Deceased/Not Found UK - Margaret Fleming, 19, Inverclyde, Scotland, 17 Dec 1999 *Guilty*

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From BBC, will look for STV link.

The mother of missing Margaret Fleming has told how she was attacked by her daughter's carer when she tried to bring her home more than 20 years ago.

Margaret Cruickshanks, 71, said Eddie Cairney throttled her and spat on her at his home in Inverkip, Inverclyde.


The court heard how Ms Cruickshanks agreed for Ms Fleming to move in with Mr Cairney and Ms Jones in 1997 after they offered to provide "respite care".

Ms Cruickshanks said she later went to the house to collect 17-year-old Margaret on 26 November 1997.

She told the court: "I went to bring my daughter home but they would not let me take her home."

Ms Cruikshanks said Eddie Cairney pushed her against a wardrobe, throttled her, spat on her and pushed her to the ground.

He then asked Ms Fleming, who did not witness the alleged assault, where she wanted to live.

The teenager indicated she wanted to stay at Mr Cairney's home, Seacroft.

Ms Cruikshanks said she never saw her daughter again, apart from a possible sighting at a Morrison's supermarket in Greenock.

Asked what her feelings were as the months of no contact turned into years, she said: "I actually thought she was getting on with her life and enjoying herself in every way possible.

"I never thought the likes of this would happen."

Earlier in her evidence, Ms Cruickshanks revealed that Margaret had a temper and said: "She took all her anger out on me."

Mother 'attacked' when she last saw daughter
Seems like this was reported to the police at the time (STV link).

Ms Cruickshanks told the court she thought it was November 1996, but Mr McSporran said police had noted the date as November 26, 1997.


The jury heard that Ms Cruickshanks reported this to the police and said she wanted to be sure that Margaret was happy there.

The police who spoke to Ms Fleming said she wanted to stay with Cairney and Jones.


Ms Cruickshanks was later quizzed about a possible sighting of her daughter with Cairney at a supermarket.

The witness told Cairney's QC Thomas Ross that she "thought it was Margaret", but could not remember if it was as recently as 2013 or 2014.

Jurors heard Ms Fleming was aged five when her parents split.

Ms Cruickshanks moved out while Ms Fleming stayed with her father.

The couple later divorced and when her dad died, Ms Fleming was then initially looked after by her grandparents.

Margaret Fleming's mum had concerns about murder accused
Advocate Depute Iain McSporran QC, prosecuting, asked the witness about her feelings towards her daughter over the years that had elapsed with no contact.

She said: “I actually thought she was getting on with her life and enjoying herself in every way possible. I never thought the likes of this would happen.”

She added: “I thought she was still with Eddie Cairney and Avril Jones.”

Asked whether she thought she was welcome in her daughter’s life, she replied: “No, I don’t think so.”

Missing woman’s mother ‘thought daughter was getting on with her life’
Well I suppose this sort of explains why MF's family appeared not to miss her for so long.

I wonder what she was so angry about though?

Could have been teenage difficulties, combined with special needs, and losing her dad. Maybe even enticed to spend more time at Seacroft. Poor lass, I can see it getting more heart-breaking by the day through the trial. If it would lead to better checks and follow-up for vulnerable people, that would be good, but at the moment it seems like things are heading in the opposite direction, putting people at greater risk.
I wonder if they had a hold over her? Maybe she was just scared of them. If she knew that they could be violent, then when he asked if she wanted to stay, possibly she was scared of the consequences? Or if she had a difficult relationship with her mum, then maybe he played on that with her.

I'm trying really hard not to judge, as it must have been really horrible, but for the mum to leave the daughter with a man she *knew* to be violent, and then just think that she was off enjoying life..... that made me feel really uncomfortable.
I wonder if they had a hold over her? Maybe she was just scared of them. If she knew that they could be violent, then when he asked if she wanted to stay, possibly she was scared of the consequences? Or if she had a difficult relationship with her mum, then maybe he played on that with her.

I'm trying really hard not to judge, as it must have been really horrible, but for the mum to leave the daughter with a man she *knew* to be violent, and then just think that she was off enjoying life..... that made me feel really uncomfortable.

I agree, plus I sense there's a large amount of self-justification in her story. Most women's maternal instincts demand that they know for sure how their child is, not just 'assume', even if the information comes indirectly. The story about maybe seeing her in the grocery store a few years ago seems to me contrived to justify her claim that everything was okay-dokey. Why wouldn't she confirm it was her daughter that she hadn't seen in 20 odd years?

IMO, she abandoned Margaret when she was 5. Margaret's father evidently believed her to be unfit to care for Margaret: why? Why did these carers so badly want to look after Margaret? I think it was always about getting her government benefits. Plus, there may have been an inheritance she received from her father.
Margaret's (sort of) stepmother:

Jean McSherry had been due to marry Margaret's father but he died from cancer in October 1995 when Margaret was 14 years old.

She said Mr Fleming had written a will in which he said Eddie Cairney and Avril Jones were to be her carers.

Ms McSherry said she had not been pleased about this.

Ms McSherry said Margaret's father's death had hit Margaret very hard and she had continued to see her while she lived at her grandparent's house immediately after his death.

She said that once Margaret had gone to live with Mr Cairney and Ms Jones she tried to keep in contact with her but she said Mr Cairney told her it was nothing to do with her.

Murder accused pair named as carers in will
More from JMcS:

"I tried phoning Eddie and he wasn't interested.

"I was hoping to have the relationship I had with Margaret when her dad was alive. But when he said no he meant no."

Mr McSporran asked: "Was there any chance of having a relationship with Margaret?"

Ms McSherry said: "Not while Eddie had her. I always thought about her."

She was then asked if she thought Cairney and Jones were suitable to care for Margaret and replied: "I didn't think they were quite fit to look after Margaret.

"I don't think they were the right sort of people to look after Margaret."

The court heard while Margaret's father was alive Ms McSherry helped the then teenager with beauty and clothing tips and encouraged her to diet.

The witness told the court she met Cairney and Jones though Mr Fleming who was a friend of theirs.

At the time Cairney and Jones ran a hotel, which had been repossessed. Ms McSheryy said: "I didn't really like him."

She told the court that Cairney, who was a deep sea diver, asked her for cash claiming he needed cash for treatment in London for the 'bends'.

Ms McSherry said she gave him £200 or £250.

She told the jury that she had visited Margaret on a number of occasions after Mr Fleming's death, but this was disputed by defence QC Thomas Ross, representing Cairney.

He said: "You said in a police statement given after Margaret was reported missing that you last saw her at her father's funeral," and she stated: "No, that's not true."

Margaret Fleming carers 'wrong people to look after her'
A court has heard a woman prosecutors believe was murdered more than 18 years ago had " gone away with a traveller".

Florence Jones, the mother of Avril Jones, who is accused of killing Margaret Fleming, said her daughter told her Margaret left on 5 January 2000.

Margaret had been living with Avril Jones and Eddie Cairney at their home in Renfrewshire.

Florence Jones said she last saw Margaret on 31 March 1999.

Mrs Jones said her daughter Avril told her Margaret would come back occasionally over the years to get money.

She said Avril Jones told her she had authority to lift Margaret's money as Margaret wasn't capable of doing this.

Mrs Jones described Eddie Cairney and Avril Jones as business partners.

Missing woman 'went away with a traveller'
A court has heard a woman prosecutors believe was murdered more than 18 years ago had " gone away with a traveller".

Florence Jones, the mother of Avril Jones, who is accused of killing Margaret Fleming, said her daughter told her Margaret left on 5 January 2000.

Margaret had been living with Avril Jones and Eddie Cairney at their home in Renfrewshire.

Florence Jones said she last saw Margaret on 31 March 1999.

Mrs Jones said her daughter Avril told her Margaret would come back occasionally over the years to get money.

She said Avril Jones told her she had authority to lift Margaret's money as Margaret wasn't capable of doing this.

Mrs Jones described Eddie Cairney and Avril Jones as business partners.

Missing woman 'went away with a traveller'

If the trial goes wrong, the very most they will be found guilty with is fraud.
Bit more from AJ's mother.

The mother of a carer who is one of two people accused of murdering a woman more than 18 years ago has told a court that she did not believe their explanation about the alleged victim’s whereabouts.


Ms Jones’s mother, Florence Jones — who said she last saw Ms Fleming in March 1999 — said her daughter had told her in January 2000 that the young woman had left to live with someone from the travelling community.

Yesterday Florence Jones, 78, from Inverkip, said the two accused had visited her the morning after police had searched their cottage.

Officers had also called at her home on the night of their visit in October 2016 and told her that Ms Fleming had been reported missing. Ms Jones said: “They said she had left that night. My answer was she hadn’t lived there for years. I was really upset to think that after all these years, she had just been reported missing then. Avril and Eddie came to my house the next morning. It was because the police were there the night before. Eddie was saying, ‘This is all my fault, Florence.’ Then he said that she had been there for three weeks. He said he had allowed Margaret to come and stay with them on and off, if she wanted to.

“They knew by my reaction that I didn’t believe that Margaret was there.”

Ms Jones told the court her daughter had the power to take money out of Ms Fleming’s account and had been told that the alleged victim would turn up to collect it.

Carers not fit to look after Margaret Fleming, mother tells murder trial
Mr McSporran [prosecutor] said: "Did she tell you how this Margaret came to be at the house that night," and Mrs Cameron [AJ's cousin] told him: "I believe she was supposed to always be there because of what Avril said. Avril said that she stayed with them for years.

"As far as I was aware she had always lived there."

The prosecutor asked: "Could you be mistaken about that," and she replied: "I don't think so."

Earlier Mrs Cameron has told the court she stayed at Seacroft with Cairney and Jones for a couple of days in 2006.

Mr McSporran said: "If Avril was telling you that Margaret had always been there.

"You stayed there for a couple of days and she wasn't there. How would that fit," and Mrs Cameron replied: "Well, it seemed a bit strange."

Earlier in evidence Jones' niece Sharon Jones, 23, a chemistry student, told the court that she and her sister Stacey stayed with her aunt and Cairney for six or seven months in 2007, while their mother Wendy was dying.

Miss Jones was asked if Margaret ever came to Seacroft during her time there and replied: "No."

Her father Richard Jones, 53, who is Jones' brother, said his sister told him that Margaret had gone to Cumbria with a traveller she met at college.

Murder accused 'said missing woman lived with her for years'
Murder accused Avril Jones informed her cousin Margaret Fleming was not missing but was with friends.

Margaret Cameron, 58, told a court Ms Jones said this while police were actively searching her Inverkip home.


Ms Cameron said she met up with Ms Jones at a coffee shop at Glasgow Central Station in January 2017 to exchange Christmas presents.

She told the court: "Avril said that Margaret would come and go and come back for money.

"Avril said Margaret wasn't missing she was with friends."


He [AJ's brother] said: "My sister said she had run away with a traveller and they had gone to Cumbria."

Mr Jones was asked by Ian Duguid QC, representing Jones: "What did you think about Margaret?"

He replied: "I thought 'fair play to you, you've made a life for yourself'."

He said he last saw Margaret in December 1999 when he and his family moved into their new house in Inverkip.

Mr Jones said she read to his two daughters from a book of nursery rhymes.

Missing woman was 'with friends'

BBM. It's to good hear the nice things about Margaret, not just how difficult she was.
I wonder where they slept when they stayed at Seacroft. Was it a reasonably normal household in 2007? So many questions I'd like to ask :(

Earlier in evidence Jones' niece Sharon Jones, 23, a chemistry student, told the court that she and her sister Stacey stayed with her aunt and Cairney for six or seven months in 2007, while their mother Wendy was dying.

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