VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #6

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has this been shown too? a copy of sam's myspace page from June 1, 2008?

here is a copy of what he says about himself:

My name is Sam, I'm currently 19 years old. I'm probably one of the most weirdest and random people you will ever meet. I do consider myself a very nice and friendly person but I can be a huge if you get on my bad side. On my spare time I work as a freelance graphic/web designer, I enjoy it alot and hope someday I can make a living off of it. I'm honored to say that I have worked with some of the top artists in the underground. When I was younger I used to hate music, It annoyed me more then anything in the world until I was forced to listen to a copy of The Great Milenko in 1998. Music is now a big part of my life, I only really listen to underground musicians, I cant stand about 99% of the mainstream artists. I used to be a professional gamer when I was younger, I'm still a gamer till this day but I'm not into it as much as I used to be. I can be a huge nerd time to time, but not your ordinary nerd. I love sports, I played football for my high school team and loved it alot until I was expelled.

If you want to know more about the world famous sam, IM me and ask, otherwise I'm to lazy to write more about myself ;)

Aim SN: LiLdEmOnDoG

notice that he says he was expelled from High School.... wonder why? has this been mentioned here?

It is no coincidence that both the murderer and the primary victim (Emma) in this case had "difficulty" in school and were home schooled. This is one of the things that brought them together.

As far as being expelled, there are pretty much only two ways to get expelled from an American high school as far as I know:

1. violence and 2. drug possession.

Of course he also claims to have been on the high school football team there, but I imagine he doesn't mean the varsity team...
going back to the timeline of the crimes,etc....,0,6154563.story

Friday, September 18th between 8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. – Shrim (rapper) calls police and tells them that a friend of McCroskey from California said he got a call from McCroskey on Thursday, September 16th in the afternoon saying he had killed one or more people. McCroskey's friend says McCroskey was "upset" on the phone. Farmville police identify McCroskey as their suspect.
Saturday, September 19 1 a.m.: Farmville police e-mail McCroskey's photo to the airport.

Saturday Sept. 19, 4:30 a.m.: A Prince Edward County sheriff's deputy tickets McCroskey for driving without a license after he gets a 2000 Honda stuck in a ditch. Tow-truck driver, Alton Napier, takes McCroskey to a nearby Sheetz convenience store. Napier says McCroskey had a strong odor. He tells the Napier the car he wrecked belong to his girlfriend's father (Mark Niederbrock). Napier also notices bruises around McCroskey's neck. Napier leaves McCroskey off at the Sheetz, and he himself goes in to get a cup of coffee. When he comes out, he notices McCroskey speaking to a deputy.

Saturday, Sept. 19, 6 a.m.: McCroskey is seen at the Huddle House restaurant in Farmville.

Saturday, Sept. 19, 8:20 a.m.: McCroskey is picked up by Curtis Gibson of Access Taxi in Charlottesville for a ride to the Richmond airport. Gibson says they talk about Emma Niederbrock, horrorcore music, and the festival in Michigan. Gibson gets pulled over for speeding, and McCroskey smokes a cigarette during the brief stop. Gibson later recalls that McCroskey seemed normal, except for an unexplained odor.

Saturday, Sept. 19, 11:30 a.m. – McCroskey is arrested at Richmond International Airport.

the bolded times i put there,,,,because when the police emailed a pic of sam to the airport on sept. 19 @ 1 am------then has brush with the law when he crashed the car later on @ 4:30 am..... Why did not the police notify all their enforcements as well,,,,when that email went to the airport? ... You would think that they also would have sent out an all-bulletin to their force and neighboring towns/counties of this suspect then too? I find this as another 'wierdness' to go unnoticed with this crime again by LE. wierd for the cops to come knocking at their first welfare check @ midnite to come back 58 minutes later again to answer to the 'noise' call. and not question more so.... why is he in the house? where is the mom? sam mentioned the girls went to a movie, did this include the mom as a girl too? so many weird occasions occured that was just right there,,, waiting to be exposed and he never got exposed till he ended at the airport. Not even the cab drivers received an email about Sam at the same time as what was sent to the airport.

if this has already been discussed, please forgive me for posting it again. i have lost track of where this case is or has been discussed thus far...

Well this is one of the reasons they want a centralized LE database which I am against because of possibilities for abuse. Obviously Shrim contacted City of Farmville police and THEY contacted airport and Sam was later pulled over by county sheriff who probably had not been contacted yet at that point. Oftentimes the two depts do not communicate with eachother for whatever reason.
It is no coincidence that both the murderer and the primary victim (Emma) in this case had "difficulty" in school and were home schooled. This is one of the things that brought them together.

As far as being expelled, there are pretty much only two ways to get expelled from an American high school as far as I know:

1. violence and 2. drug possession.

Of course he also claims to have been on the high school football team there, but I imagine he doesn't mean the varsity team...

There are a few other ways that I'm aware of.

Excessive truancy: A friend of mine was almost expelled in high school for skipping all the time. It kind of seemed like giving him what he wanted to me.

Possessing a weapon on school property can get you kicked out.

After Columbine there were a few things that could get you expelled that I could see Sam doing. I was in high school when that shooting happened, I don't know if things had relaxed some by the time Sam got there.

Where I lived most people ended up at an "alternative" school. I don't know how old Sam was when he was expelled or if that option was available where he lived.
Well this is one of the reasons they want a centralized LE database which I am against because of possibilities for abuse. Obviously Shrim contacted City of Farmville police and THEY contacted airport and Sam was later pulled over by county sheriff who probably had not been contacted yet at that point. Oftentimes the two depts do not communicate with eachother for whatever reason.

Possibly true, althought they obviously communicated with other departments, but even if true the welfare check and the noise report were both handled by the Farmville PD.

They didn't notice that they were going back to the same location 58 minutes later? Seems unlikely.
Possibly true, althought they obviously communicated with other departments, but even if true the welfare check and the noise report were both handled by the Farmville PD.

They didn't notice that they were going back to the same location 58 minutes later? Seems unlikely.

Yes, that is mind boggling indeed.
Here is an interesting bit of information that I came up with on my own and have never seen anyone discuss.

The Patriot Act was obviously a very controversial bill and in the weeks leading up to the final Senate vote on it, it didnt look like it was going to pass as Tom Daschele and Leahy were leading the charge for a NAY vote on it.

Exactly one week BEFORE the final Senate vote we had the ANTHRAX ATTACKS remember those? That happened one week before the final Senate vote on the Patriot Act and the two anthrax letters were sent to whom? Daschele and Leahy, who just happened to be the two Senators who were speaking out most loudly against the bill. They both got sent anthrax letters supposedly from Muslim extremists (so they said at the time) and they both then ended up voting IN FAVOR of the bill.

Thats just a little too much for me.

I am suspicious of many of these things as well. I have a weird gut feeling that the attempted terrorist attack on that plane a few days ago was set up by "they," if you will, as yet another scare tactic to keep the people in check. Thus the Orwellian-style of government marches on.

Or maybe it was real. . .I can see why many people have dropped off here! They think we are a bunch of conspiracy nuts. Maybe we are! But it never hurts to ask questions and be aware of things.
I am suspicious of many of these things as well. I have a weird gut feeling that the attempted terrorist attack on that plane a few days ago was set up by "they," if you will, as yet another scare tactic to keep the people in check. Thus the Orwellian-style of government marches on.

Or maybe it was real. . .I can see why many people have dropped off here! They think we are a bunch of conspiracy nuts. Maybe we are! But it never hurts to ask questions and be aware of things.

Yeah you're right. It must have been THEM. No way it could be part of a "radical" group that sees its religion as being under attack by the "West," particularly that part of the "West" that puts hundreds of thousands of troops in countries where a majority of the population are their co-religionists. Millions of deaths in those places are just a small side effect of those occupations and couldn't have anything to do with a few bad apples acting out. Clearly THEM at work.
Yeah you're right. It must have been THEM. No way it could be part of a "radical" group that sees its religion as being under attack by the "West," particularly that part of the "West" that puts hundreds of thousands of troops in countries where a majority of the population are their co-religionists. Millions of deaths in those places are just a small side effect of those occupations and couldn't have anything to do with a few bad apples acting out. Clearly THEM at work.

You are missing the point. The most important characteristic of a viable conspiracy theory is that it can not ever be falsified. Falsified theories get rejected and therefore don't propagate. In contrast, successful conspiracy theories don't allow any reasonable test that can show the theory to be false. By successful I mean specifically that these stories propagate, are repeated, and become part of the consensual reality of an identifiable group of people, i.e. 9/11 truthers. The best theories make no specific predictions and avoid any association with verifiable events in the future.

See also
I am suspicious of many of these things as well. I have a weird gut feeling that the attempted terrorist attack on that plane a few days ago was set up by "they," if you will, as yet another scare tactic to keep the people in check. Thus the Orwellian-style of government marches on.

Or maybe it was real. . .I can see why many people have dropped off here! They think we are a bunch of conspiracy nuts. Maybe we are! But it never hurts to ask questions and be aware of things.

Yes they need to keep people fearful and remind us that the boogyman is under the bed so that we wont revolt as they continue to pass draconian police state legislation and crack down more and more on our freedom and civil liberties. I wouldnt be surprised if that was a set up also, the CIA trains these guys and they go and do what they are told.
Yeah you're right. It must have been THEM. No way it could be part of a "radical" group that sees its religion as being under attack by the "West," particularly that part of the "West" that puts hundreds of thousands of troops in countries where a majority of the population are their co-religionists. Millions of deaths in those places are just a small side effect of those occupations and couldn't have anything to do with a few bad apples acting out. Clearly THEM at work.

It could be Muslims but if it is then it is our own fault for our blind support of Israel and turning a blind eye to their crimes against the Muslim world, which are many. I am Jewish and even I can admit that.

However, it is also possible our government benefits from keeping us scared and frightened.

In any case 9-11 had NOTHING to do with IRAQ and everything to do with Saudi Arabia yet our leaders remain in bed with the SA royals who themselves are the worlds biggest supporters of Islamic Fundamentalism.

Explain that.
You are missing the point. The most important characteristic of a viable conspiracy theory is that it can not ever be falsified. Falsified theories get rejected and therefore don't propagate. In contrast, successful conspiracy theories don't allow any reasonable test that can show the theory to be false. By successful I mean specifically that these stories propagate, are repeated, and become part of the consensual reality of an identifiable group of people, i.e. 9/11 truthers. The best theories make no specific predictions and avoid any association with verifiable events in the future.

See also

I am not a 9-11 truther in any way shape or form nor do I read Alex Jones or listen to Charlie Sheen but I do believe we are being lied to, to some extent, regarding what really happened on that day.
Yeah you're right. It must have been THEM. No way it could be part of a "radical" group that sees its religion as being under attack by the "West," particularly that part of the "West" that puts hundreds of thousands of troops in countries where a majority of the population are their co-religionists. Millions of deaths in those places are just a small side effect of those occupations and couldn't have anything to do with a few bad apples acting out. Clearly THEM at work.

Not clearly, merely a suspicion. Maybe I came on too strong with that. But just don't take everything at face value either. Corruption happens. Did religious zealots mail the anthrax to Daschle and Leahy? Or was it THEM? Or someone else? I don't know.

And indeed I one hundred percent agree we bring these problems on ourselves arrogantly having bases in approx 130 countries.
I am not a 9-11 truther in any way shape or form nor do I read Alex Jones or listen to Charlie Sheen but I do believe we are being lied to, to some extent, regarding what really happened on that day.

I am not a truther either but I have checked out what they have to say, along with the truther debunkers, and see some valid points on both sides.

Anyway I guess until we find the link between Al Qaeda and Sam McCroskey we don't need to get too deep into it. (Somebody find that link! ;))
I am not a truther either but I have checked out what they have to say, along with the truther debunkers, and see some valid points on both sides.

Anyway I guess until we find the link between Al Qaeda and Sam McCroskey we don't need to get too deep into it. (Somebody find that link! ;))

Personally I think the 9-11 truth movement has been infiltrated and made to look like a bunch of fringe loons. They have theories like the planes were holograms and **** like that that makes it hard for me to take them seriously but I know enough about what happened that day to know that something stinks to high heaven and the truth has been covered up and white washed.

There is plenty of documentation and evidence to support the idea that all of those hijackers were CIA assets of some sort or another and they were likely trained to take part in terrorist drills that day (there was a terrorist drill that day simulating planes hitting buildings look it up CALLED OPERATION NORTHERN VIGILANCE these were terrorist drills involving hijacked planes THAT BEGAN on 9-11-01 THAT MORNING.) and they were hired to play the ROLE of hijackers in these drills, once they were on the planes the drills went live and the planes were remote controlled in to the buildings WE CAN REMOTELY fly commercial jets thats a fact. The hijackers went to their death with the same shock and terror as everyone else on those planes. The drills scheduled by the Pentagon that day ALSO explain why everyone stood down and didnt respond properly to the events, they were told in advance that drills were taking place that day.

Id put money on this.
I am not a truther either but I have checked out what they have to say, along with the truther debunkers, and see some valid points on both sides.

Anyway I guess until we find the link between Al Qaeda and Sam McCroskey we don't need to get too deep into it. (Somebody find that link! ;))

SickTanick has stated that he sympathizes with Islamic terrorists. Consider his comments in the PiXy interview at 35:40 where he mentions strapping a bomb to his chest.
...what convinced me is when I read "rebuilding america's defense",that was written in's right in there...
I was soooo angry,I felt majorly betrayed...
...what convinced me is when I read "rebuilding america's defense",that was written in's right in there...
I was soooo angry,I felt majorly betrayed...

You mean the part when they said they would need another Pearl Harbor attack?

Yea, ****ers.
Anyone else notice that Razakel has removed the seated demoness image from her MySpace?
Here is another obscure point that seems to have been overlooked. Offered for your sleuthing pleasure....

Apparently someone named Jacob Virgil designed the "set" for SickTanick's video that features four murders of members of major world religions...

Ennis said authorities had interviewed McCroskey friend Andres Shrim, who starred in a music video that shows actors pretending to murder religious figures, according to Jacob Virgil, who said he worked on the set.


Virgil said he designed the set for a rap video starring SickTanicK filmed in 2006 at an art studio Virgil was renting in Albuquerque, N.M. It shows a man with a chain connected to the neck of a woman defiling what looks like a picture of Jesus. The actors then pretend to kill religious figures, including a Catholic and a Muslim.

Virgil, 29, said he no longer is interested in the macabre and wouldn’t want his parents to see the video.

“Their music is idolizing serial killers,“ Virgil said. “It’s a horrible thing.“
...what convinced me is when I read "rebuilding america's defense",that was written in's right in there...
I was soooo angry,I felt majorly betrayed...

You know that document AND the Patriot Act were both ALREADY written and completed BEFORE 9-11. Fact.

I can sum that document up for you:

"We would really love to rebuild America's military and relocate all our old cold war European bases to the oil rich middle east since we predict that will be the world's next threat BUT unless America is attacked again like it was at Pearl Harbor the world and the American people probably wont support such an aggressive campaign."

Well they got their new Pearl Harbor not long after didnt they. How nice.
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