Unedited Police Interrogation Videos of Jodi

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Hi Peeps! (mmmm...peeps...)

I watched some of the David Lohr's tapes and caught up reading here. I think both Det. Blaney and Det. Flores are great in interviewing her but it is laughable (to me) when they ask her how she wants to be remembered, her image, doing the right thing, etc.

They can't seriously think she is going to come right out and tell them the truth and get the death penalty. She never does tell them the truth.

I imagine sometimes a murderer will tell the truth in these interviews, but not this chicky.

I once watched a defense attorney's lecture to a group of law students about why they should never talk to the police if they are arrested (even if they are innocent of the charges) - why they should get an attorney. It opened my eyes.

I'm pro-prosecution, always, but I will never, ever talk to the cops voluntarily if I am arrested for a crime. I would always ask for my attorney.

I think if she cooperated with LE and pleaded guilty, she would not be given the DP.
Thank you David for these videos.

Ive only had time to watch the first 4 and I honestly have no words to say about her other then Thank God she never crossed my path.
YES! I heard it, too. But we also have to remember that Jodi Ann likes to lie a lot. It's amazing how she morphs into a cutsie-pie girl with Det. Flores & she's stone cold with the lady detective. Scary.


I watched video 6 with the female detective and the difference is amazing.

Jodi starts to cry when she talks about wedding pictures she shot for a couple and pictures of her sister. With her arrest nobody will get their pictures. :what:

Oh, and she willing says "Did you get my journal that you'll can read?" You know, the one she faked and changed in the past month????

No crying about Travis only her camera and the pictures. She is so evil. :furious:
I think if she cooperated with LE and pleaded guilty, she would not be given the DP.

Well, Nurmi filed a proposed plea agreement saying that Jodi would plead guilty to 2nd degree murder, and believed she would not receive the DP or life in prison if the case went to trial. The motion also says if they went to trial, Jodi would trash Travis' reputation.


So it's impossible to know what would have happened if she'd pleaded guilty because she has never planned on doing so. Maybe if she had cooperated she wouldn't be here today, but judging by that potential plea agreement she would only cooperate on her terms.

I watched video 6 with the female detective and the difference is amazing.

Jodi starts to cry when she talks about wedding pictures she shot for a couple and pictures of her sister. With her arrest nobody will get their pictures. :what:

No crying about Travis only her camera and the pictures. She is so evil. :furious:

Not sure that it matters but the female brought a tape recorder in and turned it on.
Flores refused to use it.

She seemed to not answer that woman a lot IMO.
The copies I was given had poor audio. I boosted it as much as I could with the software I have.

Maybe try viewing Tawni Dilly's Youtube. Took me weeks to get the videos and only took her a couple hours to rip them off without credit or anything.

Thank you David! These are awesome..love your logo and the opening/ closing music. Thanks so much for,sharing these with us!!!
Flores is showing me precisely why I could never be a police officer. There's NO way I could keep my composure around someone like JA. I'd say things that would make the Devil himself quiver and cover his ears :blushing: Flores is just fantastic; cool, calm, collected, intelligent...a pure thing of beauty watching him interrogate her!

I noticed that he became tired of her lies. I heard him sigh a couple of times.
Video #5 from about 2:05 minute mark and for the next 50 seconds....that segment with Det. Flores is awesome. Every time I see it, I crack up. Her explanation about why she hesitates when he asks if she had anything to do with TA's death.

She's so animated. She's got her razzle dazzle going, and she's all giddy gosh and now she's shoveling the butterfuly effect at Det. Flores and he says something like "travis would still be alive if you'd never met him" and Jodi wide-eyed and awed that he gets it says "yeaaaah".

"Because you killed him!" replies Det. Flores. It takes her a split second to realize that he's mocking her ridiculousness.

I don't know why that cracks me up so much.

I crack up when he tells her "Jodi, this absolutely over" His chuckle does it to me every time. She just doesn't get it.
Not sure that it matters but the female brought a tape recorder in and turned it on.
Flores refused to use it.

She seemed to not answer that woman a lot IMO.

That probably is part of it. I just believe Jodi likes men more since she tries to seduce them to do what she want.
JA's interview with Det Blaney is really telling. JA goes quiet whenever Det Blaney hits the mark and JA doesn't know what she should say, such as when Det Blaney asks if TA was happy she turned up that day.

YASSS!!!!! just like when detective flores asked her did she bring a gun that day...silence....did he know you were coming....silence again. Her silence is very telling. Did you plan this from the beginning....silence.
Not sure that it matters but the female brought a tape recorder in and turned it on.
Flores refused to use it.

She seemed to not answer that woman a lot IMO.
BBM. Det Balaney took a different style of interviewing with her, definitely talking more at her in the beginning and then later using more pauses and more of a conversational style approach. JA began to crack in the 8 and 9 episode clips. She pauses a lot more as she struggles to think of an answer. Certainly JA responded more to Det Flores but the two of them played a good cop/bad cop really well.
YASSS!!!!! just like when detective flores asked her did she bring a gun that day...silence....did he know you were coming....silence again. Her silence is very telling. Did you plan this from the beginning....silence.

Yeah, I thought her silences were pretty telling. She can come up with a story -- if she has enough time. I also noticed she doesn't react physically no matter what Flores says. Travis doesn't see her as marriage material? Nothing. Every single person pointed a finger at her? Nothing. Flores has photos, some of them taken during the time of the killing? Nothing. When she can't figure out how she's supposed to behave, she does just sits there.
While watching the interrogation videos last night, I made the mistake of thinking I needed to take a few notes. Ten pages later . . . . Sigh. I'll post them later today for anybody that doesn't want to watch the whole thing.

Those of us who live in rural areas with no high-speed internet would be ever so grateful.
I crack up when he tells her "Jodi, this absolutely over" His chuckle does it to me every time. She just doesn't get it.

Oh, I think she definitely gets it. She is trying to figure out how to get out of it.
Watching interrogation video 7 with Jodi and female detective.

Jodi : I know somebody slashed Travis's tires.

Detective: Maybe you did not slash the tires, but you were there...

hahaha yea the cra cra person did it!!!
I'm watching Lady Detective here, and I'm annoyed by both of them.
Those of us who live in rural areas with no high-speed internet would be ever so grateful.

Mine are on post #92,
I won't quote myself, I really just jotted them down.
G&A Mom's will be much better I am sure but, it is a quick run down.
Video 17 is hardly worth watching. It is basically her stuffing part of a letter in her pants, then chomping on a sammich and writing a letter.

18 isn't much better. Letter writing, and then they take her out. The End.
JA only stuffed blank paper in her pants. The Det does ask her about that in the 18th clip, JA admits to the paper very quickly, the det checks the paper, sees its blank and then tells JA to put the paper in her top pocket.
<modsnip> I'm watching tape 3 and had a question. Around minute 26:00, JA says she didn't have any cuts on her left palm and Dectective Flores says that nobody said the cut was on her left palm and asks if she had any recent cuts. She starts rambling about her feral cat.

My question is this: Is he implying that the left palm print was in HER blood? I know that she probably had cuts (I assume minor since she needed no medical attention) from the knife slipping while she was attacking him, and I know that there were spots of blood that were a mixture of Travis' and hers. I just always thought the left palm print was HIS blood.

There isn't any way for her defense to claim that she was bleeding because he cut her first, right? They would have done that by now, correct? I just want to see this beast get what's coming to her.

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