VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #12

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So did JH identify the bullets that Wes had as being the missing ones from the house? And when was the last time she seen the bullets? If it was on 3/1 then Wes was there on 3/2. Even though he said that he never went in.
I know I haven't. Maybe one day I will look. Not today.

Thank you, Zach. I had hoped Brenchen would answer that. She would know. I'm so sorry you and the girls have to endure this.
I don't think he's on probation or has anything hanging over his head. Federal charges have no parole, so he definitely served his full sentence on the bank robbery and as far as I know the kidnapping & rape charges were dismissed as part of that deal.

Im not so sure about him serving the full sentence. Many times a portion of a sentence will suspended provided that a defendant obeys all laws etc etc for a period of years. Its called time off for good behavior or early release. If they commit a serious enough crime, the remainder of a sentence can then be imposed.

Perhaps G1tana or another lawyer can chime in on this but Im pretty sure thats how it works, even for Federal cases.
Really hoping for AJ's safe return. I have been following AJ's case since she first went missing, and have been sick so am very behind here, but just wanted to ask (I'm sure its already been asked) what can we do here to help?

Flyers at truck stops, rest areas, marinas, outdoor stores, local law enforcement. regional and nationwide law enforcement. National news. Keep thinking. Thank you.
Im not sure if this has been posted previously but its very informative.

The documents mention that WH is suffering from manic-depressive disorder (bi-polar) and has ADHD and suicidal tendencies. In 1999 he tried to cut his wrists and in 2005 he tried to hang himself. He was incarcerated during both attempts.

Perhaps someone should make Norfolk PD aware of this if they arent already? Personally, I'd hate to see him get off that easily, especially if he had something to do with AJ's disappearance.

The prosecutor in this case was trying to have WH's offense level increased to a 29 which would have resulted in 188 months of incarceration. His defense successfully argued that since he had no violent acts (as proven in a court of law) that this was too harsh .

As a result his offense level was calculated at 19 and he was sentenced to a period of incarceration of 54 months.

I wonder what his newest arrest and charges will do to that classification, particularly the punching of the dog and the threats to strangle someone.

It also makes me wonder if he wont have to serve the remainder of that 54 month sentence upon conviction of these other charges.

They are aware.
How can you tell that from the inmate info? I suck at reading these things and I'm trying to get better. :)

It doesn't say. I guess we are assuming it's for that since that charge came later but it's dated for the same date. The inmate information doesn't say what it's for really. It just says a date and time 04/07/2015 08:00 We will have to wait until tomorrow to find out.
How about the Seven-11 down the street from WH's motel where AJ possibly on surveillance being added too? Just a suggestion...

I wouldn't add it because it was never a confirmed sighting at all that is was her or they never even said which 7-11 it was. That's all just speculation on our part because they said they did a search from the road where the debit card was found up to 7-11.
I am glad that I saw the classification of WH as being bi-polar.It really puts things into perspective for me.

I am married to someone who is bi-polar and I dont doubt for one second that WH is capable of harming AJ.

This is a disease that can be managed with effort and medication like my wife is doing but I would be lying to you if I told you that she hasnt scared the hell out of me a few times in the past.

In the thankfully rare times when shes been in full blown mania, looking into her eyes is like looking at a complete stranger who's eyes are cold and totally devoid of emotion. When she is like that you could tell her the sky is blue and she would swear it was red and look as as if she wants to punch you or claw your eyes out for saying otherwise. She's also told me that she hates me, has never loved me, was only using me and a host of other vile and hurtful things that I know arent true. She's taken our son out of school unexpectedly, moved out of the house without cause and taken off halfway across the country as well. I honestly think that my only protection in situations like that is that Im bigger than her....and that Im awake. I joke about it now, but not really.

Why do I put up with it? Because I know thats not her and because I fell in love with her before I knew about her disease.When she comes down out of that manic state in a few days or even a few months later shes left frightened, embarrassed, genuinely confused and angry at herself.

She's also been on daily medication now for three years and hasnt had any major episodes. Our son who is 19 knows the signs to look for and helps me help her help monitor and control this as well.

Im not one to typically put my business out there like this but it bears repeating if it helps people understand the nature of this disease and what WH is capable of.

IMO if he was using drugs, especially cocaine, and was not taking medication for his illness then it could aggravate one of these episodes and send him into a murderous rage in the blink of an eye.

Typically people with bi-polar disorder do not handle stress well and Im left wondering if WH wasnt in the middle of a manic episode when he decided/was asked to move out of the house.

Or if the stress of moving wasnt a trigger for an episode?
Sorry to be a pain...but where are these comments that WH threatened to strangle someone coming from? Can anyone provide a link, because I've never seen that anywhere. Thanks.

Yeah I didn't see any official documents on this either but I would love to read them. There have been so many news articles maybe we missed it.
I'm sorry I don't know how to reply without a quote but I wanted to add a few things here that might help us think about what has happened so far. As I was discussing this case with my husband yesterday, we came to a couple of conclusions. For one, I think that the police are keeping the family and the public in the dark because they are close to solving the case. I think that they are suspecting someone in the family, maybe even indirectly. This would make sense as to why they left the pond search. LE must have had a good reason to search that very specific area, and the reason they wouldn't put up caution tape or revisit is because they found what they were looking for. I don't believe that search was due to a cell phone provider. I think it was something way more specific. As for the neighbor who said he saw that van 1 1/2 - 2 weeks before... that could have easily been 2 1/2 weeks which would make sense if WH was driving the van and it could have been the day or two before he got arrested. Then, it would make sense that he was out there and probably planned the break in. To answer everyone's questions as to why the family is so involved in social media and raising money is because they want the attention off of them.

I believe that if JH isn't involved, she certainly knows something. It seems like everything we hear from that family is focused on something other than themselves. It seems kind of frantic at this point that they are always doing whatever they can to keep the focus off of them, which, unfortunately, means off of AJ. The most important thing I have to offer in this post comes from a comment from an ABC vid. I am copying and pasting the comment here, as well as the link to the ABC report just in case it disappears as well. In any case, if this comment is true from Joe Shmoe there is a serious problem. I do recall seeing most of this posted, but it is completely my fault that I never knew AJ's home was burglarized and that these specific things were taken. I also do not know how to find this public knowledge. I apologize if everyone know this already, but I haven't seen the details in the beginning of this post before. Please read below:

Joe Schmoe • 14 hours ago
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I am glad that I saw the classification of WH as being bi-polar.It really puts things into perspective for me.

I am married to someone who is bi-polar and I dont doubt for one second that WH is capable of harming AJ.

This is a disease that can be managed with effort and medication like my wife is doing but I would be lying to you if I told you that she hasnt scared the hell out of me a few times in past.

In the thankfully rare times when shes been in full blown mania, looking into her eyes is like looking at a complete stranger whos eyes are cold and totally devoid of emotion. When she is like that you could tell her the sky is blue and she would swear it was red and look as as if she wants to punch you or claw your eyes out for saying otherwise. She's also told me that she hates me, has never loved me, was only using me and a host of other vile and hurtful things that I know arent true. She's taken our son out of school unexpectedly, moved out of the house without cause and taken off halfway across the country as well. I honestly think that my only protection in situations like that is that Im bigger than her....and that Im awake. I joke, but not really.

Why do I put up with it? Because I know thats not her and because I fell in love with her before I knew about her disease.When she comes down out of that manic state in a few days or even a few months later shes left frightened, embarrassed, genuinely confused and angry at herself.

She's also been on daily medication now for three years and hasnt had any major episodes.

Im not one to typically put my business out there like this but it bears repeating if it helps people understand the nature of this disease and what WH is capable of.

IMO if he was using drugs, especially cocaine, and was not taking medication for his illness then it could aggravate one of these episodes and send him into a murderous rage in the blink of an eye.

Typically people with bi-polar disorder do not handle stress well and Im left wondering if WH wasnt in the middle of manic episode when he decided/was asked to move out of the house.

Or if the stress of moving wasnt a trigger for an episode?

Thank you for sharing that. I was married to someone that was bipolar that I didn't know for long when we got together. He hid that fact from me even though he was not officially diagnosed before we were together he knew he was but was hiding it. Don't think he wanted to officially admit it. I will just say I know the ups and downs of that roller coaster ride without them being medicated. When he got diagnosed, he hated the way the meds made him feel so he didn't want to take them. By the time he admitted to himself and me our relationship was beyond repair. He had locked me in a closet with him and me in it and wouldn't let me out. I had to escape and run to the neighbors house. He called the cops for me. It was horrible and frightening. Then was the affairs. I could ramble on all night about the bipolar thing...People make a lot of excuses for the bad behavior of the ones they love. It's hard to admit that without correct medication the disease can have horrible effects on a family. I can't even imagine if you throw illegal drugs in that mix.
All this BS with makes me think that the most likely scenario that has AJ actually still alive is that she was followed home by a drug dealer to whom WH owed money and snatched for ransom. If this was some kind of drug gang, they would tell WH that she dies if the police find out.

That would explain the hyperfocus on fundraising instead of searching, why the inner circle who may be involved with WH in his "unlicensed pharmaceutical" business has acted the way they have, and why WH suddenly needs ammo. It doesn't explain the feeble attempts to frame texty kid or the need to punch his dog in anger.

MOO IMO and all that.
Odd that you should mention gangs. I have been thinking that this "my brother" and "my sister" speak is the same way gang members refer to their fellow gang members. They never seem to be friends. They are always brothers and sisters. You know, it is frowned upon (to put it mildly) to leave a gang. Texty kid left for boot camp didn't he? And isn't AJ's ex bf already in jail for gang type activity? Just some thoughts I have had reading through all this.

Again, MOO
Flyers at truck stops, rest areas, marinas, outdoor stores, local law enforcement. regional and nationwide law enforcement. National news. Keep thinking. Thank you.

You heard that locals!
I can tell you from experience that if WH was rapid cycling.....its when the typical bi-polar roller coaster of emotional states from mania to depression occurs extremely fast........... nothing that he does, or did, will make any sense to anyone else....even himself ....until after he levels off.

Not excusing his actions by ANY means, just trying to provide an experienced perspective on the condition.
You heard that locals!

What's funny to me is that I feel like I have seen less of AJ's face recently. I mean, we all agree that it's weird that JH had some flyers taken down because she didn't post them, but I have been to several places that had flyers of AJ up before that are not there anymore. I also haven't seen her on the billboards. This fact is still one of the weirdest to me. Why the he** would you ever ask to take flyers down? Oh, because of the contact info, which is also part of the strangest things to me in this case. So JH wants only flyers up that have her or WH's contact info rather than police contact info. This is a gigantic red flag. The only reason I'm bringing this back up is because I am a local and I have certainly seen way less signage for AJ now than I did three weeks ago. Do businesses just stop caring after a certain time period, or is this due to all the lies and the taking down of signs that aren't from JH? So confused about this.
MOO IMO and all that.
Odd that you should mention gangs. I have been thinking that this "my brother" and "my sister" speak is the same way gang members refer to their fellow gang members. They never seem to be friends. They are always brothers and sisters. You know, it is frowned upon (to put it mildly) to leave a gang. Texty kid left for boot camp didn't he? And isn't AJ's ex bf already in jail for gang type activity? Just some thoughts I have had reading through all this.

Again, MOO

Also, I was thinking she could still be alive if in an awful situations, i.e. someone is holding her and possibly torturing her etc. I apologize for saying this, but there is no other likely scenario. Either 1. she was killed by family; 2. she disappeared on her own will (which everyone who "knows" her believes is unlikely) or; 3. she is being held hostage. There is nothing else. And... unfortunately, all of the signs point towards an inside job which includes all of the adult family members. ESPECIALLY since the police went to IOW and specifically asked about a certain vehicle. Seems to me they have their eye on WH and co.
I'm sorry I don't know how to reply without a quote but I wanted to add a few things here that might help us think about what has happened so far. As I was discussing this case with my husband yesterday, we came to a couple of conclusions. For one, I think that the police are keeping the family and the public in the dark because they are close to solving the case. I think that they are suspecting someone in the family, maybe even indirectly. This would make sense as to why they left the pond search. LE must have had a good reason to search that very specific area, and the reason they wouldn't put up caution tape or revisit is because they found what they were looking for. I don't believe that search was due to a cell phone provider. I think it was something way more specific. As for the neighbor who said he saw that van 1 1/2 - 2 weeks before... that could have easily been 2 1/2 weeks which would make sense if WH was driving the van and it could have been the day or two before he got arrested. Then, it would make sense that he was out there and probably planned the break in. To answer everyone's questions as to why the family is so involved in social media and raising money is because they want the attention off of them.

I believe that if JH isn't involved, she certainly knows something. It seems like everything we hear from that family is focused on something other than themselves. It seems kind of frantic at this point that they are always doing whatever they can to keep the focus off of them, which, unfortunately, means off of AJ. The most important thing I have to offer in this post comes from a comment from an ABC vid. I am copying and pasting the comment here, as well as the link to the ABC report just in case it disappears as well. In any case, if this comment is true from Joe Shmoe there is a serious problem. I do recall seeing most of this posted, but it is completely my fault that I never knew AJ's home was burglarized and that these specific things were taken. I also do not know how to find this public knowledge. I apologize if everyone know this already, but I haven't seen the details in the beginning of this post before. Please read below:

Joe Schmoe • 14 hours ago

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Good post! But just to clear up a few inaccuracies:

The comment from Joe Schmoe is a result of certain people reading here while we were going over the REDACTED missing person report that Raysgirl got for us, and running off half cocked and spreading bs. We NEVER said anything about the home being burglarized. Our assumption was merely that the redacted part of the missing person report was a list of items that JH noticed were missing at the same time AJ was missing. This would include the clothing AJ was wearing, the jewelry she was wearing, cell phone, etc. Much of the redacted sections were unreadable. One of the things we could clearly read was the 9 mm luger ammo. No gun was listed as missing, as far as we were able to see. In fact, if we decyphered the UCR codes correctly, a gun was NOT listed. But to stress this point one EVER said the home was burglarized. To the best of our knowledge, nothing was stolen. The missing persons report certainly doesn't say that it was.

AJ's debit card? We do not know that it was stolen. All we know is that it was cut up and tossed out on Halprin drive.

The clothes found on S Battlefield? We can not confirm that they were AJ's. The only person who implied that they were was WH, and he is NOT a reliable source for anything, imo.
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