UK - Logan Mwangi, 5, found dead in Wales River, Bridgend, 31 July 2021 *arrests, inc. minor*

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I had not read this part of the medical evidence before so am adding it here.

WARNING - it is distressing, so I have put it into spoiler tags if you prefer to scroll past.

Logan had been so battered even his tongue was bruised but tragically he was still alive for several hours after his liver and bowel were torn, it was said.
I know everyone reacts differently and none of us can guarantee exactly what we'd do or say in any given situation but ... These transcripts give the impression that Williamson was giving it her all to be, what she thought was 'convincing' but it just seems over the top for me ... the aggression towards police especially.
15:29Philip Dewey

'I brought him into this world. My son, my rules, my biology'

The transcript of the footage from PC Matthew Davies' body-worn camera, shot in Lower Llansantffraid with the three defendants, continues. Scroll down to see the transcript so far.

Williamson: Can I go to the hospital please? It shouldn’t take this long, we should be going there now. I need to be there for him when he arrives. He needs to go to the Princess of Wales Hospital. Can you please ring someone else?.... How old are your kids?

The police officer tells Williamson

Police: They’re a worry aren’t they

Williamson: They have found him… This is all my fault, I put all the alarms on. They have got to be working (she bangs the window) They’re running out, we’ve got the far gate, everything… What’s going on?

Police: I don’t know what's going on

Williamson: Ask him to speak to me or I walk over there, you’ve got two options….

Police: Stay in the house Angharad.

Williamson: Something is going on. I am not stupid

Police: No-one is saying you are stupid

Williamson: If I find out it’s [the woman] I don’t care. She does not hurt my children

Cole: You don’t know if she has, you don’t know what’s going on

Williamson: He just doesn’t get up and walk out, we know him. He doesn’t wander off, kids just don’t wander off. Do you know of any five-year-olds who just walk off?

Police: I’m sure we do

Williamson: I am trying to keep a lid on things. I need to know what’s going on with my son. When I know what is going on I will calm my s***. I brought him into this world. My son, my rules, my biology. It’s my job to protect him and I failed him… He can’t swim, he can’t swim, I stopped the lessons because of Covid.

Murder accused mum 'fell onto bed' when told son was dead, jury told
15:31Philip Dewey

'I’m just supposed to sit here while my son is suffering with no knowledge of what’s happening'

The transcript of the footage from PC Matthew Davies' body-worn camera, shot in Lower Llansantffraid with the three defendants, continues. Scroll down to see the transcript so far.

Cole: You okay?

Williamson: I’m fine…. Why hasn’t your sergeant come back up? I haven’t got my glasses on. Where have they gone? It was a guy in black. What is going on? I am about to lose my *advertiser censored***** lid.

Friend: Flip your lid, it won’t make things go quicker

Williamson: Why won’t you let me go see him?

Police: They don’t want you there at the moment

Williamson: What is going on that I can’t see? I don’t believe any of you. Just let me see him. Please everybody stop telling me what to do and let me see my son please

Police: Can you go back in the house and I’ll speak to my sergeant

Williamson: You need to allow me to go to the hospital. Why won’t you let me go?

Police: You’re his mum, we’re not going to stop you going to the hospital, just not now

Williamson: I need to meet him there. He’s going to be on his own and scared

Police: We’re not going to stop you, you’re his mum, but you need to stay here for now

Williamson: He’s on his own, I don’t know how long he’s been out there, he’s scared and cold

Police: You need to stay here lovely, we’re not cold-hearted

Williamson: You need to arrest the woman

Police: He’s in the best hands

Williamson: You need to arrest her… I’m just supposed to sit here while my son is suffering with no knowledge of what’s happening. Thanks guys
I think that both adults were terrified.
They never, in their stupidity, thought that Logan might die.

And the completely disconnected from reality.
He seems intellectually disabled, not really understanding.
He was not properly taken care of, was only a benefit ticket for his "carer".
I think from the evidence already presented in court they killed him and dumped his little body in the river like rubbish. So they knew he was dead all along. And AW’s harping on about him being cold strongly suggests she knew he was in the water and how long he had been there. That’s why it has been included.

They may well have been terrified, but only for their own well-being. They knew it was too late to be terrified for the poor child.

As for the youth, I believe the focus on the video game and inappropriate comments are entered into evidence to show he is some kind of sociopath. I think this is where that evidence is going. I have no idea myself of his situation, who cared for him, who collected benefits. I don’t see him as a victim in this myself.

I’m personally feeling zero sympathy for this evil trio, but appreciate we all have different outlooks.

the police knew at this stage Logan was dead? Were they just holding her in the house to see what she would say? Without informing her of her son's death? If that's the case it's quite clever, they knew right away he died in that house and it was all an act, keep them in a confined space and see what happens
Williamson: It could be hypothermia from the cold

Youth: It’s not that cold unless he’s gone in the river

Williamson: What do you mean gone in the river?

Youth: If he’s throwing stones in the river… We saw him over there near Pandy Park

Williamson: I just want to see him

This interaction is really interesting - the youth guiding AW away from hypothermia and AW reminding the youth not to give any specific clues also. MOO
Also interesting the way AW comes across. Saying things like “you’ve got two options”, “I’ll flip my lid”, “move your arm” - to me these show aggression. I think it would be hard to claim later (if she does) that she was somehow intimidated or coerced into anything. JMO
Yes trying to take control.
I think she is trying to force the announcement of death. That’s the picture I am getting. As far as I can see she hasn’t asked directly if he’s alive/ breathing/ talking/ hurt - even though she’s been told he’s unconscious.
Yes trying to take control.
I think she is trying to force the announcement of death. That’s the picture I am getting. As far as I can see she hasn’t asked directly if he’s alive/ breathing/ talking/ hurt - even though she’s been told he’s unconscious.
Good point. That’s the first thing you might ask - is he alive? Forcing it to be said, in case any of them put their foot it in maybe.
16:03Philip Dewey

'He’s been in isolation for 10 days bless him. I was going to take him to the park'

The transcript of the footage from PC Matthew Davies' body-worn camera, shot in Lower Llansantffraid with the three defendants, continues. Scroll down to see the transcript so far.

There’s a cut in the footage and Williamson is seen trying to enter Pandy Park but she’s stopped by a police officer

Williamson: Why is there tape up?

Police: Angharad, come on lovely

Williamson: Why is there tape up?

Police: To stop people going in the park. You’re going to pass out again

Williamson: He’s my baby, please… I just want to see him. There’s police tape down there. It looks like something out of a film

Friend: They have got to make their precautions if it’s to do with [the woman]

Williamson: You mean to get evidence? … No-one has told me what is happening with Logan, I need to see him…. I’m not apologising for anything, I’d walk on water to see my son

Cole: You don’t need to apologise

Williamson: It looks like something out of a *advertiser censored***** film Jay

The footage cuts again and Williamson is talking to a female officer

Williamson: You’re definitely coming back?

Police: In 10 minutes and hopefully I will be taking you to hospital

Williamson: Thank you so much. I need to get everything ready for Logan. I need my phone charger so I can keep in contact. Jay you need to stay here

Cole: I know

Williamson: I am going on my own

An officer is looking at the window alarm

Police: Angharad, should this be working?

Williamson: Yes lovely

Police: Is the alarm meant to go off?

Williamson: I didn’t realise the *advertiser censored***** alarm is not working Jay… Yes any vibration

Cole: They normally go off

Williamson: It’s run out of battery…. I am just taking a couple of deep breaths, everyone take a breath with me

Cole: I have been with you through all your seizures, you have just had one not that long ago

Williamson: I need to be there right now…. Try and lock that door, you have to bang it, you have to pull the handle up

Cole takes a police officer to the back gate

Cole: We seen the gate open and the back door open. That normally had a lock on the gate. Logan is that tall (he indicates with his hand)

Police: He would have been able to reach

Cole: Any news yet?

Police: No

Williamson: Why are you whispering? What’s going on? I don’t mean to be such a b i t c h but he’s my baby

Police: You’re not being a b i t c h Angharad. An officer is going to come down

Williamson: I have packed his bag and his cushion, it’s all ready…. You’re telling me you have no idea what’s going on down there? You have all got headsets and radios and you’re telling me not one of you knows what’s going on down there? I don’t know about the police, why can’t they just tell you?

Police: We’re here to support you

Williamson: Because I bolted yeah… He’s my baby. He was supposed to come out of Covid isolation today. He’s been in isolation for 10 days bless him. I was going to take him to the park. I’ll take him when he comes back. Is there anything I should take to the hospital?... What shall I take to the hospital? I’ve got his tracksuit, two sets of pyjamas, two sets of pants, two sets of socks. His comfort pillow. I have got a four-foot Olaf but I don’t think they’ll let that on the ward.

Police: Just pack what you think is best.

Murder accused mum 'fell onto bed' when told son was dead, jury told

'We couldn’t save him'

The transcript of the footage from PC Matthew Davies' body-worn camera, shot in Lower Llansantffraid with the three defendants, continues. Scroll down to see the transcript so far.

Williamson: Is [the officer] back yet?

Police: She’s on her way over now

Williamson: I hate all this waiting around

Williamson asks about toys

Cole: It’s a hospital, they’ll have loads of toys there for him

Williamson: I have got his Adidas tracksuit

Williamson and Cole hug

Williamson: Why are they not telling me? Something is wrong. Oh my God (sobbing) I just want him in my arms. Right now the best thing I can do for Logan is to stay calm and collected. They found him and I need to calm my s***

Cole: That’s what I’m saying. You’ve already had one seizure

Police: Angharad, come in here please. Come in the house lovely

Williamson: I want to know now please. Come in Logan’s room

Police: Is Jay here?

Williamson: Why does Jay need to be here?

Police: We couldn’t save him. Sorry.

Williamson: No, no, no (she collapses)

Cole: Come here, come here. I need to lay her down, she’ll start fitting… She’s going to come round and be very confused. It’s the second one this morning. It tends to be stress that brings it on.

Williamson: Logan’s…………. (screams and sobs)

In the courtroom Willamson can be heard sobbing in the dock.

The footage finished and PC Davies has finished his evidence.

Murder accused mum 'fell onto bed' when told son was dead, jury told
16:17Philip Dewey

Williamson does not return to the dock

Following the lunch break Angharad Williamson is not in the dock.

Mrs Justice Jefford DBE addresses the jury and says: “You may notice Ms Williamson is missing from the dock. She felt unwell during the lunchtime break and has not come back into court. Mr Rouch is happy to proceed to the next witness in her absence.”
16:20Philip Dewey

Williamson 'vomited into the street'

The next live witness is PC Ceri Lougher.

On July 31, 2021, she was told a child had been found in the river and was unlikely to survive.

She attended Lower Llansantffraid before heading to Pandy Park.

She was then asked to tell the family Logan had died and accompanied them to the Princess of Wales Hospital.

Angharad Williamson and John Cole were taken into rear child’s bedroom and PC Richard Lea told them Logan had died

Priosecutor Caroline Rees QC said: “How did Angharad react?”

PC Lougher said: “She made a scream at this point. I was in the hallway. She appeared to fall to the floor. I can’t recall [Cole’s] reaction.”

Ms Rees said: “Did you see her having any reaction?”

PC Lougher said: “I saw a few convulsions in her feet… It was very short-lived. I asked her if she required medical assistance to which she responded: ‘No thanks’.”

PC Lougher then spoke to Willamson’s friend.

When asked about the youth defendant PC Lougher said: “He was quite agitated, not fazed by police, and seemed to be angry and upset police were in the house.

“[Williamson] wanted to take a cushion from the address as a comfort and busied herself getting phones and chargers before entering the police vehicle.”

The court heard PC Lougher and Williamson were taken to see Logan’s body.

Ms Rees said: “Were you present when she confirmed the boy was her son Logan?"

PC Lougher said: “Yes, she said ‘yes’…

“I was advised to maintain the integrity of Logan, only his head and right arm were outside of the sheet.”

Ms Rees said: “Did you notice anything on his head?”

PC Lougher said: “There was a bruise to the left-hand side of his forehead and scram to the top lip.”

Logan’s body was taken to the mortuary and Williamson was taken to Cole’s house in Maesglas. She then asked for medication to be picked up from Lower Llansantffraid.

PC Lougher later attended the Maesglas address to obtain signatures for Lower Llansantffraid to be searched without a warrant but on the way she stopped at Lower Llansantffraid to pick up medication

She said: “Angharad was stood outside the front of the address. She said she was there to pick up a bank card to buy supplies.”

The court heard Williamson was not allowed into the property.

Ms Rees said: “At Maesglas did she wish to speak to you alone?”

PC Lougher said: “Yes, we left the living room area and went upstairs to a bedroom… Angharad wanted to know what the process was to post-mortem procedures and next stages to police actions.”

Peter Rouch QC, for Williamson, said: “Did [Williamson] say police had got it wrong and it wasn’t Logan’s body?”

PC Lougher said: “Yes. She said felt sorry for any family this was going to affect.”

Mr Rouch said: “When she got into the police van was she sick?”

PC Lougher said: “Yes she vomited into the street.”

John Hipkin QC, for the youth, asked the officer why she didn’t mention his client was “agitated, angry and upset” in her witness statement.

PC Lougher said it wasn’t in her statement but she recollected his demeanour.

The witness has finished her evidence.
16:21Philip Dewey

Trial adjourns until 2pm on Wednesday

Following a short break Mrs Justice Jefford DBE tells the jury the court is unable to proceed with evidence today so will adjourn.

The court will not be sitting tomorrow morning so the trial will resume at 2pm tomorrow.

Murder accused mum 'fell onto bed' when told son was dead, jury told
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