UK - Logan Mwangi, 5, found dead in Wales River, Bridgend, 31 July 2021 *arrests, inc. minor* #3

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This case of Logan has really affected me,that poor boy & what he must of went through..he must of been terrorized for ages before he died with lockdown,covid & stuck in a tiny flat..he had no one to turn to..I bet he was soo bored.I have a 5 year old boy & yeah he boisterous & he should wonder he was a bit wild he’s been influenced by JC & the youth for years & they only know violence & the way the youth talked on his theory is JC hurt Logan first when he punched him in the stomach,the youth finished it & AW knew exactly what was going on but she must of hoped Logan’s stomach was only hurt & he’d get better the next day as she didn’t realize the youth had beaten him later.. she could of been watching videos but don’t forget she would probably have headphones in not to wake the baby so she wouldn’t of heard anything..I hope they all get slammed and there should be a change in the law so mothers or fathers who don’t protect their children & they die at the hands of violent,dangerous men & women should automatically get life with a minimum of at least 25 years..Stars mum,Arthur’s dad all out in a few years & all other children who have suffered..their so called protectors all as guilty as’s makes me sick..R.I.P Logan..gorgeous boy in the hands of God now✌️
This rather begs the question who AW was phoning in the middle of the night. Or perhaps she accessed the app at 2.26am with a view to calling emergency services (although not sure why as wouldn’t you just use your regular phone?) but was prevented from reporting then?

I’m wondering whether she was in fact acutely aware of her son’s potentially perilous condition (not not entirely “neglectful” as she was concerned) but knew that she or other people in the house were responsible so was looking to take care of it herself and hoped Logan would just recover under his own devices. I wonder whether her mindless scrolling through YouTube videos etc was as a means of staying awake demonstrating that she was concerned about him and checking up on him constantly.

Then she/they discover he’s dead but at this point JC takes over and in her shocked state she defers to him for the stupid plan they then, all 3 of them, possibly concocted. I am not sure AW was possibly aware of quite how serious Logan’s condition was, but by the time it was too late she then panicked and in her shocked desperate state allowed someone with far more to lose to take over (or someone less emotionally attached at that point, JC, to take over) . I think she has made herself possibly look more guilty than she was by participating in the stupid plan - but her attempt to explain this away by being “asleep” has made things worse for herself. I wonder whether she is guilty of PTCJ but perhaps was actually a more concerned mother than her own story credits herself with. But she’s decided to stick with it now - because she knows telling the truth about her concern and checking up on Logan throughout the night etc etc betrays the fact that she knew deep down something was not quite right but potently overrode her maternal instincts in favour of hoping for the best and protecting JC. But she doesn’t feel she can change her story now as she knows the constant lying will make her look more guilty and highlight that she suspected Logan was unwell and she didn’t do anything about it. But maybe she wasn’t fully aware of how utterly deadly his injuries had been and so her shock and devastation the next day was actually real as she couldn’t quite believe that her negligent actions resulted in her son’s death?
All conjecture as I’m not in the court hearing all the evidence first hand (quite a lot is being garbled in its translation to the updates filtered through journalists). But I think I am a bit shades of grey on the whole she is just a terrible mother and guilty of murder and looking to simply get rid of her son as he didn’t fit in with her life with JC as some people on here seems to be erring on. I think she is guilty of not following her instincts, subjecting Logan to an unsafe environment etc etc. But I think the main culprits in terms of actual murder are the others on trial. But that she should be held very much responsible for putting him Logan in that position. MOO.
Fully agree with what your saying about her. I thought the same
I'm absolutely sure that someone will kindly correct me if I'm wrong but, Logan had the dislocated shoulder (I have extensive experience of this injury myself and in 2 of my children) and other quite painful injuries months before his death,yes?

Did no one else notice he was in pain? School? Friends visiting? Social workers ... no one?

I'm wondering if there's any possibility that Logan didn't experience/express pain as most children do.

There are some instances where pain isn't felt as 'we' might expect. Autism and sensory processing disorder being 2 off the top of my head.

Supposing this were the case, Angharad may genuinely have not been aware how life threatening Logans injuries were.

DISCLAIMER - I'm not absolving Angharad of any responsibility and I'm not saying this is LIKELY, just a possibility - websleuths isn't supposed to be an echo chamber.
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Having read the extensive list of injuries sustained by this poor little boy I would find it beyond difficult to believe Angharad didn't realise how serious they were. The brain injury alone.

As parents, we're always aware of how serious brain injuries are. Children in Wales (if not UK) are routinely sent home after minor bumps. Someone I know has epilepsy and had a massive seizure whilst holding a baby. The baby fell off their knee and hit the floor. At no point did of the adults present think perhaps we'd give the baby calpol and see how it was. We phoned 999. Instinctively. Both were fine, thank goodness.

Also, we have youth courts as part of magistrates courts. More serious cases tend to be dealt with at Crown Courts, however.
I remember watching a programme where they scanned the brains of murderers (the murderers chose to co operate with the programme) and looked at their childhoods. It was surprisingly common for them to have suffered a serious head injury in childhood. Eg. In one case the mother had hit the boy on the head with a cricket bat. He said everything changed after that. The scans showed a hole in the bit of the brain that controls empathy. They'd also had traumatic childhoods. It would be interesting to know whether the youth ever experienced any brain damage.

It is true that this happens. It also happens if I child from a very young age, baby/toddler age is not shown love or neglected, basically doesn't have it's needs met. It rewired the normal brain development. So children who have delt with early childhood trauma are in a sence not right in the head. That said it doesn't always mean "bad person". It's called CPTSD. Not always recognised but that's what it is.
I'm absolutely sure that someone will kindly correct me if I'm wrong but, Logan had the dislocated shoulder (I have extensive experience of this injury myself and in 2 of my children) and other quite painful injuries moths before his death,yes?

Did no one else notice he was in pain? School? Friends visiting? Social workers ... no one?

I'm wondering if there's any possibility that Logan didn't experience/express pain as most children do.

There are some instances where pain isn't felt as 'we' might expect. Autism and sensory processing disorder being 2 off the top of my head.

Supposing this were the case, Angharad may genuinely have not been aware how life threatening Logans injuries were.

DISCLAIMER - I'm not absolving Angharad ofvany responsibility and I'm not saying this is LIKELY, just a possibility - websleuths isn't supposed to be an echo chamber.

I looked this up again following your post, and found this, which I’m not sure I processed at the time. Seems AW kept him off school.

RSBM from link below

…….But Ms Prelogauskas said that in September 2020 Logan suffered an arm injury and teachers hoped he would return to school but Williamson was 'volatile' towards the idea and complained about staff.

She said: 'Donna (Logan's teacher) had been encouraging for Logan to come back to school saying he didn't have to write anything down or play in the playground but it would be good for him to see his friends.
'Angharad didn't want to send him to school. She was very volatile and complained about Donna in school saying she had interrogated her.'

Ms Prelogauskas said that four months after Logan's shoulder injury she was told he had been placed under a child protection order because the injury was caused by him being pushed down the stairs.

Logan Mwangi returned to school after Covid lockdown with 'dark circles under his eyes' | Daily Mail Online
I'm absolutely sure that someone will kindly correct me if I'm wrong but, Logan had the dislocated shoulder (I have extensive experience of this injury myself and in 2 of my children) and other quite painful injuries moths before his death,yes?

Did no one else notice he was in pain? School? Friends visiting? Social workers ... no one?

I'm wondering if there's any possibility that Logan didn't experience/express pain as most children do.

There are some instances where pain isn't felt as 'we' might expect. Autism and sensory processing disorder being 2 off the top of my head.

Supposing this were the case, Angharad may genuinely have not been aware how life threatening Logans injuries were.

DISCLAIMER - I'm not absolving Angharad ofvany responsibility and I'm not saying this is LIKELY, just a possibility - websleuths isn't supposed to be an echo chamber.

If the injury happened during the school holidays then he wouldn’t have been at school for anyone to notice from a safeguarding perspective. And that was off the back of a long period in 2020 of primary schools having been closed for lockdown. AW seems to have been quite fearful of covid (all that talk about keeping Logan in his room/making him wear a mask when going to the toilet) I wouldn’t be surprised if she also kept him off school at other times. Whether due to covid or to hide injuries but using the cover of covid fears as and excuse.

That said, her covid stuff has never really rung true with me. As a household we are experiencing it just now - it is patently absurd to imagine one can socially distance from a small child in your own home (hence why our whole family has just had it!!). A lot of her descriptions seem quite performative to me. As if she is trying to demonstrate she is aware of the supposed rules and that she follows them and that therefore makes her a good Mum. Whereas is reality there was no requirement to keep a 5 year old locked up in their room, just for the whole household to self-isolate.

I don’t know what to think about this - whether she really was this precious/fearful about covid so she really did isolate Logan or if she felt that regurgitating the rules she somehow thought she ought to have been following would make her look like a better parent (when she knew she had ignored far worse signs of danger to her child). (Also, wasn’t there evidence from a family friend of Logan potentially being seen in a video on the 27th July supposedly on some stairs which would mean in their other house… which would mean she wasn’t rigidly sticking to the rules and therefore that supports, for me, the sense this was all performative. But then the reported evidence comes from the journalistic interpretation of the evidence in court so might have got a bit lost in translation).
<snip> But then the reported evidence comes from the journalistic interpretation of the evidence in court so might have got a bit lost in translation).

Journalists are only allowed to report exactly what is said in court, there is no "interpretation of the evidence". To do otherwise is contempt of court. We are, of course, only seeing the bits that journalists deem important enough to include in their reports. Perhaps this is what you meant? I'm only clarifying this in case anyone thinks journalists get creative with the evidence.
Journalists are only allowed to report exactly what is said in court, there is no "interpretation of the evidence". To do otherwise is contempt of court. We are, of course, only seeing the bits that journalists deem important enough to include in their reports. Perhaps this is what you meant? I'm only clarifying this in case anyone thinks journalists get creative with the evidence.

Sorry - yes, that’s what my garbled message meant. We are not getting a full transcript, just snippets of which bits they deem important. But without a full line by line transcript then some crucial context likely gets missed. Clearly they are only reporting for information purposes and this is obviously fine - I just mean that those of us on here do not have the benefit of exactly the same information and detail as the jury and so cannot expect to come to necessarily the same conclusion without every single detail. So obviously some things may get lost in translation (through lack of full context, not through intentional mis-representation). I should have said through journalistic filtering, not interpretation - bad choice of words.
I know this is retrospective, but my God did that child present a lot of injuries! Fractures, dislocations, burns and indirectly stuttering to name off the top. Is it really plausible to burn your neck on a bath faucet? It seems a very awkward and unlikely position. Her aggressive behavior at school pushed people back. Accusing teachers of things when all they wanted was to get him back in the classroom. It's the AW show all day and all night.
Sorry - yes, that’s what my garbled message meant. We are not getting a full transcript, just snippets of which bits they deem important. But without a full line by line transcript then some crucial context likely gets missed. Clearly they are only reporting for information purposes and this is obviously fine - I just mean that those of us on here do not have the benefit of exactly the same information and detail as the jury and so cannot expect to come to necessarily the same conclusion without every single detail. So obviously some things may get lost in translation (through lack of full context, not through intentional mis-representation). I should have said through journalistic filtering, not interpretation - bad choice of words.

Indeed, that's the most frustrating thing about following a court case from afar (especially having spent many hours on the press bench!) Certainly, we shouldn't forget that the media are looking for the "news" angle, the clickbait headline these days of course. The juiciest stuff! There will be a lot of apparently mundane information we're not hearing but which we, as sleuth-minded folks, would gain a lot of value from. Very frustrating indeed.
I know this is retrospective, but my God did that child present a lot of injuries! Fractures, dislocations, burns and indirectly stuttering to name off the top. Is it really plausible to burn your neck on a bath faucet? It seems a very awkward and unlikely position. Her aggressive behavior at school pushed people back. Accusing teachers of things when all they wanted was to get him back in the classroom. It's the AW show all day and all night.
I have no pity for either AW or JC and hope they will both get the longest possible sentences.

I have ambivalent attitude towards the teen - he seems to me both a victim and a perpetrator.
If the injury happened during the school holidays then he wouldn’t have been at school for anyone to notice from a safeguarding perspective. And that was off the back of a long period in 2020 of primary schools having been closed for lockdown. AW seems to have been quite fearful of covid (all that talk about keeping Logan in his room/making him wear a mask when going to the toilet) I wouldn’t be surprised if she also kept him off school at other times. Whether due to covid or to hide injuries but using the cover of covid fears as and excuse.

That said, her covid stuff has never really rung true with me. As a household we are experiencing it just now - it is patently absurd to imagine one can socially distance from a small child in your own home (hence why our whole family has just had it!!). A lot of her descriptions seem quite performative to me. As if she is trying to demonstrate she is aware of the supposed rules and that she follows them and that therefore makes her a good Mum. Whereas is reality there was no requirement to keep a 5 year old locked up in their room, just for the whole household to self-isolate.

I don’t know what to think about this - whether she really was this precious/fearful about covid so she really did isolate Logan or if she felt that regurgitating the rules she somehow thought she ought to have been following would make her look like a better parent (when she knew she had ignored far worse signs of danger to her child). (Also, wasn’t there evidence from a family friend of Logan potentially being seen in a video on the 27th July supposedly on some stairs which would mean in their other house… which would mean she wasn’t rigidly sticking to the rules and therefore that supports, for me, the sense this was all performative. But then the reported evidence comes from the journalistic interpretation of the evidence in court so might have got a bit lost in translation).

I agree it seems quite performative. From testimony she seems to want to be the centre of attention and makes a show of her own (possibly self diagnosed) medical issues - the potential MS diagnosis/using the wheelchair, the epilepsy/fits caused by “stress”, the hearing aids she wore when she turned up to see BM (where no reference to hearing loss seems to have been made before), the medications she takes etc. all adds to the narrative that she’s an attention seeker IMHO
Trial resumes
The trial resumes.

Junior barrister Claire Pickthall asks the jury to put a document from witness Peta James, the Barclays bank employee, into their jury bundle.

A witness statement is read out by crime scene investigator Jenna Watts.

At 9.45am on March 2 this year she attended Maesglas where she recovered a black Nike holdall and a silver dog tag which was personalised.

A picture of the dog tag is shown to the jury.

Logan Mwangi murder trial - live updates
Trial resumes
The trial resumes.

Junior barrister Claire Pickthall asks the jury to put a document from witness Peta James, the Barclays bank employee, into their jury bundle.

A witness statement is read out by crime scene investigator Jenna Watts.

At 9.45am on March 2 this year she attended Maesglas where she recovered a black Nike holdall and a silver dog tag which was personalised.

A picture of the dog tag is shown to the jury.

Logan Mwangi murder trial - live updates
Oh where’s this going? Dog tag?
Formal admissions and agreed facts
Ms Pickthal reads out a list of formal admissions and agreed facts - information agreed by all the barristers in the case.

Firstly the document deals with dates of birth.

Logan Mwangi was born on 15/03/16.

John Cole was born on 04/02/82

Angharad Williamson was born on 16/03/91.

For legal reasons we are not allowed to publish the date of birth of the youth defendant.
Logan Mwangi murder trial - live updates
Hospital visit in 2020
The next topic is Logan’s visit to the Princess of Wales Hospital on August 16, 2020.

It was agreed Logan was taken to the hospital by Williamson for a dislocated shoulder which he sustained at 5pm on August 15.

Williamson had tried to put it back in place, put it in a sling and gave Logan Calpol.

Logan was seen to have a swollen left arm and significant bruising to skull, chest and left arm. He had sustained a fracture to his left humerus in the upper arm.

Williamson gave an account of events to police on August 16.

On January 21, 2021, Williamson called the police via 101 and during the call she confessed the youth defendant had pushed Logan down the stairs in 2020.

Logan Mwangi murder trial - live updates
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