UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #3

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West Valley City » Susan Powell's family said there is "a huge red flag" waving over her husband's claim that he took their two small children camping in a wintery desert the night she disappeared.

"Susan ... would not have tolerated her children being taken out of the home after midnight to go camping in dangerously cold conditions," friend Shelby Gifford said Thursday, reading a family statement at a press conference.


Officers on Thursday barricaded and searched the Powell home, dusting for fingerprints and taking items out of the house.

Detectives also are seeking cell phone records, said Assistant Police Chief Craig Black. He would not say whose cell phone records police were seeking.


Nielsen said since national news media have begun reporting the story, people from across the country have called in with tips about the Powell family or ideas about where Susan Powell might be. Detectives are following up on those calls, he said.

"We've got a lot more to do."

Forensic scientists spent much of their time Thursday inside Powell's house, removing four large paper bags of evidence and several vials and swabs. An investigator spent time on the front porch, analyzing the front door and window. Detectives and forensic scientists spent just over three hours in the house.

It was unclear if Joshua Powell was in the house at the time.

Nielsen did not expect any more search warrants for the home.

"I think we're done going back to the house."

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Powell moved from New Mexico to Puyallup with her family when she was 10. As a teenager, she was a member of the choir and active in her church.

She and her husband married in 2001, nine months after she graduated from Rogers High.

Susan Powell then studied hairstyling in Federal Way. It became a passion, her father said.

“Once I asked her about her philosophy of life,” he said. “And she replied, ‘That people should look good.’”

Susan and Josh Powell moved to Utah about five years ago where she gave up hairstyling because it didn’t pay well, relatives said.

The couple had two boys, who became Susan’s life, her friends said.

“Every time she and I talked, it was kids, kids, kids,” family friend Michael Gifford said.

Susan Powell tried different careers, searching to find what was right, Gifford said. She earned a real-estate license but eventually found her niche in finance, working for Wells Fargo.

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oh boy, hairdressers are PEOPLE PLEASERS (best book I bought!) and do end up allot of times in abusive relationships............I am one.
Since someone mentione JP didn't like Susan on the computer, could he have kept a JOURNAL also?????
I was married to a Mormon-raised guy for 4 years...the abuse is rampant. Goes up generations...and the church seems to look the other way.
Snipped/bolded by me:

...(okay how many 28 year old non LDS woman out there crochet, grow vegetables, can and bake their own bread??)

I'm Protestant, not LDS and I've been doing all of the above since I was 18, by choice. (I'm 30 now.) I also own a business and work more than 40 hours a week. I'd guess I'm just as modern as any of the rest of us.

There for a while, it seemed the home making traditions of our grandmothers were becoming a lost art, but in the past few years they've been making a come back.

In fact, crochet itself has re-entered the fashion world with a vengeance with designer brands like Ugg, Chanel and 7 for All Mankind getting in the game. It could be because of the recent shift towards vintage fashions that young women are showing interest in what was previously considered a pass time of old ladies.

Either way, crochet is becoming increasingly popular with college students and even some metro-sexual guys are picking up a needle and yarn! C'mon, you don't see this every day! Check out that wicked ski hat and man bag! http://www.anniesattic.com/crochet/content.html?content_id=407

Originally, my interest in these traditional hobbies perked because previous generations had focused so much on women's rights, leading many gentleman almost scared to open the door for a lady, it seemed deliciously rebellious to return to these Suzie Homemaker type of projects. I thought I was being an individual but apparently I wasn't alone!
Susan isn't isolated from the world. She is close to her family. Close friends. Active in her church. Has a good job. She, from we've heard, isn't shy about sharing her concerns about her marriage. I don't see her as incapable of making her own decisions about anything. Maybe she enjoys gardening, baking, sewing....seems like it. I don't think there is any doubt about her being a fantastic mom. Nothing I've heard or read about her leads me to believe she would stay in an abusive relationship due to her religion. Evidently, she has her reasons for trying to save her marriage. That decision may have been a fatal one.....but, the blame, if it's true, lies with one person, only. Not the church. I'm positive that the LDS church does not condone abuse by anybody. Saying that the LDS culture is somehow intertwined in a scenario where Susan was incapable of making an informed decision about staying with Josh, or that Josh took the teachings of LDS as a green light for bad behavior is just excuse making, IMO. Until someone close to Susan confirms that she felt trapped and helpless....was forced to garden, bake, sew....was advised by the church to stay in an abusive relationship...then I'm going to believe that Susan is a strong woman who had no inkling she was in danger from her husband...if it turns out he killed her. Maybe her journal will give some insight into her reasons. I sure hope so.

I completely agree with you. I don't think religion played much of a role in relation to why she stayed. I think Josh saw how increasingly self-sufficient Susan was becoming. She had a stable job, was a great mom, could take care of herself and the boys--this threatened him. Her kids were what kept her there. I wouldn't be surprised if she was socking away some money and he found the stash. If she did and he found it, maybe he didn't say anything. That would point to premeditation. In his mind, she was the one putting up the front, pretending everything was fine and dandy, and he, not knowing when the day would be that she would come home and say "I'm done, I'm outta here" was probably the straw that broke the camel's back. He couldn't stand the thought of her possibly taking their kids away from him. After all, she has a number of friends, family, and an all-around great support system. Maybe he feared she would take the kids to WA to be close to her family.

I really believe he found out she had some sort of plan in the works. He found something out he wasn't supposed to, whether he stumbled upon it or someone slipped it out (like maybe Jovonna).
I sincerely hope heer journal was a daily diary, listing what happened at home with JP.
Maybe odd behavior, her fears.
IMO, she might of known something might happen to her but she never dreamt it was to be so soon.
A journal to take to church or lawyer.
Maybe she was closer to a divorse than we know.
After the holidays she would of left and JP saw it coming!
Susan wouldn't leave during the holidays,
she would spare others the hurt over the season. IMO

Maybe she even told him that she was going to stay with him through the holidays (for the children, for her family, for his family) and in the new year she was D-O-N-E. Maybe is became clear to her she could make it without him (money wise and whatnot). From what it sounds like they did counseling with their bishop and then went to a professional... and nothing got better. Maybe that is what made him finally snap. He knew he had lost the power struggle. He was no longer in control...
I just want to issue an invitation to any of Susan or Josh's family, friends, neighbors or co-workers who may have found us here at Websleuths:
Please, feel free to sign up and post!

People who are local to a missing person's hometown can offer a much needed personal perspective to our discussions here at WS, as well as provide more accurate or up-to-date information than we sometimes find in the mainstream press. Let us know you are here, and participate in our discussion; we value your perspective!
I'm Catholic burbqueen which I think qualifies for one of those religions that frown upon divorce. :angel: But, that has changed. We all have to live in the real world. Should you speak to a priest about any type of abuse most would urge you to seek the appropriate counseling. If that doesn't work--while I can't speak for all: my priest would say get a divorce/annulment. I wouldn't feel any scorn for it. Actually, I am divorced and have never felt less than because of it. Did I wish to leave the "bubble of my Church?" My goodness no--that's where lots of my friends are. Did HE (husband)? Yes. When abusers are exposed they tend not to wish to show their faces where people are on to them.

I wouldnt really put catholics in that group. In the catholic religion there are varying degrees of devotion amongst members and more freedom than some of the religions i'm talking about. There are Catholics that divorce all the time and its not really a big deal. I'm talking about from my experiences and others who are apart of various "non mainstream" religions or certain sects.

I know as a JW divorce is not a good thing and it IS frowned upon. it's considered a last resort for a couple. If your spouse cheats, beats you, violates gods law or mans then yes divorce is out there for you, no questions asked. But, anything other than those serious offenses then you are "advised" into doing counseling first and if you do divorce just cause the marriage isnt working lets say, then getting remarried is tough.

I believe that the LDS church, Muslims, certain Jewish sects, and various other christian religions have this stance as well. Which I dont really have a problem with. Marriage shouldnt be flippant.

As for the bubble, I've lived it. Some religions arent that bad, but there are some that stress that most of your associations be from those within your religion and not outsiders. That is what I'm talking about. Having a great church and social life is good, isolation is not. Having a bad marriage for me would cause me to get out if the guy is a controlling idiot and disrepescted me. Then i think what if I was still a JW? Would I be so quick to leave my marriage or throw my husband out if he was verbally abusive and controlling? For me, the answer is no. I would seek the elders and counselling first. Try to make my marriage work within the confines of my church and if all my family and friends were JW would their opinions differ from church doctrine? Heck no. They would all say the same thing, get help from the elders first.

There is no way the LDS would encourage anyone to stay in an abusive marriage. Also I dont think susan was abused physically at all, so far. IMO JP was a controller. Nothing to do with religion. But then again men like that use religion as a type of control. I dont know what JP did, just trying to add perspective. I've seen this in action. Men throwing scriptures out about being a dutiful wife and how the man is head of the household and ordained by Christ.

All I have been saying is that when it comes to people. Your personality and actions are shaped by how you were raised, influence of your friends and family, and your belief system. As a secular, non religious gal what I say or do might be completely different than someone who has religious beliefs and doctrine that they follow. To say that religion had nothing to do with Susans decision to work on her marriage IMO is kinda askewed. IMO it was all wrapped up into one. She was raised a Mormon was she not? And went to church so she had those values. Either way it still wasn't to blame for her death. Like I said, just adding a little perspective.

I am by no way at all knocking religion. Especially Mormons, who I have respect for and defended. People use to lump JW and Mormons all the time and call us cultist. In HS people would tease me and a Mormon kid about our beliefs. We backed each other up. Most mormons I have met are really nice people. I've had the honor of going to a Mormon temple and it was beautiful!
Steely Dan, what you wrote is interesting and I'll bet we could have fun discussing that topic. However, we aren't to discuss religions on WS due to MAJOR problems in the past. I think we used to even have a religion forum way back when that was shut down. Just letting you know before the thread gets too far off topic. :)

This is the most elegant shut down I have ever seen. Really.
I have a daughter and I'll kill anyone that hits her. Seriously. You would read about me here.

That said, I don't know why some women are attracted to men that treat them like crap. I've seen enough of it to know it happens a lot, but I don't think I'll ever understand it.
It's called traumatic bonding... and I hope you don't ever have to "understand" it. Suffice it to say, these guys don't start the physical violence on the first date....
I have a daughter and I'll kill anyone that hits her. Seriously. You would read about me here.

That said, I don't know why some women are attracted to men that treat them like crap. I've seen enough of it to know it happens a lot, but I don't think I'll ever understand it.

Well, some women like drama. They are attracted to the make ups and break ups. I've never had a man hit me, but my sisters have. Some chicks dig bad boys too. I like them I admit, but not abusive ones. Jailbirds, but thats a whole nother topic!

These men can smooth talk and say the sweet nothing all the time. Make you feel special and protected. It's the whole thing about a man's man. A tough guy and you being the damsel in distress.
I have a daughter and I'll kill anyone that hits her. Seriously. You would read about me here.

That said, I don't know why some women are attracted to men that treat them like crap. I've seen enough of it to know it happens a lot, but I don't think I'll ever understand it.

I was one of those gals many years ago - and there are still many aspects of it I don't understand... 10 years later. Just thankful I snapped out of it in time and will NEVER allow it to happen again.
I have a daughter and I'll kill anyone that hits her. Seriously. You would read about me here.

That said, I don't know why some women are attracted to men that treat them like crap. I've seen enough of it to know it happens a lot, but I don't think I'll ever understand it.

O/T Most of the men that treat women poorly don't start out that way when they first meet. Most of the time, they are extremely attentive, bring the flowers. leave cards, call and ask "how is your day", all the fluffy stuff to win a women's heart. Then once the man "wins" they slowly start to take it all back. Then little by little they start to control. In some cases, the women still feels the man loves her so much, but in reality it is controlling. Soon the woman is stuck, no job because they aren't allowed to work, they have children and no means of money if they run. Most won't go to a shelter or ask family for help and their "self"worth" is at the lowest it can be.

It's hard for women to run away from men who control them because they fear if they run, it would be harder on them and have this endless need to look over their shoulder.

If the woman eventually begins to stand her ground and gets out in the world to work, the controlling just gets worse. The woman knows she must try to do something to get money together, but then the husband might quit his job leaving her the sole provider to still keep her there.
I have a daughter and I'll kill anyone that hits her. Seriously. You would read about me here.

That said, I don't know why some women are attracted to men that treat them like crap. I've seen enough of it to know it happens a lot, but I don't think I'll ever understand it.

BBM - me too.

I'm not really sure that Susan would have recognized Josh's controlling behavior in the beginning of their relationship. She's about 10 years younger than he and she married him 9 months out of high school. She probably thought of him as older and wiser and simply allowed him to take the lead.

My guess is, as she matured, became a mommy and was ultimately forced into being the breadwinner for the family, she began to see things differently. And so did he.

I am all kinds of irritated that Josh's parents haven't shown their faces at all. Have they and I missed it? Are they even still living?

Whatever they believe in terms of Josh's involvement in Susan's disappearance, she is their DIL and the mother of their grandchildren. I should think that warrants, at the very least, a written public statement.
Abusive men and women are from all walks of life and economic status. A person who crosses the line and murders another human being is a murderer and a criminal. They have a mindset that enables them to do that. I prefer to think of it as a morals issue rather than a religious one.

I am very uncomfortable involving religion in this discussion. Susan is a mother of two very young boys who is missing and most likely been murdered by her husband. Josh had it in him to do murder whether he is religious or agnostic.

I have read every post here and posted a few times as to what I think happened to Susan. IMO, Susan wasn't killed by the church or because of religion. She was killed (again, IMO) by her narcissistic, controlling husband who thinks what he wants is more important than Susan or their innocent little boys. Josh was Susan's judge, jury, and executioner and now I want to see him face the real judge, jury, and executioner. I honestly and sincerely do not want to offend anyone here, but I do hope this discussion does not continue to focus on religion.


(thank you, kimster)
oh boy, hairdressers are PEOPLE PLEASERS (best book I bought!) and do end up allot of times in abusive relationships............I am one.

I got a haircut yesterday and the woman told me I looked ten years younger than I actually am. She got a 30% tip. :dance:

I have a daughter and I'll kill anyone that hits her. Seriously. You would read about me here.

That said, I don't know why some women are attracted to men that treat them like crap. I've seen enough of it to know it happens a lot, but I don't think I'll ever understand it.

I lived with a woman for two years who's daughter was 1-3 while I was living with her. I told her when her daughter started dating I was gonna buy a gun, no bullets just a gun. I was gonna use it for cleaning before *Jennifer's dates. (WARNING; SEXISM ALERT) Since all women are late for their dates I would take the gun while he was waiting and point it at him in a way that just looked like I was still cleaning it and say; "I don't know what I'd do if anyone harmed Jennifer". :angel:

*Not her real name.
With the house now considered a crime scene, and the BIL stating he thinks that JP could be arrested next week, I can't help thinking that this process is so similar to the Hacking case. Is it the result Utah LE training?

We all speculated, and came to the conclusion that it was Hacking long before Hacking confessed. His behavior was crazy, if I recall, but LE seemed to be methodically processing the evidence, even tho the circumstantial evidence was narrowing the people of interest to only one. Their subtle art of applying pressure and utilizing family to get the confession worked with Hacking, and I wish it would work with JP, but I just don't know if it will.

I would just like to know how JP got hooked up with this high profile lawyer.
Call me skeptic, but does anyone else think that his choice of a 'heavy' criminal attorney, acquired so quickly is unusual for an innocent man? I want to know who advised him prior to lawyering up.
I lived with a woman for two years who's daughter was 1-3 while I was living with her. I told her when her daughter started dating I was gonna buy a gun, no bullets just a gun. I was gonna use it for cleaning before *Jennifer's dates. (WARNING; SEXISM ALERT) Since all women are late for their dates I would take the gun while he was waiting and point it at him in a way that just looked like I was still cleaning it and say; "I don't know what I'd do if anyone harmed Jennifer".

*Not her real name.

NOW that is funny!
BBM - me too.

I'm not really sure that Susan would have recognized Josh's controlling behavior in the beginning of their relationship. She's about 10 years younger than he and she married him 9 months out of high school. She probably thought of him as older and wiser and simply allowed him to take the lead.

My guess is, as she matured, became a mommy and was ultimately forced into being the breadwinner for the family, she began to see things differently. And so did he.

I am all kinds of irritated that Josh's parents haven't shown their faces at all. Have they and I missed it? Are they even still living?

Whatever they believe in terms of Josh's involvement in Susan's disappearance, she is their DIL and the mother of their grandchildren. I should think that warrants, at the very least, a written public statement.
They also met in a singles ward activity. She would have had to be out of high school in order to attend singles ward activities.

That means that some time after high school, she met Josh, she started going out with Josh, then dating, then engagement and then marriage. No one has mentioned how long they dated before getting married but my best guess was 6-8 months and now I'm changing that to 2-4 months.

I know they used the "9 months from graduating high school to marriage" to take some emphasis away from the really short dating period but this is very typical and a huge RED FLAG in abusers. They can only behave for so long so the dating and "impressing" is usually short lived. My .02
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