UK - Sara Sharif, 10, found murdered in house, Surrey, Aug 2023 *POIs sought*

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The neighbour, who did not want to be named, said Sara's father's partner Beinash Batool had told her the girl was being home schooled after being bullied at school for wearing a hijab.
"I suggested to Beinash that Sara needed to be with children her own age," said the neighbour, "she replied that she was making friends at the mosque and in her swimming lessons.
"Another time I remarked to Beinash that it must be difficult to home school Sara, especially as she had the baby to look after. She said it was very easy as she used BBC Bitesize."
The neighbour said Sara seemed "reserved and quiet".
"She often carried the baby in her arms, and sometimes I saw her playing with him. I never saw her smile or laugh."

I do not believe the story they told the neighbours.


I was right about wearing hijab in school.
She was a LITTLE girl!!!!!
Not an adult woman.

Seriously, I need to take a break from this case :(

All UNICEF Children's Rights were violated here!!!
Children have RIGHTS!!!
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I don't believe it either. Sara would not have been the only child wearing a hijab, that is a ridiculous excuse.
We do not even know if she did wear one in school,it could be an excuse thought up to garner sympathy .

From their website ,the school appears to be extremely nurturing and any incident like this would be dealt with very swiftly .
View attachment 442480

Top of her head :(

The person taking the photograph seems to be female and pregnant. The police said they have a 1-year old. This photo must from around one and a half years ago.

Sara suffered a long time. :(
I hope his relatives understand they are dealing with the worst kind of people, child abusers and killers. They should feel no loyalty for them, they should not try to hide or protect them.

Their only loyalty should be for beautiful Sara, justice must be served for her.
This is making me so sad and got me to thinking about poor Gannon Stauch again. Hated, terrorised, abused and then eventually killed at the hands of his wicked step mother. Makes me sick.
At least Gannon's father, Al, was a decent man.

Poor Sara. RIP sweetheart. I pray justice will come for all of those who wronged you.

Poor Olga. May she find fortitude to get through these dark and desperate days.
Just seen the news today (re:home-schooling)!

GCSE bite-size is a revision aid for kids, not a teaching aid for adults! I can imagine, roughly translated, that Sara's "education" amounted to Batool telling her to check out that website. i.e. she was not receiving an education. Which begs the question, why take her out of school? Isn't that what caregivers do who've already started harming a child and don't want social services on their back, in case a teacher reports it? Ditto, alienating Sara's mother from her life, and was it around the same time?

Also, why is this woman forcing a child to wear a hijab when she herself does not wear any head covering? Note: You can wear religious head-coverings in passport photos as long as it's not covering your face. It's in the passport photo guidelines.
Just seen the news today (re:home-schooling)!

GCSE bite-size is a revision aid for kids, not a teaching aid for adults! I can imagine, roughly translated, that Sara's "education" amounted to Batool telling her to check out that website. i.e. she was not receiving an education. Which begs the question, why take her out of school? Isn't that what caregivers do who've already started harming a child and don't want social services on their back, in case a teacher reports it? Ditto, alienating Sara's mother from her life, and was it around the same time?

Also, why is this woman forcing a child to wear a hijab when she herself does not wear any head covering? Note: You can wear religious head-coverings in passport photos as long as it's not covering your face. It's in the passport photo guidelines.
To break her spirit.

To make her a laughing stock at school and a victim of bullying.

To alienate a child from peers.

To make her a domestic slave.
To make her a free child minder.

To punish her for being an artistic free soul.

To scapegoat her and release own frustration by terrorising a child.

To feel in power, while feeling powerless in this marriage.

All my opinions
Just seen the news today (re:home-schooling)!

GCSE bite-size is a revision aid for kids, not a teaching aid for adults! I can imagine, roughly translated, that Sara's "education" amounted to Batool telling her to check out that website. i.e. she was not receiving an education. Which begs the question, why take her out of school? Isn't that what caregivers do who've already started harming a child and don't want social services on their back, in case a teacher reports it? Ditto, alienating Sara's mother from her life, and was it around the same time?

Also, why is this woman forcing a child to wear a hijab when she herself does not wear any head covering? Note: You can wear religious head-coverings in passport photos as long as it's not covering your face. It's in the passport photo guidelines.
bite size do a lot of teaching aids for primary age children ,but they are a supplement to other resources and no way adequate to be solely used for home education.

I am not convinced Sara was wearing a hijab to school ,I think it was a reason to give the neighbours and I am treating it with the same bucket of salt as the falling down stairs story.

Home education was because something happened to Sara which meant they could not let her go to school.
I am a teacher.

I wonder on what basis this family justified home schooling for 1 of their children.

It happens where I live, sure, but parents have a virtual marathon of bureaucratic procedures.

We have compulsory education till the age of 18, and those who neglect it land in Family Court.

My mind boggles.

this stepmother said some nonsense to educational authorities and BAM!
The kid is out of school o_O

I am a teacher.

I wonder on what basis this family justified home schooling for 1 of their children.

It happens where I live, sure, but parents have a virtual marathon of bureaucratic procedures.

We have compulsory education till the age of 18, and those who neglect it land in Family Court.

My mind boggles.

this stepmother said some nonsense to educational authorities and BAM!
The kid is out of school o_O

It looks like it's really easy in the UK and I'm surprised they don't even have to follow the national curriculum.

It looks like it's really easy in the UK and I'm surprised they don't even have to follow the national curriculum.

Can we please not start bashing home education? (not aimed at you, @Legally Bland, but in general) My now-adult kiddo was unschooled from birth and we've been part of an extensive and thriving home-ed community for 20+ years. These families are incredibly diverse in their approaches to 'education otherwise than in school', as is their right, from 'following the curriculum' at one end of the scale to 'facilitating 100% autonomous learning' at the other (like us), and everything in between. All have nuanced, legitimate reasons for electing not to send their children into institutionalised educational settings, or for removing them from them. I have personally fiercely and proactively defended their/our rights to do so for 2 decades, in the face of much discrimination and attempted government over-reach threatening to violate our rights.

What happened to Sara has NOTHING to do with home educators in the UK as a community or as individuals, IMO. Not one of the hundreds of home-educating families we came into contact with kept their kids home in order to hide abuse.
Whilst it seems pretty clear (IMO) that poor little Sara's 'family' did just that, their heinous actions ought not to lead to tarring all home-edders with the same awful brush. The vast majority of people who choose to educate outside of a school setting are passionately dedicated to raising their children in ways that suit their individual circumstances and aptitudes, in my experience. If this incident is used to further besmirch home education, it will be a travesty. All MOO, ofc.
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Can we please not start bashing home education? My now-adult kiddo was unschooled and we've been part of an extensive and thriving home-ed community for 20+ years. These families are incredibly diverse in their approaches to 'education otherwise than in school', as is their right, from 'following the curriculum' at one end of the scale to 'facilitating 100% autonomous learning' at the other (like us), and everything in between. All have nuanced, legitimate reasons for electing not to send their children into institutionalised educational settings, or for removing them from them. I have personally fiercely and proactively defended their/our rights to do so for 2 decades, in the face of much discrimination and attempted government over-reach threatening to violate our rights.

What happened to Sara has NOTHING to do with home educators in the UK as a community or as individuals, IMO. Not one of the hundreds of home-educating families we came into contact with kept their kids home in order to hide abuse.
Whilst it seems pretty clear (IMO) that poor little Sara's 'family' did just that, their heinous actions ought not to lead to tarring all home-edders with the same awful brush. The vast majority of people who choose to educate outside of a school setting are passionately dedicated to raising their children in ways that suit their individual circumstances and aptitudes, in my experience. If this incident is used to further besmirch home education, it will be a travesty. All MOO, ofc.
Of course.
Don't feel agitated, please.

I know parents who home school kids and they are doing wonderful job.

Simply, these monsters tarnished everything they touched.
This case is a minefield of issues.

Of course.
Don't feel agitated, please.

I know parents who home school kids and they are doing wonderful job.

Simply, these monsters tarnished everything they touched.
This case is a minefield of issues.

Sending you big hugs, dear Dotta, and I concur. (I'm on my soapbox regarding this issue as it's so very dear to my heart: as part of a minority in this regard, I've seen terrible incidents like this used to attack the right to educate outside the system too many times).
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Of course.
Don't feel agitated, please.

I know parents who home school kids and they are doing wonderful job.

Simply, these monsters tarnished everything they touched.
This case is a minefield of issues.

The only person saying that Sara was being home-educated is her step-mother, who is one of the adults who fled the country after her murder.
She may have been lying.
The school may have been told at the house move that Sara was also moving schools (as Horsell is further away from the school)
So there do not appear to be any grounds for 'Home Education' entering the picture and discussing the details does not seem relevant unless you assume that the step-mother is telling the truth and then start to question her ability?
Moving house provided an opportunity to take the child out of school?
Im almost sure that the quarrel between Mum and the stepmother was about religious matters.

Sara was half Polish and Mum is Christian (Catholic).
Mum was very clear about giving the kids freedom to choose their religion, or lack of it, later in their lives.

But, as a school photo shows, Mum's wish was not respected.

Also, Sara's dream of becoming a model must have not been welcomed in this allegedly strict religious household.

I guess there were ever growing conflicts between Sara and stepmother.

This case is hot news in Poland - but mainly translations from British news.

I read ITV news website and I remember when Sebastian Kalinowski was in the news, the Polish language version of an article about him was in the Most Popular section, as well as the English language version.
The only person saying that Sara was being home-educated is her step-mother, who is one of the adults who fled the country after her murder.
She may have been lying.
The school may have been told at the house move that Sara was also moving schools (as Horsell is further away from the school)
So there do not appear to be any grounds for 'Home Education' entering the picture and discussing the details does not seem relevant unless you assume that the step-mother is telling the truth and then start to question her ability?
Moving house provided an opportunity to take the child out of school?
It is simply NOT possible to lose a child in Educational System.
(Where I live)

Documents from previous school are sent to another, if a student changes School District.

Simply not happening that a child does not appear in a new school.

All hell would break loose, with all kinds of Educational Commissions, etc.

That is how it works where I live.
School duty is Duty.

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I read ITV news website and I remember when Sebastian Kalinowski was in the news, the Polish language version of an article about him was in the Most Popular section, as well as the English language version.
It means that evil has no nationality.

Children are abused, tortured and murdered all over the world, every hour, minute, second.
I dont believe for one second the fall down the stairs is true. As the parent of a 4 year old there's no way he'd see someone injured/hurt and not be constantly talking about it - how they managed to silence the other young children all the way to Pakistan is concerning.
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