VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #16

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Playing catch up after work today....
I think she was darned if she did, darned if she didn't where WH is concerned, BUT the implication that all of the children are Hadsells and naming all family w/o aunt specifically is very telling.

I agree on all counts.

Given the sheer amount of negatives associated with WH, both now and in his past, I feel you would have to be a complete and utter moron not to suspect or at least doubt him at this point.

At the VERY least he is an admitted drug user and career criminal who has impeded this investigation.

If youre willing to entertain the remote chance that he might be innocent, you have to ask yourself did he even stop to consider that his actions could allow whoever harmed A.J to walk?

A defense attorney would have a field day with evidence planted by a distraught and unstable parent.

As a parent,that alone would have stopped me from interfering in an matter how angry or helpless I felt.
True, but someone with no attachment to AJ wouldn't have felt the need to hide her body. Could have just left her in the house, if it was a stranger that broke in and found her. Plus we have nothing saying there was a breakin or forced entry.

Well in Hannah and Morgan's cases, the bodies were far from abduction site and in a similar sort of place as AJ.
AJ Hadsell's biological father: 'I just regret not being part of her life'

Here is the link from the WTKR report this evening. AJ's biological father speaks briefly.
I've wondered this too.

He might not think he has much to lose. And....keeping someone else from prison might just be something he would do for someone he loves.

Maybe not, but it is the only scenario that makes sense besides what seems more obvious to me, anyway.
Well in Hannah and Morgan's cases, the bodies were far from abduction site and in a similar sort of place as AJ.

True, but both of these girls were taken from the street and placed in cars. AJ was last seen in her home. So a home invasion/kidnapping seems like it would be different than a kidnapping on the street. Hannah basically climbed into the monsters taxi cab, IIRC. :cry:
With all due respect, there is nothing thus far to indicate they distorted or withheld any information about anything you mentioned above to law enforcement.

This family was enduring one of the most stressful events imaginable. They were damned by the missing person enthusiast community no matter what they did. That's a terrible shame. I expect LE to advise the families & friends of missing persons to remove all social media and refuse all media requests in the not-too-distant future. I would personally recommend that now. Very little good comes from the overwhelming majority of sleuthing and amateur investigative efforts.

ETA: Note how very little information was released by Norfolk PD. More & more frequently, you will find that this will be the case.

It's a sad truth about society today: we all want to be (and feel we have some right to be) voyeurs of others' lives. The more they give us, the more we demand, all in the name of "justice for" whomever. All too frequently, we end up casting stones at these imperfect victim/survivors, perhaps as a subconscious way of reassuring ourselves that a crime like this could never happen to someone we care about, or maybe it's an excuse for our rush to uninformed judgments without all of the facts of a case.

Yes, it is interesting to discuss these cases.
Yes, we are all entitled to form opinions and express them.
Yes, we have more information sooner, but often much of it is extraneous and irrelevant.


I don't know if I agree with all that you've said, but I want t thank you for saying it and giving us something to think about. For all that WS has rules, is set up thoughtfully, etc., it's awfully easy or things to get out of hand.
Hinktastic=== True that his hinky behavior could just be that he is a hinky guy in general.

Timelines= ==Coke does not usually make you forget stuff, it makes you hyper aware of stuff, imo. I do not believe he 'forgot' when he last saw AJ. JMO

B&E====== I agree that he would go rogue if he was trying to find his girl. But it seemed more like he was framing someone than he was looking to find AJ, imo.

I didn't mean to say the coke made him forget anything, but just that whatever activities he was involved in during the day he may have forgotten when/where/who was there, etc.

But like I said, I don't think this actually is the way anything went down, but until LE releases anything new, or the ME releases whatever info they're going to, I think it's **possible** things could have happened a bit differently than what we're all assuming.
AJ Hadsell's biological father: 'I just regret not being part of her life'

Here is the link from the WTKR report this evening. AJ's biological father speaks briefly.

Thanks for that .

In regards to the petition, that at least is more aboveboard than the money grab.

Now if the author could just learn how to spell, they might be taken a little more seriously.
Lurker here that has followed AJ's thread from the beginning :) I just want to thank everyone for being relentless for AJ (AND for Zach) because AJ needs a voice and deserves justice! The majority of sleuthers here were on the right track (unfortunately) from the beginning with AJ not being a runaway. I'm on board with the majority regarding person most likely responsible based on facts presented thus far.

In regards to COD, would her body be released to family for the funeral if COD had yet to be determined? I'm not an eloquent speaker/writer and I'm typing from my iphone so my apologies in advance. :)

By the way, I do have a chihuahua but she doesn't wear a tutu. She has one but refuses to wear it :)
Yes, that is the strangest thing to me, the cutting of a credit card left like crumbs to be found.
Lets talk about the reasons the cut credit card 1) would have been cut up and 2) was found near AJ's house during a search.

BBM THIS is very important I think.

Why was it important for the card to be cut up and not just tossed?

My opinion is that it was to prevent the card from being used.

Now. Who and why would want to ensure the card was not used?

The person who was responsible for it.

WH is not the only person IMO who has a negative and/or prior past. He may be the only one directly involved that has a past *criminal* history; however, he is not the only one IMO that obviously has issues. And, I am of the strong opinion, regardless of who was/is in AJ's immediate circle/group, that ALL need to be questioned and considered for their possible role in what lead to AJ's demise.
There is at least one more person in the circle with a prior *criminal* history, too, and in fact, flaunts it publicly and exploits it.
Yes, that is the strangest thing to me, the cutting of a credit card left like crumbs to be found.
Lets talk about the reasons the cut credit card 1) would have been cut up and 2) was found near AJ's house during a search.
Whose house was it found near (nearer than AJ's)?
It's actually crossed my mind as well only because he seems like such a fabulously likable guy that... he could have completely ticked someone off and they paid him back with hurting AJ and setting him up. I know it sounds rather far-fetched but stuff like that does happen.

I was thinking this too. Cuban Mafia maybe.
I know something about what you are referencing here. My own daughter, Suzanna, has been missing for over a year and a half. In terms of the cycle recycling, it is quite ongoing. The two missing cases I have followed here are this one and the Christina Morris case. I have focused more on the Christina Morris case because I live in Texas and my daughter went missing in Dallas. I have sometimes wondered if there could possibly be a connection because my daughter went missing around Labor Day, the year before Christina Morris did, and they were both very active in the club scene. AJ's disappearance and this sad outcome are fairly recent. Christina's mother is named Jonni, and I have seen her on television many times.

What is clear to me is that how long a child is missing makes a difference. Having a missing child is extremely exhausting (especially emotionally) and the longer it goes on, the more exhausting it is. Intially, when my daughter went missing, I did not realize that she was really missing. The man she had been living with was very duplicitous with me. Eventually however, what became my dominant emotion was sheer terror. Even if I could contain it during much of the day, it would come back at me at night in my dreams. Some mornings, immediately when I awakened, upon remembering she was dead, the crying jags would start. Sometimes they went on much of the day as I could get no help from the police, who did not take me seriously at all. My daughter is/was not a conventional person and she does/did not fit into their conventional criteria of caring. I never felt more like a non-person than when I tried to get the police to care about her.

I really do not think you can get over much of the pain of having someone go missing, even when that person is found. One of my friends lost her daughter to murder and it changed her utterly. She had to check herself into a mental hospital to keep from killing herself.

In these threads, I see people who judge the way that people grieve, and who go back and second guess the things that people should or should not have done who has a child missing. I have such empathy for AJ's family. We are all human; we all err; and there is no one right way to feel or act when you have a missing child. Even if there were an exact formula, I doubt that most people would be able to easily follow it. The shock, the confusion, and the uncertainty are too overwhelming.

When I was a victim advocate, I began to understand that some of the things that we said were like little bandaids on a gaping wound. "It is not your fault." (But people want to believe that all the right choices can be made in advance!) "You are safe now" or "it is over." (Not with this crime.) This crime is different. Every single parental misstep, no matter how minor it may seem to those would comfort you, comes back and haunts you. There is never just one closure to seek. It goes on and on.

We like to think everything can be healed. When we are children, our parents say: "Let me kiss that hurt and make it better." When we grow up, we realize that the real human tragedies are not at all like skinned knees.

So, I don't think it is that the cycles of grief don't apply, but just that they cannot really get started and completed. That would mean that closure (a body found or a child found alive) would start them. It ought to. But the reverberations of that time of terror go on and on. Who did this? How did they do it? Why did they do it? The trial and the utter loss of innocence if the guilty party was someone trusted. Alternatively, should the child be found alive? Why did you do this? Why couldn't you call me? How can I help you now?

I am very sorry for this family and I am especially sorry that the person responsible seems to have been someone that they all knew and that many of them may still want to trust and believe.

I just wanted to give you a virtual hug. :hug:
BBM THIS is very important I think.

Why was it important for the card to be cut up and not just tossed?

My opinion is that it was to prevent the card from being used.

Now. Who and why would want to ensure the card was not used?

The person who was responsible for it.


If memory serves me correctly it was NOT a credit card. Based on the available photos we have of the card, it appears to be a Wells Fargo debit card.

I carry one of these myself and its a perfect match to the card shown in the photo IMO. These carry a Visa logo on them as well, so I can understand the confusion.
Lurker here that has followed AJ's thread from the beginning :) I just want to thank everyone for being relentless for AJ (AND for Zach) because AJ needs a voice and deserves justice! The majority of sleuthers here were on the right track (unfortunately) from the beginning with AJ not being a runaway. I'm on board with the majority regarding person most likely responsible based on facts presented thus far.

In regards to COD, would her body be released to family for the funeral if COD had yet to be determined? I'm not an eloquent speaker/writer and I'm typing from my iphone so my apologies in advance. :)

By the way, I do have a chihuahua but she doesn't wear a tutu. She has one but refuses to wear it :)

The body is evidence and would not be released until fully examend
BBM THIS is very important I think.

Why was it important for the card to be cut up and not just tossed?

My opinion is that it was to prevent the card from being used.

Now. Who and why would want to ensure the card was not used?

The person who was responsible for it.


I don't think the card or stuff found along the road has any signicant meaning other then someone(s) trying to disrupt an investigation. Most people that commit crimes like this in my opinion , would have just tossed this stuff in a dumpster.
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