Unedited Police Interrogation Videos of Jodi

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After she butchered Travis, do you know how many weapons she had?

The .25 she says she threw away in the desert. What of the knife or knives?

I know when she was arrested she had a 9mm under the hood of her rental car and 2 knives in a book or books.
Her mother alerted police to look for the gun. The rental had been returned from what I recall.
I know when she was arrested she had a 9mm under the hood of her rental car and 2 knives in a book or books.
Her mother alerted police to look for the gun. The rental had been returned from what I recall.

:what: I'm surprised her mother alerted police - how did she know about the 9mm???

JA is dangerous. Very dangerous. She should never be set free.
Anyone else think JA's mother and other family members are being paid by the DT to attend trial every day?
Anyone else think JA's mother and other family members are being paid by the DT to attend trial every day?

I don't know if they are being paid, but I do think the DT told them JA's life is on the line and it wouldn't look good to the jury if her family didn't support her.
She said the imaginery intruders read her drivers' license and then knew where she lived. Meanwhile her drivers' license indicated a P.O. Box #, not a street address. :floorlaugh:

Maybe she was going to kill her family, she sure was loaded up with weapons.

Actually, she said that they read her driver's license, which had a PO box, and then they read her registration "which was in the purse I used that day" and read her grandparents address. Photographic memories, those ninjas, donchaknow.
Confession: I watched all 18 videos, but I fast-forwarded thru the parts where Jodi was sitting alone in the room. Big mistake...

I was on Facebook this morning and noticed a little snippet from the Detective Flores Facebook page.

Interrogation video #5 at the 26:40 mark, watch closely as Jodi looks in a purposeful yet furtive glance to make sure no one is watching her and then she takes her pencil or pen, turns around in her chair and quickly jams the pen/pencil into the safety ELECTRICAL outlet which you can audibly hear trips and resets the built-in circuit breaker! She was trying to get the electric to blow, as in, lights out, for what---an attempt to get away?
If she was in a rental car, what registration? The registration to the rental car wouldn't have her information,
Very strange story she tells and I couldn't help but notice the fact that she recalled the exact time of this incident from mid January 2007...exactly 7:38. Who recalls stuff like this with such detail?

Could she have meant "7:30-8"? as in a range, versus an exact time?
She seriously asked Det. Flores what type of gun he had? (Video 3) She is cray cray
Confession: I watched all 18 videos, but I fast-forwarded thru the parts where Jodi was sitting alone in the room. Big mistake...

I was on Facebook this morning and noticed a little snippet from the Detective Flores Facebook page.

Interrogation video #5 at the 26:40 mark, watch closely as Jodi looks in a purposeful yet furtive glance to make sure no one is watching her and then she takes her pencil or pen, turns around in her chair and quickly jams the pen/pencil into the safety ELECTRICAL outlet which you can audibly hear trips and resets the built-in circuit breaker! She was trying to get the electric to blow, as in, lights out, for what---an attempt to get away?

That is SO strange. I noticed this behaviour, and heard the loud "click" on first viewing of the video, but I could not figure out what she was doing!

Now I'm wondering: what happened to the pencil? It looks as though she's pretending it's still in her hand because she brings her left hand back to the paper and strikes a writing pose. But, in fact, the pencil has disappeared (I think). It's like watching an 8-year-old who thinks she's cleverly getting away with something.
I think she claims everything is a blur to buy herself some time until she can see the pictures to build her story around the crime scene evidence. She did not want to commit herself to a story before knowing what she had to explain.

Good point, mhopkins. It shows she's always thinking, thinking, thinking...

And more importantly:



to Websleuths
, :websleuther:

mhopkins !!!!


This is a late greeting, but I'm trying to catch up, puff, puff, & I'm far behind!!

We're glad to have you and your good posts here on WS!
Confession: I watched all 18 videos, but I fast-forwarded thru the parts where Jodi was sitting alone in the room. Big mistake...

I was on Facebook this morning and noticed a little snippet from the Detective Flores Facebook page.

Interrogation video #5 at the 26:40 mark, watch closely as Jodi looks in a purposeful yet furtive glance to make sure no one is watching her and then she takes her pencil or pen, turns around in her chair and quickly jams the pen/pencil into the safety ELECTRICAL outlet which you can audibly hear trips and resets the built-in circuit breaker! She was trying to get the electric to blow, as in, lights out, for what---an attempt to get away?

I don't think so, IMO. She's in her civilian clothes in this video so it must be the first day of interrogations. When they brought her back the second day she had already been charged and arrested so she was wearing her jail clothes. The only time she had a writing tool was on the second day when the lady detective gave her a pencil so she could write to TA family. I believe that paper on the table is the stack she pulled from the little copy machine on the corner table.
Is there a video of her being questioned once she got to AZ?
Confession: I watched all 18 videos, but I fast-forwarded thru the parts where Jodi was sitting alone in the room. Big mistake...

I was on Facebook this morning and noticed a little snippet from the Detective Flores Facebook page.

Interrogation video #5 at the 26:40 mark, watch closely as Jodi looks in a purposeful yet furtive glance to make sure no one is watching her and then she takes her pencil or pen, turns around in her chair and quickly jams the pen/pencil into the safety ELECTRICAL outlet which you can audibly hear trips and resets the built-in circuit breaker! She was trying to get the electric to blow, as in, lights out, for what---an attempt to get away?

Watch a little bit before, right after she finishes singing she unplugs whatever is plugged into that outlet and uses the plug ends to try to write with. When she hears someone walking near the door she plugs it back into the outlet and pretends like she wasn't doing anything.
Confession: I watched all 18 videos, but I fast-forwarded thru the parts where Jodi was sitting alone in the room. Big mistake...

I was on Facebook this morning and noticed a little snippet from the Detective Flores Facebook page.

Interrogation video #5 at the 26:40 mark, watch closely as Jodi looks in a purposeful yet furtive glance to make sure no one is watching her and then she takes her pencil or pen, turns around in her chair and quickly jams the pen/pencil into the safety ELECTRICAL outlet which you can audibly hear trips and resets the built-in circuit breaker! She was trying to get the electric to blow, as in, lights out, for what---an attempt to get away?


thanks for that. I watched them all but missed that completely.
Watch a little bit before, right after she finishes singing she unplugs whatever is plugged into that outlet and uses the plug ends to try to write with. When she hears someone walking near the door she plugs it back into the outlet and pretends like she wasn't doing anything.
Thanks for that explanation, geevee. Clearly there was something in her hand that she was trying to "write" with. Now it (kind of) makes more sense. All the same, she acts like a child trying to alleviate boredom. Not that being left alone in a quiet room wouldn't make anyone bored, but there's a sneakiness there you wouldn't expect from an adult--even an anxious adult.
Thanks for that explanation, geevee. Clearly there was something in her hand that she was trying to "write" with. Now it (kind of) makes more sense. All the same, she acts like a child trying to alleviate boredom. Not that being left alone in a quiet room wouldn't make anyone bored, but there's a sneakiness there you wouldn't expect from an adult--even an anxious adult.

I think she's got OCD and possibly ADHD for sure, she does a lot of things to distract herself from thinking and obsessing - singing, writing, drawing, piddling around in general, playing with her hair, fingers, toes, etc. It's all ways of avoiding herself, I think her mind is always going a hundred miles an hour and she knows her thoughts are completely nutso.

I'm even more convinced then ever now that she does take medication during the trial, she can barely keep still when she is quiet and alone with her thoughts. She has to be on something to calm her down.
You know Sedonia, I specifically looked closely at her when Flores told her this, and I could not see any reaction. Of course, I can't really see her face that well.

I figured she would show some emotion, at least surprise, but I sure did not see it.

Hi, Chester! :seeya: I'm betting it made her day!!!

I think, on the one hand, she would have liked to tell Mimi what an idiot she was to shun him -- "What a dummy you are, you spoiled goody-goody! You done lost your good thing now."

And on the other hand, she would have told poor, dead TA, "Hah!! She won't have you!! She knows better, you dummy. You're not as great a catch as you think you are, you conceited jerk. You should have stayed with me when you had it good. Your trip to Cancun with that goody-two-shoes would have been miserable. No n**ky, no nothing!"

I'm surprised we didn't see a near smile on her face when Flores told her that. No regrets, just that superior, know-it-all attitude.
A Deceptive Life._______When you are aware you are being arrested for first degree murder but your concern is for your reputation, both in the public & in the community of those you know, it is obvious that how you live your life is miles from the front you put up. The two have always been in contradiction and you give no mind to that. You just want to preserve the front. It is a total fraud and you know it. Goes a long way toward explaining the rage Arias must have felt over the messsages of May 26. Travis was attacking the front, armed with the truth.
I think she's got OCD and possibly ADHD for sure, she does a lot of things to distract herself from thinking and obsessing - singing, writing, drawing, piddling around in general, playing with her hair, fingers, toes, etc. It's all ways of avoiding herself, I think her mind is always going a hundred miles an hour and she knows her thoughts are completely nutso.

I'm even more convinced then ever now that she does take medication during the trial, she can barely keep still when she is quiet and alone with her thoughts. She has to be on something to calm her down.

I don't know about OCD--that could be--but I'm convinced about ADHD. Like you said, all those self-stimulating and distracting behaviours ...

Her flatness and stillness in the court room--yes, medication for sure! Anti-depressants are sometimes used, as an alternative to stimulants, to treat ADHD. She may also be taking anti-anxiety medication. She's just too different in these interrogation videos from how she is now. I suppose being several several years older, and the huge difference in circumstances, could account for some of this change in her behaviour. But I really believe that chemical treatments are a big part of the picture.

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