UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #3

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Does anyone want to make a guess as to a possible time for an arrest?

Today I hope - it will make for great news huh! Weekends are unusually quiet, and I can't imagine LE dragging it out until Christmas, or the other holidays so greatly celebrated ;)

And not too long ago a report came out that showed Utah had the highest number of paid online *advertiser censored* subscriptions. It might very well be true, but many folks just laughed it off saying it just showed most Utahn's were to naive to know you can get it for free - so they figure the numbers might not be all that accurate.

http://www.deseretnews.com/article/...iser censored*-subscriptions-report-says.html

My (soon to be Ex) husband's addiction to internet *advertiser censored* has destroyed our marriage.
But this is not about me but about Susan, may she be found quickly
I'm really hoping for an arrest today. As said before by other posters, LE must have all their all their ducks in a row so that once indicted there is no chance of losing a conviction.

I believe all religions would agree that God, Allah, etc. (whoever you see as your higher power) gave each us the gift of free will. What an individual chooses to do with this free will is their choice. One can choose to do good or one can choose to do evil.
Powell apparently still maintains a real estate site, and lists the same address as his former employer, though he has not worked there in a year.

What's more, the site may have been updated a couple of days after Susan vanished. A link on the site directs users to a link for a real estate article, dated December 9, 2009.

Further, while Joshua Powell declared bankruptcy in 2007, listing more than $187,000 in unsecured debt, his real estate site offers "credit repair tips."
Detectives and forensic investigators arrived around 1:30 p.m. and didn't leave until just before 4:00 p.m. They took swabs of something on the front steps and a window sill. They removed brown paper sacks of items from the home.

What were they looking for? And did they find it? A police spokesman isn't saying. But this was at least the 3rd visit by a crime scene investigation unit to the home since Susan Powell disappeared a week ago Sunday and it comes as Joshua Powell, Susan's husband, has been named as a person of interest in her disappearance
Today I hope - it will make for great news huh! Weekends are unusually quiet, and I can't imagine LE dragging it out until Christmas, or the other holidays so greatly celebrated ;)


While I'm really jonesing for an arrest soon, my mind still goes back to the little boys and the horror of their first Christmas without BOTH parents. It certainly would destroy Christmas memories forevermore.

I vote for a December 27 arrest.
Wow, I've missed all the action! LOL!

I love religious talk. I can see where both sides are coming from. I use to be a Jehovah's Witness and they have a similar system of religious authority like the LDS. The elders are the leaders of each individual congregation. The handle marriage issues, direction of the congregation, abuse, divorce, etc. They counsel and help.

There isnt problem of spousal abuse though. As a woman you can get counseling thru the church or take it to the police.

What I dont understand is the notion that if there is abuse that you have to take it up with the church first. I don't know that much about LDS. Frankly, I have some serious disagreements with the church especially when it comes to race. Whoever called the LDS church a cult, is waaay off base. People throw that word around and it is unfair. I respect all religions and try to learn more about them.

In most conservative religions there is a very male dominated culture. The man is the head of the househould etc. Some take this well, but others use it as an excuse to abuse. Then there is the notion of being the good christian wife and not complain or make waves. I think that is what Omegal is talking about.

There are no hard and fast rules. Yes, we all know that abuse is wrong, but I know there is an intense pressure to make your marriage work. JW frowned on divorce and I was taught that it was a last resort. Basically, cheatin or beatin was the only way out or if someone broke the law.

So from what I understand thru the posts. Omegal is saying that of course the church doctrine doesnt support abuse, but the culture of the religion allowed him to get away with it. However Dom is saying that there are bad apples everywhere and for us not to generalize a whole faith.

So what does this have to do with Susan? Well just like most things. IMO one of the reasons Susan stayed in an unhappy marriage had to do with her personality and possibly her religion. She was trying to work within her belief system to fix her marriage. She was doing what she thought was right according to her christian beliefs. JP did what he did cause he is not right in the head. From what we've heard he wasnt as active as Susan in the church. So religion is not the blame for his behavior, but it is a motivator for Susan. If she wasnt a Morman would she have stayed in that marriage? We will never know the answer.

As a former JW I've seen plenty of loveless marriages due to not wanting to give up their position, status, reputation, or let people down in the congregation. Of course that happens in the secular world as well, but it seems a bit more secretive and prevalent in religious communities. That is what I have a serious problem with. As a JW people married waaaay too young IMO. It was almost a given that you would get married between 20-24. I think the Mormans are like that as well. I've seen a lot of young marriages. There really isnt any dating around as a JW you found someone you like dated them and if it didnt work out then that's good, but it's not like you dated around. That was frowned upon.

The crux of the matter is that religion can help or hinder depending on the circumstance. But from what I've seen there is an intense pressure from friends, family and other members to not get divorced in certain conservative religions. You face gossip or worse, scorn. So that is how you get these women caught up in marriages where they are abused physically or emotionally or controlled like robots. You kinda get trapped in your own little bubble of religion: family and friends of the same religion and neighbors who go to church with you. Hubby and kids going to church every sunday. So you don't wanna leave your bubble and stay in a bad marriage.
I personally hope Josh stops this horrible farce right now and lets the kids have their first Christmas without their parents but with their loving grandparents/extended family
Hi, guys-I have been bouncing in and out of this thread....how well documented is his story in terms of mileage, cell phone pings? I mean if this is as well planned as it seems, he might have used a disposable cell phone, right? I wonder if the kids were drugged-I wonder if LE did any blood work on them or considered testing hair samples to see if he had done a dry run another time....

If he did this, she was well contained and he had a few days to get her to the location he dumped her and then back to the house.
I am really hoping the important forensic evidence come through tonight for an arrest.
Maybe if JP is arrested then he will tell where Susan is and all the family can give her the proper Burial rites she so deserves.
I think LE will make a deal, if he tells the truth.
If he is seeing a church member maybe they can get him to talk to help save his soul.
I'm Catholic burbqueen which I think qualifies for one of those religions that frown upon divorce. :angel: But, that has changed. We all have to live in the real world. Should you speak to a priest about any type of abuse most would urge you to seek the appropriate counseling. If that doesn't work--while I can't speak for all: my priest would say get a divorce/annulment. I wouldn't feel any scorn for it. Actually, I am divorced and have never felt less than because of it. Did I wish to leave the "bubble of my Church?" My goodness no--that's where lots of my friends are. Did HE (husband)? Yes. When abusers are exposed they tend not to wish to show their faces where people are on to them.
A couple of thoughts.

I see many people here curious about women who grow and can vegetables, etc. To me, that is a basic skill that we all should have. I'm into self-suffiency or "survivalhood" as a hobby, not as a religious factor. Doing things myself - whether it's knowing how to can foods, or cut hair, or change a tire, or whatever - I simply like to be self-sufficient. I may not always DO those things, but I like to at least know how just in case I HAVE to someday. If it's a Mormon thing, I say 'good for them' since I think the whole country would be better off if people could take care of themselves.

The other thing: I think JP has a huge target on his back. Anyone here want to speculate what event is going to take him down? He WILL go down. Will LE find enough proof to go ahead and arrest him? Or will he confess (I doubt it)? Maybe a witness of some sort will appear?
I just keep hitting refresh hoping for an update!! We need an arrest.
Susan isn't isolated from the world. She is close to her family. Close friends. Active in her church. Has a good job. She, from we've heard, isn't shy about sharing her concerns about her marriage. I don't see her as incapable of making her own decisions about anything. Maybe she enjoys gardening, baking, sewing....seems like it. I don't think there is any doubt about her being a fantastic mom. Nothing I've heard or read about her leads me to believe she would stay in an abusive relationship due to her religion. Evidently, she has her reasons for trying to save her marriage. That decision may have been a fatal one.....but, the blame, if it's true, lies with one person, only. Not the church. I'm positive that the LDS church does not condone abuse by anybody. Saying that the LDS culture is somehow intertwined in a scenario where Susan was incapable of making an informed decision about staying with Josh, or that Josh took the teachings of LDS as a green light for bad behavior is just excuse making, IMO. Until someone close to Susan confirms that she felt trapped and helpless....was forced to garden, bake, sew....was advised by the church to stay in an abusive relationship...then I'm going to believe that Susan is a strong woman who had no inkling she was in danger from her husband...if it turns out he killed her. Maybe her journal will give some insight into her reasons. I sure hope so.
I sincerely hope heer journal was a daily diary, listing what happened at home with JP.
Maybe odd behavior, her fears.
IMO, she might of known something might happen to her but she never dreamt it was to be so soon.
A journal to take to church or lawyer.
Maybe she was closer to a divorse than we know.
After the holidays she would of left and JP saw it coming!
Susan wouldn't leave during the holidays,
she would spare others the hurt over the season. IMO
One article has finally said that the threat in her journal from a year ago, was a threat by Josh. Guess we will have to wait and see for ourselves.

Powell moved from New Mexico to Puyallup with her family when she was 10. As a teenager, she was a member of the choir and active in her church.

She and her husband married in 2001, nine months after she graduated from Rogers High.

Susan Powell then studied hairstyling in Federal Way. It became a passion, her father said.

“Once I asked her about her philosophy of life,” he said. “And she replied, ‘That people should look good.’”

Susan and Josh Powell moved to Utah about five years ago where she gave up hairstyling because it didn’t pay well, relatives said.

The couple had two boys, who became Susan’s life, her friends said.

“Every time she and I talked, it was kids, kids, kids,” family friend Michael Gifford said.

Susan Powell tried different careers, searching to find what was right, Gifford said. She earned a real-estate license but eventually found her niche in finance, working for Wells Fargo.

more here

I just want to march up to Utah and tell Josh to tell Susan's family where she is!!

I know we all need to be patient, but I really just want him to spill it already! I keep praying for some sort of turning point. I know it's only a matter of time before he is arrested, so I'm curious as to who will be left standing by his side....
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