Unedited Police Interrogation Videos of Jodi

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Snipped, the questions were open ended. Wide open net for Jodi.

after watching a few videos the killer is a very odd person. so far from what I seen the killer is more occupy about how she will be portrayed to the public. at the same time what I noticed is the detectives speaking to her gave her ideas to make up a story to fit her crime. the lady detective mention indirectly things about abuse.with the male detective she followed what he was telling her about the crime.and the killer came up with self defence cause Travis abused her ,he was going to attack her and so on. I hope Jm have the books the DV lady send to the killer. I won't be surprise if its books about how to survive abuse or something like that. plus another thought,I can't see Travis saying "I will kill you B" no way he will say that he was in too much shock and pain to even think to utter words. I've never seen him use in text or phone evidence.
First day of interrogation, July 15, 2008. From “Jodi Arias Unedited Police Interrogation Videos” posted to YouTube by David Lohr. Jodi wears black v-neck t-shirt, white pants, barefoot (shoes have been taken by police).

Disclaimer: I transcribed these as notes; they are not verbatim. Please do not get hung up on wording as it may not be accurate. Not everything was transcribed; not all questions or discussions are shown here. Please watch videos for accuracy. (G&AMom)

Video 5

Jodi: It’s not that I didn’t love Travis but I needed to move on. The only thing preventing me from moving on was myself. I haven’t found the guy I want to marry but Travis had found someone and I didn’t want to jeopardize that. I didn’t know that Mimi didn’t feel the same way about him. I didn’t kill him, I didn’t take his life, I had nothing to do with his death at all.

Jodi asks if the fact that the car was not in the area matters. Flores says no, this is the best evidence he has ever had in a case.

Jodi asks how many times Travis was stabbed. Flores says it is more times than he wants to remember. (Jodi is crying.) Flores says he will not show her photos but they will eventually come out. (Jodi is sobbing, buries face in arms.) Flores says Jodi is crying because she is starting to feel the reality of the situation. Jodi says she is thinking about all the things she will miss and all the things Travis’ family will miss (because he’s gone). She says it is not fair (that he is dead). She says she knows Travis is in a good place, but what about his friends and family, they are going through all this; she knows it is temporary (what everyone is feeling) but it is so much now. There is no reason she would want to hurt him.

Flores says he needs a story or it is just cold; it is so cold. He says without the truth he cannot paint another picture. It will be up to the prosecutor to paint that picture. He says he has met the prosecutor and she doesn’t want him to paint that picture because he is good at what he does. Jodi says it sounds like Flores doesn’t need a prosecutor anyhow. Flores says that is right.

Jodi says maybe she should just give him a story (that she did it). Flores says that the worst thing she can do is tell him a lie to appease him. Jodi repeats that there is no reason why she would hurt Travis.

Jodi asks what will happen next. Flores explains: you will go in front of a judge. There is a warrant for your arrest, the bond is $2 million dollars. If you can come up with $2 million, the judge will decide whether to accept or not. Then we will file extradition papers to bring you back to Arizona. You can waive or fight extradition. He has already filed charges, the grand jury has indicted her.

Jodi asks if everybody knows. Flores says if someone checks the public records they will know, he doesn’t report anything to the news. Jodi asks if Travis’ family knows. Flores says no, but they call every day. Jodi says she wanted to call (daily) but she didn’t want to seem obsessive. She asks if she will be able see her family. Flores says he doesn’t know, it is up to this jail. Jodi says this is a really trivial question and will show how shallow she is but can she clean herself up a little bit. Flores says she will be taken the way she is. Jodi asks how soon. Flores says within the hour, but if she needs to tell him something she can approach him. Jodi asks if she has to go in handcuffs everywhere. Flores says yes, whether she wrote a bad check or faces murder charges she will go in handcuffs, it is the same for everybody.

Flores leaves (at 17 min 37 sec on Video 5).

Jodi holds her hands to her face and sits unmoving for several minutes. Fusses with eyes. Wipes face, brushes back hair. Says to herself, “You should have done your makeup, Jodi, gosh.” Sighs. Sings, plays with water bottle, drinks. Sits motionless for a few moments. Checks inside shirt. Fiddles with tie from her pants. Pulls over wastebasket and checks contents. Sits with hands in lap. Giggles. Pulls feet up on chair. Plays with hair. Does headstand against wall. Kneels on floor. Gets back in chair. Checks out computer printer, removes paper. Sings “O, Holy Night.” Laughs.

Brings printer paper to table. Finds something from behind her chair and makes mark on paper. Stares at paper. Returns item behind chair. Combs hair with fingers. Checks fingernails. Checks foot or toenails. Checks other foot. Hums. Rests head on knees, appears unmoving. Laughs. Speaks softly to herself. Stares at wall. Pulls feet on chair.

At 33 min 55 sec on Video, female detective brings in Jodi’s shoes. Jodi puts on shoes, stands and moves toward door, out of camera range. Detective asks her to stop and turn around, put hands behind back. Sounds of handcuffs being put on. Voices stop for a moment (Jodi has been taken to restroom). Detective checks marks Jodi made on paper but leaves paper on table. Detective leaves, door closes.

I'm probably really off topic and I'm sorry, but I'm watching tape 3 and had a question. Around minute 26:00, JA says she didn't have any cuts on her left palm and Dectective Flores says that nobody said the cut was on her left palm and asks if she had any recent cuts. She starts rambling about her feral cat.

My question is this: Is he implying that the left palm print was in HER blood? I know that she probably had cuts (I assume minor since she needed no medical attention) from the knife slipping while she was attacking him, and I know that there were spots of blood that were a mixture of Travis' and hers. I just always thought the left palm print was HIS blood.

There isn't any way for her defense to claim that she was bleeding because he cut her first, right? They would have done that by now, correct? I just want to see this beast get what's coming to her.

The left palm print had a mixture of her blood and Travis' blood.
Det Flores is saying no one said it was your left palm that was cut b/c it wasn't her left palm that was cut.
It was her left ring finger that got sliced when the knife slipped, while she was stabbing Travis.
She proceeds to show Det Flores the next day when she says the female ninja cut her, which is future in the videos.
IIRC, she was not under arrest at that time. I say that because further down Flores tells her he is going to arrest her and she asks to "refresh" and fix herself up before they take her mugshot. LOL what a piece of work..sheesh

Thanks. I know he read her the Miranda at the beginning but I couldn't remember if you only get read that upon arrest. I guess they'll read it to you if you are a suspect. I guess she knew she was a suspect via the handcuffs?
David - Thank you for your interrogation videos! An additional thank you to the mods for this separate thread.

Did anyone else catch, video #7, while interviewing with the female detective, you can see the wheels turning in JA's head as she begins to devise a story tailored to the detective's question asking what caused JA to do this to TA. JA states that "Travis has done few things to her and people would ask "Is Travis beating you - ha, ha, ha?" she states that he was angry because she wore a short-sleeve shirt. Her current testimony is that the alleged bruises were on her neck, not on her arms. Her demeanor, actions and responses on these videos are unbelievable - it's a shame the jury is not allowed to see them in their entirety.
Yes, that was sneaky.

That was the paper & pen (don't know why that was supplied) given to her to write to Travis' grandmother! That's what she said when she brought it in with the sandwich.

Crazy like a loon. I'm kinda jumpin all over, but on #17, she finishes a letter, folds it, folds it again, and puts in her pocket.

Thinks again.

Pulls it out of her pocket it and shoves it down her pants!



ETA: She didn't write a letter - too busy eating her jail sammich (that she's so fascinated with). She just stole paper from the middle of the notepad.
A normal person, yes. Not Jodi; she would of have a better chance with an insanity plea.

I mentioned this before, but was shot down... Jodi appears ADD to me, along with the sociopath and everything else.

And JA says if she killed TA she would be remorseful.

Video two--25 minutes. Why does she keep talking about being stranded? she had 3 gas cans full of gas. How is she stranded?
<modsnip> I'm watching tape 3 and had a question. Around minute 26:00, JA says she didn't have any cuts on her left palm and Dectective Flores says that nobody said the cut was on her left palm and asks if she had any recent cuts. She starts rambling about her feral cat.

My question is this: Is he implying that the left palm print was in HER blood? I know that she probably had cuts (I assume minor since she needed no medical attention) from the knife slipping while she was attacking him, and I know that there were spots of blood that were a mixture of Travis' and hers. I just always thought the left palm print was HIS blood.

There isn't any way for her defense to claim that she was bleeding because he cut her first, right? They would have done that by now, correct? I just want to see this beast get what's coming to her.

Early on when ME was testifying I heard/read that bloody palm print had DNA from defendant and victim... how they knew she had some type of wound... which is very common during vicious stabbing.

Later.. several answered this before I got to it..lol.. not to mention G&AMom in transcription!
Sorry to interrupt, does anyone know what I do to alert a mod or start a thread? There is a young girl missing from Fresno- her name is Angelica Copeland- she has been missing for 24 hours and she came up on my Facebook feed. I don't see anything here on the forum and don't know what to do. I have looked for a mods name at the bottom of several threads to PM but haven't found one yet (it is Easter weekend and all). Help anyone?!
I did not know there was a thread for unedited tapes. I have been posting about the tapes this morning.

I want to thank the person who moved my posts and made me feel cra cra until I found them.
Sorry to interrupt, does anyone know what I do to alert a mod or start a thread? There is a young girl missing from Fresno- her name is Angelica Copeland- she has been missing for 24 hours and she came up on my Facebook feed. I don't see anything here on the forum and don't know what to do. I have looked for a mods name at the bottom of several threads to PM but haven't found one yet (it is Easter weekend and all). Help anyone?!

Go to the top of Page 1 of the Unedited Tapes. Beach is an administer...click on their name and send them a message.
Sorry to interrupt, does anyone know what I do to alert a mod or start a thread? There is a young girl missing from Fresno- her name is Angelica Copeland- she has been missing for 24 hours and she came up on my Facebook feed. I don't see anything here on the forum and don't know what to do. I have looked for a mods name at the bottom of several threads to PM but haven't found one yet (it is Easter weekend and all). Help anyone?!

In the missing forum, click new thread, title the post with her state (CA) followed by her name, age and city. In the first opening post, you need to link a mainstream news article, or a link to a LE site that describes the case. Otherwise the thread will get deleted as it is not an official missing persons case. You don't need a mod to open a thread for you.
Hope this helps!
Video 17 is hardly worth watching. It is basically her stuffing part of a letter in her pants, then chomping on a sammich and writing a letter.

18 isn't much better. Letter writing, and then they take her out. The End.

I disagree--you can observe her weird behavior in those 2 videos. She doesn't even eat the sandwich like a normal person--she has the strangest mannerisms. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it stands out to me.:moo:
It really creeped me out that she kept singing " I didnt hear you breathe" for that Dido song and not "I didnt hear you leave"

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This is all I have so far- searching for more but I have to take my youngest daughter to her soccer game right now. I'll be home in an an hour or so. Thanks everyone for the help and information! If someone can do something in the meantime, that would be great. Their local news ABC360 did a plea, but haven't found a news article. She does have an official case number though! Ugh- I can't believe I have to leave....

Fresno Police Department case #13-20458. You can also email us at: bringangiehome@hotmail.com
Angie (Angelica) Haskin is 15yrs old and has been missing since 3/26/2013
So far we have had no contact with her and just want her home safe.
If you have any leads for us PLEASE let us know.
Is their interrogation room a break room? I swear I heard someone come in there and start a microwave at like about 12-13 minutes on video 3!
After watching those videos a small part of me feels so sorry for JA because she is such a lost soul. What a shame that not only did she murder Travis, her own life is such a waste.

In some of those videos she seems so lost, so alone, so confused. She lies, yes, because that's how she has extricated herself from nasty situations all her life IMO. Nonetheless, she is just so......empty.......searching........blank......hollow.......

She will do well in prison because for once in her life she will belong. She'll have regular, proper nutrition (albeit not that tasty LOL), the regular schedules will help her, etc. IMO she'll really do well if she's convicted and given LWOP.

The worst thing for HER would be to let her free. She seems manic, out of control, just.......I don't know.......how to explain it.

Can you just imagine what it would be like to be so empty inside. *shudder*
Is their interrogation room a break room? I swear I heard someone come in there and start a microwave at like about 12-13 minutes on video 3!
lol yes! yo can hear them washing dishes too. David Lohr addressed it on his You Tube channel. The room is next to the kitchen.

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