Unedited Police Interrogation Videos of Jodi

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Actually, she said that they read her driver's license, which had a PO box, and then they read her registration "which was in the purse I used that day" and read her grandparents address. Photographic memories, those ninjas, donchaknow.

ya, everyone carries around their registration for a car that is inoperable while they are driving a rental car.

Gah, she thinks she is so clever to be able to come up with an additional lie on-demand.

Can you imagine what it would be like to have her as a family member? She would drive her parents insane with all the lies, no doubt.
Then Flores says he would still be alive because you killed him Jodi. ..as opposed to her butterfly effect BS. I loved that part. :great:

That was so great, kaki.

I wonder why Juan did not use that clip?
I just really, really think she took those pictures to remember the killing. I wonder if she has more. She was so concerned about getting hold of her camera and hard-drive. And I know that I read somewhere that her defense team got the records to her hard-drive sealed. Something huge had to be on her hard-drive for them to seal it.

But the defense had the computer forensic guy testify about the contents of the hard drive. The dick pics were on her hard drive.

Maybe something else was sealed though, I had not heard that.
On the woman detective interview: Was the detective's motive to win the killer into a confession only , or does anyone think she really wanted the why and how to give some answers to TA 's family ?
On the woman detective interview: Was the detective's motive to win the killer into a confession only , or does anyone think she really wanted the why and how to give some answers to TA 's family ?

Considering the lady detective didn't bother to find out if TA's parents were living before continually mentioning 'son' to JA, I tend to think she was only after a confession. I think JA enjoyed letting the detective know she was wrong but only after det. said it two or three times.
Are any of these the interrogation of Jodi's parents?
I think she's got OCD and possibly ADHD for sure, she does a lot of things to distract herself from thinking and obsessing - singing, writing, drawing, piddling around in general, playing with her hair, fingers, toes, etc. It's all ways of avoiding herself, I think her mind is always going a hundred miles an hour and she knows her thoughts are completely nutso.

I'm even more convinced then ever now that she does take medication during the trial, she can barely keep still when she is quiet and alone with her thoughts. She has to be on something to calm her down.

Wow, excellent way to describe her behavior.
This contradicts one of her stories that she told 48 hours.

Yeah, it does. Also sounds like the story got more rehearsed because with Flores, she was running through the closet and they were still standing in the hallway and bedroom. Did she say the man caught her when she came out of the closet into the bedroom and said "don't move" or something and made her squat in the bedroom somewhere? The man also supposedly went downstairs, and all this crap...

You know she said she was trying to help Travis up and down the hallway because that's how she was trying to spin the those last two pictures.
She said the imaginery intruders read her drivers' license and then knew where she lived. Meanwhile her drivers' license indicated a P.O. Box #, not a street address. :floorlaugh:

Maybe she was going to kill her family, she sure was loaded up with weapons.

Yeah, but she corrected herself quickly, adding that her car registration, which has her home address, was in her car and they read that, too. :facepalm:

Yeah, I always keep my car registration in my purse when I'm driving across states in a rental car.
I just read somewhere that May 30th, she either emailed Ryan Burns or had some discussion with Ryan Burns to solidify her trip to see him.

If this is what Jodi was talking about happening the "friday prior," (aka May 30th) then....I guess Ryan agreeing to let her come on the trip is what made it get set in motion. Gives a new meaning to May Day.

I couldn't find anything to corroborate this. Does anyone else know more?
Thanks for that explanation, geevee. Clearly there was something in her hand that she was trying to "write" with. Now it (kind of) makes more sense. All the same, she acts like a child trying to alleviate boredom. Not that being left alone in a quiet room wouldn't make anyone bored, but there's a sneakiness there you wouldn't expect from an adult--even an anxious adult.

Sneaky is one of her middle names, Emmi, but she has several, IMO.

And, BTW:

A great big Thank You to David Lohr for these videos!

I'm slowly making my way through them. In video #5 at around 32:08 she says something. Wondering if anyone else can make out what she's saying? I know what I think I heard, but curious what others hear.

OMG!!! Creeeeeeepy!!! It sounds like she giggles then says "Still hate me." I got CHILLS! Good catch.
OMG!!! Creeeeeeepy!!! It sounds like she giggles then says "Still hate me." I got CHILLS! Good catch.

I've listened over and over.. I think what i'm hearing is "you still beat me...brat" Like she thought she was going to win by killing him and get away with it, but in the end he has still won. She knows she is going to be arrested for 1st degree murder.
I think she's got OCD and possibly ADHD for sure, she does a lot of things to distract herself from thinking and obsessing - singing, writing, drawing, piddling around in general, playing with her hair, fingers, toes, etc. It's all ways of avoiding herself, I think her mind is always going a hundred miles an hour and she knows her thoughts are completely nutso.

I'm even more convinced then ever now that she does take medication during the trial, she can barely keep still when she is quiet and alone with her thoughts. She has to be on something to calm her down.

Very perceptive post, jojomonkey.

I have ADHD and some compulsive traits, and I recognize just enough of myself in these tapes to feel an uncomfortable sort of empathy. I realize that posting anything more sympathetic than "she's the purest evil hell ever spawned" will lead to charges of defending or excusing her, which I'm not. But the fiddling, doodling, changing positions, putting her head down, sitting on the floor then on the chair again, pulling her knees up to her chest, playing with her hair, examining every item in the room, picking apart food, and going on self-referential tangents every time she speaks? Take away my Adderall and I look just like her.

If you locked me in a room with no reading material on a day when I had not taken my medication, I am not sure that I would have acted any less eccentric. And when someone finally came, I have no doubt that asking for a sweater or blanket is the first thing I would have done, because cold is distracting and I wouldn't have the foresight or impulse control to think about anything other than attending to this immediate stimulus, grief-stricken or not.

I agree that the evidence against Ms. Arias is damning and that nothing justifies her crime. I disagree that her mannerisms in the videos are diagnostic of psychopathy, narcissism, or some other cold-blooded-killer-ism, given that they are indistinguishable from (my own experiences and observations of) poorly managed ADHD.

I've never murdered anyone and don't intend to, for the record.
I agree, jojomonkey; thanks for the perceptive post.

I have ADHD and some compulsive traits, and I recognize just enough of myself in these tapes to feel an uncomfortable sort of empathy. I realize that posting anything more sympathetic than "she's the purest evil hell ever spawned" will lead to charges of defending or excusing her, which I'm not. But the fiddling, doodling, changing positions, putting her head down, sitting on the floor then on the chair again, pulling her knees up to her chest, playing with her hair, examining every item in the room, picking apart food, and going on self-referential tangents every time she speaks? Take away my Adderall and I look just like her.

If you locked me in a room with no reading material on a day when I had not taken my medication, I am not sure that I would have acted any less eccentric. And when someone finally came, I have no doubt that asking for a sweater or blanket is the first thing I would have done, because cold is distracting and I wouldn't have the foresight or impulse control to think about anything other than attending to this immediate stimulus, grief-stricken or not.

I agree that the evidence against Ms. Arias is damning and that nothing justifies her crime. I disagree that her mannerisms in the videos are diagnostic of psychopathy, narcissism, or some other cold-blooded-killer-ism, given that they are indistinguishable from (my own experiences and observations of) poorly managed ADHD.

I've never murdered anyone and don't intend to, for the record.

Thanks for sharing your story! I am curious if her parents ever sought treatment for her when she was younger. I am starting to wonder had she gotten treatment if Travis would still be alive. She obviously has zero impulse control, so even if she still obsessed about him, maybe with medication she never would have acted on it. She reminds me of a friend's mother who was on lithium for her issues, when she didn't take it she would jump in the car and just drive all night to whatever location popped into her head.

Don't get me wrong, I still think she is a special kind of evil, and having ADHD or OCD does not excuse her in any way. It's becoming more obvious through watching the interrogation videos that she really needed to be treated for a myriad of issues.
After watching all the videos this is my theory. I feel very sure Jodi killed Travis because he was ashamed of her and she had finally had enough. She says over and over how TA wouldn't let her post on his MySpace page, TA didn't want anyone to know they saw each other, Sky didn't want TA to sit by her at the Academy Awards (aka PPL Executive Dinner), and he didn't want her in his ward. She recounts numerous times TA pretty much pretended she didn't exist in public. Now all these actions are things that a NORMAL person would eventually say, this person is ashamed of me, I'm cutting this off and moving on. Unfortunately for TA he was dealing with a completely crazy psychopath. So instead of the reaction 99.9% of the world has and breaking it off she had to kill him for making her feel shame.

TA didn't abuse her, he acted like just about every man out there at one point or another. He was just really really unlucky that JA was the girl.
Thanks for sharing your story! I am curious if her parents ever sought treatment for her when she was younger. I am starting to wonder had she gotten treatment if Travis would still be alive. She obviously has zero impulse control, so even if she still obsessed about him, maybe with medication she never would have acted on it. She reminds me of a friend's mother who was on lithium for her issues, when she didn't take it she would jump in the car and just drive all night to whatever location popped into her head.

Don't get me wrong, I still think she is a special kind of evil, and having ADHD or OCD does not excuse her in any way. It's becoming more obvious through watching the interrogation videos that she really needed to be treated for a myriad of issues.

Right, in no way do I suggest that ADHD or OCD can explain away the murder, just some of her odd behavior in the interrogation room.

I think one reason I'm so fascinated by this case is that in certain ways she is so like me, and yet so unlike me in that one essential respect. I even worked as a freelance photographer in college. It has been interesting and unnerving to try to discern what made the difference, how I ended up "right" (Ivy degree, good career, happy marriage, not a killer) and she went so horrifically wrong.

As a socially awkward teen I obsessed over boys I wasn't dating in ways that my adult self recognizes as creepy. I grew out of it; I guess she never did. I self-harmed but did not harm others. I lied for no reason as a child. I was never, ever cruel to animals.

This probably should've gone in the armchair psych thread, sorry--not my intent to derail.

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