Found Deceased UT - MacKenzie "Kenzie" Lueck, 23, Salt Lake City, 17 June 2019 #16 *ARREST*

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How does this keep going back to drugs being a factor? I have seen nothing to suggest this. Am I correct that a definitive link between the two has yet to be established?
Nothing to indicate drug use by ML or AA.
Many many theories are convolyting the facts. We have to take the facts for what they are and began ANALYZING from there. Not guessing. Like why was ML found 90 miles away and is there evidence tying AA to said travel?
If LE has evidence of this, they haven't shared it. However, AA did live in Logan UT while attending USU. Third Dam in Logan Canyon, the disposal location, is just roughly five miles from the University. Google Maps

Glad to see you here, MindHunter. :)
What I mean is there is no evidence that Kenzie used drugs. I do not think this meeting was to score drugs.

There is evidence that she used dating apps as did AA; therefore, the logical conclusion would be that would explain the meeting up although I don't believe it was sexually motivated on Kenzie's part. I am not ruling out other possibilities; this just seems the most logical.

AA was accused of rape; the woman made an incident report but did not press charges. His ex-wife feared him, and several other women that met him online (Tinder) either said he was aggressive and they got creeped out and never met or did meet and were creeped out. He seems to have a pattern of being aggressive. On the first page of this thread, there is a link to his meetup profile which lists his very long list of sexual interests as well as other things if you want to check that out. It also contains all his other social media accounts.
Oh and also the construction worker hired to build the torture chamber who got a weird vibe and thought it was creepy and never returned to do the job for any amount of money.
Nothing to indicate drug use by ML or AA.

If LE has evidence of this, they haven't shared it. However, he did live in Logan UT while attending USU. Third Dam in Logan Canyon, the disposal location, is just roughly five miles from the University. Google Maps

Glad to see you here, MindHunter. :)

Picked her up in a location he was familiar with (he had lived right in the area).

Burned her body and belongings in his own backyard.

Disposed of her at a place he was also familiar with.

Right out of the “killer’s playbook.”

I can.

"Innocent explanation" is a complete oxymoron when it comes to this evil moron.

I'm firmly in the camp that believes ML's murder was premeditated.
I believe every one of AA's actions that night was directed toward that aim.

Clearly, AA used some pretext to get ML to meet him in that dark, isolated parking lot at 3 am.
Just as clearly, he was able to successfully dupe ML into believing whatever ruse he used.

She went willingly to meet him that night.
Willingly, but unwittingly.

It doesn't require a huge stretch of the imagination to believe that he could also come up with some pretext to get her to turn off her phone once she arrived at the meeting location.

She may very well have turned off her phone willingly.
Willingly, but unwittingly.

To me, it doesn't matter whether AA turned off ML's phone forcibly, whether ML turned it off under duress, or whether ML turned it off willingly.

Regardless of whatever method he employed to get her phone turned off, i.e., force, coercion, or duplicity, it shows premeditation on his part.

Any way you slice it, there is no innocent explanation for her phone being turned off.

It doesn't matter where the attack started, we end up with the same tragic outcome.

All roads lead to Rome here...notwithstanding the fact that Rome is not in Utah.

Great post! thanks for sharing. I’m in this camp as well.
<modsnip - quoted a removed post>
This is how the tissue was described in the Probable Cause Statement:

During a search warrant on Ayoola's residence and property on June 26, 2019, Ayoola's neighbors informed detectives that they observed Ayoola burning something in his backyard with the use of gasoline on the dates of June 17, 2019, and June 18, 2019. The search warrant resulted in the findings of a fresh dig area on Ayoola's property, which is the same area that Ayoola was reported burning something.

A forensic excavation of the burn area was conducted which resulted in the finding of several charred items that were consistent with personal items of Mackenzie Lueck. Other charred material was located, which has now forensically been determined to be female human tissue.

A DNA profile of that human tissue was obtained during forensic testing by the Utah State Lab. That DNA profile was compared and is consistent with a DNA profile obtained through further forensic testing of personal items of Mackenzie Lueck.

Probably cause statement for arrest of Ayoola Ajayi | Dna Profiling | Forensic Science

ETA: As MassGuy said above, AA also used to live across from Hatch Park.
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Oh and also the construction worker hired to build the torture chamber who got a weird vibe and thought it was creepy and never returned to do the job for any amount of money.

I wonder if the contractor should have contacted the police department regarding a creepy request like this...I guess that there really isn't any law against having a soundproof cement cell, with places to chain people to the wall built in your home.

All I heard in one of the pressers was “texting”, I don’t believe they specified an app. Theoretically I would think that could include WhatsApp, Burner, etc. but I would think the phrase “messaging” would have been used if it was a dating site or app messaging function? Maybe I’m reading too much into it though.

That's kind of what I assumed as well. They could very well have been "texting" through the app. Maybe we'll find out, maybe not.
I believe they were granted an extension to tomorrow - Wednesday? I'm sure the link is in the media thread.

A suspect would typically only be allowed to be held in custody for 72 hours before charges are filed or they must be released. Because of the extension, Gill told CNN, his office has until Wednesday at 5 p.m. local time.
Mackenzie “Kenzie” Lueck, 23, Salt Lake City, 17 June, 2019 Media, Maps, Timeline, *NO DISCUSSION*
Post #408
I wonder if they are going to load up more charges hoping to convince him to take a plea deal.

Fingers crossed
I wonder if the contractor should have contacted the police department regarding a creepy request like this...I guess that there really isn't any law against having a soundproof cement cell, with places to chain people to the wall built in your home.


There would be nothing they could do.

People are free to do weird things in the comfort of their own home.
3 am at Hatch Park doesn’t seem quite as noteworthy/mysterious to me once I saw an aerial photo.The park's not at all in an isolated area as I assumed from the tone of the discussions.

*With thanks to amanda reckonwith for the MacKenzie Lueck photo bucket archive.

I literally can't imagine who I would ever consent to meet at 3AM in a park. No matter where the park was...

I am so sorry for the family of ML.
3 am at Hatch Park doesn’t seem quite as noteworthy/mysterious to me once I saw an aerial photo.The park's not at all in an isolated area as I assumed from the tone of the discussions.

*With thanks to amanda reckonwith for the MacKenzie Lueck photo bucket archive.

Nope, not exactly isolated, just in an area her friends said she would never be, had no reason to go to, many miles from her place, several from his and to get there from the direction the Lyft was coming they have to basically backtrack after getting off of the highway. Not to mention it was 3 a.m., not like a baseball game was going on and a family reunion so that one could call it a safe public meeting place that was well lit with witnesses.

However, yes, it is not like it was some rural location or anything, it just was not somewhere that all would be aware of, familiar with nor handy to anything we know of that particular night/early morn.
I wonder if the contractor should have contacted the police department regarding a creepy request like this...I guess that there really isn't any law against having a soundproof cement cell, with places to chain people to the wall built in your home.


I said people love to come out with this stuff after the fact and you really can't go off of what one person says. In the same interview he claims AA was a cool dude.
And since when do drug dealers drive you back home after they’ve made the sale? (Okay, or patiently wait while you call another Lyft to replace the one you just let drive away?)
When one is young and beautiful, and the drug dealer is romantically interested in that person, yes, they would indeed offer you a ride home!
Flying Southwest to SLC does not take half a day (that's the beauty of Southwest Airlines). But yes, it took more than 90 minutes. She probably got to the airport an hour early and the flight was delayed.
Glad to be back. Been busy with school and found some free time. I do find it interesting she was abandoned just miles from where he went to school. That's more of a connection than is being discussed.

I also wonder why he retained skin samples as they recovered her flesh in several locations within his home. That makes me wonder if he had some type of Gein complex, Dahmer complex or simply kept it as his trophy? It's one's like these that frustrate me because I can't directly can't get the facts I want. Lol

We've discussed the Logan Canyon/USU connection a bit. I had said that it is probably the only "wilderness" place he was familiar with, but that, given where he deposited the body, he wasn't too familiar with it. But he felt safe up in that area and knew that that road went out into what he considered the boonies (there are way more isolated places in Utah - and closer to where he lived).

Presumably he either told them where the body was (I doubt it), or they used his digital footprint to find her (more likely IMO).

Where did you read that there were skin samples within his home? Every MSM report has said that there were matches to her in "tissue" that was "charred" in the firepit. I haven't read about any contact DNA being analyzed at this point. The mattress was taken in for testing, obviously, but there have been no results released - unless you know something about that.

Personally, as a forensic anthropologist, I think it's likely he panicked when he realized how difficult/impossible it is to completely destroy a human body (particularly the skull and teeth) in a backyard bonfire and collected what was left and moved it. In doing so, he lacked the time and expertise to figure out what, of the remains, were really remains (organs and small bones would not be easy to find amidst luggage and clothing he apparently burned). A neighbor said they saw a phone being pulled out of the ash pit.

But no where have I read that there was "skin" in several places within his home - and if there is, that would be perfectly consistent with any human simply being in the house for a while - we shed epithelial cells all day long and that presents so-called "contact DNA" on paper, sheets, towels, floors, drains, etc. It's pretty standard for the police to collect drain samples, collect things from the trash, look at towels, sheets and mattresses, but they can dig further if they wish.
i think you expressed a lot of common sense ideas here very well. :)

I don't know if it is a lot of folks. I am also in your group. In no way do I think she was meeting someone to go out for waffles and/or steak and eggs. She was a fifth year student in SLC and per family and friends was dating several people casually, was on dating sites and at minimum a SB site. She would have to be more naive than I believe if she had lived there that long and engaged in such things to meet someone in a park in an area nowhere close to such amenities.

I have no problem believing a college student is up or wanting to be out and about at 3 a.m. I have a huge problem believing this was some innocent purported breakfast "date" she bought into. You do not go to a park in NSLC at 3 a.m. in the morning to go to breakfast.

One thing that stands out to me (a few things do) is the one girl who claims to be a best friend said she texted her while she was in CA to see how she was doing or some such and she never received an answer. She went on to explain she was probably one of many who contacted her and KL was likely busy, etc. so never responded (paraphrasing). I never really understood why she even brought this up unless perhaps it was to say when her last contact with her was because she was not missing yet when she was in CA.

Now on that same thought, she did not answer her alleged very good friend's text while in CA but she was in contact with AA while in California. That says something to me... There was also contact the day before she came home and I doubt that was to arrange either breakfast or drugs for that matter. Whether either did drugs to me is not relevant, but I doubt the meeting was for drugs. They apparently knew each other on some level and that is confirmed by the friend the reporter talked with who also said something about KL's and AA's arrangement/relationship.

If she was in deep sorrow over her grandmother, or not, contact with him was apparently still more important than responding to a good girlfriend while in California, whatever the reason for that was. I do not think it was breakfast...


Edited to fix typos.
so if you are not young and beautiful no ride for you!
man there are sure lots of fringe benefits for being a young beautiful female drug user. the dealer drives you home! :)

ps: i guarantee no ride for me. :)

When one is young and beautiful, and the drug dealer is romantically interested in that person, yes, they would indeed offer you a ride home!
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