Found Deceased UK - Nicola Bulley Last Seen Walking Dog Near River - St Michaels on Wyre (Lancashire) #12

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Sorry if I'm going over old ground. I know the harness was between the bench and the river, but was the dog lead on or by the bench? If so, I would have thought it practical to fasten the dog with the lead than use string.. if indeed string was used? Has it been established that the dog was tied up? I've heard conflicting reports that the dog was found running loose along the roadsi
I've not read anything about the dog running along the roadside anywhere, only between the gate and the bench.

I think yesterday a member here questioned where was the proof of string being used and made more than me wonder how that entered into things. I re-read some earlier press releases that mentioned no string. I'm confused whether there was a separate leash to the harness too.
IMO nobody would attempt to end their own life by throwing self in a not particularly deep river when there are a plethora of other methods. I do wonder whether something tipped NB into crisis tho and maybe even the content of her work call - as anyone who works in finance would know, a small change in interest rates or mortgage lending rates or changes in legislation can suddenly wipe out people's whole life situations.

It is deep there. PF said 3m. That's ten feet which is twice the length of a short person.

I disagree that this would not be an effective method. I know it is inappropriate to go into this sort of thing on public forums but this IS an effective suicide method. It will work. If assisted by strong alcohol you will die and what's more it will look like an accident depending on how long afterwards the body is found.

Mods delete if not appropriate.
Even if an altercation took place somewhere with no CCTV, it's so unlikely the person could have entered and left the area without any evidence of the fact.

Police have no evidence of NB leaving the area, and they haven't asked for help identifying or tracing anyone they haven't accounted for. If NB didn't leave the area, and was attacked by someone who was never seen entering or leaving, IMO it feels like we're getting into the realm of her being attacked by a ghost.

It's in the countryside and it seems the police weren't following any avenue of an attacker / abductor so they weren't asking for witnesses or any observations from the public at the time... now it seems they are slowly going down that line of enquiry. I don't suppose the police have the legal right to ask anyone to prove where they were and what they were doing at the time, unless they're interviewing people or naming as a suspect, do they? JMO MOO
Not really. If N had been sitting on the bench with her back to an attacker and they smashed her over the head with something really heavy or slashed her throat or shot her, the blood spatter, her body fluids, her fabrics - the pattern would mean something.

Obviously the police ruled out that level of foul play early on, otherwise they'd have needed to seal off the whole area. One problem with ruling out that level of foul play right at the beginning is that it can't be ruled back in again later.

I assume if there had been blood visible spatter, this would've been immediately dealt with as a criminal inquiry. ( Portable testing equipment for all fluids incl DNA has been used for years, tech also improves year on year)

If we believe that LancsPolice are not liars and we believe them when they say that they did ' evidence gathering at the bench' on the day she first disappeared, I guess we have to assume that they did not find any evidence of foul play, such as spatter etc.

Because they've always emphasised that they have kept an open mind and it can be proven through their investigative actions ( such as appealing for dash cam Garstang Road from the beginning of Feb) , foul play can easily be ' ruled back in' cause it was never ruled out.

If those dash cam appeals come to fruition, we might learn about some dash cam of NB / an abductor over the comings days. ( Ditto evidence might develop on supposedly suspicious men in hats carrying fishing rods and tatty red vans or those might come to nothing )
It's in the countryside and it seems the police weren't following any avenue of an attacker / abductor so they weren't asking for witnesses or any observations from the public at the time... now it seems they are slowly going down that line of enquiry. I don't suppose the police have the legal right to ask anyone to prove where they were and what they were doing at the time, unless they're interviewing people or naming as a suspect, do they? JMO MOO
This is what interests me.... How would this shift from a missing persons case to a criminal investigation without some evidence? Is lack of a body sufficient to enable that change if approach?
IMO it is interesting that the police were sure she went in the water but were reluctant to put forward their reasoning to the public. If the police knew the missing person was under the doctor for something like clinical depression they might put two and two together.

Would this be appropriate information to share with the public? It seems rather too personal.

All JMO and likely as not well wide of the mark.
But if that were possible, there would be traces of everyone who used the bench plus animals who get onto it, it's a public bench.
There is no evidence that NB was on the bench that day, but maybe trace of her having been on it on a previous day which would not help.

What do you mean there is no evidence that NB was on the bench that day? Can you link me that please?

Re something like blood spatter etc, that wouldn't bear any relevance to previous times she'd sat on the bench as it wouldn't have happened before.
IMO it is interesting that the police were sure she went in the water but were reluctant to put forward their reasoning to the public. If the police knew the missing person was under the doctor for something like clinical depression they might put two and two together.

Would this be appropriate information to share with the public? It seems rather too personal.

All JMO and likely as not well wide of the mark.
that's the sort of information that would come out at an inquest.
They were immediately looking for a whole missing person, not blood or hairs.
If there were a crime scene, it would be the whole area, and abduction or murder would not necessarily involve any evidence being left.
Right. Especially as she was last seen in the upper field and not the bench area.
IMO it is interesting that the police were sure she went in the water but were reluctant to put forward their reasoning to the public. If the police knew the missing person was under the doctor for something like clinical depression they might put two and two together.

Would this be appropriate information to share with the public? It seems rather too personal.

All JMO and likely as not well wide of the mark.
There's a big difference between being treated for depression and being suicidal, and a big difference again between having suicidal thoughts and there being no other possible reason for your disappearance than that you've taken your own life. NB's medical history will rightly be kept confidential at this stage, but even if she had been having mental health difficulties it wouldn't have directed the investigation as you suggest, imho.
that's the sort of information that would come out at an inquest.
I know that as I attended my mother's inquest. I was just thinking about whether it is deemed appropriate to release this sort of personal detail to the public.
The police were/are adamant she went in the water and they launched a full scale search of the water with apparently no evidence.
I wonder why they did that.
I mentioned it way back and am still not convinced NB was anywhere near the river or was walking the dog, on the morning in question. These are my thoughts.
There's a big difference between being treated for depression and being suicidal, and a big difference again between having suicidal thoughts and there being no other possible reason for your disappearance than that you've taken your own life. NB's medical history will rightly be kept confidential at this stage, but even if she had been having mental health difficulties it wouldn't have directed the investigation as you suggest, imho.

I think it might if the missing person had previously had suicide ideation. Surely this would be a pretty serious flag as it is well known to be followed up by successful suicide. This kind of thing is often not talked about because it is too much of a taboo subject.
Only if it's Gray Hughes, Ickedmel, Profiling Evil. There may be others that I'm unaware of but those are the only 3 I know for certain.

ETA: Unless of course it's an MSM channel.
None of those. I found it strange that the about info on the channel states- joined on 25th January- 2 days before NB disappeared? NB is the ONLY case on the channel. I won’t post the link.
I was thinking that too! I have no idea if it’s ever been used by police, but a nice strong magnet can pull a motorbike from the murky depths! Maybe there’s someone n the area that does magnet fishing that could help, I was thinking metal detector but it is much quicker with magnet fishing!
Good thinking!!
I mentioned it way back and am still not convinced NB was anywhere near the river or was walking the dog, on the morning in question. These are my thoughts.
That would mean the witness who said she saw her and their dogs interacted with each other in the field, was either mistaken it was her, or is lying.
yes and msm seems to have started reported the NB disappearance several days after 27th and would have been no press at the site on 27th so we can't see what LE did immediately in that initial search. I certainly haven't seen fingertip searching that is common when criminal evidence is anticipated eg minute items, fragments, bullet casings.

tbh I think it's the style and the intensity of reporting that have spurred on the vigilantes the most. If you look back, every day's coverage has been defined by ' mystery' as if it's a whodunnit ( the only other constant theme I have noticed is wtte of ' the police are crap')

My personal sense of it was the initial reporting was police and search and rescue are looking in the river to try and recover the body of someone who must have fallen in the water. To my mind, the next thing people expected to hear was she was sadly located, the family could now hold a funeral, and how dangerous rivers can be.

I don't think anyone expected this turn of events and this number of odd facts to be revealed combined with zero evidence she went in the water. So now it has indeed turned into a whodunnit and there's some baffling dynamics and interesting characters to boot, including cute dog, it's all unfolding like a movie. Add to the mix that public opinion of the police isn't so great in the UK nowadays and people are on an agenda to show that the police have failed. I really agree strongly with your second paragraph.
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