Found Deceased UK - Nicola Bulley Last Seen Walking Dog Near River - St Michaels on Wyre (Lancashire) #2

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I've seen them in the past but I think you have to say its just your opinion/your own opinion so its not taken as fact. (Happy to be corrected)
Great thanks - I have seen some good maps on this thread that have been annotated that have then been deleted by mods and I wondered the reason why. Maybe it’s because they didn’t put MOO or JMO. Obviously with speculation you can’t put a source.
Couple of questions that I don't think I've read on here so far, its said she was active on Strava, does that mean she had a smart watch? and if so aren't they usually waterproof? could that be why the police are concentrating their search on the immediate area - although her parents comments to the media seem to indicate they don't think there's evidence she went in. Also, could she have told Willow to 'stay' for some reason.
She could use her mobile or a smart watch for Strava.
I've been reading about this to see what's happening. I can see they're searching the water, that doesn't mean she's not there, we all know how water can work.<modsnip - not victim friendly>

From what i've gathered, she's in a good job and had closed a good deal recently so work shouldn't be an issue but who are we to know.

Is it possible that she lets the dog go for a swim? and that's why the harness was removed? To me, it makes sense if she was sitting on the bench with her phone with the dogs lead and harness beside her while the dog runs in and out of the water?
I can only imagine, for whatever reason, that she ended up in the water - it's a possibility.

The police don't seem to be leaning towards 3rd party involvement and that's the only possibility I can think of in this instance.

5 days is a long time.

Unlikely if the report is accurate that the dog was bone dry

Does anyone know how far the campsite is from there? If she had earphones in could she have been leaning over to take Willows harness off and been hit on head from behind. She only looks small built, is it possible someone could have carried her away from the scene. I wonder if you can get to the camp site through the woodlands without being seen? In a lot of places guests have to vacate by 10am. Is it possible she could have been carried and bundled into the boot of a car at the campsite and the guest vacated without suspicion before an alarm was even risen. Just trying to think outside the box.
Poor Libby was murdered and then placed in the river hull, which appears to be a lot deeper than the wyre, in the middle of the night. Very different circumstances imo.
I have walked the River where Libby was found and was even at the park where it all happened few months ago. I can tell you that the River Hull is a completely different river to what we see here. Its the type of River you NEVER should go in because you will die. Its a river where you cant even find fish because the water is too choked up with currents and thick mud. Literally if you get the water on your clothes it will be like entering a muddy puddle and rolling around.

The river with Nicola is a popular fishing stretch with Chub, Salmon and Trout - one of rarer rivers you can find them in the UK due to the fact how nice and well kept the river is. The way it flows also creates havens for nature and the ground is sandy / rocky mix. In summer from the photos it looks lovely.

Just for reference it took 7 long weeks for poor Libbey squires to turn up, sadly I believe NB has slipped into the river and this is likely an accident.

Dog was near the waters edge , she put phone down and went to call it away and tragically slipped in.

Just a theory and a guess as to what's happened here.

Comparing this to Libby Squires is a huge contrast - the police knew immediately she had met foul play when you watch the documentary. This was why early in the investigation they approached it the way they did. She was murdered by a sick sex offender - currently in this case they know nothing of the sort and are not treating it the same in any shape or form.

This case the river has elements to restrict the flow such as shallow areas before the sea, its a more "relaxed" and less turbulent river, plus the police were searching immediately in the exact location she went missing (presumably). The fact no clothing items have been found (she had a bobble hat on and wellies) at any point in the river and their witnesses have changing stories.
JMO When they police say they have no evidence of third party involvement they really don’t, which is why they say it. No physical evidence or eyewitnesses. Doesn’t mean they are not thinking there might be a third party involved and following lines of enquiry.

JMO if she did enter the water accidentally and was swept away she may have been wearing AirPods which would IMHO, fall out very quickly in water and sink. But would search and rescue find them?

And also the - well intentioned, astutely musing - concepts that NB would want to stop Willow from entering water. The doggy went into that water frequently, the dog was as well versed with her walk and the environment as her mum...and if she had got into difficulty, she could swim and climb out at a better location? Plus again, low level of water - how would Willow be in difficulty in there unless she got her harness hooked on something, but still both knew where to walk to to get into a standing position in the river, to get to Willow to help unhook her if that was the scenario.
Just moo speculation etc
Pictures of the area around the bench show that there’s a vertical drop into the water of a significant enough height that may deter a dog from entering, and look to be high enough that a dog would struggle to get out. So I think it’s quite plausible that NB wouldn’t have wanted the dog jumping in the water at that particular point on the walk. Even if it had nothing to do with the water, there’s various other plausible scenarios that could have resulted in NB dashing over to the edge of the river to attend to the dog - the dog looks like it’s trying to eat something it shouldn’t or roll in something unpleasant.

All speculation but a scenario in which finds herself at the edge of the river without anything sinister having happened isn’t too hard to imagine.
Hi everyone. I haven’t seen this mentioned but do we know if the phone found was her work phone? Many companies provide work mobiles now for accessing teams calls etc. especially with more people working from home. I just wonder if she had another phone with her that morning. If I had gone to help my dog near the water I would definitely have grabbed my phone quickly before doing so.
Pictures of the area around the bench show that there’s a vertical drop into the water of a significant enough height that may deter a dog from entering, and look to be high enough that a dog would struggle to get out. So I think it’s quite plausible that NB wouldn’t have wanted the dog jumping in the water at that particular point on the walk. Even if it had nothing to do with the water, there’s various other plausible scenarios that could have resulted in NB dashing over to the edge of the river to attend to the dog - the dog looks like it’s trying to eat something it shouldn’t or roll in something unpleasant.

All speculation but a scenario in which finds herself at the edge of the river without anything sinister having happened isn’t too hard to imagine.
No very true I'd agree, but the dog knows that walk and goes there most days (according to NB partner quoted in MSM), so she wouldn't jump in off the deep end surely. Because if she'd ever tried that before, well if you had a dog who you walked a particular place practically daily and there was an area you knew was dangerous then you and dog would avoid there and an intelligent breed like Willow would remember that, surely. Just moo.
Looking at NB's Strava account, she posted her daily walks up until Nov 7th and then stopped. Posting pictures of herself, Willow, children, her surroundings. NB clearly had the same walking route for many months.
In the first thread for Nicola someone pointed out she was doing a charity walk during October which is likely why her strava walks were public. Similar to when she made her FB public for the fundraising originally. I wonder if she was still active on strava but not sharing her routes publicly anymore.

Seems like she is a very nice charitable woman. She doesn't strike me as the sort to have any enemies.

Perhaps there is, but it has only been shared with the police & not made public.
If you look on google maps theres limited locations you will find a camera. Its a quiet village so not many around

The school will have one but when looking on street view theres not a single camera in front of the school in 2021.

House across has what looks like a ring camera low down but every single house up to the bridge theres no cameras to be seen anywhere.

The bridge and the junction is very busy on google maps and also being the school run there will be alot of cars - some of which will have dashcams that auto record when driving, im sure there will be one. Its a posh school I'm sure there will be a few teslas and dont they always record on multiple cameras?
People keep saying the water is only 50cm deep, but where are they getting this from?? I know that below the weir was under 50cm, but where are people seeing the depth of the water near the bench?

With water temps in the single figures she may not have even needed to hit her head. Cold water shock alone can cause a heart attack in seconds.

There have been photos in the press of water searchers in the river, and they are wearing dry suits and standing at just above waist height. So not overly deep, under 1 meter.
The water was also calm. No flow or current.
She might have been standing at the riverbank bending to put the harness on Willow and lost her balance.

I don't think so personally. The water is only about 1 metre deep. No current or flow.
Plus if she did fall in, the bank is sloping, it's not a straight drop down into to the water, so she'd roll or stumble on the river bank first.

If she did go in, and I think it's unlikely, I think she would be able to scramble up the sloping bank. It's covered in grasses and bracken.... something to hold onto.
My thoughts..
Ok so something happens and NB leaves...

Willow is left running around in field with lead and harness on.
Phone is on floor or bench.
First woman finds dog but has appointment so has to leave. Ties Willow to bench. Rings and raises alarm that dog is there.
Woman leaves. Dog gets out of harness leaving harness at bench. Possibly knocking phone on floor?
Couple arrive through gate woman goes to get dog that is now "agitated", man notices and picks up phone. Not tech savy but sees her picture on screen saver. Puts phone on bench. Phone calls are made. Police arrive finding phone and harness on bench. Looks like items just left there so assume she might of gone in river due to lack of clarity at the time. I also think something sadly bad has happened here :(
Very concisely put what I have interpreted too from the information. It’s worth adding that according to the second people who found willow Paul her partner had arrived at the location where the dog was and called 999 from there.
Sorry if this has already been raised but could there have been an attempted dog napping with Nicola ending up in the water?

Yes, it's possible, but the river is shallow and and on a sloping bank, so I can't see her falling in (or being pushed) and drowning. The water searchers were standing up in it.
Doesn't strike me as particularly unusual. I assumed - assuming her boss knew this at the time - that it was par her usual routine to walk the dog while checking in to the all-staff meeting call, or perhaps, if it was a one-off, she told her boss beforehand that she was walking her dog, as a matter of courtesy. It's not the most orthodox of meeting arrangements, but as a mother who does the school run, she may have had a flexible arrangement with her boss?
JMO- he may have come to that conclusion after the fact, since the 9:01 meeting he knows more information and knows that it wasn’t uncommon for her to walk her dog in the morning after the school run and that her last sighting was with the dog, that he has added that information afterwards despite not knowing it for sure at the time. JMO
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