Found Deceased UK - Libby Squire, 21, last seen getting into a taxi outside Welly club, Hull, 31 Jan 2019

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I am too. If they were sure it was him would they be handing out flyers and having that large billboard thing?

It seems really strange doing that after they've arrested someone? Unless they think there's an accomplice and they're trying to guilt trip them into turning themselves in? I don't see what they're trying to achieve with that?

Does anyone think that maybe she ran away or is hiding somewhere local?

Not strange at all imo.
They might not have enough to charge him and need more information, witnesses, dashcam footage, etc to piece the story together. Most of all they need to find Libby. If he took her he obviously isn't telling them where she is.
I was swaying towards an unplanned abduction, either spur of the moment or because what started out as something else escalated, but the longer it takes to find Libby I find myself leaning further towards pre-meditation and possibly a second perpetator. I still think there’s substance in the Heathcote neighbours scream/ male voices murmuring report.
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I do not believe for a minute that Libby ran away or is hiding.

At this point I lean to two perps having abducted her.

I also am curious as to what exactly led to the arrest of the 24 year old guy .

There was an alarming statistic mentioned several pages back....the 170 assaults in the area in a short time (can't remember what that short time was), which led me to lean towards foul play rather than accident, as well as the fact that LE had done such thorough searches in the immediate area. Just seems to me Libby would have been found had she been taken over by hypothermia or fell in that drainage behind the house. Someone also described the thick reeds along that drainage, I would think that if she fell in, she would have been found in those reeds rather than have ended up in the water or washed away.

It was me who posted that. It was within 1 month and a 1 mile radius of her house and NOT the entire population of Hull (as was intimated after my comment).
Maybe in the same way that Corrie McKeague managed to go AWOL in the same circumstances [sarcastic emoticon].
Theories about missing people going voluntarily missing do really bug me. When I moved to Britain it was hard enough getting housing, banking, bills etc. set up all above board. I can't imagine someone choosing to put themselves through that. Especially when they were last seen drunk and vulnerable.

People do of course fall through the cracks and live on the streets but that's generally caused by a slow decline of mental health/substance abuse/no family support rather than just deciding one day to skip off.
From maps it would seem possible that the individual arrested and LS could have easily crossed paths in the local area. The shops, pubs and takeaways around Cottingham Road/Clough Road/Beverley Road crossroads would have been local to both of them. Also, Beverley Road is the route north towards the arrested gentleman's place of work in Malton as well as the University of Hull. Could he have seen LS waiting for a bus or walking to and from the University on a number of occasions? Had he offered her lifts in the past?

Did his homelife force him out of the house at odd hours? By that I mean having had two lovely children myself I remember sometimes finding the endless care and attention at times suffocating when they were very young. It is probably a man thing (my wife is astounding) but I did go for drives to clear my head at 'odd times of the day and night' when regularly woken by crying babies. Did he chance across LS whilst doing something similar or going to/returning from work? (Meat processing especially on a large scale is a 24 hour a day undertaking).

Also, and this in no way excuses anything, having recently become a father again was he getting no 'attention' from his wife?

The Oak Road Playing Fields and the pond and abandoned buildings are accessible by road via Beresford Avenue and are a very direct route from Raglan Street or Wellesley Avenue. There is a gate baring access on Oak Road so was this forced or open to allow a car in? There would also appear to be access through an adjacent car park.

IMO this all looks like an opportunistic event to me, a perfect storm of unfortunate circumstances (possible home and work stressors on one hand and a largely incapacitated victim possibly known albeit by sight on the other) that have ended in an increasingly likely tragic way.
I was swaying towards an unplanned abduction, either spur of the moment or because what started out as something else escalated, but the longer it takes to find Libby I find myself leaning further towards pre-meditation and possibly a decond perpetator. I still think there’s substance in the Heathcote neighbours scream/ male voices murmuring report.

If there are charges brought I'll then say I think it was an unplanned crime. How was he to know she'd be not let into the club. Some killers just take advantage of a situation they find themselves in.

I was cynical of the screams story at first but it's certainly a thought that the police asked for that to be published to put pressure on the suspect.
From maps it would seem possible that the individual arrested and LS could have easily crossed paths in the local area. The shops, pubs and takeaways around Cottingham Road/Clough Road/Beverley Road crossroads would have been local to both of them. Also, Beverley Road is the route north towards the arrested gentleman's place of work in Malton as well as the University of Hull. Could he have seen LS waiting for a bus or walking to and from the University on a number of occasions? Had he offered her lifts in the past?

Did his homelife force him out of the house at odd hours? By that I mean having had two lovely children myself I remember sometimes finding the endless care and attention at times suffocating when they were very young. It is probably a man thing (my wife is astounding) but I did go for drives to clear my head at 'odd times of the day and night' when regularly woken by crying babies. Did he chance across LS whilst doing something similar or going to/returning from work? (Meat processing especially on a large scale is a 24 hour a day undertaking).

Also, and this in no way excuses anything, having recently become a father again was he getting no 'attention' from his wife?

The Oak Road Playing Fields and the pond and abandoned buildings are accessible by road via Beresford Avenue and are a very direct route from Raglan Street or Wellesley Avenue. There is a gate baring access on Oak Road so was this forced or open to allow a car in? There would also appear to be access through an adjacent car park.

IMO this all looks like an opportunistic event to me, a perfect storm of unfortunate circumstances (possible home and work stressors on one hand and a largely incapacitated victim possibly known albeit by sight on the other) that have ended in an increasingly likely tragic way.

Great post, I agree with your thoughts. This is all very possible. Do we know where he works?
Couple of questions for you all:

1 why do you think the white tent was erected an hour or so before sunset? A chance they know more than letting on and waiting for sunset?

2. If the person in custody is the person that is suggested by media outlets, he works in malton, could it have happened on the way out of the city? Shift work is not unusual (setting off for a shift that starts at 4-5 am ...

Any ideas?
Not strange at all imo.
They might not have enough to charge him and need more information, witnesses, dashcam footage, etc to piece the story together. Most of all they need to find Libby. If he took her he obviously isn't telling them where she is.
Yes. I wonder if they can pin him down as driving her off somewhere but no evidence of the ‘what next’. Perhaps he’s saying he dropped her off and she left his car more witnesses needed to tie things up?
And now, knowing that the leaflets are in multiple languages, it seems they may be reaching out to a non-english-speaking community that may not have been reached by the various methods so far.
The posters are in Russian, Polish and Latvian.

Interesting. Anyone local know if that's the majority communities in that area, or are they being specifically targeted?

From what I can see, it’s a very multicultural area. Have seen houses in the area advertised in Romanian and Latvian.

EDIT - Unsure how that extra quote got in soz!
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I had not thought of shift work.
I was thinking that the wife would have known if he was home all night, given that they had a baby and she would likely not sleep through the night.
If he was due for shift work in the wee hours, I wonder what his demeanor was at work.
Also, didn't the lady say she heard the scream and muttering voices at around 1 or 1:30 am?
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