young people walking around at this time of night.

When working in Hull I didn't feel completely safe in this area. If an areas safety would be measured out of ten, with 10 being very dangerous, I'd have given it a 6 maybe. There is quite a big issue with homelessness and addiction. Perhaps my view was skewed slightly as I was exposed to the more vulnerable side of society, but if I had a daughter I certainly wouldn't want her walking around after dark in that area.
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