VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #1

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In terms of the smell, it's well known (and we have all experienced this) that the brain is configured to ignore persistent smells after several minutes. We've all had a co-worker who wore too much perfume, to the point that it seemed all but intolerable. The person wearing it ceases to notice it after a while. Presumably Sam was living among this awful smell for days, and his clothes were likely stinky due to his wearing them for days and the fact that the clothes themselves were likely stained with blood and other detrius. By the time he was interacting with people at the lunch counter and the taxi driver, he was presumably in shock and probably not even aware he smelled so bad.
In terms of the smell, it's well known (and we have all experienced this) that the brain is configured to ignore persistent smells after several minutes. We've all had a co-worker who wore too much perfume, to the point that it seemed all but intolerable. The person wearing it ceases to notice it after a while. Presumably Sam was living among this awful smell for days, and his clothes were likely stinky due to his wearing them for days and the fact that the clothes themselves were likely stained with blood and other detrius. By the time he was interacting with people at the lunch counter and the taxi driver, he was presumably in shock and probably not even aware he smelled so bad.

Yes. That kind of thing will work up well into his insanity plea....
I find this odd I wonder why wells was upset??

Alex Peak tells us the last time he spoke with Wells was Monday, September 14. He tells us he's not doing well.

"I talked to her friend and she was like, ‘alex, something terrible happened.' and I was like 'what?' And she told me what happened and I did not believe it, I really didn't. I had to like call her and hear her and she was crying. It was terrible."

The way I read that is Melanie Well's friend was upset. She was upset that Wells had been murdered.
I feel that Sam not cooperating with police anymore suggests that they will not be going the insanity route. I also remember reading somewhere that Sam's lawyer claimed that the "Jesus told me to do it" statement was sarcasm... just as Sam's sister previously said.
I feel that Sam not cooperating with police anymore suggests that they will not be going the insanity route. I also remember reading somewhere that Sam's lawyer claimed that the "Jesus told me to do it" statement was sarcasm... just as Sam's sister previously said.

Not like it matters they know he did it, they have the proof why worry to question him if he's not going to talk? I say put him to sleep he killed 4 people and is heartless, what a psycho sam he really is.. and what he said about Jesus and how he LAUGHED on that tape on the news after saying that shows he is some sick mental freak that should not live.
Successful insanity pleas are as rare as hen's teeth in real life. It happens, but VERY seldom. His actions in this case, including his representations to the police, tow driver, etc., as well as his attempt to leave the state by plane, are, in my view, inconsistent with the proposition that he did not understand the nature or wrongfulness of his actions, which is what he will need to show to assert an insanity defense.
I would say he had to have cleaned up and washed his clothes after the fact, there clear video of his arrest, he did not appear to be caked in blood.
I believe this:

Scott said he asked McCroskey why he looked so tired, and McCroskey said he had been awake for days. Scott asked him why, but McCroskey shrugged his shoulders and kept eating.

Meth? The Castro Valley is full of it. (As I guess a lot more places are anymore.) Maybe some other lesser form of speed, as one person at the cafe said he was drinking a large "energy drink." So, caffeine, maybe pills, like "diet pills." I'm sure he was on something most of the time: alcohol, any drugs he could get.
IMO, it looks like they wanted to get him out of their home and were trying to do that as civilly as possibly, perhaps the fact that the young man was alone and far from home appealed to their sympathies and they didn't want to toss him out on the street. We have no idea if they regretted allowing him to visit but it's certainly possible that they did and wanted to send him on his way with the least amount of drama.

Anythings possible. I think there will be a more "traditional" motive found by police for as to why this young man did this. Something to do with his girlfriend most likely or with the parents as you say. I dont really think the music is to be blamed, however it doesnt help. 99% of people into this music dont do anything like this, but there will always be that 1% that takes it more seriously than it really should be. He could have just been overcame with an urge to kill. It happens, there are psychos who just like to hurt people.

And as for the way he smelled, he probably didnt even realize he smelled that bad because of being used to it. One thing is if police did enter the house to check the basement Thursday night as I have read I wonder why they didnt smell any decomposition?
I just finished reading a blog on SF Weekly about this incident and I found this comment compelling - what do you guys think? This is from this link.

Anonymous says:

September 23, 2009

This is America, a nation still reeling from religiously motivated terrorism.

A nation under attack by Militant Islam and its adherents who want to kill American Christians; to chop off heads and butcher people in the name of their religion.

The terrorists and suicide bombers we read about in the papers and watch on the news are trained in specific ways. They are indoctrinated with hate for the West. They are taught that "infidels" are worthy of death and worse. They are convinced that they are god's chosen people and that they are carrying out His will.

They intimidate us with videotaped beheadings. They chant their religious prayers as they kill our people. They wear masks, brandish blades and guns, and make it clear that they are reveling in the powerful feelings their barbaric rites give them.

Yet, their extremist snuff films are not considered "art" nor would their bloody video manifestos be protected in America under the guise of "free speech." None of this should surprise any of you because you know the reality of what such extremists are capable of.

But here are my questions to you:

a) Would you BUY their Terrorist Propaganda videos?

b) Would you learn to chant their death-cult prayers, and perhaps put posters of the killers on your bedroom walls?

c) Would you approve of their messages if it involved the rape, murder, and torture of American Christians?

Of course my questions are rhetorical. The answer is YES to all of the above. You certainly do already. The "Horror Core" genre of music, specifically from Serial Killin Records is exactly the same thing. It's not protected speech. It's not art. It goes way beyond that.


It's not just shock-rock anymore. That line was crossed a long time ago. How much more killing is it going to take before America realizes that the rap/hip-hop culture is a homicidal culture?

These so-called artists are terrorists in our own back yards, starting to creep out of their dirt holes and basements into places like Oakland, Richmond, and San Francisco. They are coming to the burbs like San Jose, Walnut Creek, Petaluma, San Rafael, etc. Places that were traditionally safe will no longer be safe due to this urban terrorist invasion.


The murderer Sam McCroskey is not a lone nut killer. He killed a priest, a professor, and two teenage girls for his cult-gang known as Serial Killin Records. They dubbed him their "Unholy Apostle" for a reason. He was following orders, taken right out of SKR's teachings, their "Doctrines of the Damned."

Serial Killin Records ownder Andreas Shrim, aka "Sicktanic", taught Sam McCroskey how to serve the gang. Internet videos show the drug use, the alcohol, and the gang indoctrination. It's obvious that they are all in on the killings. Just look at these Horror Core musicians, with their gang tattoos, their drug use, and their self-mutilation. Examine their portrayals of violence against clergy and women. Their bold, murderous statements are open declarations of intent to kill those they see as "infidels".


The rappers on Serial Killin Records are ZEALOTS.

They are avowed Satanists. It is most definitely NOT just a matter of shock-art or stage antics.

They openly endorse the practice of Satanic Rituals right out of the Satanic Bible.

Andreas Shrim taught Sam McCrosky to be like the "Son of Sam" Dave Berkowitz, which is how McCroskey got his stage name "Syko Sam." Incidentally, Sicktanic dubbed McCroskey the "Lil Demon Dog" as a further reference to Dave Berkowitz who took orders from a "demon dog" named "Sam."

In a music video entitled "In Tha Name Of," the rappers behead Christians. The video is shot in a room designed to resemble the apartment of David Berkowitz.

Get the idea?

This rap label put McCroskey up to the killings. They bragged about it in advance with their lyrics, imagery, and personal statements. The evidence bears this out and as long as you pour your money and your lives into this twisted, anti-Christian hate-speech, you are sponsoring terrorists.



-- An Outraged Citizen
Wow. Interesting find, Majik. Thanks for bringing it here.

My reaction to this take on the situation is that I don't think the other people involved with Sam in horrorcore had any idea he would act it all out. In that, they are all very naive. Of course it could happen, given the message they give out relentlessly to their young, impressionable followers.

I imagine that if most of these people cited in the article ever saw a real body of a person treated as they sing about in their lyrics, they would throw up, cry, and shut up about it after that. If Sam had killed 4 random victims instead of people they knew and loved, they would still be horrified by this outcome.

I think that they're into the parody, not the reality.

What they should do right now, imo, is sit up and take notice of what direction their little hobby can take. Take the clues they are given, as it were. Take responsibility for the message they present to the world. I hope and even believe that many of them will after this. It will hopefully be a life-defining/directing experience for the people in Sam's world.
I frankly think "A Concerned Citizen," who posted that comment on SF Weekly, suffers from his own brand of religious paranoia and pieced together a nonsensical theory from the goofy blog post quoted earlier in this thread, which claimed that these killings were a Satanic conspiracy perpetrated by SKR. I find these posts interesting only in terms of what they reveal about the poster, who plainly has no inside knowledge about this subculture. Satanism is certainly nothing new and I don't believe there is any significant link between the practice of Satanism and Islamic terrorism, nor do I believe there is any broader "war on Christianity."

For what it's worth I do find it unsettling that "SickTanicK" is apparently quite experienced in Satanic and other black-magic ritualism, but even if I believed that these rituals could have magical consequences (I don't), I still wouldn't be convinced that they had anything to do with what actually happened in that house.
LadyL or anyone else, did you happen to get a screengrab of the blog on sam's page with the comment. I believe you were the one that mentioned it first.
I frankly think "A Concerned Citizen," who posted that comment on SF Weekly, suffers from his own brand of religious paranoia and pieced together a nonsensical theory from the goofy blog post quoted earlier in this thread, which claimed that these killings were a Satanic conspiracy perpetrated by SKR. I find these posts interesting only in terms of what they reveal about the poster, who plainly has no inside knowledge about this subculture. Satanism is certainly nothing new and I don't believe there is any significant link between the practice of Satanism and Islamic terrorism, nor do I believe there is any broader "war on Christianity."

For what it's worth I do find it unsettling that "SickTanicK" is apparently quite experienced in Satanic and other black-magic ritualism, but even if I believed that these rituals could have magical consequences (I don't), I still wouldn't be convinced that they had anything to do with what actually happened in that house.

Whether those rituals have "magical consequences" is not so much at issue here, rather was there some plan put in place to murder people. If there was no deliberate plan, was the killer encouraged in some way to do this? I hope the police will take the time to look into the possibility of a conspiracy. I'm not saying there is one, only that LE should cover all the bases in their investigation into these gruesome murders.
If there is any evidence pointing to a wider involvement here, it should be pursued.

This "SickTanic" character was bending over backwards to help LE, it seems, after the fact. The public relations out of the horrorcore camp right now is that the suspect was basically deranged and a "lone wolf", that there was no way anyone else would ever advocate the least bit of violence against anybody, that the activities of these people are harmless, etc.
Classic CYA tactics, if you ask me.

If one were to believe Mr. Calcagno who says he participated in the Satanic video, these people seem demented and obsessed with ritual violence.
This "SickTanic's" blog is shocking, and even a cursory reading of it portrays a very disturbed and possibly dangerous individual.

I think talk of much wider "conspiracies" beyond the immediate group of associates is pure speculation.
LE should focus on the suspect's circle of friends and associates to discern if anyone else was possibly involved. He moved in a world with some pretty nasty people, and it would be probative to look into his entire history with these individuals.
I have to agree with this comment:

"You just don't expect someone like that to come in and sit here like a normal person and have a conversation. You would think he'd be hiding in a corner somewhere. And then to tell my son he was headed to the airport. Doesn't that strike you as funny? Maybe he wanted to get caught.,0,277538.story

I am struggling to understand this guy. He calls the police to investigate a noise in the basement. Most people here say that was a lame excuse for an alibi.

Others say that he was trying to run away. But if he were creating an alibi and running, why woud he tell everyone (police, tow truck driver, restaurant workers) where he is going?? Why does he tell the taxi driver that he fought with his girlfriend over a text message? Where is the attempt at an alibi? The guy had FOUR encounters with police within a 12 hour period after the murders and was as cool as ice. No one noticed anything, except for a foul oder.

Frankly, I do not believe he called the police to create an alibi. It does not fit with anything else. But it is hard to get inside this guys mind. Maybe if a single policeman had come and he had the opportunity, he would have killed him too and taken his gun.......
I don't get the feeling there is too much to understand about this guy really. Sounds like another case of a less than stellar upbringing coupled with lack of self esteem.

This is, imo, whats starts most teenagers and young adult seeking something to fill the hole left by lack of guidance. Just like gangs, satanic crap, gives him a purpose or home, and he finds "family" in the other lost souls all spewing the same garbage.

Somewhere I read his folks split amicably in June and that his sister said he was listening to horrorcore from the age of ten. What kind of family is that?!

In another universe, he could have gone to college with the encouragement of his parents and been on the road to being somebody. But most importantly he could have been given the support to realize that horrorcore and phoney satanism is just a bunch of crap that people glom onto because they don't have self esteem and a purpose to their lives. True lost souls.

As for inconsistancies in his actions, he's a can short of a sixpack. He knows his life is screwed and isn't too concerned about what happens next. He wants to feel like a "bad boy". He thinks these actions show how tough he is. So tough he doesn't have to care about what happens next cause he controls everything anyway. I'm going to go out on a limb with psychobabble but......I really think the little boy inside will find some twisted comfort in the structured routine of the prison system. Finally he will have some desperately needed guidance and purpose...albeit enforced.
I don't get the feeling there is too much to understand about this guy really. Sounds like another case of a less than stellar upbringing coupled with lack of self esteem.

This is, imo, whats starts most teenagers and young adult seeking something to fill the hole left by lack of guidance. Just like gangs, satanic crap, gives him a purpose or home, and he finds "family" in the other lost souls all spewing the same garbage.

Somewhere I read his folks split amicably in June and that his sister said he was listening to horrorcore from the age of ten. What kind of family is that?!

In another universe, he could have gone to college with the encouragement of his parents and been on the road to being somebody. But most importantly he could have been given the support to realize that horrorcore and phoney satanism is just a bunch of crap that people glom onto because they don't have self esteem and a purpose to their lives. True lost souls.

As for inconsistancies in his actions, he's a can short of a sixpack. He knows his life is screwed and isn't too concerned about what happens next. He wants to feel like a "bad boy". He thinks these actions show how tough he is. So tough he doesn't have to care about what happens next cause he controls everything anyway. I'm going to go out on a limb with psychobabble but......I really think the little boy inside will find some twisted comfort in the structured routine of the prison system. Finally he will have some desperately needed guidance and purpose...albeit enforced.

Bravo! Love your post and agree. He will first, however, find out in prison how tough he really isn't.
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